Obama Said "Trayvon Martin Could Have Been My Son"

Last time I checked race wasn't identified on USMB, also you help make my point, I did skip some of the dumb post intentionally, except for yours...

I tend to make my decisions based on actions and character, not the color of ones skin. Now when you claim harm to you is based on your race, I want proof. If your proof doesn't merit action in my view, it doesn't make me a racist, white supremacist, etc... The fear motivates hate, I believe this is a spiritual battle we deal with as individuals multiply times a day, I could careless what the color of your skin is, it's your actions and character that I use to decide who you are...
You just always happen to ignore blatantly racists posts and threads of the the white racist posters on here and criticize what you perceive as racist or wrong posts and threads by the blacks on here.

Got it.

I take exception when someone uses a broad brush to label All Old White Males as White Supremacist, Bigots, Racist, etc...

If you've noticed, I've made less than 4,000 post compared to your over 18,000 and we joined USMB within days of each other. I have some understanding of your challenges as a Black American, but in my opinion, the race card is over used and weakens any position that truly merits its use. I believe a strong Black Community is a stronger America, and make no mistake about it, the White and Hispanic communities have their own set of problems, but not every single problem a Black American has is due to their race, got it?
Self-proclaimed Republicans, conservatives and other assorted members of the rightwing had a fit. Screaming and claiming that it was racist.

Yet, I've never seen one explanation how. They just claim it, and supposedly that's what it is.

How is Obama, a black man of a certain complexion and stature, wrong for stating that a young man, who looks like a young version of him, could be his son...how is that a racist statement?

Explain how this was such a racist thing that RIPPED the entire fabric of good American racial relations.

Clearly a question posed to conservatives.
Isn’t Obama half white?

He'd be black if he was on a deadbeat dads list or wanted poster so he's black.
Naw he would still be half white
Self-proclaimed Republicans, conservatives and other assorted members of the rightwing had a fit. Screaming and claiming that it was racist.

Yet, I've never seen one explanation how. They just claim it, and supposedly that's what it is.

How is Obama, a black man of a certain complexion and stature, wrong for stating that a young man, who looks like a young version of him, could be his son...how is that a racist statement?

Explain how this was such a racist thing that RIPPED the entire fabric of good American racial relations.

Clearly a question posed to conservatives.
Isn’t Obama half white?

He'd be black if he was on a deadbeat dads list or wanted poster so he's black.
Naw he would still be half white
Mr Marthas Vineyard Obama was white most the time, and black when it benefited him

His if I had a son and stoking the various riots under his watch are key data points

Trouble shooting is bullshit in any professional field.
How did you get and keep a job doing what you do if you think so little of your fellow team members? Do you mean to tell you you'd be unable to troubleshoot any of the applications that you support if someone else breaks them?
Uh, moron, I just told you that I audit everything into Tables and the Administrators can simply pull up a screen, order and filter any which way they please and get someone to immediately correct the issue.
How do you think your Electric Providers works?
You think they have trouble shooters writing scripts?
The auditing portions of their systems simply produce an interface, screen or report, and one or more personnel is assigned to repair the issue.
How does someone correct the issue without troubleshooting? So basically all you fucking do is log errors? :laugh:
I have never worked for a company that didn't purchase the hardware or software logging visual / reporting package.
Apparently you work for companies that are too cheap to do so.
Electrical Engineers return the status for every operation and that information is logged by the software that communicates with the hardware.
This includes all hardware information from the hardware itself as well as the software information from the software that called that invoked the hardware.
I figured out why you don't know this...Cisco almost went bankrupt and let go of you before this became common practice
Self-proclaimed Republicans, conservatives and other assorted members of the rightwing had a fit. Screaming and claiming that it was racist.

Yet, I've never seen one explanation how. They just claim it, and supposedly that's what it is.

How is Obama, a black man of a certain complexion and stature, wrong for stating that a young man, who looks like a young version of him, could be his son...how is that a racist statement?

Explain how this was such a racist thing that RIPPED the entire fabric of good American racial relations.

