Obama Says FOX News Viewers “Living on a different planet.”

So Obama technically said that anyone who doesn’t agree with his traitorous America Hating Marxist Ass is living on a different Shit Hole Planet...in his own condescending way.

Got it!
When someone is a LOT smarter than you are, it may seem to you that everything he says is condescending.

Hmmm, guess that explains why libs are always running to their safe spaces.
FOX News Viewers “Living on a different planet.”

Planet Cuck ^^^^^^^^^^
So Obama technically said that anyone who doesn’t agree with his traitorous America Hating Marxist Ass is living on a different Shit Hole Planet...in his own condescending way.

Got it!
When someone is a LOT smarter than you are, it may seem to you that everything he says is condescending.

Hmmm, guess that explains why libs are always running to their safe spaces.
Oh, dont sell yourself short. You righty nutjobs have crafted a fine little safe space for yourself, with FOX,AM radio, Breitbart, etc.
So Obama technically said that anyone who doesn’t agree with his traitorous America Hating Marxist Ass is living on a different Shit Hole Planet...in his own condescending way.

Got it!
When someone is a LOT smarter than you are, it may seem to you that everything he says is condescending.

Hmmm, guess that explains why libs are always running to their safe spaces.
Oh, dont sell yourself short. You righty nutjobs have crafted a fine little safe space for yourself, with FOX,AM radio, Breitbart, etc.

Just to offset the stupid space provided by MSN, CNN, ESPN, ABC, NBC...etc.
So Obama technically said that anyone who doesn’t agree with his traitorous America Hating Marxist Ass is living on a different Shit Hole Planet...in his own condescending way.

Got it!
When someone is a LOT smarter than you are, it may seem to you that everything he says is condescending.

Hmmm, guess that explains why libs are always running to their safe spaces.
Oh, dont sell yourself short. You righty nutjobs have crafted a fine little safe space for yourself, with FOX,AM radio, Breitbart, etc.

Just to offset the stupid space provided by MSN, CNN, ESPN, ABC, NBC...etc.
Right, your safe space. Like I said. It also is a stupid space, but that is a different discussion...
Seems like they are living on the planet earth to me.

Which planet is Obama and his leftist cronies living on?
Like communist around the world obama and

his ilk just keep repeating their lies…..

It was the obama administration that

weaponized all the branches of the Federal

Government to spy on and under mind

the Trump campaign.

It’s the liberals that are living on planet Bullshit.

Let's see.

Trump cozies up to Putin even as Obama places sanctions on Russia, and Obama's the communist?

So Obama technically said that anyone who doesn’t agree with his traitorous America Hating Marxist Ass is living on a different Shit Hole Planet...in his own condescending way.

Got it!
No, I think the point Obama was trying to make is that Fox viewers are brain dead assholes

Yeah, as he squats in the ruins of his playtime presidency. Too funny.
The Great Obama smiles as he sees the disaster a Trump Presidency has become
Like communist around the world obama and

his ilk just keep repeating their lies…..

It was the obama administration that

weaponized all the branches of the Federal

Government to spy on and under mind

the Trump campaign.

It’s the liberals that are living on planet Bullshit.

Let's see.

Trump cozies up to Putin even as Obama places sanctions on Russia, and Obama's the communist?


As Obama was increasing sanctions on Russia, Trumps people were undermining US foreign policy and telling Putin to ignore it, they would take care of it

Obama will rate in history as a creation of liberal media establishment so the excesses of the 1960’s could somehow be justified and gloried by college professors.
He will rate somewhere above Carter and below Coolidge.

And still be above Booosh the dumber and Bone Spur!
George HW Bush is clearly in the top 10. His handling of the end of the Cold War was brilliant. Berlin Wall comes down...and he did not go to Berlin and gloat over it. Gorbachev disappeared during a coup attempt and the world had no idea who had the Soviet nuclear launch codes...Bush was a calming voice of reason and leadership. Removed Noriega in Panama and restored democracy there. Won the Persian Gulf War and did not practice regime change. Great President. But Baby Boomers wanted Clinton...and now we all regret it.

This country, under bush 1, attacked a friendly Panama that was doing us no harm. Killed hundreds, maybe thousands of it's innocent citizens. These are not actions that make a country great. Then there's desert storm, on and on. War for a president's image, war for profit. This is what America has become. No longer great.
Noriega was a drug smuggler for the Cuban’s who are our enemy. Dessert Storm was a great call. War does define the greatness of a people.

So let's say Noriega was a drug runner. So what? You don't think our own CIA wasn't running drugs also? Certainly no excuse for us getting involved and murdering innocent civilians. Used to be we needed Congress to declare war. What happened to abiding by the constitution that the republicans are always preaching about doing? Not that democrats are any better, just less hypocritical. Cuba was our enemy? We've been interferring in Cuba's and Central and South America's affairs since at least the early 1900's. Same with the middle east region, Phillipines, Vietnam, China etc. In fact, very few parts of the world in which America hasn't been involved. Maybe sometimes for the greater good, but usually for the profit of our big corporations who can buy and sell politicians like trump, obama, bush, on and on. Remember what Washington said about trading with everybody and staying out of the internal affairs of other countries? We certainly didn't follow his advice. A pretty good read below about America and her wars for profit.

