Obama says ISIS under control, head of CIA says opposite

Neither were lying. The Area under ISIS control is shrinking as the coalition is slowing taking ground back. However, the threat of ISIS carrying out attacks on soft targets in the west is still great. The President was talking about the former, and the CIA director was talking about the latter.
That is not what I hear when listening to him speak. Course I don't use a liberal hearing aid
Right, you use Limbaugh doublespeak.

Here is what Brennan said unfiltered by your MessiahRushie:

"On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar."

RUSH: After the Orlando shooting, Obama said, "ISIL is under more pressure than ever before. ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half the populated territory it once controlled in Iraq, and it will lose more." The CIA director today says they're bigger than ever, they're stronger than ever, they're wealthier than ever, and they're getting into this country in greater numbers than ever. Who are we to believe here?
I don't listen to Rush Blowhard but apparently you do eh? Stupid libtards & their ASSinine ASSumptions.

And your bloviating in no water contradicts the question put forth.
And yet you parrot his lies perfectly.
You're ignoring the contradiction he pointed out.
I quoted Brennan confirming what Obama said, so his "contradiction" is a Limbaugh Lie parroted by a moron who gets his Limbaugh Lies second hand, if he is to be believed. If you noticed the OP posted no quotes!!!!

Compare the two for yourself and then please highlight the "contradiction."

OBAMA: ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. In the past two months, local forces in Iraq, with coalition support, have liberated the western town of Rutbah and have also pushed up the Euphrates River Valley, liberating the strategic town of Hit and breaking the ISIL siege of Haditha. Iraqi forces have surrounded Fallujah and begun to move into the city. Meanwhile, in the north, Iraqi forces continue to push up the Tigris River Valley, making gains around Makhmour, and now preparing to tighten the noose around ISIL in Mosul. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half of the populated territory that it once controlled in Iraq -- and it will lose more.

ISIL continues to lose ground in Syria as well. Assisted by our Special Operations Forces, a coalition of local forces is now pressuring the key town of Manbij, which means the noose is tightening around ISIL in Raqqa as well. In short, our coalition continues to be on offense. ISIL is on defense. And it’s now been a full year since ISIL has been able to mount a major successful offensive operation in either Syria or Iraq.

As ISIL continues to lose territory, it also continues to lose the money that is its lifeblood. As a result of our strikes against its oil infrastructure and supply lines, we believe that we’ve cut ISIL’s revenue from oil by millions of dollars per month. In destroying the storage sites where they keep their cash, we’ve deprived ISIL of many millions more.

BRENNAN: On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar.
Neither were lying. The Area under ISIS control is shrinking as the coalition is slowing taking ground back. However, the threat of ISIS carrying out attacks on soft targets in the west is still great. The President was talking about the former, and the CIA director was talking about the latter.
That is not what I hear when listening to him speak. Course I don't use a liberal hearing aid
Right, you use Limbaugh doublespeak.

Here is what Brennan said unfiltered by your MessiahRushie:

"On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar."

RUSH: After the Orlando shooting, Obama said, "ISIL is under more pressure than ever before. ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half the populated territory it once controlled in Iraq, and it will lose more." The CIA director today says they're bigger than ever, they're stronger than ever, they're wealthier than ever, and they're getting into this country in greater numbers than ever. Who are we to believe here?
I don't listen to Rush Blowhard but apparently you do eh? Stupid libtards & their ASSinine ASSumptions.

And your bloviating in no water contradicts the question put forth.
And yet you parrot his lies perfectly.
Interesting considering I haven't listened to him since he was on TV. Just stop, you look stupid trying to force a round peg in a square hole.
Which only means you parrot your Limbaugh Lies second hand, if you can be believed.
Last edited:
Its pretty common for some dimwit like Obama to make excuses, claim everything is great, and blame everyone else for his failures.

Well, hell, to be honest, have we ever had a president that DIDN'T do exactly the same thing?

Obama draws a red line, then the gutless punk claims it wasn't his red line but the worlds red line so don't blame him for not acting when Syria crossed it. No I can't think of another president that lame.
Its pretty common for some dimwit like Obama to make excuses, claim everything is great, and blame everyone else for his failures.

Well, hell, to be honest, have we ever had a president that DIDN'T do exactly the same thing?

Obama draws a red line, then the gutless punk claims it wasn't his red line but the worlds red line so don't blame him for not acting when Syria crossed it. No I can't think of another president that lame.

