Obama quotes nonexistent Bible verse in immigration speech

Many atheists do. They start out as devout Christians, and the more study of the bible they do, the less they believe what they have been taught. I'm now leaning agnostic, and I pray that I don't end up further,

For what it is worth, I will pray that you regain your faith.
What the hay? He doesn't know the Consitution, he doesn't know about the separation of powers and now we know he doesn't know the bible. I think he would be better at quoting the Koran.

While there are plenty of Bible verses to mention while discussing immigration, President Obama on Tuesday quoted one which isn't so great, mainly because it's not real. "The good book says don't throw stones at glass houses, or make sure we're looking at the log in our eye before we are pointing out the moat in other folks eyes," Obama said during a speech in Nashville. One problem, though: The Bible never mentions glass houses.

In addition to his biblical misquote, Obama also tied his immigration policy to the Christmas story, saying, "If we're serious about the Christmas season, now is the time to reflect on those who are strangers in our midst and remember what it was like to be a stranger." This analogydrew conservative ire as opponents of the president's immigration reform noted that Mary and Joseph were actually visiting Joseph's ancestral home. Watch Obama's comments in the video below. --Bonnie Kristian

Obama quotes nonexistent Bible verse in immigration speech - The Week

Mary and Joseph weren't homeless, nor were they immigrating. They had to travel to Joseph's hometown to be counted and pay taxes by decree of the emperor of Rome.
Lot of fake christians here- know the words, but miss the lesson totally. Of course it's a more modern paraphrase of the bible duh. Be tolerant, hater dupe hypocrites....
Reverend Wright did a lot of modern paraphrasing too so it's not surprising. However, retard, it's one thing to paraphrase a point, pastors do it all the time but quite another to say "it's in the book".
But it IS "in the book".

Is there a bigger liar or bigger hypocrite than you phony christians?

The first glass window was invented in 50 AD.

The Bible is full of prophecy.

I am not a biblical scholar, but I seriously doubt that the phrase 'people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones' is anywhere in the Bible.
I am not a biblical scholar, but I seriously doubt that the phrase 'people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones' is anywhere in the Bible.
That's from the Gay Bible, written by Glutteous Maximus, the gay gentile gladiator. The verse comes right after "Never leave your buddies' behind!"
He make me ill. He uses religion and his kids whenever he wants to pass his stinking agenda on us

Other than that he calls us all racist

You see that is the difference between us, you will wrap yourself in the flag and hold a cross. Obama actually helped 5 million people gain the security by not getting deported.

I wonder which one did the christian thing.

he also helped 6 million get aborted.
He also passed free birth control, which will cut the number of abortions greatly. Yes, free, saves insurers and the country big money, dupes.Has just allowed abortion policy to continue.
LOL. It's free so nobody pays for it. You poor lib.
Try thinking about the savings to insurers and welfare (no pregnancies, births, infant etc care, single mothers on assistance), brainwashed dingbat. DUH
He make me ill. He uses religion and his kids whenever he wants to pass his stinking agenda on us

Other than that he calls us all racist

You see that is the difference between us, you will wrap yourself in the flag and hold a cross. Obama actually helped 5 million people gain the security by not getting deported.

I wonder which one did the christian thing.

he also helped 6 million get aborted.
He also passed free birth control, which will cut the number of abortions greatly. Yes, free, saves insurers and the country big money, dupes.Has just allowed abortion policy to continue.

He passed it? Secondly, it's not free. When are people going to learn that one person getting it for nothing meaning someone else was forced to fund it for them?
Try thinking about the savings to insurers and welfare (no pregnancies, births, infant etc care, single mothers on assistance), brainwashed dingbat. DUH
Lot of fake christians here- know the words, but miss the lesson totally. Of course it's a more modern paraphrase of the bible duh. Be tolerant, hater dupe hypocrites....
Reverend Wright did a lot of modern paraphrasing too so it's not surprising. However, retard, it's one thing to paraphrase a point, pastors do it all the time but quite another to say "it's in the book".
But it IS "in the book".

