Obama Said "Trayvon Martin Could Have Been My Son"

Checking black makes him a liar
Whites who made all of the damn laws ordained that a person with even 1 drop of Negro blood is "tainted" and therefore "Black".

You all made the rules, now you're complaining because in this situation it doesn't work to your advantage? How absolutely typical.

The one-drop rule ishttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-drop_rule a social and legal principle of racial classification that was historically prominent in the United States asserting that any person with even one ancestor of sub-Saharan African ancestry ("one drop" of black blood)[1][2] is considered black (Negro in historical terms), its implications of racial purity being that anyone unable to pass for white in the context of the US racial hierarchy is assigned the lower status of being non-white or colored.​
Another liar
Oh my fault, I forgot to cite my work. The paragraph above was obtained from the wikipedia article located at the hyperlink below also known as a URL If you take your pointer and make it hover over the URL then "click" on it your brower will take you to the webpage where the wikipedia article "lives". There, you can see that I did not make up the information that leads you to stupidly claim I'm a liar. The thing to note is that the one-drop rule was not only a societal norm but also a "legal principal" (taken directly from the article) of racial classification. That means it was "white people's law".

You can apologize at your leisure and I will accept it if you acknowledge you were mistaken, about both.
One-drop rule - Wikipedia
Your still lying. Why?
You're still misspelling. Why?
And thanks to H1-Bs you're a Trouble Shooter.

For those who are interested, CCIE Voice and CCNP Network and MCSE are worthless.
Don't worry, if you check Programmer's Guild, Jeff Sessions is closing the door on H1-Bs.
Trouble shooting is what I love doing the most. You sound like an idiot. I still get calls from people begging me to work for them. When you have a CCIE people call you for employment you dont have to call anyone.
Trouble shooting is bullshit in any professional field.
You'll be the first to be fired.
Heck, they're already auditing activity.
I audit activity so that trouble shooting is already in the system for the administrators to access.
That's what utilities and major institutions do all the time.
Never been fired so I wouldnt know. I worked at the largest networking company on the planet. Cisco
Worked? or work?
Past tense. I quit about 8 years ago and started my own business doing the same thing. Funny how much more you get paid when you become the boss.
You're too angry to be as successful as you claim.
And you spend way too much time here.
And I know for a fact that "independent" trouble shooters don't get that much work.
Once again, I know way to many people for you to spread your bullshit.

I, on the other hand, have a boss who's very appreciative of me and my product so he leaves me alone when we're in between projects.
And thanks to H1-Bs you're a Trouble Shooter.

For those who are interested, CCIE Voice and CCNP Network and MCSE are worthless.
Don't worry, if you check Programmer's Guild, Jeff Sessions is closing the door on H1-Bs.
Trouble shooting is what I love doing the most. You sound like an idiot. I still get calls from people begging me to work for them. When you have a CCIE people call you for employment you dont have to call anyone.
Trouble shooting is bullshit in any professional field.
You'll be the first to be fired.
Heck, they're already auditing activity.
I audit activity so that trouble shooting is already in the system for the administrators to access.
That's what utilities and major institutions do all the time.
Never been fired so I wouldnt know. I worked at the largest networking company on the planet. Cisco
Worked? or work?
Past tense. I quit about 8 years ago and started my own business doing the same thing. Funny how much more you get paid when you become the boss.
I just remembered...Cisco almost went out of business 8 years ago.
You were laid off but you're too much of a pussy to admit it.
Now you're sitting around being angry.
Trouble shooting is what I love doing the most. You sound like an idiot. I still get calls from people begging me to work for them. When you have a CCIE people call you for employment you dont have to call anyone.
Trouble shooting is bullshit in any professional field.
You'll be the first to be fired.
Heck, they're already auditing activity.
I audit activity so that trouble shooting is already in the system for the administrators to access.
That's what utilities and major institutions do all the time.
Never been fired so I wouldnt know. I worked at the largest networking company on the planet. Cisco
Worked? or work?
Past tense. I quit about 8 years ago and started my own business doing the same thing. Funny how much more you get paid when you become the boss.
You're too angry to be as successful as you claim.
And you spend way too much time here.
And I know for a fact that "independent" trouble shooters don't get that much work.
Once again, I know way to many people for you to spread your bullshit.

