Obama says ISIS under control, head of CIA says opposite

It is truly sad when both the US CIA and the US President are so 100% full of treasonous #### that we have to rely on Putin to get a clue here.

Here is the first clue, which explains why ISYS never hits Israel...


Like other pseudoJews, Al Baghdadi is really Simon Elliot, Mossad agent, just like Lindsay Graham is really a queer left wing Zionist Jew disguised as a "Christian Conservative..."
Neither were lying. The Area under ISIS control is shrinking as the coalition is slowing taking ground back. However, the threat of ISIS carrying out attacks on soft targets in the west is still great. The President was talking about the former, and the CIA director was talking about the latter.
That is not what I hear when listening to him speak. Course I don't use a liberal hearing aid
Right, you use Limbaugh doublespeak.

Here is what Brennan said unfiltered by your MessiahRushie:

BRENNAN: On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar.

RUSH: After the Orlando shooting, Obama said, "ISIL is under more pressure than ever before. ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half the populated territory it once controlled in Iraq, and it will lose more." The CIA director today says they're bigger than ever, they're stronger than ever, they're wealthier than ever, and they're getting into this country in greater numbers than ever. Who are we to believe here?
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Neither were lying. The Area under ISIS control is shrinking as the coalition is slowing taking ground back. However, the threat of ISIS carrying out attacks on soft targets in the west is still great. The President was talking about the former, and the CIA director was talking about the latter.

Well Assad and Putin are beating the shit out of them in Syria, but they have expanded into Libya and Afghanistan. Big time.
Who's lying?

The answer is obvious but you got a 50/50 shot at getting it right. Good luck!

Simple, the CIA because President Obama can not lie and he cut down that Apple Tree...

You can read the news that ISIL is not contain, but hey let ignore reality and live with the thought the world is a safe place...
Libs don't live in reality anyway so...

Neither do Trump voters...
At this point, we can say the same about anyone actually voting in this election. If you vote for Trump, you're 'an idiot', if you vote for Johnson, you're an 'idiot', if you vote for Hillary, you're an idiot. On the upside, I don't have to throw away my dignity, I'm not old enough to vote.
Who's lying?

The answer is obvious but you got a 50/50 shot at getting it right. Good luck!

Simple, the CIA because President Obama can not lie and he cut down that Apple Tree...

You can read the news that ISIL is not contain, but hey let ignore reality and live with the thought the world is a safe place...
Libs don't live in reality anyway so...

Neither do Trump voters...
At this point, we can say the same about anyone actually voting in this election. If you vote for Trump, you're 'an idiot', if you vote for Johnson, you're an 'idiot', if you vote for Hillary, you're an idiot. On the upside, I don't have to throw away my dignity, I'm not old enough to vote.

That's the unfortunate consequences of having candidates that (in any other election) would be considered the "bottom of the barrel". We are going to actually (as hard as it is for me to say this) elect the better of two VERY BAD choices. Neither will be worth a damn. This is your introduction to American politics in the 21st century. It's a shame, it really is. Now, lefties will tell you (as they scream at you) that "Hillary will make a WONDERFUL president" while those who support Trump will scream at you "But Donald is a businessman!!"

Fact of the matter? Both are narcissistic, egomaniacs whose very existence depends on their achieving "power" in their lives. Napoleon was a prime example of what we are dealing with here.

Unfortunately, when an empire (in this case America) reaches the point that Rome did with Caligula - where we are faced with electing poseurs to an office that is far above either of their heads - we are on our last legs as both an empire - and a country. It happens to all the big guys. Rome, England, and so on.

Both the Republicans and the Democrats understand what is at stake here - that's why the screaming, gnashing of teeth, wringing of hands etc is happening - and it will get much worse later this summer. The liberals are screaming for tyranny - the conservatives are screaming for a capitalist. It's the nature of the beast.

Pay close attention, young blood. You are bearing witness to the end of an empire.
Neither were lying. The Area under ISIS control is shrinking as the coalition is slowing taking ground back. However, the threat of ISIS carrying out attacks on soft targets in the west is still great. The President was talking about the former, and the CIA director was talking about the latter.
That is not what I hear when listening to him speak. Course I don't use a liberal hearing aid
Right, you use Limbaugh doublespeak.

