Obama says he feels sorry for the senators that signed the letter.

Uh, President "I Won" has spent years insulting the GOP. Now he is abusing his executive powers to make fake treaties which jeopardize national security. I consider it a form of Patriotism to resist his attempts to Transform America into a Caliphate.
Fake treaties?

Only braindead partisan morons are currently following this transparent line of thought.

I used to be WAY more even handed, politically. But the more the game evolves, the higher level of blatant retard i see displayed by the right. For some, its blatant DISHONEST retard.

Uh dude. John Kerry announced that it wasn't a real treaty. It's an unenforceable plan (despite his nonsense that it contains a "capacity" for enforcement". If it's not legally binding, it's not enforceable).

Secretary of State John Kerry stressed Wednesday that the administration never intended to negotiate a treaty.

"We've been clear from the beginning. We're not negotiating a 'legally binding plan.' We're negotiating a plan that will have in it a capacity for enforcement," he said at a Senate hearing.

Iran deal A treaty or not a treaty that is the question - CNN.com
Is it binding? Of course not
What happens if Iran doesn't comply? The same sanctions and worse

But it does ease sanctions if Iran complies with the terms

What are Republicans offering? more stick?

What happens if they don't comply? The Obama Inquisition! He'll poke them with Soft Cushions and make them sit in Comfy Chairs!
What happened when they didnt comply with other presidents?

Herrr dee derrr derrr derrr

Kerry admits it's a non-legally binding agreement, so there isn't even a concept of non-compliance. I don't recall any other Presidents helping the Mullahs stomp out a revolution. Link?
Its not their duty to poke their Presidents eye in front of other Countries during arms/treaty negotiations.

Its actually childish to the point of being sick.

Uh, President "I Won" has spent years insulting the GOP. Now he is abusing his executive powers to make fake treaties which jeopardize national security. I consider it a form of Patriotism to resist his attempts to Transform America into a Caliphate.
Fake treaties?

Only braindead partisan morons are currently following this transparent line of thought.

I used to be WAY more even handed, politically. But the more the game evolves, the higher level of blatant retard i see displayed by the right. For some, its blatant DISHONEST retard.

Uh dude. John Kerry announced that it wasn't a real treaty. It's an unenforceable plan (despite his nonsense that it contains a "capacity" for enforcement". If it's not legally binding, it's not enforceable).

Secretary of State John Kerry stressed Wednesday that the administration never intended to negotiate a treaty.

"We've been clear from the beginning. We're not negotiating a 'legally binding plan.' We're negotiating a plan that will have in it a capacity for enforcement," he said at a Senate hearing.

Iran deal A treaty or not a treaty that is the question - CNN.com
Is it binding? Of course not
What happens if Iran doesn't comply? The same sanctions and worse

But it does ease sanctions if Iran complies with the terms

What are Republicans offering? more stick?

What happens if they don't comply? The Obama Inquisition! He'll poke them with Soft Cushions and make them sit in Comfy Chairs!

Are you advocating military invasion over increased sanctions?

More reason we can't trust foreign policy to conservatives
Fake treaties?

Only braindead partisan morons are currently following this transparent line of thought.

I used to be WAY more even handed, politically. But the more the game evolves, the higher level of blatant retard i see displayed by the right. For some, its blatant DISHONEST retard.

Uh dude. John Kerry announced that it wasn't a real treaty. It's an unenforceable plan (despite his nonsense that it contains a "capacity" for enforcement". If it's not legally binding, it's not enforceable).

Secretary of State John Kerry stressed Wednesday that the administration never intended to negotiate a treaty.

"We've been clear from the beginning. We're not negotiating a 'legally binding plan.' We're negotiating a plan that will have in it a capacity for enforcement," he said at a Senate hearing.

Iran deal A treaty or not a treaty that is the question - CNN.com
Is it binding? Of course not
What happens if Iran doesn't comply? The same sanctions and worse

But it does ease sanctions if Iran complies with the terms

What are Republicans offering? more stick?

What happens if they don't comply? The Obama Inquisition! He'll poke them with Soft Cushions and make them sit in Comfy Chairs!
What happened when they didnt comply with other presidents?

Herrr dee derrr derrr derrr

Kerry admits it's a non-legally binding agreement, so there isn't even a concept of non-compliance. I don't recall any other Presidents helping the Mullahs stomp out a revolution. Link?
I seem to recall several presidents not doing dick about iran.

Im having a hard time getting the partisan republican raging boner over it this time.
Uh, President "I Won" has spent years insulting the GOP. Now he is abusing his executive powers to make fake treaties which jeopardize national security. I consider it a form of Patriotism to resist his attempts to Transform America into a Caliphate.
Fake treaties?

Only braindead partisan morons are currently following this transparent line of thought.

I used to be WAY more even handed, politically. But the more the game evolves, the higher level of blatant retard i see displayed by the right. For some, its blatant DISHONEST retard.