One thing we can both definitely agree on - he is most assuredly a gutless punk. Of that, there can be no question.
That is not what I hear when listening to him speak. Course I don't use a liberal hearing aid
Right, you use Limbaugh doublespeak.

Here is what Brennan said unfiltered by your MessiahRushie:

"On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar."

RUSH: After the Orlando shooting, Obama said, "ISIL is under more pressure than ever before. ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half the populated territory it once controlled in Iraq, and it will lose more." The CIA director today says they're bigger than ever, they're stronger than ever, they're wealthier than ever, and they're getting into this country in greater numbers than ever. Who are we to believe here?
I don't listen to Rush Blowhard but apparently you do eh? Stupid libtards & their ASSinine ASSumptions.

And your bloviating in no water contradicts the question put forth.
And yet you parrot his lies perfectly.
You're ignoring the contradiction he pointed out.
I quoted Brennan confirming what Obama said, so his "contradiction" is a Limbaugh Lie parroted by a moron who gets his Limbaugh Lies second hand, if he is to be believed. If you noticed the OP posted no quotes!!!!

Compare the two for yourself and then please highlight the "contradiction."

OBAMA: ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. In the past two months, local forces in Iraq, with coalition support, have liberated the western town of Rutbah and have also pushed up the Euphrates River Valley, liberating the strategic town of Hit and breaking the ISIL siege of Haditha. Iraqi forces have surrounded Fallujah and begun to move into the city. Meanwhile, in the north, Iraqi forces continue to push up the Tigris River Valley, making gains around Makhmour, and now preparing to tighten the noose around ISIL in Mosul. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half of the populated territory that it once controlled in Iraq -- and it will lose more.

ISIL continues to lose ground in Syria as well. Assisted by our Special Operations Forces, a coalition of local forces is now pressuring the key town of Manbij, which means the noose is tightening around ISIL in Raqqa as well. In short, our coalition continues to be on offense. ISIL is on defense. And it’s now been a full year since ISIL has been able to mount a major successful offensive operation in either Syria or Iraq.

As ISIL continues to lose territory, it also continues to lose the money that is its lifeblood. As a result of our strikes against its oil infrastructure and supply lines, we believe that we’ve cut ISIL’s revenue from oil by millions of dollars per month. In destroying the storage sites where they keep their cash, we’ve deprived ISIL of many millions more.

BRENNAN: On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar.

Too many words, since you are not Steven King no one will read that.
That is not what I hear when listening to him speak. Course I don't use a liberal hearing aid
Right, you use Limbaugh doublespeak.

Here is what Brennan said unfiltered by your MessiahRushie:

"On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar."

RUSH: After the Orlando shooting, Obama said, "ISIL is under more pressure than ever before. ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half the populated territory it once controlled in Iraq, and it will lose more." The CIA director today says they're bigger than ever, they're stronger than ever, they're wealthier than ever, and they're getting into this country in greater numbers than ever. Who are we to believe here?
I don't listen to Rush Blowhard but apparently you do eh? Stupid libtards & their ASSinine ASSumptions.

And your bloviating in no water contradicts the question put forth.
And yet you parrot his lies perfectly.
Interesting considering I haven't listened to him since he was on TV. Just stop, you look stupid trying to force a round peg in a square hole.
Which only means you parrot your Limbaugh Lies second hand.
Still stuck on stupid I see. Let me be as clear as possible for you since you apparently have a learning disability.
I don't listen to Rush.
I don't visit any political sites besides this one.
I don't do social media AT ALL
I don't listen to any political talk radio.
There is no second hand info.
I watched the head of the cia from beginning to end.
I listen to Obama from beginning to end.
I use my brain to come to my own conclusions.
They are not on the same page.

Neither were lying. The Area under ISIS control is shrinking as the coalition is slowing taking ground back. However, the threat of ISIS carrying out attacks on soft targets in the west is still great. The President was talking about the former, and the CIA director was talking about the latter.
That is not what I hear when listening to him speak. Course I don't use a liberal hearing aid
Right, you use Limbaugh doublespeak.

Here is what Brennan said unfiltered by your MessiahRushie:

"On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar."