Clearly a question posed to conservatives.

They are learning the finer points of calling people and things racist whether or not they really are ...
From their opponents on the opposite side of the aisle.

They just haven't smoothed out the part where no one really gives a shit because they are white ... :thup:


Wait youre a programmer and youre telling me you have never seen a Black programmer? Stop lying dude. :laughing0301:
He did say Wall Street.

And those guys are pretty racist there.

It's an all-white club there, mostly.
Do you want me to provide the layout of my Audit Table?
The Table that contains the...
TableId being accessed
FunctionId being accessed
Function being performed...INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT
Date and Time Stamp.
That the administrators can access to Audit what happened and if a function failed and why it failed.
Doesn't SQL do that automatically? Isn't that essentially what's in the systems and transaction logs?
And you think his makes sense. Deception, denial and confusion are all part of the spiritual battle you talk about. If you know that racsim exists in this country and deny it to the point of always demanding proof then you ae helping the adversary keep people confused and deceived.

Racism is used too loosely not to have proof, you want to have justice, but you don't want proof? Sorry, that will never work. Yes I believe Good vs Evil is real and I believe all of us make decisions every single day, some are correct and some are wrong. The truth always reveals itself, but some of us will still deny it. The MSM does a very good job at keeping people confused and deceived, not as objective in my opinion as they should be...

This is the race and racism section. If you were really interested in fixing the problem you don't struggle with such statements. You didn't struggle with the statements by whites calling us thugs, so your post is fake news.

Again, too broad brush for objective dialog, I'm not calling you a thug, your victim mentality is leading you around by your nose, stand up and take accountability for you, your only limitation in this world is your own mind, quite blaming everyone else for your inability to succeed. I have a number of black friends and business acquaintances who are extremely successful...

And one more thing, your avatar is the symbol of "Black Power", so if one of these racist whites used the KKK logo, what say you?
Last time I checked race wasn't identified on USMB, also you help make my point, I did skip some of the dumb post intentionally, except for yours...

I tend to make my decisions based on actions and character, not the color of ones skin. Now when you claim harm to you is based on your race, I want proof. If your proof doesn't merit action in my view, it doesn't make me a racist, white supremacist, etc... The fear motivates hate, I believe this is a spiritual battle we deal with as individuals multiply times a day, I could careless what the color of your skin is, it's your actions and character that I use to decide who you are...
You just always happen to ignore blatantly racists posts and threads of the the white racist posters on here and criticize what you perceive as racist or wrong posts and threads by the blacks on here.

Got it.

I take exception when someone uses a broad brush to label All Old White Males as White Supremacist, Bigots, Racist, etc...

If you've noticed, I've made less than 4,000 post compared to your over 18,000 and we joined USMB within days of each other. I have some understanding of your challenges as a Black American, but in my opinion, the race card is over used and weakens any position that truly merits its use. I believe a strong Black Community is a stronger America, and make no mistake about it, the White and Hispanic communities have their own set of problems, but not every single problem a Black American has is due to their race, got it?

The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. And it's provable starting with the estimated 15 trillion dollars of income we lost during slavery alone. Got it?

There is no victim mentality here. Unless it's you. And that's a broad brush your ass just used. And in usual USMB white racist fashion, you ignore when whites are doing the painting.

Last, black power was a response white racism. so for you to try equating that with the kkk shows just how much of a dumb fuck you actually are.
Last time I checked race wasn't identified on USMB, also you help make my point, I did skip some of the dumb post intentionally, except for yours...

I tend to make my decisions based on actions and character, not the color of ones skin. Now when you claim harm to you is based on your race, I want proof. If your proof doesn't merit action in my view, it doesn't make me a racist, white supremacist, etc... The fear motivates hate, I believe this is a spiritual battle we deal with as individuals multiply times a day, I could careless what the color of your skin is, it's your actions and character that I use to decide who you are...
You just always happen to ignore blatantly racists posts and threads of the the white racist posters on here and criticize what you perceive as racist or wrong posts and threads by the blacks on here.

