Obama says ISIS under control, head of CIA says opposite

We will see Grandpa, but she is closer to McCain that your partisanship lets you see.
To be fair, we don't want McCain either. He's a RINO.
Well, you're not getting the Big Fat Racist Liar ....

so you're getting an internationalist who is not tied to the neocon view of using the military to gain market share, and that is more or less McCain too.
To be fair... we don't want Drumpf, either. So, we don't want Paul Ryan, John McCain, Hillary, Drumpf, or Johnson... or Bernie, on the off chance he makes it into the Presidential ballot. At this point, we just hold our nose and vote for the lesser of all available evils.
We will see Grandpa, but she is closer to McCain that your partisanship lets you see.
To be fair, we don't want McCain either. He's a RINO.
Well, you're not getting the Big Fat Racist Liar ....

so you're getting an internationalist who is not tied to the neocon view of using the military to gain market share, and that is more or less McCain too.
To be fair... we don't want Drumpf, either. So, we don't want Paul Ryan, John McCain, Hillary, Drumpf, or Johnson... or Bernie, on the off chance he makes it into the Presidential ballot. At this point, we just hold our nose and vote for the lesser of all available evils.
Well, so long as you're not holding out for a purple unicorn. (-:

Hillary isn't appealing to me, either.
Obama says Obama Care is doing well - Insurance Companies are bailing left and right

Obama says the economy is doing great - GDP is pitiful

Obama says unemployment is wonderful - Grads can't get a job and we only hired 38,000 in the entire month of may

ISIL is on the run - Orlando, CA, Boston, Paris, Belgium, FT Hood, TN, Egypt Air ... Do you feel safe?

Do you kind of see a pattern here? Does anyone remember LBJ? - Only heard what he wanted to hear.
Neither were lying. The Area under ISIS control is shrinking as the coalition is slowing taking ground back. However, the threat of ISIS carrying out attacks on soft targets in the west is still great. The President was talking about the former, and the CIA director was talking about the latter.

CIA was talking about the overall strategy.

The President acknowledged the threat ISIS poses by way of a terrorist attack, and the CIA director acknowledged the military gains in Iraq, Syria, and Libya.

CIA Director John Brennan Warns Lawmakers | Video | C-SPAN.org

President Obama Delivers Statement US Operations | Video | C-SPAN.org
Who's lying?

The answer is obvious but you got a 50/50 shot at getting it right. Good luck!

Heads Obama is right, tails the CIA is wrong.

The liberal way of doing the 50/50.
You need a two headed coin though
Also, make it a penny. If you do it that way, it's symbolic of Obama, since he's two-faced and worthless.

Just like the penny, the costs of having Obama in office far exceed the benefits. It's a net loss.
Who's lying?

The answer is obvious but you got a 50/50 shot at getting it right. Good luck!

Heads Obama is right, tails the CIA is wrong.

The liberal way of doing the 50/50.
You need a two headed coin though
Also, make it a penny. If you do it that way, it's symbolic of Obama, since he's two-faced and worthless.

Just like the penny, the costs of having Obama in office far exceed the benefits. It's a net loss.
ahhhhhhh, the thought of McCain in the oval office make my sphinter clench.

When we couldn't defeat Obama with 8% unemployment, I figured the gop was in a death spiral
Who's lying?

The answer is obvious but you got a 50/50 shot at getting it right. Good luck!

Heads Obama is right, tails the CIA is wrong.

The liberal way of doing the 50/50.
You need a two headed coin though
Also, make it a penny. If you do it that way, it's symbolic of Obama, since he's two-faced and worthless.

Just like the penny, the costs of having Obama in office far exceed the benefits. It's a net loss.
ahhhhhhh, the thought of McCain in the oval office make my sphinter clench.

When we couldn't defeat Obama with 8% unemployment, I figured the gop was in a death spiral

All you people lining up to kiss Obama's ass probably makes his clench. Or maybe not. He may like it. Lord knows all of you like doing it.
Frankly, I believe that Americans are missing the point with this - and the latest terror attack. We have sat by and allowed this administration, and their "minions" (ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC) to take a Terrorist attack on the US - and "reframe" it into gun control. Listen to the news. The FACT that this guy laid claim to ISIS - and ISIS took credit for it (as they said they would) has suddenly been turned into a gun control argument - rather than what it was - a terror attack.

Example: The mouthpieces on this forum took up that very cause - and have completely flooded this forum with "gun control" from day one.

We have a much greater threat in this country than "just" ISIS - we have a liberal population that acts as liberal lemmings - parroting the very words that their leader (Obama) wishes them to. America has much greater problems than a terrorists threat from abroad - we have Americans that have joined the ISIS club without knowing it.
Frankly, I believe that Americans are missing the point with this - and the latest terror attack. We have sat by and allowed this administration, and their "minions" (ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC) to take a Terrorist attack on the US - and "reframe" it into gun control. Listen to the news. The FACT that this guy laid claim to ISIS - and ISIS took credit for it (as they said they would) has suddenly been turned into a gun control argument - rather than what it was - a terror attack.

