Obama Says FOX News Viewers “Living on a different planet.”

No loser...I’m living in Trump’s America. Together we will correct your fuck-up’s and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
Obama rips Fox News viewers: ‘You are living on a different planet’
Quite a few republicans have said the same thing. Ana Navarro: When I turn on Fox they’re talking about what Hillary ate for breakfast. It is another planet..
Instead of talking about what’s happening in this incompetent administration and this racist president they avoid it like the plague. Every time I see your avatar I augh because he hates Trump’s guts.

You need mental help....
Let's see.

Trump cozies up to Putin even as Obama places sanctions on Russia, and Obama's the communist?


As Obama was increasing sanctions on Russia, Trumps people were undermining US foreign policy and telling Putin to ignore it, they would take care of it


The Treason is on the left....
Treason is a crime.....you need to report those who are committing it then, unless you are collaborating in that alleged treason.

There is an OIG report coming out, you aren't going to be happy.
When will that report come out? I hope it doesn't take as long as all these H. Clinton indictments have been taking....and that Special Counsel we've been waiting for.......

We will get you before you get Trump....

Just hide and see....
Let's see.

Trump cozies up to Putin even as Obama places sanctions on Russia, and Obama's the communist?


As Obama was increasing sanctions on Russia, Trumps people were undermining US foreign policy and telling Putin to ignore it, they would take care of it


The Treason is on the left....
Treason is a crime.....you need to report those who are committing it then, unless you are collaborating in that alleged treason.

There is an OIG report coming out, you aren't going to be happy.
When will that report come out? I hope it doesn't take as long as all these H. Clinton indictments have been taking....and that Special Counsel we've been waiting for.......

Look it up yourself ;)
As Obama was increasing sanctions on Russia, Trumps people were undermining US foreign policy and telling Putin to ignore it, they would take care of it


The Treason is on the left....
Treason is a crime.....you need to report those who are committing it then, unless you are collaborating in that alleged treason.

The truth will come out and liberals will setting

their hair on fire and jumping off bridges....

I can't wait for the show.
"The truth will come out"....why are you waiting for someone else to report treason? Is it because you are part of the treason? Don't wait....report.


I just called 911 and they said it's going to be your ass...
Excellent....glad to see you take some action. And their reply.......?
As Obama was increasing sanctions on Russia, Trumps people were undermining US foreign policy and telling Putin to ignore it, they would take care of it


The Treason is on the left....
Treason is a crime.....you need to report those who are committing it then, unless you are collaborating in that alleged treason.

There is an OIG report coming out, you aren't going to be happy.
When will that report come out? I hope it doesn't take as long as all these H. Clinton indictments have been taking....and that Special Counsel we've been waiting for.......

Look it up yourself ;)
Lazy? If you are a trumpanzee, that goes without saying. Make accusations and assertions but don't do the ground work.....toooooooooo hard.
The Treason is on the left....
Treason is a crime.....you need to report those who are committing it then, unless you are collaborating in that alleged treason.

The truth will come out and liberals will setting

their hair on fire and jumping off bridges....

I can't wait for the show.
"The truth will come out"....why are you waiting for someone else to report treason? Is it because you are part of the treason? Don't wait....report.


I just called 911 and they said it's going to be your ass...
Excellent....glad to see you take some action. And their reply.......?

Evidently you have a reading comprehension problem…

I told you they said it was going to be your ass…..
The Treason is on the left....
Treason is a crime.....you need to report those who are committing it then, unless you are collaborating in that alleged treason.

There is an OIG report coming out, you aren't going to be happy.
When will that report come out? I hope it doesn't take as long as all these H. Clinton indictments have been taking....and that Special Counsel we've been waiting for.......

Look it up yourself ;)
Lazy? If you are a trumpanzee, that goes without saying. Make accusations and assertions but don't do the ground work.....toooooooooo hard.

Son, I've done all the work. I always do. You do it for you. Like I said, YOU still play their game. They play the tune and you dance. The system is a lie.
No loser...I’m living in Trump’s America

You say NO, facts say YES:

MSNBC...not the facts. Lmfao. Did Chuck and Nancy send these numbers to MSNBC.
As Obama was increasing sanctions on Russia, Trumps people were undermining US foreign policy and telling Putin to ignore it, they would take care of it


The Treason is on the left....
Treason is a crime.....you need to report those who are committing it then, unless you are collaborating in that alleged treason.

There is an OIG report coming out, you aren't going to be happy.
When will that report come out? I hope it doesn't take as long as all these H. Clinton indictments have been taking....and that Special Counsel we've been waiting for.......