Got it.

I take exception when someone uses a broad brush to label All Old White Males as White Supremacist, Bigots, Racist, etc...

If you've noticed, I've made less than 4,000 post compared to your over 18,000 and we joined USMB within days of each other. I have some understanding of your challenges as a Black American, but in my opinion, the race card is over used and weakens any position that truly merits its use. I believe a strong Black Community is a stronger America, and make no mistake about it, the White and Hispanic communities have their own set of problems, but not every single problem a Black American has is due to their race, got it?

The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. And it's provable starting with the estimated 15 trillion dollars of income we lost during slavery alone. Got it?

There is no victim mentality here. Unless it's you. And that's a broad brush your ass just used. And in usual USMB white racist fashion, you ignore when whites are doing the painting.

Last, black power was a response white racism. so for you to try equating that with the kkk shows just how much of a dumb fuck you actually are.

Are you speaking for MarcATL? Are you his protector? Does he need you to stand up for him?
Self-proclaimed Republicans, conservatives and other assorted members of the rightwing had a fit. Screaming and claiming that it was racist.

Yet, I've never seen one explanation how. They just claim it, and supposedly that's what it is.

How is Obama, a black man of a certain complexion and stature, wrong for stating that a young man, who looks like a young version of him, could be his son...how is that a racist statement?

Explain how this was such a racist thing that RIPPED the entire fabric of good American racial relations.

Clearly a question posed to conservatives.
Isn’t Obama half white?

He'd be black if he was on a deadbeat dads list or wanted poster so he's black.
Naw he would still be half white

No he wouldn't because half white criminals are called black by whites like you all the time.
Last time I checked race wasn't identified on USMB, also you help make my point, I did skip some of the dumb post intentionally, except for yours...

I tend to make my decisions based on actions and character, not the color of ones skin. Now when you claim harm to you is based on your race, I want proof. If your proof doesn't merit action in my view, it doesn't make me a racist, white supremacist, etc... The fear motivates hate, I believe this is a spiritual battle we deal with as individuals multiply times a day, I could careless what the color of your skin is, it's your actions and character that I use to decide who you are...
You just always happen to ignore blatantly racists posts and threads of the the white racist posters on here and criticize what you perceive as racist or wrong posts and threads by the blacks on here.

Got it.

I take exception when someone uses a broad brush to label All Old White Males as White Supremacist, Bigots, Racist, etc...

If you've noticed, I've made less than 4,000 post compared to your over 18,000 and we joined USMB within days of each other. I have some understanding of your challenges as a Black American, but in my opinion, the race card is over used and weakens any position that truly merits its use. I believe a strong Black Community is a stronger America, and make no mistake about it, the White and Hispanic communities have their own set of problems, but not every single problem a Black American has is due to their race, got it?

The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. And it's provable starting with the estimated 15 trillion dollars of income we lost during slavery alone. Got it?

There is no victim mentality here. Unless it's you. And that's a broad brush your ass just used. And in usual USMB white racist fashion, you ignore when whites are doing the painting.

Last, black power was a response white racism. so for you to try equating that with the kkk shows just how much of a dumb fuck you actually are.

Are you speaking for MarcATL? Are you his protector? Does he need you to stand up for him?

You spoke for another white person, so don't even try it.
Self-proclaimed Republicans, conservatives and other assorted members of the rightwing had a fit. Screaming and claiming that it was racist.

Yet, I've never seen one explanation how. They just claim it, and supposedly that's what it is.

How is Obama, a black man of a certain complexion and stature, wrong for stating that a young man, who looks like a young version of him, could be his son...how is that a racist statement?

Explain how this was such a racist thing that RIPPED the entire fabric of good American racial relations.

Clearly a question posed to conservatives.
It isn’t. But the uneducated lowlife white supremacist scum who rant about it are.

One should take particular bite of the trumpscum with the 6th grade educations who found your o/p amusing
Jillian, Sillian, you want to support those who choose welfare over education...
be my guest...count me out.