RUSH: After the Orlando shooting, Obama said, "ISIL is under more pressure than ever before. ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half the populated territory it once controlled in Iraq, and it will lose more." The CIA director today says they're bigger than ever, they're stronger than ever, they're wealthier than ever, and they're getting into this country in greater numbers than ever. Who are we to believe here?
I don't listen to Rush Blowhard but apparently you do eh? Stupid libtards & their ASSinine ASSumptions.

And your bloviating in no way contradicts the question put forth.

Perhaps you could share your source for the alleged contradiction between the President and the CIA Director?
Right, you use Limbaugh doublespeak.

Here is what Brennan said unfiltered by your MessiahRushie:

"On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar."

RUSH: After the Orlando shooting, Obama said, "ISIL is under more pressure than ever before. ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half the populated territory it once controlled in Iraq, and it will lose more." The CIA director today says they're bigger than ever, they're stronger than ever, they're wealthier than ever, and they're getting into this country in greater numbers than ever. Who are we to believe here?
I don't listen to Rush Blowhard but apparently you do eh? Stupid libtards & their ASSinine ASSumptions.

And your bloviating in no water contradicts the question put forth.
And yet you parrot his lies perfectly.
You're ignoring the contradiction he pointed out.
I quoted Brennan confirming what Obama said, so his "contradiction" is a Limbaugh Lie parroted by a moron who gets his Limbaugh Lies second hand, if he is to be believed. If you noticed the OP posted no quotes!!!!

Compare the two for yourself and then please highlight the "contradiction."

OBAMA: ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. In the past two months, local forces in Iraq, with coalition support, have liberated the western town of Rutbah and have also pushed up the Euphrates River Valley, liberating the strategic town of Hit and breaking the ISIL siege of Haditha. Iraqi forces have surrounded Fallujah and begun to move into the city. Meanwhile, in the north, Iraqi forces continue to push up the Tigris River Valley, making gains around Makhmour, and now preparing to tighten the noose around ISIL in Mosul. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half of the populated territory that it once controlled in Iraq -- and it will lose more.

ISIL continues to lose ground in Syria as well. Assisted by our Special Operations Forces, a coalition of local forces is now pressuring the key town of Manbij, which means the noose is tightening around ISIL in Raqqa as well. In short, our coalition continues to be on offense. ISIL is on defense. And it’s now been a full year since ISIL has been able to mount a major successful offensive operation in either Syria or Iraq.

As ISIL continues to lose territory, it also continues to lose the money that is its lifeblood. As a result of our strikes against its oil infrastructure and supply lines, we believe that we’ve cut ISIL’s revenue from oil by millions of dollars per month. In destroying the storage sites where they keep their cash, we’ve deprived ISIL of many millions more.

BRENNAN: On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar.

Too many words, since you are not Steven King no one will read that.
No need to read it. I watched it FIRST HAND
LIBs need to cherry pick bulletin points to have anything resembling an argument.
Right, you use Limbaugh doublespeak.

Here is what Brennan said unfiltered by your MessiahRushie:

"On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar."

RUSH: After the Orlando shooting, Obama said, "ISIL is under more pressure than ever before. ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half the populated territory it once controlled in Iraq, and it will lose more." The CIA director today says they're bigger than ever, they're stronger than ever, they're wealthier than ever, and they're getting into this country in greater numbers than ever. Who are we to believe here?
I don't listen to Rush Blowhard but apparently you do eh? Stupid libtards & their ASSinine ASSumptions.

And your bloviating in no water contradicts the question put forth.
And yet you parrot his lies perfectly.
You're ignoring the contradiction he pointed out.
I quoted Brennan confirming what Obama said, so his "contradiction" is a Limbaugh Lie parroted by a moron who gets his Limbaugh Lies second hand, if he is to be believed. If you noticed the OP posted no quotes!!!!

Compare the two for yourself and then please highlight the "contradiction."

OBAMA: ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. In the past two months, local forces in Iraq, with coalition support, have liberated the western town of Rutbah and have also pushed up the Euphrates River Valley, liberating the strategic town of Hit and breaking the ISIL siege of Haditha. Iraqi forces have surrounded Fallujah and begun to move into the city. Meanwhile, in the north, Iraqi forces continue to push up the Tigris River Valley, making gains around Makhmour, and now preparing to tighten the noose around ISIL in Mosul. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half of the populated territory that it once controlled in Iraq -- and it will lose more.

