Obama quotes nonexistent Bible verse in immigration speech

he also helped 6 million get aborted.
He also passed free birth control, which will cut the number of abortions greatly. Yes, free, saves insurers and the country big money, dupes.Has just allowed abortion policy to continue.

He passed it? Secondly, it's not free. When are people going to learn that one person getting it for nothing meaning someone else was forced to fund it for them?
Try thinking about the savings to insurers and welfare (no pregnancies, births, infant etc care, single mothers on assistance), brainwashed dingbat. DUH

You're the one that as been brainwashed into believing that someone making a choice with their body such as having a baby should get a dime of taxpayer money for a choice she said was no one else's business when she was making it. The best way to save on welfare in such situations is when she makes a choice she can't afford let those of us she told to butt out of her choice have one to tell her no. If that single mother you used as an example can't afford the choice she made with her body, the individuals she told to butt out of it shouldn't be forced by the same government she told to butt out to pay for her choice. If she can't afford her choice, it's not my place to do it for her. The same concept applies to birth control. If she wants to use it as a contraceptive, she can buy it. Her choice, her cost.
Not any more, stupid hater bigot. Intelligent adults are in charge now.

Adults support themselves. Leeches think someone owes them something. If you think a woman should be able to make a choice with her body, tell others to butt out, then demand help when those choices are something she can't afford, you're the moron.
Update of an outdated parable, fool."ANOTHER OBAMA LIE!". How petty and stupid can you get, hater dupes? lol bores.
Later much.

I think you should say that again. Because saying it 15 times still hasn't made you look intelligent yet.
The truth is so repetitive, as opposed to your endless, highly imaginative, bs Pubcrappe infotainment.
Calling those who don't happen to agree with Obama racists, would be equivalent as say calling those who happen to hate what Bush stood for and supported as anti-Semite.
A hater of racists is not a racist. You have to believe another race is inferior and discriminate against them. Your definition new bs GOP speak, for dupes only.

To call someone a racist simply because the happen to hold a difference of opinion and not agreeing with you "ideology", that person doesn't have even the slightest clue to what racism is. Grow up and put the big boy pants back on.

Sure. Only 50 % of the GOP is racist. Probably 10 % of Dems.

Interesting I never seen a GOP candidate make racist remarks when they realized they couldn't debate on the issues. Perhaps you can provide some instances of racial comments to back up your claims? ..... but somehow I'm willing to bet you'll move on quietly without any proof to your reply.

Who thinks anything from the Daily Show ought to be taken seriously? Jon Stewart thinks of himself as really just an entertaining comedian, as well as that reference really shows no hatred or racial slurs attached to your claim of racism. So let's compare your segment to the one below regarding African Americans.

Black Democratic leaders in Maryland say that racially tinged attacks against Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele in his bid for the U.S. Senate are fair because he is a conservative Republican.

Such attacks against the first black man to win a statewide election in Maryland include pelting him with Oreo cookies during a campaign appearance, calling him an “Uncle Tom” and depicting him as a black-faced minstrel on a liberal Web log.

Party trumps race for Steele foes - Washington Times
He make me ill. He uses religion and his kids whenever he wants to pass his stinking agenda on us

Other than that he calls us all racist

You see that is the difference between us, you will wrap yourself in the flag and hold a cross. Obama actually helped 5 million people gain the security by not getting deported.

I wonder which one did the christian thing.

he also helped 6 million get aborted.
He also passed free birth control, which will cut the number of abortions greatly. Yes, free, saves insurers and the country big money, dupes.Has just allowed abortion policy to continue.
LOL. It's free so nobody pays for it. You poor lib.

Don't forget the free cell phones paid by working taxpayers.
What the hay? He doesn't know the Consitution, he doesn't know about the separation of powers and now we know he doesn't know the bible. I think he would be better at quoting the Koran.

While there are plenty of Bible verses to mention while discussing immigration, President Obama on Tuesday quoted one which isn't so great, mainly because it's not real. "The good book says don't throw stones at glass houses, or make sure we're looking at the log in our eye before we are pointing out the moat in other folks eyes," Obama said during a speech in Nashville. One problem, though: The Bible never mentions glass houses.