Is there a bigger liar or bigger hypocrite than you phony christians?
No it isn't, glass wasn't even manufactured then, duh. And I never said I was a Christian. Your brain is too far up your rear to be posting opinions.
The history of glassmaking can be traced back to 3500 BCE in Mesopotamia.
History of glass - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Glass was used to make vessels, jewelry, windows and beads. Windows weren't invented until 50 AD, and there weren't any glass houses for a few centuries. Being called a fake Chrisian by an asshole like you is rather meaningless.
Petty argument goes on and on. It's the same lesson, to be tolerant and not be part of a lynch mob. Repeating the story of the girl being stoned every time is ridiculous, like the op and hater dupe christians.
He make me ill. He uses religion and his kids whenever he wants to pass his stinking agenda on us

Other than that he calls us all racist

You see that is the difference between us, you will wrap yourself in the flag and hold a cross. Obama actually helped 5 million people gain the security by not getting deported.

I wonder which one did the christian thing.

he also helped 6 million get aborted.
He also passed free birth control, which will cut the number of abortions greatly. Yes, free, saves insurers and the country big money, dupes.Has just allowed abortion policy to continue.
LOL. It's free so nobody pays for it. You poor lib.
Try thinking about the savings to insurers and welfare (no pregnancies, births, infant etc care, single mothers on assistance), brainwashed dingbat. DUH
Typical, create a nanny state and then argue that an even bigger nanny state is better for us.
You see that is the difference between us, you will wrap yourself in the flag and hold a cross. Obama actually helped 5 million people gain the security by not getting deported.

I wonder which one did the christian thing.

he also helped 6 million get aborted.
He also passed free birth control, which will cut the number of abortions greatly. Yes, free, saves insurers and the country big money, dupes.Has just allowed abortion policy to continue.
LOL. It's free so nobody pays for it. You poor lib.
Try thinking about the savings to insurers and welfare (no pregnancies, births, infant etc care, single mothers on assistance), brainwashed dingbat. DUH
Typical, create a nanny state and then argue that an even bigger nanny state is better for us.
He make me ill. He uses religion and his kids whenever he wants to pass his stinking agenda on us

Other than that he calls us all racist

You see that is the difference between us, you will wrap yourself in the flag and hold a cross. Obama actually helped 5 million people gain the security by not getting deported.

I wonder which one did the christian thing.

he also helped 6 million get aborted.
He also passed free birth control, which will cut the number of abortions greatly. Yes, free, saves insurers and the country big money, dupes.Has just allowed abortion policy to continue.

He passed it? Secondly, it's not free. When are people going to learn that one person getting it for nothing meaning someone else was forced to fund it for them?
Try thinking about the savings to insurers and welfare (no pregnancies, births, infant etc care, single mothers on assistance), brainwashed dingbat. DUH

You're the one that as been brainwashed into believing that someone making a choice with their body such as having a baby should get a dime of taxpayer money for a choice she said was no one else's business when she was making it. The best way to save on welfare in such situations is when she makes a choice she can't afford let those of us she told to butt out of her choice have one to tell her no. If that single mother you used as an example can't afford the choice she made with her body, the individuals she told to butt out of it shouldn't be forced by the same government she told to butt out to pay for her choice. If she can't afford her choice, it's not my place to do it for her. The same concept applies to birth control. If she wants to use it as a contraceptive, she can buy it. Her choice, her cost.
Lot of fake christians here- know the words, but miss the lesson totally. Of course it's a more modern paraphrase of the bible duh. Be tolerant, hater dupe hypocrites....
Reverend Wright did a lot of modern paraphrasing too so it's not surprising. However, retard, it's one thing to paraphrase a point, pastors do it all the time but quite another to say "it's in the book".
But it IS "in the book".

Is there a bigger liar or bigger hypocrite than you phony christians?

The first glass window was invented in 50 AD.

The Bible is full of prophecy.

I am not a biblical scholar, but I seriously doubt that the phrase 'people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones' is anywhere in the Bible.

It is not I was TRYING to make a joke. For it to be in the Bible glass houses would have had to be prophesied.
Reverend Wright did a lot of modern paraphrasing too so it's not surprising. However, retard, it's one thing to paraphrase a point, pastors do it all the time but quite another to say "it's in the book".
But it IS "in the book".

Is there a bigger liar or bigger hypocrite than you phony christians?

The first glass window was invented in 50 AD.

The Bible is full of prophecy.