ISIL continues to lose ground in Syria as well. Assisted by our Special Operations Forces, a coalition of local forces is now pressuring the key town of Manbij, which means the noose is tightening around ISIL in Raqqa as well. In short, our coalition continues to be on offense. ISIL is on defense. And it’s now been a full year since ISIL has been able to mount a major successful offensive operation in either Syria or Iraq.

As ISIL continues to lose territory, it also continues to lose the money that is its lifeblood. As a result of our strikes against its oil infrastructure and supply lines, we believe that we’ve cut ISIL’s revenue from oil by millions of dollars per month. In destroying the storage sites where they keep their cash, we’ve deprived ISIL of many millions more.

BRENNAN: On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar.

Too many words, since you are not Steven King no one will read that.

Yeah, you'll never get that on a bumper-sticker!
I don't listen to Rush Blowhard but apparently you do eh? Stupid libtards & their ASSinine ASSumptions.

And your bloviating in no water contradicts the question put forth.
And yet you parrot his lies perfectly.
You're ignoring the contradiction he pointed out.
I quoted Brennan confirming what Obama said, so his "contradiction" is a Limbaugh Lie parroted by a moron who gets his Limbaugh Lies second hand, if he is to be believed. If you noticed the OP posted no quotes!!!!

Compare the two for yourself and then please highlight the "contradiction."

OBAMA: ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. In the past two months, local forces in Iraq, with coalition support, have liberated the western town of Rutbah and have also pushed up the Euphrates River Valley, liberating the strategic town of Hit and breaking the ISIL siege of Haditha. Iraqi forces have surrounded Fallujah and begun to move into the city. Meanwhile, in the north, Iraqi forces continue to push up the Tigris River Valley, making gains around Makhmour, and now preparing to tighten the noose around ISIL in Mosul. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half of the populated territory that it once controlled in Iraq -- and it will lose more.

ISIL continues to lose ground in Syria as well. Assisted by our Special Operations Forces, a coalition of local forces is now pressuring the key town of Manbij, which means the noose is tightening around ISIL in Raqqa as well. In short, our coalition continues to be on offense. ISIL is on defense. And it’s now been a full year since ISIL has been able to mount a major successful offensive operation in either Syria or Iraq.

As ISIL continues to lose territory, it also continues to lose the money that is its lifeblood. As a result of our strikes against its oil infrastructure and supply lines, we believe that we’ve cut ISIL’s revenue from oil by millions of dollars per month. In destroying the storage sites where they keep their cash, we’ve deprived ISIL of many millions more.

BRENNAN: On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar.

Too many words, since you are not Steven King no one will read that.

Yeah, you'll never get that on a bumper-sticker!

Neither were lying. The Area under ISIS control is shrinking as the coalition is slowing taking ground back. However, the threat of ISIS carrying out attacks on soft targets in the west is still great. The President was talking about the former, and the CIA director was talking about the latter.
That is not what I hear when listening to him speak. Course I don't use a liberal hearing aid
Right, you use Limbaugh doublespeak.

Here is what Brennan said unfiltered by your MessiahRushie:

"On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar."

RUSH: After the Orlando shooting, Obama said, "ISIL is under more pressure than ever before. ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half the populated territory it once controlled in Iraq, and it will lose more." The CIA director today says they're bigger than ever, they're stronger than ever, they're wealthier than ever, and they're getting into this country in greater numbers than ever. Who are we to believe here?
I don't listen to Rush Blowhard but apparently you do eh? Stupid libtards & their ASSinine ASSumptions.

And your bloviating in no way contradicts the question put forth.

Perhaps you could share your source for the alleged contradiction between the President and the CIA Director?
And yet you parrot his lies perfectly.
You're ignoring the contradiction he pointed out.
I quoted Brennan confirming what Obama said, so his "contradiction" is a Limbaugh Lie parroted by a moron who gets his Limbaugh Lies second hand, if he is to be believed. If you noticed the OP posted no quotes!!!!

Compare the two for yourself and then please highlight the "contradiction."

OBAMA: ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. In the past two months, local forces in Iraq, with coalition support, have liberated the western town of Rutbah and have also pushed up the Euphrates River Valley, liberating the strategic town of Hit and breaking the ISIL siege of Haditha. Iraqi forces have surrounded Fallujah and begun to move into the city. Meanwhile, in the north, Iraqi forces continue to push up the Tigris River Valley, making gains around Makhmour, and now preparing to tighten the noose around ISIL in Mosul. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half of the populated territory that it once controlled in Iraq -- and it will lose more.