She's not supporting white Trump supporters.
Do you want me to provide the layout of my Audit Table?
The Table that contains the...
TableId being accessed
FunctionId being accessed
Function being performed...INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT
Date and Time Stamp.
That the administrators can access to Audit what happened and if a function failed and why it failed.
Doesn't SQL do that automatically? Isn't that essentially what's in the systems and transaction logs?
No; SQL will not provide you with what User did what Function to a particular Data Record at a given time.
If you use Transaction Processing, SQL Server will, if you have the capability switched on, keep a very large textual log of every SQL Statement executed since the beginning of the creation of that log.
That log becomes prohibitively large by end of day.

As an example, the Transaction logs contains SQL Statements, but you don't know what screen or batch program invoked that SQL Statement.
Another limitation is that in some environments, the users logging in to use the application may be more than the one person allowed to log into a workstation. I use the Id of the Software Application Log On, not the Workstation Log On.
My Audit methodology can zoom in on the exact functionality through which that SQL Statement was called and since I don't store the entire SQL statement, the Audit Table doesn't not become monstrously large for a very long time.
Self-proclaimed Republicans, conservatives and other assorted members of the rightwing had a fit. Screaming and claiming that it was racist.

Yet, I've never seen one explanation how. They just claim it, and supposedly that's what it is.

How is Obama, a black man of a certain complexion and stature, wrong for stating that a young man, who looks like a young version of him, could be his son...how is that a racist statement?

Explain how this was such a racist thing that RIPPED the entire fabric of good American racial relations.

Clearly a question posed to conservatives.
It isn’t. But the uneducated lowlife white supremacist scum who rant about it are.

One should take particular bite of the trumpscum with the 6th grade educations who found your o/p amusing
Jillian, Sillian, you want to support those who choose welfare over education...
be my guest...count me out.

She's not supporting white Trump supporters.
She's an idiot in that regard.
She's a NIMBY Liberal.
I support humans, not welfare.
No; SQL will not provide you with what User did what Function to a particular Data Record at a given time.
If you use Transaction Processing, SQL Server will, if you have the capability switched on, keep a very large textual log of every SQL Statement executed since the beginning of the creation of that log.
That log becomes prohibitively large by end of day.

As an example, the Transaction logs contains SQL Statements, but you don't know what screen or batch program invoked that SQL Statement.
Another limitation is that in some environments, the users logging in to use the application may be more than the one person allowed to log into a workstation. I use the Id of the Software Application Log On, not the Workstation Log On.
My Audit methodology can zoom in on the exact functionality through which that SQL Statement was called and since I don't store the entire SQL statement, the Audit Table doesn't not become monstrously large for a very long time.
So what does capturing this information allow you to do and how long do you retain it?
Paying people to scream for more handouts pisses me off.
I have no idea what you're referring to. Which state do you live in?
NY. I grew up in NYC and I know full well what I'm talking about.
Every Superfly thinks he's the next Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton.
$600.00 shoes, $300.00 bottles of wine, Funerals are fashion show where nobodies concerned about the deceased.
Consolidating debt every 6 months.
The list goes on.
No; SQL will not provide you with what User did what Function to a particular Data Record at a given time.
If you use Transaction Processing, SQL Server will, if you have the capability switched on, keep a very large textual log of every SQL Statement executed since the beginning of the creation of that log.
That log becomes prohibitively large by end of day.

As an example, the Transaction logs contains SQL Statements, but you don't know what screen or batch program invoked that SQL Statement.
Another limitation is that in some environments, the users logging in to use the application may be more than the one person allowed to log into a workstation. I use the Id of the Software Application Log On, not the Workstation Log On.
My Audit methodology can zoom in on the exact functionality through which that SQL Statement was called and since I don't store the entire SQL statement, the Audit Table doesn't not become monstrously large for a very long time.
So what does capturing this information allow you to do and how long do you retain it?
Administrators are paranoid about clinical and financial mistakes and use this functionality to cover themselves.
My current system has about 4 years of data and they're still using it when customers call to find out who missed the boat on any given transaction.

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