Obama quotes nonexistent Bible verse in immigration speech

Try thinking about the savings to insurers and welfare (no pregnancies, births, infant etc care, single mothers on assistance), brainwashed dingbat. DUH

You're the one that as been brainwashed into believing that someone making a choice with their body such as having a baby should get a dime of taxpayer money for a choice she said was no one else's business when she was making it. The best way to save on welfare in such situations is when she makes a choice she can't afford let those of us she told to butt out of her choice have one to tell her no. If that single mother you used as an example can't afford the choice she made with her body, the individuals she told to butt out of it shouldn't be forced by the same government she told to butt out to pay for her choice. If she can't afford her choice, it's not my place to do it for her. The same concept applies to birth control. If she wants to use it as a contraceptive, she can buy it. Her choice, her cost.
Not any more, stupid hater bigot. Intelligent adults are in charge now.
Yes. November 4th changed the course. Thank you America!

Yep, the hater dupes like Franko have been tossed aside. Good job to the American people....
Now we'll just hear from the haters when their noses gets out of joint. which will be more often than it is now:banana:And all we'll do is LOL
Actually, many intelligent GOPers are coming around too, leaving the demagogues and dupes behind in the garbage where they belong, moron. Cruz/Palin 2016!

We have a new avatar for you Francostein, something more fitting to your IQ level

THEY SUNK MY BATTLESHIP!!!:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::fu:

You're the one that as been brainwashed into believing that someone making a choice with their body such as having a baby should get a dime of taxpayer money for a choice she said was no one else's business when she was making it. The best way to save on welfare in such situations is when she makes a choice she can't afford let those of us she told to butt out of her choice have one to tell her no. If that single mother you used as an example can't afford the choice she made with her body, the individuals she told to butt out of it shouldn't be forced by the same government she told to butt out to pay for her choice. If she can't afford her choice, it's not my place to do it for her. The same concept applies to birth control. If she wants to use it as a contraceptive, she can buy it. Her choice, her cost.
Not any more, stupid hater bigot. Intelligent adults are in charge now.
Yes. November 4th changed the course. Thank you America!

Yep, the hater dupes like Franko have been tossed aside. Good job to the American people....
Now we'll just hear from the haters when their noses gets out of joint. which will be more often than it is now:banana:And all we'll do is LOL
Actually, many intelligent GOPers are coming around too, leaving the demagogues and dupes behind in the garbage where they belong, moron. Cruz/Palin 2016!

We have a new avatar for you Francostein, something more fitting to your IQ level

THEY SUNK MY BATTLESHIP!!!:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::fu:

Not bloody likely, dingbat. Google Warspite, most glorious and hilarious bb ever. The Brits never should have
scrapped her. Even on her final trip, she broke her tow and came ashore in Cornwall. Her hulk was still there when we vacationed there, me age 3, perhaps my first memory.
Not any more, stupid hater bigot. Intelligent adults are in charge now.
Yes. November 4th changed the course. Thank you America!

Yep, the hater dupes like Franko have been tossed aside. Good job to the American people....
Now we'll just hear from the haters when their noses gets out of joint. which will be more often than it is now:banana:And all we'll do is LOL
Actually, many intelligent GOPers are coming around too, leaving the demagogues and dupes behind in the garbage where they belong, moron. Cruz/Palin 2016!

We have a new avatar for you Francostein, something more fitting to your IQ level

THEY SUNK MY BATTLESHIP!!!:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::fu:

Not bloody likely, dingbat. Google Warspite, most glorious and hilarious bb ever. The Brits never should have
scrapped her. Even on her final trip, she broke her tow and came ashore in Cornwall. Her hulk was still there when we vacationed there, me age 3, perhaps my first memory.

Francostein, you're a BLOODY LIMEY...aren't you!....No wonder you called our founding fathers and members of the original Tea Party, fucking CU*TS!!!!!
What the hay? He doesn't know the Consitution, he doesn't know about the separation of powers and now we know he doesn't know the bible. I think he would be better at quoting the Koran.