I, on the other hand, have a boss who's very appreciative of me and my product so he leaves me alone when we're in between projects.
Still trying to deflect from being embarrassed huh? If I were you I would stop now. Obviously you have convinced yourself of that bullshit you claimed about Blacks. I love that I (a Black man) was able to give you a reality check and I am not even a programmer. :laugh:
Trouble shooting is what I love doing the most. You sound like an idiot. I still get calls from people begging me to work for them. When you have a CCIE people call you for employment you dont have to call anyone.
Trouble shooting is bullshit in any professional field.
You'll be the first to be fired.
Heck, they're already auditing activity.
I audit activity so that trouble shooting is already in the system for the administrators to access.
That's what utilities and major institutions do all the time.
Never been fired so I wouldnt know. I worked at the largest networking company on the planet. Cisco
Worked? or work?
Past tense. I quit about 8 years ago and started my own business doing the same thing. Funny how much more you get paid when you become the boss.
I just remembered...Cisco almost went out of business 8 years ago.
You were laid off but you're too much of a pussy to admit it.
Now you're sitting around being angry.
Youre sitting around pretending to be a programmer. :laughing0301:
Trouble shooting is bullshit in any professional field.
How did you get and keep a job doing what you do if you think so little of your fellow team members? Do you mean to tell you you'd be unable to troubleshoot any of the applications that you support if someone else breaks them?
He's full of shit. If you realized just how easy it would be for a real programmer to decipher my SQL statement you wouldnt even be asking him that question. A huge part of writing or developing programs is trouble shooting them over and over until you get it right. Thats why you have software versioning. People trouble shoot the programming in the software and fix bugs.
Trouble shooting is bullshit in any professional field.
How did you get and keep a job doing what you do if you think so little of your fellow team members? Do you mean to tell you you'd be unable to troubleshoot any of the applications that you support if someone else breaks them?
Uh, moron, I just told you that I audit everything into Tables and the Administrators can simply pull up a screen, order and filter any which way they please and get someone to immediately correct the issue.
How do you think your Electric Providers works?
You think they have trouble shooters writing scripts?
The auditing portions of their systems simply produce an interface, screen or report, and one or more personnel is assigned to repair the issue.
Self-proclaimed Republicans, conservatives and other assorted members of the rightwing had a fit. Screaming and claiming that it was racist.

Yet, I've never seen one explanation how. They just claim it, and supposedly that's what it is.

How is Obama, a black man of a certain complexion and stature, wrong for stating that a young man, who looks like a young version of him, could be his son...how is that a racist statement?

Explain how this was such a racist thing that RIPPED the entire fabric of good American racial relations.

Clearly a question posed to conservatives.
It isn’t. But the uneducated lowlife white supremacist scum who rant about it are.

One should take particular bite of the trumpscum with the 6th grade educations who found your o/p amusing
Trouble shooting is bullshit in any professional field.
How did you get and keep a job doing what you do if you think so little of your fellow team members? Do you mean to tell you you'd be unable to troubleshoot any of the applications that you support if someone else breaks them?
What makes you think corporations "trouble shoot"?
Every piece of code audits itself.
I would never allow code into production that didn't catch every error code and save it in an audit file that ad administrator could access on their own.
Trouble shooting is bullshit in any professional field.
How did you get and keep a job doing what you do if you think so little of your fellow team members? Do you mean to tell you you'd be unable to troubleshoot any of the applications that you support if someone else breaks them?
Uh, moron, I just told you that I audit everything into Tables and the Administrators can simply pull up a screen, order and filter any which way they please and get someone to immediately correct the issue.
How do you think your Electric Providers works?
You think they have trouble shooters writing scripts?
The auditing portions of their systems simply produce an interface, screen or report, and one or more personnel is assigned to repair the issue.
What do you mean by you audit everything into tables? How do you get the info into the tables?....and you bet not mess this one up
Self-proclaimed Republicans, conservatives and other assorted members of the rightwing had a fit. Screaming and claiming that it was racist.

Yet, I've never seen one explanation how. They just claim it, and supposedly that's what it is.