ISIL continues to lose ground in Syria as well. Assisted by our Special Operations Forces, a coalition of local forces is now pressuring the key town of Manbij, which means the noose is tightening around ISIL in Raqqa as well. In short, our coalition continues to be on offense. ISIL is on defense. And it’s now been a full year since ISIL has been able to mount a major successful offensive operation in either Syria or Iraq.

As ISIL continues to lose territory, it also continues to lose the money that is its lifeblood. As a result of our strikes against its oil infrastructure and supply lines, we believe that we’ve cut ISIL’s revenue from oil by millions of dollars per month. In destroying the storage sites where they keep their cash, we’ve deprived ISIL of many millions more.

BRENNAN: On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar.

Too many words, since you are not Steven King no one will read that.

Yeah, you'll never get that on a bumper-sticker!


But you'll listened to the entire testimony.....Riiiiiiiiight.

Right, you use Limbaugh doublespeak.

Here is what Brennan said unfiltered by your MessiahRushie:

"On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar."

RUSH: After the Orlando shooting, Obama said, "ISIL is under more pressure than ever before. ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half the populated territory it once controlled in Iraq, and it will lose more." The CIA director today says they're bigger than ever, they're stronger than ever, they're wealthier than ever, and they're getting into this country in greater numbers than ever. Who are we to believe here?
I don't listen to Rush Blowhard but apparently you do eh? Stupid libtards & their ASSinine ASSumptions.

And your bloviating in no water contradicts the question put forth.
And yet you parrot his lies perfectly.
You're ignoring the contradiction he pointed out.
I quoted Brennan confirming what Obama said, so his "contradiction" is a Limbaugh Lie parroted by a moron who gets his Limbaugh Lies second hand, if he is to be believed. If you noticed the OP posted no quotes!!!!

Compare the two for yourself and then please highlight the "contradiction."

OBAMA: ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. In the past two months, local forces in Iraq, with coalition support, have liberated the western town of Rutbah and have also pushed up the Euphrates River Valley, liberating the strategic town of Hit and breaking the ISIL siege of Haditha. Iraqi forces have surrounded Fallujah and begun to move into the city. Meanwhile, in the north, Iraqi forces continue to push up the Tigris River Valley, making gains around Makhmour, and now preparing to tighten the noose around ISIL in Mosul. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half of the populated territory that it once controlled in Iraq -- and it will lose more.

ISIL continues to lose ground in Syria as well. Assisted by our Special Operations Forces, a coalition of local forces is now pressuring the key town of Manbij, which means the noose is tightening around ISIL in Raqqa as well. In short, our coalition continues to be on offense. ISIL is on defense. And it’s now been a full year since ISIL has been able to mount a major successful offensive operation in either Syria or Iraq.

As ISIL continues to lose territory, it also continues to lose the money that is its lifeblood. As a result of our strikes against its oil infrastructure and supply lines, we believe that we’ve cut ISIL’s revenue from oil by millions of dollars per month. In destroying the storage sites where they keep their cash, we’ve deprived ISIL of many millions more.

BRENNAN: On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar.

Too many words, since you are not Steven King no one will read that.
IOW, the quotes from Obama and Bennan that I posted expose your lie.
Thank you.
I don't listen to Rush Blowhard but apparently you do eh? Stupid libtards & their ASSinine ASSumptions.

And your bloviating in no water contradicts the question put forth.
And yet you parrot his lies perfectly.
You're ignoring the contradiction he pointed out.
I quoted Brennan confirming what Obama said, so his "contradiction" is a Limbaugh Lie parroted by a moron who gets his Limbaugh Lies second hand, if he is to be believed. If you noticed the OP posted no quotes!!!!

Compare the two for yourself and then please highlight the "contradiction."

OBAMA: ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. In the past two months, local forces in Iraq, with coalition support, have liberated the western town of Rutbah and have also pushed up the Euphrates River Valley, liberating the strategic town of Hit and breaking the ISIL siege of Haditha. Iraqi forces have surrounded Fallujah and begun to move into the city. Meanwhile, in the north, Iraqi forces continue to push up the Tigris River Valley, making gains around Makhmour, and now preparing to tighten the noose around ISIL in Mosul. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half of the populated territory that it once controlled in Iraq -- and it will lose more.