Uh dude. John Kerry announced that it wasn't a real treaty. It's an unenforceable plan (despite his nonsense that it contains a "capacity" for enforcement". If it's not legally binding, it's not enforceable).

Secretary of State John Kerry stressed Wednesday that the administration never intended to negotiate a treaty.

"We've been clear from the beginning. We're not negotiating a 'legally binding plan.' We're negotiating a plan that will have in it a capacity for enforcement," he said at a Senate hearing.

Iran deal A treaty or not a treaty that is the question - CNN.com
Is it binding? Of course not
What happens if Iran doesn't comply? The same sanctions and worse

But it does ease sanctions if Iran complies with the terms

What are Republicans offering? more stick?

What happens if they don't comply? The Obama Inquisition! He'll poke them with Soft Cushions and make them sit in Comfy Chairs!

Are you advocating military invasion over increased sanctions?

More reason we can't trust foreign policy to conservatives

I'm sorry I cannot return the compliment. Your lack of both reading comprehension and logical thinking ability is not at all interesting.

As I have already posted, I favor severe economic sanctions combined with development of domestic oil.
Fake treaties?

Only braindead partisan morons are currently following this transparent line of thought.

I used to be WAY more even handed, politically. But the more the game evolves, the higher level of blatant retard i see displayed by the right. For some, its blatant DISHONEST retard.

Uh dude. John Kerry announced that it wasn't a real treaty. It's an unenforceable plan (despite his nonsense that it contains a "capacity" for enforcement". If it's not legally binding, it's not enforceable).

Secretary of State John Kerry stressed Wednesday that the administration never intended to negotiate a treaty.

"We've been clear from the beginning. We're not negotiating a 'legally binding plan.' We're negotiating a plan that will have in it a capacity for enforcement," he said at a Senate hearing.

Iran deal A treaty or not a treaty that is the question - CNN.com
Is it binding? Of course not
What happens if Iran doesn't comply? The same sanctions and worse

But it does ease sanctions if Iran complies with the terms

What are Republicans offering? more stick?

What happens if they don't comply? The Obama Inquisition! He'll poke them with Soft Cushions and make them sit in Comfy Chairs!

Are you advocating military invasion over increased sanctions?

More reason we can't trust foreign policy to conservatives

I'm sorry I cannot return the compliment. Your lack of both reading comprehension and logical thinking ability is not at all interesting.

As I have already posted, I favor severe economic sanctions combined with development of domestic oil.

And how does that differ from easing current sanctions in return for a verifiable, controlled nuclear program with an understanding that your severe sanctions will follow if Iran does not comply?
I feel sorry for them too. They disparaged their country in the most egregious of ways.

Really? I missed the bit in the letter where they said "God Damn America" over and over again...Link?
They said basically JUST that.

You're understanding of language is very poor. Performing their duties per The Constitution is not at all equivalent to "God Damn America".
It was exactly that......putting their hatred of Obama over love of country

This reckless, irresponsible letter was the consequence of their unwarranted, blind hatred of the president.
Sorry bout that,

1. As a nation full of fucking idiots i feel sorry for USA collectively.
2. There is a measure of smart people, but for sure its less than half of the population.
3. I do not understand how this many fucking stupid people are not killing each other more often with car accidents.
4. It will be proven Obama is the most *STUPID* president to ever be in office.

So does treason.

do you consider obama's deal to be treasonous?

Giving aid and comfort to the enemy is treason.
You guys love it when you make America look bad, and then you have the balls to criticize Democrats. The world laughs at you guys on the right, and I know this all too well since I live in Europe. You guys constantly embaress America and Americans.
You know what made the world laugh at us? A president negotiating with terrorists, and gives up 5 high ranked terrorists for 1 soldier that deserted his post. Now after that we know that when making deals, Obama isn't looking out for our best interest.
Did not hear one person over here criticizing him for that. Try again.
That's because you're blind, and you continually polish Obama's knob daily. No matter what.
Guess you mean that the world is blind, except for you.
do you consider obama's deal to be treasonous?

Giving aid and comfort to the enemy is treason.
You guys love it when you make America look bad, and then you have the balls to criticize Democrats. The world laughs at you guys on the right, and I know this all too well since I live in Europe. You guys constantly embaress America and Americans.
You know what made the world laugh at us? A president negotiating with terrorists, and gives up 5 high ranked terrorists for 1 soldier that deserted his post. Now after that we know that when making deals, Obama isn't looking out for our best interest.
Did not hear one person over here criticizing him for that. Try again.
That's because you're blind, and you continually polish Obama's knob daily. No matter what.
Guess you mean that the world is blind, except for you.
No only people like yourself that believe every lie Obama tells you.
You guys love it when you make America look bad, and then you have the balls to criticize Democrats. The world laughs at you guys on the right, and I know this all too well since I live in Europe. You guys constantly embaress America and Americans.
You know what made the world laugh at us? A president negotiating with terrorists, and gives up 5 high ranked terrorists for 1 soldier that deserted his post. Now after that we know that when making deals, Obama isn't looking out for our best interest.
Did not hear one person over here criticizing him for that. Try again.
That's because you're blind, and you continually polish Obama's knob daily. No matter what.
Guess you mean that the world is blind, except for you.
No only people like yourself that believe every lie Obama tells you.
You are foolish if you think you know everything that I believe.
I don't.