How is Obama, a black man of a certain complexion and stature, wrong for stating that a young man, who looks like a young version of him, could be his son...how is that a racist statement?

Explain how this was such a racist thing that RIPPED the entire fabric of good American racial relations.

Clearly a question posed to conservatives.
It isn’t. But the uneducated lowlife white supremacist scum who rant about it are.

One should take particular bite of the trumpscum with the 6th grade educations who found your o/p amusing
Jillian, Sillian, you want to support those who choose welfare over education...
be my guest...count me out.
Trouble shooting is bullshit in any professional field.
How did you get and keep a job doing what you do if you think so little of your fellow team members? Do you mean to tell you you'd be unable to troubleshoot any of the applications that you support if someone else breaks them?
What makes you think corporations "trouble shoot"?
Every piece of code audits itself.
I would never allow code into production that didn't catch every error code and save it in an audit file that ad administrator could access on their own.
Now youre claiming corporations dont trouble shoot? Care to elaborate on or withdraw that statement?
Trouble shooting is bullshit in any professional field.
How did you get and keep a job doing what you do if you think so little of your fellow team members? Do you mean to tell you you'd be unable to troubleshoot any of the applications that you support if someone else breaks them?
Uh, moron, I just told you that I audit everything into Tables and the Administrators can simply pull up a screen, order and filter any which way they please and get someone to immediately correct the issue.
How do you think your Electric Providers works?
You think they have trouble shooters writing scripts?
The auditing portions of their systems simply produce an interface, screen or report, and one or more personnel is assigned to repair the issue.
What do you mean by you audit everything into tables? How do you get the info into the tables?....and you bet not mess this one up
Do you want me to provide the layout of my Audit Table?
The Table that contains the...
TableId being accessed
FunctionId being accessed
Function being performed...INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT
Date and Time Stamp.
That the administrators can access to Audit what happened and if a function failed and why it failed.

And no, I'm not going to have Audit Fields on every Table when one central will do.
And yes, it works fine on platforms with 10s of millions of records despite what the mentally challenged H1- Bs say.