While there are plenty of Bible verses to mention while discussing immigration, President Obama on Tuesday quoted one which isn't so great, mainly because it's not real. "The good book says don't throw stones at glass houses, or make sure we're looking at the log in our eye before we are pointing out the moat in other folks eyes," Obama said during a speech in Nashville. One problem, though: The Bible never mentions glass houses.

In addition to his biblical misquote, Obama also tied his immigration policy to the Christmas story, saying, "If we're serious about the Christmas season, now is the time to reflect on those who are strangers in our midst and remember what it was like to be a stranger." This analogydrew conservative ire as opponents of the president's immigration reform noted that Mary and Joseph were actually visiting Joseph's ancestral home. Watch Obama's comments in the video below. --Bonnie Kristian

Obama quotes nonexistent Bible verse in immigration speech - The Week
Mary and Joseph went to his home because of the census mandated by Rome. Funny how obutthurt doesn't mention them by name.
Yes. November 4th changed the course. Thank you America!

Yep, the hater dupes like Franko have been tossed aside. Good job to the American people....
Now we'll just hear from the haters when their noses gets out of joint. which will be more often than it is now:banana:And all we'll do is LOL
Actually, many intelligent GOPers are coming around too, leaving the demagogues and dupes behind in the garbage where they belong, moron. Cruz/Palin 2016!

We have a new avatar for you Francostein, something more fitting to your IQ level

THEY SUNK MY BATTLESHIP!!!:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::fu:

Not bloody likely, dingbat. Google Warspite, most glorious and hilarious bb ever. The Brits never should have
scrapped her. Even on her final trip, she broke her tow and came ashore in Cornwall. Her hulk was still there when we vacationed there, me age 3, perhaps my first memory.

Francostein, you're a BLOODY LIMEY...aren't you!....No wonder you called our founding fathers and members of the original Tea Party, fucking CU*TS!!!!!
My father the doctor from Buffalo joined the British Army BEFORE Pearl and married a Brit nurse. He hated Nazis and of course was sent to Burma, hater chump. Surrounded at Imphal. Of course, all news to you, ignoramus.
What the hay? He doesn't know the Consitution, he doesn't know about the separation of powers and now we know he doesn't know the bible. I think he would be better at quoting the Koran.

While there are plenty of Bible verses to mention while discussing immigration, President Obama on Tuesday quoted one which isn't so great, mainly because it's not real. "The good book says don't throw stones at glass houses, or make sure we're looking at the log in our eye before we are pointing out the moat in other folks eyes," Obama said during a speech in Nashville. One problem, though: The Bible never mentions glass houses.

In addition to his biblical misquote, Obama also tied his immigration policy to the Christmas story, saying, "If we're serious about the Christmas season, now is the time to reflect on those who are strangers in our midst and remember what it was like to be a stranger." This analogydrew conservative ire as opponents of the president's immigration reform noted that Mary and Joseph were actually visiting Joseph's ancestral home. Watch Obama's comments in the video below. --Bonnie Kristian

Obama quotes nonexistent Bible verse in immigration speech - The Week
Mary and Joseph went to his home because of the census mandated by Rome. Funny how obutthurt doesn't mention them by name.
Jeebus, what a petty brainwashed idiot hater.
Yes. November 4th changed the course. Thank you America!

Yep, the hater dupes like Franko have been tossed aside. Good job to the American people....
Now we'll just hear from the haters when their noses gets out of joint. which will be more often than it is now:banana:And all we'll do is LOL
Actually, many intelligent GOPers are coming around too, leaving the demagogues and dupes behind in the garbage where they belong, moron. Cruz/Palin 2016!

We have a new avatar for you Francostein, something more fitting to your IQ level

THEY SUNK MY BATTLESHIP!!!:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::fu:

Not bloody likely, dingbat. Google Warspite, most glorious and hilarious bb ever. The Brits never should have
scrapped her. Even on her final trip, she broke her tow and came ashore in Cornwall. Her hulk was still there when we vacationed there, me age 3, perhaps my first memory.