ISIL continues to lose ground in Syria as well. Assisted by our Special Operations Forces, a coalition of local forces is now pressuring the key town of Manbij, which means the noose is tightening around ISIL in Raqqa as well. In short, our coalition continues to be on offense. ISIL is on defense. And it’s now been a full year since ISIL has been able to mount a major successful offensive operation in either Syria or Iraq.

As ISIL continues to lose territory, it also continues to lose the money that is its lifeblood. As a result of our strikes against its oil infrastructure and supply lines, we believe that we’ve cut ISIL’s revenue from oil by millions of dollars per month. In destroying the storage sites where they keep their cash, we’ve deprived ISIL of many millions more.

BRENNAN: On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar.

Too many words, since you are not Steven King no one will read that.
IOW, the quotes from Obama and Bennan that I posted expose your lie.
Thank you.
Do you understand how an opinion is formed or what an opinion is? Do you understand that it is possible for your opinion to differ from mine yet neither are necessarily wrong or a lie? Do you understand how incredibly stupid you look right now?
Perhaps you should click on the link I provided. It teaches you THE BASICS of how a NORMAL brain functions. Here it is again. Good luck!
You're ignoring the contradiction he pointed out.
I quoted Brennan confirming what Obama said, so his "contradiction" is a Limbaugh Lie parroted by a moron who gets his Limbaugh Lies second hand, if he is to be believed. If you noticed the OP posted no quotes!!!!

Compare the two for yourself and then please highlight the "contradiction."

OBAMA: ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. In the past two months, local forces in Iraq, with coalition support, have liberated the western town of Rutbah and have also pushed up the Euphrates River Valley, liberating the strategic town of Hit and breaking the ISIL siege of Haditha. Iraqi forces have surrounded Fallujah and begun to move into the city. Meanwhile, in the north, Iraqi forces continue to push up the Tigris River Valley, making gains around Makhmour, and now preparing to tighten the noose around ISIL in Mosul. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half of the populated territory that it once controlled in Iraq -- and it will lose more.

ISIL continues to lose ground in Syria as well. Assisted by our Special Operations Forces, a coalition of local forces is now pressuring the key town of Manbij, which means the noose is tightening around ISIL in Raqqa as well. In short, our coalition continues to be on offense. ISIL is on defense. And it’s now been a full year since ISIL has been able to mount a major successful offensive operation in either Syria or Iraq.

As ISIL continues to lose territory, it also continues to lose the money that is its lifeblood. As a result of our strikes against its oil infrastructure and supply lines, we believe that we’ve cut ISIL’s revenue from oil by millions of dollars per month. In destroying the storage sites where they keep their cash, we’ve deprived ISIL of many millions more.

BRENNAN: On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar.

Too many words, since you are not Steven King no one will read that.

Yeah, you'll never get that on a bumper-sticker!


But you'll listened to the entire testimony.....Riiiiiiiiight.

Yup, all that was aired during live television. I understand the Liberals have to pretend reality is different than it really is but come on. Wasn't it you that called me a liar yesterday because you didn't believe I read the Koran & Bible? Is this gonna become a thing now?
I don't listen to Rush Blowhard but apparently you do eh? Stupid libtards & their ASSinine ASSumptions.

And your bloviating in no water contradicts the question put forth.
And yet you parrot his lies perfectly.
You're ignoring the contradiction he pointed out.
I quoted Brennan confirming what Obama said, so his "contradiction" is a Limbaugh Lie parroted by a moron who gets his Limbaugh Lies second hand, if he is to be believed. If you noticed the OP posted no quotes!!!!

Compare the two for yourself and then please highlight the "contradiction."

OBAMA: ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. In the past two months, local forces in Iraq, with coalition support, have liberated the western town of Rutbah and have also pushed up the Euphrates River Valley, liberating the strategic town of Hit and breaking the ISIL siege of Haditha. Iraqi forces have surrounded Fallujah and begun to move into the city. Meanwhile, in the north, Iraqi forces continue to push up the Tigris River Valley, making gains around Makhmour, and now preparing to tighten the noose around ISIL in Mosul. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half of the populated territory that it once controlled in Iraq -- and it will lose more.

ISIL continues to lose ground in Syria as well. Assisted by our Special Operations Forces, a coalition of local forces is now pressuring the key town of Manbij, which means the noose is tightening around ISIL in Raqqa as well. In short, our coalition continues to be on offense. ISIL is on defense. And it’s now been a full year since ISIL has been able to mount a major successful offensive operation in either Syria or Iraq.