And no, I'm not going to detail every which way I save thousands of lines of code by being smart.
Trouble shooting is bullshit in any professional field.
How did you get and keep a job doing what you do if you think so little of your fellow team members? Do you mean to tell you you'd be unable to troubleshoot any of the applications that you support if someone else breaks them?
What makes you think corporations "trouble shoot"?
Every piece of code audits itself.
I would never allow code into production that didn't catch every error code and save it in an audit file that ad administrator could access on their own.
Now youre claiming corporations dont trouble shoot? Care to elaborate on or withdraw that statement?
When's the last time you called one of your service companies and it took them more effort than to call up your screen to tell you what the problems is.
FIOS, PSEG, National Grid, AT&T...everything's in the database.
You call, they invoke your audit trail on an administrator screen, they fix the problem.
What planet are you living on?
Trouble shooting is bullshit in any professional field.
How did you get and keep a job doing what you do if you think so little of your fellow team members? Do you mean to tell you you'd be unable to troubleshoot any of the applications that you support if someone else breaks them?
Uh, moron, I just told you that I audit everything into Tables and the Administrators can simply pull up a screen, order and filter any which way they please and get someone to immediately correct the issue.
How do you think your Electric Providers works?
You think they have trouble shooters writing scripts?
The auditing portions of their systems simply produce an interface, screen or report, and one or more personnel is assigned to repair the issue.
How does someone correct the issue without troubleshooting? So basically all you fucking do is log errors? :laugh:
Last edited:
Trouble shooting is bullshit in any professional field.
How did you get and keep a job doing what you do if you think so little of your fellow team members? Do you mean to tell you you'd be unable to troubleshoot any of the applications that you support if someone else breaks them?
What makes you think corporations "trouble shoot"?
Every piece of code audits itself.
I would never allow code into production that didn't catch every error code and save it in an audit file that ad administrator could access on their own.
Now youre claiming corporations dont trouble shoot? Care to elaborate on or withdraw that statement?
When's the last time you called one of your service companies and it took them more effort than to call up your screen to tell you what the problems is.
FIOS, PSEG, National Grid, AT&T...everything's in the database.
You call, they invoke your audit trail on an administrator screen, they fix the problem.
What planet are you living on?
No. Real engineers like me trouble shoot the issue then tell the service provider to fix their shit backed with supporting evidence the problem originates in their system. So take a situation where a voice call on a SIP network does not work correctly. Depending on the symptoms I track the call via error logging from originating device to the sip trunk my gateway connects to with the service provider. In real world conditions no one calls the service provider and tells them something is wrong please fix it. The first thing they will say is it isnt their issue. You have to prove its their issue.
  • Thanks
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Trouble shooting is bullshit in any professional field.
How did you get and keep a job doing what you do if you think so little of your fellow team members? Do you mean to tell you you'd be unable to troubleshoot any of the applications that you support if someone else breaks them?
What makes you think corporations "trouble shoot"?
Every piece of code audits itself.
I would never allow code into production that didn't catch every error code and save it in an audit file that ad administrator could access on their own.
Now youre claiming corporations dont trouble shoot? Care to elaborate on or withdraw that statement?
When's the last time you called one of your service companies and it took them more effort than to call up your screen to tell you what the problems is.
FIOS, PSEG, National Grid, AT&T...everything's in the database.
You call, they invoke your audit trail on an administrator screen, they fix the problem.
What planet are you living on?
No. Real engineers like me trouble shoot the issue then tell the service provider to fix their shit backed with supporting evidence the problem originates in their system. So take a situation where a voice call on a SIP network does not work correctly. Depending on the symptoms I track the call via error logging from originating device to the sip trunk my gateway connects to with the service provider. In real world conditions no one calls the service provider and tells them something is wrong please fix it. The first thing they will say is it isnt their issue. You have to prove its their issue.
Sure cupcake...every company worth it's salt has a guy running a script like you posted to find problems.
Now let's deal with reality...
Tell me the last time you called a reputable company that couldn't tell you within 2 seconds of getting your phone number what the exact problem was and couldn't fix it almost immediately.
Heck, if a router went out at work we'd know it immediately and if it couldn't be restarted (an extremely rare occurence) we'd have someone go diagnose the issue.
You are obviously dealing with tiny operations.
Thousands of people call AT&T or Verizon when they have a problem and they let you know instantly what the issue is and whether or not it's a software or hardware issue.
Of course not, white men vote for thugs.

More stupid and irrelevant comments, just admit it, you have no real interest in solveing the division we have today...

The portion of White America that truly wants to fix the real issues, struggles because of stupid statements like yours, if you could accept the rhetoric filled with hate, that's when the guard will be let down and real solutions will begin...
You skipped all the racist posts from white posters, to pounce on this black poster's post. And he's the problem, right?

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

Last time I checked race wasn't identified on USMB, also you help make my point, I did skip some of the dumb post intentionally, except for yours...

I tend to make my decisions based on actions and character, not the color of ones skin. Now when you claim harm to you is based on your race, I want proof. If your proof doesn't merit action in my view, it doesn't make me a racist, white supremacist, etc... The fear motivates hate, I believe this is a spiritual battle we deal with as individuals multiply times a day, I could careless what the color of your skin is, it's your actions and character that I use to decide who you are...

And you think his makes sense. Deception, denial and confusion are all part of the spiritual battle you talk about. If you know that racsim exists in this country and deny it to the point of always demanding proof then you ae helping the adversary keep people confused and deceived.

This is the race and racism section. If you were really interested in fixing the problem you don't struggle with such statements. You didn't struggle with the statements by whites calling us thugs, so your post is fake news.
Self-proclaimed Republicans, conservatives and other assorted members of the rightwing had a fit. Screaming and claiming that it was racist.

Yet, I've never seen one explanation how. They just claim it, and supposedly that's what it is.

How is Obama, a black man of a certain complexion and stature, wrong for stating that a young man, who looks like a young version of him, could be his son...how is that a racist statement?

Explain how this was such a racist thing that RIPPED the entire fabric of good American racial relations.

Clearly a question posed to conservatives.
Isn’t Obama half white?

He'd be black if he was on a deadbeat dads list or wanted poster so he's black.

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