Obama’s Staged Fainting Act Exposed

Obama?s Staged Fainting Act Exposed |

LOL. Seems like every time he has a speech someone is fainting and Obama is the HERO in all instances LOL and you fools believe his bullshit

She wobbles until he turns around for absolutely no reason on camera anyway, and when their eyes meet she gets even more wobbly,kinda looks like on cue to me. But there are two ways to go with this. Notice someones already holding her hand way before the wobble. IMHO either she fainted on cue or was already sick and perhaps they insisted she go up there even though she wasn't feeling well so they could use her pregnant body as a photo op for Obama care. I say this because of the perfect angle on her and not Obama. Mabye both. Either way it's not good.
Do you ODSers have any idea of how pathetic you look now?

If not, let me be the one to stage the intervention.
she looks a little off her rocker...like she's in some sort of cultish brainwashed trance..

hellooooooooooooooooooo, anybody home...snap out of it
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Why does he always seem to need his "people" props behind him anyway?
when i first saw the video, i thought she was holding back an internal diahreah attack, pretty much like this weatherman.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kmnNvYVZqo]Weatherman Poops In His Pants Funny - YouTube[/ame]
Why does he always seem to need his "people" props behind him anyway?

He needs to feel they make him look more credible...Poor guy. He can't go it alone. No merit. He and his cronie socialists will use any ploy to fool the ignorant and sink the rest of us. Add Kathleen Sebelius to the truck....

This is how we can tell just how low and scummy the right is.

They accuse the president of doing things they would do.

And then they lie about it.

Every time I wonder how people could be dumb enough to fall for tee potty shit, all I have to do is read the brain dead crap here.

You fools are making this up out of whole cloth.

And, every politician invites people to stand with them. Don't you dupes remember when $arah had to have school kids trucked in because no one else showed up. No, of course you don't.


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