We will get you before you get Trump....

Just hide and see....
Should I be concerned? Or just laugh some more?
Treason is a crime.....you need to report those who are committing it then, unless you are collaborating in that alleged treason.

The truth will come out and liberals will setting

their hair on fire and jumping off bridges....

I can't wait for the show.
"The truth will come out"....why are you waiting for someone else to report treason? Is it because you are part of the treason? Don't wait....report.


I just called 911 and they said it's going to be your ass...
Excellent....glad to see you take some action. And their reply.......?

Evidently you have a reading comprehension problem…

I told you they said it was going to be your ass…..
And here you are fixating on my nether regions.....no thank you.
As Obama was increasing sanctions on Russia, Trumps people were undermining US foreign policy and telling Putin to ignore it, they would take care of it


The Treason is on the left....
Treason is a crime.....you need to report those who are committing it then, unless you are collaborating in that alleged treason.

The truth will come out and liberals will setting

their hair on fire and jumping off bridges....

I can't wait for the show.
It’s just a matter of time. :)

He who laughs last laughs loudest....

This will be so much fun to watch after all the

lefts Russia Russia Russia bull shit.
Indeed....I am very much looking forward to what's coming.
The Treason is on the left....
Treason is a crime.....you need to report those who are committing it then, unless you are collaborating in that alleged treason.

There is an OIG report coming out, you aren't going to be happy.
When will that report come out? I hope it doesn't take as long as all these H. Clinton indictments have been taking....and that Special Counsel we've been waiting for.......

We will get you before you get Trump....

Just hide and see....
Should I be concerned? Or just laugh some more?

Rave on you idiot....
Treason is a crime.....you need to report those who are committing it then, unless you are collaborating in that alleged treason.

There is an OIG report coming out, you aren't going to be happy.
When will that report come out? I hope it doesn't take as long as all these H. Clinton indictments have been taking....and that Special Counsel we've been waiting for.......

We will get you before you get Trump....

Just hide and see....
Should I be concerned? Or just laugh some more?

Rave on you idiot....
Rave? Is that what you call it? :lol: Ok. ;)
Obama will rate in history as a creation of liberal media establishment so the excesses of the 1960’s could somehow be justified and gloried by college professors.
He will rate somewhere above Carter and below Coolidge.

And still be above Booosh the dumber and Bone Spur!
George HW Bush is clearly in the top 10. His handling of the end of the Cold War was brilliant. Berlin Wall comes down...and he did not go to Berlin and gloat over it. Gorbachev disappeared during a coup attempt and the world had no idea who had the Soviet nuclear launch codes...Bush was a calming voice of reason and leadership. Removed Noriega in Panama and restored democracy there. Won the Persian Gulf War and did not practice regime change. Great President. But Baby Boomers wanted Clinton...and now we all regret it.

This country, under bush 1, attacked a friendly Panama that was doing us no harm. Killed hundreds, maybe thousands of it's innocent citizens. These are not actions that make a country great. Then there's desert storm, on and on. War for a president's image, war for profit. This is what America has become. No longer great.
Noriega was a drug smuggler for the Cuban’s who are our enemy. Dessert Storm was a great call. War does define the greatness of a people.

So let's say Noriega was a drug runner. So what? You don't think our own CIA wasn't running drugs also? Certainly no excuse for us getting involved and murdering innocent civilians. Used to be we needed Congress to declare war. What happened to abiding by the constitution that the republicans are always preaching about doing? Not that democrats are any better, just less hypocritical. Cuba was our enemy? We've been interferring in Cuba's and Central and South America's affairs since at least the early 1900's. Same with the middle east region, Phillipines, Vietnam, China etc. In fact, very few parts of the world in which America hasn't been involved. Maybe sometimes for the greater good, but usually for the profit of our big corporations who can buy and sell politicians like trump, obama, bush, on and on. Remember what Washington said about trading with everybody and staying out of the internal affairs of other countries? We certainly didn't follow his advice. A pretty good read below about America and her wars for profit.

Full text of "War Is A Racket"
Oh...more like “America Bad” revisionist history.
Like communist around the world obama and

his ilk just keep repeating their lies…..

It was the obama administration that

weaponized all the branches of the Federal

Government to spy on and under mind

the Trump campaign.

It’s the liberals that are living on planet Bullshit.

Let's see.

Trump cozies up to Putin even as Obama places sanctions on Russia, and Obama's the communist?


As Obama was increasing sanctions on Russia, Trumps people were undermining US foreign policy and telling Putin to ignore it, they would take care of it


The Treason is on the left....
Crooked Donnie sold us out

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