In addition to his biblical misquote, Obama also tied his immigration policy to the Christmas story, saying, "If we're serious about the Christmas season, now is the time to reflect on those who are strangers in our midst and remember what it was like to be a stranger." This analogydrew conservative ire as opponents of the president's immigration reform noted that Mary and Joseph were actually visiting Joseph's ancestral home. Watch Obama's comments in the video below. --Bonnie Kristian

Obama quotes nonexistent Bible verse in immigration speech - The Week

Mary and Joseph weren't homeless, nor were they immigrating. They had to travel to Joseph's hometown to be counted and pay taxes by decree of the emperor of Rome.

People that were forced to migrate because they were following a Roman decree which was enforced as law, imagine that.
What the hay? He doesn't know the Consitution, he doesn't know about the separation of powers and now we know he doesn't know the bible. I think he would be better at quoting the Koran.

While there are plenty of Bible verses to mention while discussing immigration, President Obama on Tuesday quoted one which isn't so great, mainly because it's not real. "The good book says don't throw stones at glass houses, or make sure we're looking at the log in our eye before we are pointing out the moat in other folks eyes," Obama said during a speech in Nashville. One problem, though: The Bible never mentions glass houses.

In addition to his biblical misquote, Obama also tied his immigration policy to the Christmas story, saying, "If we're serious about the Christmas season, now is the time to reflect on those who are strangers in our midst and remember what it was like to be a stranger." This analogydrew conservative ire as opponents of the president's immigration reform noted that Mary and Joseph were actually visiting Joseph's ancestral home. Watch Obama's comments in the video below. --Bonnie Kristian

Obama quotes nonexistent Bible verse in immigration speech - The Week
Mary and Joseph went to his home because of the census mandated by Rome. Funny how obutthurt doesn't mention them by name.
Jeebus, what a petty brainwashed idiot hater.

Yes we can very well see Obama isn't a scholar. What this President is a scholar OF still comes into question.
It is a legitimate quote from the Bible. That's the Bible as rewritten by obama with himself as the messiah.
What the hay? He doesn't know the Consitution, he doesn't know about the separation of powers and now we know he doesn't know the bible. I think he would be better at quoting the Koran.

While there are plenty of Bible verses to mention while discussing immigration, President Obama on Tuesday quoted one which isn't so great, mainly because it's not real. "The good book says don't throw stones at glass houses, or make sure we're looking at the log in our eye before we are pointing out the moat in other folks eyes," Obama said during a speech in Nashville. One problem, though: The Bible never mentions glass houses.

In addition to his biblical misquote, Obama also tied his immigration policy to the Christmas story, saying, "If we're serious about the Christmas season, now is the time to reflect on those who are strangers in our midst and remember what it was like to be a stranger." This analogydrew conservative ire as opponents of the president's immigration reform noted that Mary and Joseph were actually visiting Joseph's ancestral home. Watch Obama's comments in the video below. --Bonnie Kristian

Obama quotes nonexistent Bible verse in immigration speech - The Week
Mary and Joseph went to his home because of the census mandated by Rome. Funny how obutthurt doesn't mention them by name.
Jeebus, what a petty brainwashed idiot hater.

Yes we can very well see Obama isn't a scholar. What this President is a scholar OF still comes into question.

Nobody has a problem with right wing questions. It's the stupid crap that they think are answers that cause the problems.
What the hay? He doesn't know the Consitution, he doesn't know about the separation of powers and now we know he doesn't know the bible. I think he would be better at quoting the Koran.

While there are plenty of Bible verses to mention while discussing immigration, President Obama on Tuesday quoted one which isn't so great, mainly because it's not real. "The good book says don't throw stones at glass houses, or make sure we're looking at the log in our eye before we are pointing out the moat in other folks eyes," Obama said during a speech in Nashville. One problem, though: The Bible never mentions glass houses.

In addition to his biblical misquote, Obama also tied his immigration policy to the Christmas story, saying, "If we're serious about the Christmas season, now is the time to reflect on those who are strangers in our midst and remember what it was like to be a stranger." This analogydrew conservative ire as opponents of the president's immigration reform noted that Mary and Joseph were actually visiting Joseph's ancestral home. Watch Obama's comments in the video below. --Bonnie Kristian

Obama quotes nonexistent Bible verse in immigration speech - The Week
Mary and Joseph went to his home because of the census mandated by Rome. Funny how obutthurt doesn't mention them by name.
Jeebus, what a petty brainwashed idiot hater.