I am not a biblical scholar, but I seriously doubt that the phrase 'people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones' is anywhere in the Bible.

It is not I was TRYING to make a joke. For it to be in the Bible glass houses would have had to be prophesied.

I am a little slow on the uptake today.
You see that is the difference between us, you will wrap yourself in the flag and hold a cross. Obama actually helped 5 million people gain the security by not getting deported.

I wonder which one did the christian thing.

he also helped 6 million get aborted.
He also passed free birth control, which will cut the number of abortions greatly. Yes, free, saves insurers and the country big money, dupes.Has just allowed abortion policy to continue.

He passed it? Secondly, it's not free. When are people going to learn that one person getting it for nothing meaning someone else was forced to fund it for them?
Try thinking about the savings to insurers and welfare (no pregnancies, births, infant etc care, single mothers on assistance), brainwashed dingbat. DUH

You're the one that as been brainwashed into believing that someone making a choice with their body such as having a baby should get a dime of taxpayer money for a choice she said was no one else's business when she was making it. The best way to save on welfare in such situations is when she makes a choice she can't afford let those of us she told to butt out of her choice have one to tell her no. If that single mother you used as an example can't afford the choice she made with her body, the individuals she told to butt out of it shouldn't be forced by the same government she told to butt out to pay for her choice. If she can't afford her choice, it's not my place to do it for her. The same concept applies to birth control. If she wants to use it as a contraceptive, she can buy it. Her choice, her cost.
Not any more, stupid hater bigot. Intelligent adults are in charge now.
I am weary of politicians quoting bible verses, it is hard to believe they really believe in god - rather than just use it for political advantage.
He also passed free birth control, which will cut the number of abortions greatly. Yes, free, saves insurers and the country big money, dupes.Has just allowed abortion policy to continue.

He passed it? Secondly, it's not free. When are people going to learn that one person getting it for nothing meaning someone else was forced to fund it for them?
Try thinking about the savings to insurers and welfare (no pregnancies, births, infant etc care, single mothers on assistance), brainwashed dingbat. DUH

You're the one that as been brainwashed into believing that someone making a choice with their body such as having a baby should get a dime of taxpayer money for a choice she said was no one else's business when she was making it. The best way to save on welfare in such situations is when she makes a choice she can't afford let those of us she told to butt out of her choice have one to tell her no. If that single mother you used as an example can't afford the choice she made with her body, the individuals she told to butt out of it shouldn't be forced by the same government she told to butt out to pay for her choice. If she can't afford her choice, it's not my place to do it for her. The same concept applies to birth control. If she wants to use it as a contraceptive, she can buy it. Her choice, her cost.
Not any more, stupid hater bigot. Intelligent adults are in charge now.
Yes. November 4th changed the course. Thank you America!

Yep, the hater dupes like Franko have been tossed aside. Good job to the American people....
Now we'll just hear from the haters when their noses gets out of joint. which will be more often than it is now:banana:And all we'll do is LOL
He passed it? Secondly, it's not free. When are people going to learn that one person getting it for nothing meaning someone else was forced to fund it for them?
Try thinking about the savings to insurers and welfare (no pregnancies, births, infant etc care, single mothers on assistance), brainwashed dingbat. DUH

You're the one that as been brainwashed into believing that someone making a choice with their body such as having a baby should get a dime of taxpayer money for a choice she said was no one else's business when she was making it. The best way to save on welfare in such situations is when she makes a choice she can't afford let those of us she told to butt out of her choice have one to tell her no. If that single mother you used as an example can't afford the choice she made with her body, the individuals she told to butt out of it shouldn't be forced by the same government she told to butt out to pay for her choice. If she can't afford her choice, it's not my place to do it for her. The same concept applies to birth control. If she wants to use it as a contraceptive, she can buy it. Her choice, her cost.
Not any more, stupid hater bigot. Intelligent adults are in charge now.
Yes. November 4th changed the course. Thank you America!

Yep, the hater dupes like Franko have been tossed aside. Good job to the American people....
Now we'll just hear from the haters when their noses gets out of joint. which will be more often than it is now:banana:And all we'll do is LOL
Actually, many intelligent GOPers are coming around too, leaving the demagogues and dupes behind in the garbage where they belong, moron. Cruz/Palin 2016!

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