As ISIL continues to lose territory, it also continues to lose the money that is its lifeblood. As a result of our strikes against its oil infrastructure and supply lines, we believe that we’ve cut ISIL’s revenue from oil by millions of dollars per month. In destroying the storage sites where they keep their cash, we’ve deprived ISIL of many millions more.

BRENNAN: On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar.

Too many words, since you are not Steven King no one will read that.
IOW, the quotes from Obama and Bennan that I posted expose your lie.
Thank you.

What lie?
And yet you parrot his lies perfectly.
You're ignoring the contradiction he pointed out.
I quoted Brennan confirming what Obama said, so his "contradiction" is a Limbaugh Lie parroted by a moron who gets his Limbaugh Lies second hand, if he is to be believed. If you noticed the OP posted no quotes!!!!

Compare the two for yourself and then please highlight the "contradiction."

OBAMA: ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. In the past two months, local forces in Iraq, with coalition support, have liberated the western town of Rutbah and have also pushed up the Euphrates River Valley, liberating the strategic town of Hit and breaking the ISIL siege of Haditha. Iraqi forces have surrounded Fallujah and begun to move into the city. Meanwhile, in the north, Iraqi forces continue to push up the Tigris River Valley, making gains around Makhmour, and now preparing to tighten the noose around ISIL in Mosul. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half of the populated territory that it once controlled in Iraq -- and it will lose more.

ISIL continues to lose ground in Syria as well. Assisted by our Special Operations Forces, a coalition of local forces is now pressuring the key town of Manbij, which means the noose is tightening around ISIL in Raqqa as well. In short, our coalition continues to be on offense. ISIL is on defense. And it’s now been a full year since ISIL has been able to mount a major successful offensive operation in either Syria or Iraq.

As ISIL continues to lose territory, it also continues to lose the money that is its lifeblood. As a result of our strikes against its oil infrastructure and supply lines, we believe that we’ve cut ISIL’s revenue from oil by millions of dollars per month. In destroying the storage sites where they keep their cash, we’ve deprived ISIL of many millions more.

BRENNAN: On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar.

Too many words, since you are not Steven King no one will read that.
IOW, the quotes from Obama and Bennan that I posted expose your lie.
Thank you.

What lie?
He's like a bernbot at a Trump rally. Here to stop the freedom of speech & thoughts of those he disagrees with.
And yet you parrot his lies perfectly.
You're ignoring the contradiction he pointed out.
I quoted Brennan confirming what Obama said, so his "contradiction" is a Limbaugh Lie parroted by a moron who gets his Limbaugh Lies second hand, if he is to be believed. If you noticed the OP posted no quotes!!!!

Compare the two for yourself and then please highlight the "contradiction."

OBAMA: ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. In the past two months, local forces in Iraq, with coalition support, have liberated the western town of Rutbah and have also pushed up the Euphrates River Valley, liberating the strategic town of Hit and breaking the ISIL siege of Haditha. Iraqi forces have surrounded Fallujah and begun to move into the city. Meanwhile, in the north, Iraqi forces continue to push up the Tigris River Valley, making gains around Makhmour, and now preparing to tighten the noose around ISIL in Mosul. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half of the populated territory that it once controlled in Iraq -- and it will lose more.

ISIL continues to lose ground in Syria as well. Assisted by our Special Operations Forces, a coalition of local forces is now pressuring the key town of Manbij, which means the noose is tightening around ISIL in Raqqa as well. In short, our coalition continues to be on offense. ISIL is on defense. And it’s now been a full year since ISIL has been able to mount a major successful offensive operation in either Syria or Iraq.

As ISIL continues to lose territory, it also continues to lose the money that is its lifeblood. As a result of our strikes against its oil infrastructure and supply lines, we believe that we’ve cut ISIL’s revenue from oil by millions of dollars per month. In destroying the storage sites where they keep their cash, we’ve deprived ISIL of many millions more.

BRENNAN: On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar.

Too many words, since you are not Steven King no one will read that.
IOW, the quotes from Obama and Bennan that I posted expose your lie.
Thank you.
Do you understand how an opinion is formed or what an opinion is? Do you understand that it is possible for your opinion to differ from mine yet neither are necessarily wrong or a lie? Do you understand how incredibly stupid you look right now?
Perhaps you should click on the link I provided. It teaches you THE BASICS of how a NORMAL brain functions. Here it is again. Good luck!