Example: The mouthpieces on this forum took up that very cause - and have completely flooded this forum with "gun control" from day one.

We have a much greater threat in this country than "just" ISIS - we have a liberal population that acts as liberal lemmings - parroting the very words that their leader (Obama) wishes them to. America has much greater problems than a terrorists threat from abroad - we have Americans that have joined the ISIS club without knowing it.

"Liberal"... please!

You are having a massive REGRESSIVE Islamist apologist problem.
Frankly, I believe that Americans are missing the point with this - and the latest terror attack. We have sat by and allowed this administration, and their "minions" (ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC) to take a Terrorist attack on the US - and "reframe" it into gun control. Listen to the news. The FACT that this guy laid claim to ISIS - and ISIS took credit for it (as they said they would) has suddenly been turned into a gun control argument - rather than what it was - a terror attack.

Example: The mouthpieces on this forum took up that very cause - and have completely flooded this forum with "gun control" from day one.

We have a much greater threat in this country than "just" ISIS - we have a liberal population that acts as liberal lemmings - parroting the very words that their leader (Obama) wishes them to. America has much greater problems than a terrorists threat from abroad - we have Americans that have joined the ISIS club without knowing it.

"Liberal"... please!

You are having a massive REGRESSIVE Islamist apologist problem.

Another lemming I see.....
Who's lying?

The answer is obvious but you got a 50/50 shot at getting it right. Good luck!

Simple, the CIA because President Obama can not lie and he cut down that Apple Tree...

You can read the news that ISIL is not contain, but hey let ignore reality and live with the thought the world is a safe place...
Libs don't live in reality anyway so...

Neither do Trump voters...

Not surprised. Putting America first would seem like an impossibility to a liberal regressive.
Who's lying?

The answer is obvious but you got a 50/50 shot at getting it right. Good luck!

Simple, the CIA because President Obama can not lie and he cut down that Apple Tree...

You can read the news that ISIL is not contain, but hey let ignore reality and live with the thought the world is a safe place...
Libs don't live in reality anyway so...

Neither do Trump voters...

Indeed. Putting America first would seem like an impossibility to a liberal regressive.

The thing is he never put America first in his private life so why would i believe he would put it first if he became President?

Trump is a salesman first and anything else second and you enjoy believing the lies he tell you while I live in the reality of the world...
Who's lying?

The answer is obvious but you got a 50/50 shot at getting it right. Good luck!

Simple, the CIA because President Obama can not lie and he cut down that Apple Tree...

You can read the news that ISIL is not contain, but hey let ignore reality and live with the thought the world is a safe place...
Libs don't live in reality anyway so...

Neither do Trump voters...

Indeed. Putting America first would seem like an impossibility to a liberal regressive.

The thing is he never put America first in his private life so why would i believe he would put it first if he became President?

Trump is a salesman first and anything else second and you enjoy believing the lies he tell you while I live in the reality of the world...

You live in Hillary's lies. Which you apparently believe fully.

Donald Trump HAS BEEN making America great since his birth. He added many extremely successful companies to the country, employing thousands and producing remarkable feats. Hillary's plan? Sell America to gay killing muslim democrats.
Who's lying?

The answer is obvious but you got a 50/50 shot at getting it right. Good luck!

Simple, the CIA because President Obama can not lie and he cut down that Apple Tree...

You can read the news that ISIL is not contain, but hey let ignore reality and live with the thought the world is a safe place...
Libs don't live in reality anyway so...

Neither do Trump voters...

Indeed. Putting America first would seem like an impossibility to a liberal regressive.

The thing is he never put America first in his private life so why would i believe he would put it first if he became President?

Trump is a salesman first and anything else second and you enjoy believing the lies he tell you while I live in the reality of the world...

Question: How do YOU know that he "never put America first in his life"? Proof? Link? or is it just supposition?
Who's lying?

The answer is obvious but you got a 50/50 shot at getting it right. Good luck!

Simple, the CIA because President Obama can not lie and he cut down that Apple Tree...

You can read the news that ISIL is not contain, but hey let ignore reality and live with the thought the world is a safe place...
Libs don't live in reality anyway so...

Neither do Trump voters...

Indeed. Putting America first would seem like an impossibility to a liberal regressive.

The thing is he never put America first in his private life so why would i believe he would put it first if he became President?

Trump is a salesman first and anything else second and you enjoy believing the lies he tell you while I live in the reality of the world...
Reality check... Neither have the Clinton's or Obama.

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