Yes we can very well see Obama isn't a scholar. What this President is a scholar OF still comes into question.
It's a more modern update of the bible, used by everyone. zzzzzzzzzzzzz
What the hay? He doesn't know the Consitution, he doesn't know about the separation of powers and now we know he doesn't know the bible. I think he would be better at quoting the Koran.

While there are plenty of Bible verses to mention while discussing immigration, President Obama on Tuesday quoted one which isn't so great, mainly because it's not real. "The good book says don't throw stones at glass houses, or make sure we're looking at the log in our eye before we are pointing out the moat in other folks eyes," Obama said during a speech in Nashville. One problem, though: The Bible never mentions glass houses.

In addition to his biblical misquote, Obama also tied his immigration policy to the Christmas story, saying, "If we're serious about the Christmas season, now is the time to reflect on those who are strangers in our midst and remember what it was like to be a stranger." This analogydrew conservative ire as opponents of the president's immigration reform noted that Mary and Joseph were actually visiting Joseph's ancestral home. Watch Obama's comments in the video below. --Bonnie Kristian

Obama quotes nonexistent Bible verse in immigration speech - The Week

Here's how we prove Freewill a complete idiot!!::

"Do not judge, so that you may not be judged.For with the judgment you make you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get.Why do you see the speck in your neighbor’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? Why do you see the speck in your neighbor’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? Or how can you say to your neighbor, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ while the log is in your own eye?You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor’s eye."

Suck it, dipshit.
What the hay? He doesn't know the Consitution, he doesn't know about the separation of powers and now we know he doesn't know the bible. I think he would be better at quoting the Koran.

While there are plenty of Bible verses to mention while discussing immigration, President Obama on Tuesday quoted one which isn't so great, mainly because it's not real. "The good book says don't throw stones at glass houses, or make sure we're looking at the log in our eye before we are pointing out the moat in other folks eyes," Obama said during a speech in Nashville. One problem, though: The Bible never mentions glass houses.

In addition to his biblical misquote, Obama also tied his immigration policy to the Christmas story, saying, "If we're serious about the Christmas season, now is the time to reflect on those who are strangers in our midst and remember what it was like to be a stranger." This analogydrew conservative ire as opponents of the president's immigration reform noted that Mary and Joseph were actually visiting Joseph's ancestral home. Watch Obama's comments in the video below. --Bonnie Kristian

Obama quotes nonexistent Bible verse in immigration speech - The Week

Here's how we prove Freewill a complete idiot!!::

"Do not judge, so that you may not be judged.For with the judgment you make you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get.Why do you see the speck in your neighbor’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? Why do you see the speck in your neighbor’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? Or how can you say to your neighbor, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ while the log is in your own eye?You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor’s eye."

Suck it, dipshit.
Huh? Is this a joke?
What the hay? He doesn't know the Consitution, he doesn't know about the separation of powers and now we know he doesn't know the bible. I think he would be better at quoting the Koran.

While there are plenty of Bible verses to mention while discussing immigration, President Obama on Tuesday quoted one which isn't so great, mainly because it's not real. "The good book says don't throw stones at glass houses, or make sure we're looking at the log in our eye before we are pointing out the moat in other folks eyes," Obama said during a speech in Nashville. One problem, though: The Bible never mentions glass houses.

In addition to his biblical misquote, Obama also tied his immigration policy to the Christmas story, saying, "If we're serious about the Christmas season, now is the time to reflect on those who are strangers in our midst and remember what it was like to be a stranger." This analogydrew conservative ire as opponents of the president's immigration reform noted that Mary and Joseph were actually visiting Joseph's ancestral home. Watch Obama's comments in the video below. --Bonnie Kristian

Obama quotes nonexistent Bible verse in immigration speech - The Week
Mary and Joseph went to his home because of the census mandated by Rome. Funny how obutthurt doesn't mention them by name.
Jeebus, what a petty brainwashed idiot hater.

Yes we can very well see Obama isn't a scholar. What this President is a scholar OF still comes into question.
It's a more modern update of the bible, used by everyone. zzzzzzzzzzzzz

"Those in glass houses..." is not a quote from the Bible, it's more a catch phrase by someone who probably believes it ought to be in there.
What the hay? He doesn't know the Consitution, he doesn't know about the separation of powers and now we know he doesn't know the bible. I think he would be better at quoting the Koran.