Francostein, you're a BLOODY LIMEY...aren't you!....No wonder you called our founding fathers and members of the original Tea Party, fucking CU*TS!!!!!
They were liberals and revolutionaries, dumbass- not ignorant chump haters. Liar too. You're a disgrace. lol
What the hay? He doesn't know the Consitution, he doesn't know about the separation of powers and now we know he doesn't know the bible. I think he would be better at quoting the Koran.

While there are plenty of Bible verses to mention while discussing immigration, President Obama on Tuesday quoted one which isn't so great, mainly because it's not real. "The good book says don't throw stones at glass houses, or make sure we're looking at the log in our eye before we are pointing out the moat in other folks eyes," Obama said during a speech in Nashville. One problem, though: The Bible never mentions glass houses.

In addition to his biblical misquote, Obama also tied his immigration policy to the Christmas story, saying, "If we're serious about the Christmas season, now is the time to reflect on those who are strangers in our midst and remember what it was like to be a stranger." This analogydrew conservative ire as opponents of the president's immigration reform noted that Mary and Joseph were actually visiting Joseph's ancestral home. Watch Obama's comments in the video below. --Bonnie Kristian

Obama quotes nonexistent Bible verse in immigration speech - The Week
Mary and Joseph went to his home because of the census mandated by Rome. Funny how obutthurt doesn't mention them by name.
Jeebus, what a petty brainwashed idiot hater.
You are a friggin idiot, I just stated a fact you retard fuckwad.
Yep, the hater dupes like Franko have been tossed aside. Good job to the American people....
Now we'll just hear from the haters when their noses gets out of joint. which will be more often than it is now:banana:And all we'll do is LOL
Actually, many intelligent GOPers are coming around too, leaving the demagogues and dupes behind in the garbage where they belong, moron. Cruz/Palin 2016!

We have a new avatar for you Francostein, something more fitting to your IQ level

THEY SUNK MY BATTLESHIP!!!:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::fu:

Not bloody likely, dingbat. Google Warspite, most glorious and hilarious bb ever. The Brits never should have
scrapped her. Even on her final trip, she broke her tow and came ashore in Cornwall. Her hulk was still there when we vacationed there, me age 3, perhaps my first memory.

Francostein, you're a BLOODY LIMEY...aren't you!....No wonder you called our founding fathers and members of the original Tea Party, fucking CU*TS!!!!!
They were liberals and revolutionaries, dumbass- not ignorant chump haters. Liar too. You're a disgrace. lol
Liar, the founding fathers were not liberals.
Very clever, demagogued dingbat. Greedy idiot billionaires gave you that bs. Also another out of context idiot snapshot, for chump haters only.
So you admit obutthurt is a chump. Found your brain did you?
Can you read? lol
Not your retarded ramblings, idiot.
Keep those chump blinders on, tool of mega rich -holes.
Yep, the hater dupes like Franko have been tossed aside. Good job to the American people....
Now we'll just hear from the haters when their noses gets out of joint. which will be more often than it is now:banana:And all we'll do is LOL
Actually, many intelligent GOPers are coming around too, leaving the demagogues and dupes behind in the garbage where they belong, moron. Cruz/Palin 2016!

We have a new avatar for you Francostein, something more fitting to your IQ level

THEY SUNK MY BATTLESHIP!!!:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::fu:

Not bloody likely, dingbat. Google Warspite, most glorious and hilarious bb ever. The Brits never should have
scrapped her. Even on her final trip, she broke her tow and came ashore in Cornwall. Her hulk was still there when we vacationed there, me age 3, perhaps my first memory.

Francostein, you're a BLOODY LIMEY...aren't you!....No wonder you called our founding fathers and members of the original Tea Party, fucking CU*TS!!!!!
They were liberals and revolutionaries, dumbass- not ignorant chump haters. Liar too. You're a disgrace. lol

Very clever, demagogued dingbat. Greedy idiot billionaires gave you that bs. Also another out of context idiot snapshot, for chump haters only.
So you admit obutthurt is a chump. Found your brain did you?
Can you read? lol
Not your retarded ramblings, idiot.
Keep those chump blinders on, tool of mega rich -holes.
Stop chewing on your own hemeroids retard.

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