There's no excuse for what they did and they just proved they are the Party of Stupid.

The good news is, they can never again blame the president for their anti-America actions.

They did the right thing. Obama is about to make a terrible deal and the Iranians need to know that the next administration won't let it stand.

It was a bold and politically dangerous move---------------protecting the country sometimes requires bold and dangerous moves
So does treason.

do you consider obama's deal to be treasonous?

Giving aid and comfort to the enemy is treason.
You guys love it when you make America look bad, and then you have the balls to criticize Democrats. The world laughs at you guys on the right, and I know this all too well since I live in Europe. You guys constantly embaress America and Americans.

speaking out when our leaders do stupid things is not treason, it is the highest form of patriotism. something most of europe seems to have forgotten
the Iraq war was won until obama declared defeat and let ISIS take over.

I am not saying that the Iraq war was right or good, but it was almost won when obama decided to lose it.

Do you think he really wants ISIS to control the entire mid east?

What was the cost-benefit to the invasion and occupation of Iraq? When Bush left office how much blood and treasure was spent, let alone American prestige, by October 2008? Tossing good lives and borrowed money into the fire was the last thing Obama needed to do - remember, our economy was in free fall that month.

I have said many times that the Iraq war was a waste of lives and money. Both parties authorized and funded that fiasco, just as both authorized and funded the viet nam fiasco.

the only point I was making is that we had almost won the Iraq mess, then obama managed to find a way to lose it and turn the territory over to ISIS.

That's partisan group think, and not exactly honest.

The Republicans in the H. of Rep. voted 215 for the Iraqi Resolution, and six against (two didn't vote); the Democrats voted 82 for the Resolution and 126 against (one not voting).

In the Senate Democrats voted 29 for and 21 against; The Republicans 48 for and one against.

Mainstream Democrats opposed the Vietnam War both under the Administration of LBJ and Nixon. I was one of them, but I still served our country on active duty (1967 -1969).

as I said both parties voted to authorize and fund it. Just as both parties authorized and funded Kennedy and Johnson's viet nam war which lost 58,000 americans and billions of dollars for nothing.

stop with the partisan bullshit and deal with the reality.

How many Americans died under the watch of JFK and LBJ, and how many on Nixon's watch. Lying by omission is still lying and proof that you're a partisan liar or very ignorant.

Kennedy and Johnson escalated it, Nixon ended it by declaring defeat. They all have blood on their dead hands.
I don't.

There's no excuse for what they did and they just proved they are the Party of Stupid.

The good news is, they can never again blame the president for their anti-America actions.

They did the right thing. Obama is about to make a terrible deal and the Iranians need to know that the next administration won't let it stand.

It was a bold and politically dangerous move---------------protecting the country sometimes requires bold and dangerous moves
So does treason.

do you consider obama's deal to be treasonous?

Giving aid and comfort to the enemy is treason.
You guys love it when you make America look bad, and then you have the balls to criticize Democrats. The world laughs at you guys on the right, and I know this all too well since I live in Europe. You guys constantly embaress America and Americans.

speaking out when our leaders do stupid things is not treason, it is the highest form of patriotism. something most of europe seems to have forgotten
They did a bit more than speaking out.
They did the right thing. Obama is about to make a terrible deal and the Iranians need to know that the next administration won't let it stand.

It was a bold and politically dangerous move---------------protecting the country sometimes requires bold and dangerous moves
So does treason.

do you consider obama's deal to be treasonous?

Giving aid and comfort to the enemy is treason.
You guys love it when you make America look bad, and then you have the balls to criticize Democrats. The world laughs at you guys on the right, and I know this all too well since I live in Europe. You guys constantly embaress America and Americans.

speaking out when our leaders do stupid things is not treason, it is the highest form of patriotism. something most of europe seems to have forgotten
They did a bit more than speaking out.

writing a letter is not speaking out? how so? Pelosi visited Syria in person when Bush was trying to negotiate with them. Why no outcry from you left wingers about that?
You know what made the world laugh at us? A president negotiating with terrorists, and gives up 5 high ranked terrorists for 1 soldier that deserted his post. Now after that we know that when making deals, Obama isn't looking out for our best interest.
Did not hear one person over here criticizing him for that. Try again.
That's because you're blind, and you continually polish Obama's knob daily. No matter what.
Guess you mean that the world is blind, except for you.
No only people like yourself that believe every lie Obama tells you.
You are foolish if you think you know everything that I believe.
I know that you believe what lies Obama tells you. If not your a liar, cause all of your post I read. You stick up for his lies.

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