While there are plenty of Bible verses to mention while discussing immigration, President Obama on Tuesday quoted one which isn't so great, mainly because it's not real. "The good book says don't throw stones at glass houses, or make sure we're looking at the log in our eye before we are pointing out the moat in other folks eyes," Obama said during a speech in Nashville. One problem, though: The Bible never mentions glass houses.

In addition to his biblical misquote, Obama also tied his immigration policy to the Christmas story, saying, "If we're serious about the Christmas season, now is the time to reflect on those who are strangers in our midst and remember what it was like to be a stranger." This analogydrew conservative ire as opponents of the president's immigration reform noted that Mary and Joseph were actually visiting Joseph's ancestral home. Watch Obama's comments in the video below. --Bonnie Kristian

Obama quotes nonexistent Bible verse in immigration speech - The Week

Here's how we prove Freewill a complete idiot!!::

"Do not judge, so that you may not be judged.For with the judgment you make you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get.Why do you see the speck in your neighbor’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? Why do you see the speck in your neighbor’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? Or how can you say to your neighbor, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ while the log is in your own eye?You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor’s eye."

Suck it, dipshit.
I always find it funny idiots try to use the Bible to support their anti Christian views.
What the hay? He doesn't know the Consitution, he doesn't know about the separation of powers and now we know he doesn't know the bible. I think he would be better at quoting the Koran.

While there are plenty of Bible verses to mention while discussing immigration, President Obama on Tuesday quoted one which isn't so great, mainly because it's not real. "The good book says don't throw stones at glass houses, or make sure we're looking at the log in our eye before we are pointing out the moat in other folks eyes," Obama said during a speech in Nashville. One problem, though: The Bible never mentions glass houses.

In addition to his biblical misquote, Obama also tied his immigration policy to the Christmas story, saying, "If we're serious about the Christmas season, now is the time to reflect on those who are strangers in our midst and remember what it was like to be a stranger." This analogydrew conservative ire as opponents of the president's immigration reform noted that Mary and Joseph were actually visiting Joseph's ancestral home. Watch Obama's comments in the video below. --Bonnie Kristian

Obama quotes nonexistent Bible verse in immigration speech - The Week

Here's how we prove Freewill a complete idiot!!::

"Do not judge, so that you may not be judged.For with the judgment you make you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get.Why do you see the speck in your neighbor’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? Why do you see the speck in your neighbor’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? Or how can you say to your neighbor, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ while the log is in your own eye?You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor’s eye."

Suck it, dipshit.

Freewill was speaking of Obama misquoting the Bible in attempt to make a case for immigration. How exactly does your response exonerate Obama's use of the bible?
What the hay? He doesn't know the Consitution, he doesn't know about the separation of powers and now we know he doesn't know the bible. I think he would be better at quoting the Koran.

While there are plenty of Bible verses to mention while discussing immigration, President Obama on Tuesday quoted one which isn't so great, mainly because it's not real. "The good book says don't throw stones at glass houses, or make sure we're looking at the log in our eye before we are pointing out the moat in other folks eyes," Obama said during a speech in Nashville. One problem, though: The Bible never mentions glass houses.

In addition to his biblical misquote, Obama also tied his immigration policy to the Christmas story, saying, "If we're serious about the Christmas season, now is the time to reflect on those who are strangers in our midst and remember what it was like to be a stranger." This analogydrew conservative ire as opponents of the president's immigration reform noted that Mary and Joseph were actually visiting Joseph's ancestral home. Watch Obama's comments in the video below. --Bonnie Kristian

Obama quotes nonexistent Bible verse in immigration speech - The Week

Here's how we prove Freewill a complete idiot!!::

"Do not judge, so that you may not be judged.For with the judgment you make you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get.Why do you see the speck in your neighbor’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? Why do you see the speck in your neighbor’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? Or how can you say to your neighbor, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ while the log is in your own eye?You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor’s eye."

Suck it, dipshit.

Actually Hazel you have once again proved it is you that is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Here is what the article said: While there are plenty of Bible verses to mention while discussing immigration, President Obama on Tuesday quoted one which isn't so great, mainly because it's not real. "The good book says don't throw stones at glass houses, or make sure we're looking at the log in our eye before we are pointing out the moat in other folks eyes," Obama said during a speech in Nashville. One problem, though: The Bible never mentions glass houses.

Your response is nothing but partisan crap-ol-la.

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