Full text of "War Is A Racket"

The Left/Right paradigm is too entrenched, they can't see that it's false. They refuse to believe that the same people finance both sides of every war. It's sad, but they are too lazy to research it for themselves and too blind to want to. That goes for "both" sides.
He will be forgotten soon.
Obama will rate in history as a creation of liberal media establishment so the excesses of the 1960’s could somehow be justified and gloried by college professors.
He will rate somewhere above Carter and below Coolidge.

And still be above Booosh the dumber and Bone Spur!
George HW Bush is clearly in the top 10. His handling of the end of the Cold War was brilliant. Berlin Wall comes down...and he did not go to Berlin and gloat over it. Gorbachev disappeared during a coup attempt and the world had no idea who had the Soviet nuclear launch codes...Bush was a calming voice of reason and leadership. Removed Noriega in Panama and restored democracy there. Won the Persian Gulf War and did not practice regime change. Great President. But Baby Boomers wanted Clinton...and now we all regret it.

This country, under bush 1, attacked a friendly Panama that was doing us no harm. Killed hundreds, maybe thousands of it's innocent citizens. These are not actions that make a country great. Then there's desert storm, on and on. War for a president's image, war for profit. This is what America has become. No longer great.
Noriega was a drug smuggler for the Cuban’s who are our enemy. Dessert Storm was a great call. War does define the greatness of a people.

"War does define the greatness of a people"

The only people who these kinds of things are people who've never fought one. There is no glory, there is just profiteering for the Bankers, death, and disfigurement.
Well, that is my current job yes. My education is in Applied Analytics and data analysis, not pure statistics. But this job had the best combination of good pay and the most flexibility as for my work hours including working from home multiple days a pay period.

Interesting how did you get started in it? To be serious one of my heros is Deming ...but that's more on the manufacturing side of stats

When I got out of the Marines I found out that 20 years in the Corps was not all that useful without a highly technical skill attached to it. My job in the Corps was aviation operations so that limited me to Airfield/Airport jobs. I got out in 2009, in the heart of the recession and those jobs were all taken. I also found out quickly that the Bachelors in Business Management I was working on and finished after getting out was about as useful as my 20 years in the Corps.

I knew if I wanted to live the sort of life I wanted to live I was going to need more education. Thus I looked into MBA programs and got accepted to one, but an MBA seemed as useful as a Business Management degree. So I looked around some more and found a top local university was starting a brand new Master's degree program in what they initially called "Organizational Informatics", I hybrid of analytics and leadership courses. That appealed to me and I was in the very first class that started the program. Before I finished the program they had changed the name to Applied Analytics as nobody knew what Organizational Informatics was. That made for a good ice breaker at job fairs but was a totally useless degree to list on a Resume.

The rest as they say is history. I found what was the perfect job for me, it paid very well and had a flexible schedule and was almost never more than 40 hours a week. This April I will hit my 5 year mark with the organization. I have another 15 years till I hit SS retirement age so that will give me 20 years when I retire for good.

Yeah I fucked up I should of done my 20 years in the air Force but girls and cocaine got me....I am actually proud of you pal.

I loved my time as a Marine but damn did they lie to use in those exit classes when they told us how much private companies loved former military! But then again getting out in the middle of the recession did not help things at all. Unfortunately I dropped my retirement papers well before it started and once they say yes there is no going back.
i think much depends on your MOS

A kid down the street got out of the Marines trained to be a sniper. Not much of a market when you get out
But technical training is marketable, many police forces want military veterans, contracting and logistics

Very much so. I had no desire for law enforcement and my MOS only helped if I wanted to work at an Airport or maybe for an airline. I looked into both of those but the opportunities are very limited.

They have a lot of information, and 90% of it is misinformation

Really Comrade?

Care to rub both your IQ points together and go to one of the hate sites that do your thinking for you to get an example?

Last-week Wednesday, in the immediate aftermath of the worst Islamic terror attack in New York since 9/11, and for reasons only clear to him, CNN’s struggling afternoon anchor, Jake Tapper, decided that it was a smart idea to misinform his viewers about the meaning of Allahu Akbar,” and do so in the most inappropriate way imaginable.

To make matters worse, rather than apologize and correct the record, Tapper chose to have a public meltdown over criticism of his inaccurate reporting.

On Monday, CNN’s twisted hatred for Trump red-lined with a double barrel of very fake news. In order to publish a false fact check, CNN deliberately edited out a portion of a Trump quote that would have disproven the fact check. Worse still, with the use of fake video, CNN was caught attempting to fabricate a Trump gaffe involving fish food.

Is a news outlet willing to lie about fish food willing to lie about anything? The asking of the question is your answer. Which brings me to Thursday…}

CNN's Awful Week: Lies, Meltdowns, Ratings Collapse, New Discrimination Suit - Breitbart

only a fucking zealot thinks that pointing to the lies of one news source means the other one does not lie.

I do not believe you voted for Johnson, doing so takes a brain and you clearly do not have one.

Only a Communist would think spewing hate toward the opposition alleviates the need to support his outbursts of rage with some sort of evidence.

I wish I hadn't voted for Johnson, Trump is far better than I ever imagined he'd be.

Ever heard of Harry Browne, Comrade?
No loser...I’m living in Trump’s America

You say NO, facts say YES:


Oh, so MSDNC trained you to bleat that unemployment rate is up did they?

This is why the Maoists recruit people like you, since you have an IQ of purple, you'll never question the moronic shit your fed...
Do libs ever have anything of substance to say, or are is everything just a cliche?

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