In the title of the thread you claim that the CIA said the opposite of what the president said. So that is not really an opinion but a statement of supposed fact. Which has been debunked by the actual facts of what they really said..

Misrepresenting original facts and then developing an entire and often elaborate false conclusion based on the original misrepresented facts is exactly what ElRushbo does all the time.
And yet you parrot his lies perfectly.
You're ignoring the contradiction he pointed out.
I quoted Brennan confirming what Obama said, so his "contradiction" is a Limbaugh Lie parroted by a moron who gets his Limbaugh Lies second hand, if he is to be believed. If you noticed the OP posted no quotes!!!!

Compare the two for yourself and then please highlight the "contradiction."

OBAMA: ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. In the past two months, local forces in Iraq, with coalition support, have liberated the western town of Rutbah and have also pushed up the Euphrates River Valley, liberating the strategic town of Hit and breaking the ISIL siege of Haditha. Iraqi forces have surrounded Fallujah and begun to move into the city. Meanwhile, in the north, Iraqi forces continue to push up the Tigris River Valley, making gains around Makhmour, and now preparing to tighten the noose around ISIL in Mosul. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half of the populated territory that it once controlled in Iraq -- and it will lose more.

ISIL continues to lose ground in Syria as well. Assisted by our Special Operations Forces, a coalition of local forces is now pressuring the key town of Manbij, which means the noose is tightening around ISIL in Raqqa as well. In short, our coalition continues to be on offense. ISIL is on defense. And it’s now been a full year since ISIL has been able to mount a major successful offensive operation in either Syria or Iraq.

As ISIL continues to lose territory, it also continues to lose the money that is its lifeblood. As a result of our strikes against its oil infrastructure and supply lines, we believe that we’ve cut ISIL’s revenue from oil by millions of dollars per month. In destroying the storage sites where they keep their cash, we’ve deprived ISIL of many millions more.

BRENNAN: On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar.

Too many words, since you are not Steven King no one will read that.
IOW, the quotes from Obama and Bennan that I posted expose your lie.
Thank you.
Do you understand how an opinion is formed or what an opinion is? Do you understand that it is possible for your opinion to differ from mine yet neither are necessarily wrong or a lie? Do you understand how incredibly stupid you look right now?
A lie is when Brennan agrees with Obama and you say he contradicts him. The quotes I posted expose your lie.

It is your opinion that you are not lying, and it is your opinion that your lie makes me look stupid, so obviously I do know the difference between a lie and an opinion.
And yet you parrot his lies perfectly.
You're ignoring the contradiction he pointed out.
I quoted Brennan confirming what Obama said, so his "contradiction" is a Limbaugh Lie parroted by a moron who gets his Limbaugh Lies second hand, if he is to be believed. If you noticed the OP posted no quotes!!!!

Compare the two for yourself and then please highlight the "contradiction."

OBAMA: ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. In the past two months, local forces in Iraq, with coalition support, have liberated the western town of Rutbah and have also pushed up the Euphrates River Valley, liberating the strategic town of Hit and breaking the ISIL siege of Haditha. Iraqi forces have surrounded Fallujah and begun to move into the city. Meanwhile, in the north, Iraqi forces continue to push up the Tigris River Valley, making gains around Makhmour, and now preparing to tighten the noose around ISIL in Mosul. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half of the populated territory that it once controlled in Iraq -- and it will lose more.

ISIL continues to lose ground in Syria as well. Assisted by our Special Operations Forces, a coalition of local forces is now pressuring the key town of Manbij, which means the noose is tightening around ISIL in Raqqa as well. In short, our coalition continues to be on offense. ISIL is on defense. And it’s now been a full year since ISIL has been able to mount a major successful offensive operation in either Syria or Iraq.

As ISIL continues to lose territory, it also continues to lose the money that is its lifeblood. As a result of our strikes against its oil infrastructure and supply lines, we believe that we’ve cut ISIL’s revenue from oil by millions of dollars per month. In destroying the storage sites where they keep their cash, we’ve deprived ISIL of many millions more.

BRENNAN: On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar.

Too many words, since you are not Steven King no one will read that.
IOW, the quotes from Obama and Bennan that I posted expose your lie.
Thank you.

What lie?
Read the title of this thread and then highlight what Brennan said that was the opposite of what Obama said in the two quotes I posted.

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