Here is what Brennan said unfiltered by your MessiahRushie:

"On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar."

RUSH: After the Orlando shooting, Obama said, "ISIL is under more pressure than ever before. ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half the populated territory it once controlled in Iraq, and it will lose more." The CIA director today says they're bigger than ever, they're stronger than ever, they're wealthier than ever, and they're getting into this country in greater numbers than ever. Who are we to believe here?
I don't listen to Rush Blowhard but apparently you do eh? Stupid libtards & their ASSinine ASSumptions.

And your bloviating in no way contradicts the question put forth.
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Who's lying?

The answer is obvious but you got a 50/50 shot at getting it right. Good luck!

Simple, the CIA because President Obama can not lie and he cut down that Apple Tree...

You can read the news that ISIL is not contain, but hey let ignore reality and live with the thought the world is a safe place...
Libs don't live in reality anyway so...

Neither do Trump voters...
At this point, we can say the same about anyone actually voting in this election. If you vote for Trump, you're 'an idiot', if you vote for Johnson, you're an 'idiot', if you vote for Hillary, you're an idiot. On the upside, I don't have to throw away my dignity, I'm not old enough to vote.

That's the unfortunate consequences of having candidates that (in any other election) would be considered the "bottom of the barrel". We are going to actually (as hard as it is for me to say this) elect the better of two VERY BAD choices. Neither will be worth a damn. This is your introduction to American politics in the 21st century. It's a shame, it really is. Now, lefties will tell you (as they scream at you) that "Hillary will make a WONDERFUL president" while those who support Trump will scream at you "But Donald is a businessman!!"

Fact of the matter? Both are narcissistic, egomaniacs whose very existence depends on their achieving "power" in their lives. Napoleon was a prime example of what we are dealing with here.

Unfortunately, when an empire (in this case America) reaches the point that Rome did with Caligula - where we are faced with electing poseurs to an office that is far above either of their heads - we are on our last legs as both an empire - and a country. It happens to all the big guys. Rome, England, and so on.

Both the Republicans and the Democrats understand what is at stake here - that's why the screaming, gnashing of teeth, wringing of hands etc is happening - and it will get much worse later this summer. The liberals are screaming for tyranny - the conservatives are screaming for a capitalist. It's the nature of the beast.

Pay close attention, young blood. You are bearing witness to the end of an empire.
We're getting there, but I don't think we're there quite yet. We have yet to become a fully Socialist country, and history dictates that most of them end with Socialism. Had Bernie Sanders won the election, then we'd be witnessing the end, but I think we have some time before we actually get there. Besides, Greece, UK, Germany, Russia, North Korea, China and a few other countries, have to fall first. It has been significantly worse over there, for a much longer time.
Neither were lying. The Area under ISIS control is shrinking as the coalition is slowing taking ground back. However, the threat of ISIS carrying out attacks on soft targets in the west is still great. The President was talking about the former, and the CIA director was talking about the latter.
That is not what I hear when listening to him speak. Course I don't use a liberal hearing aid
Right, you use Limbaugh doublespeak.

Here is what Brennan said unfiltered by your MessiahRushie:

"On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar."

RUSH: After the Orlando shooting, Obama said, "ISIL is under more pressure than ever before. ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half the populated territory it once controlled in Iraq, and it will lose more." The CIA director today says they're bigger than ever, they're stronger than ever, they're wealthier than ever, and they're getting into this country in greater numbers than ever. Who are we to believe here?
I don't listen to Rush Blowhard but apparently you do eh? Stupid libtards & their ASSinine ASSumptions.

And your bloviating in no water contradicts the question put forth.
And yet you parrot his lies perfectly.

And what you call "bloviating" was my merely quoting Brennan!
Neither were lying. The Area under ISIS control is shrinking as the coalition is slowing taking ground back. However, the threat of ISIS carrying out attacks on soft targets in the west is still great. The President was talking about the former, and the CIA director was talking about the latter.
That is not what I hear when listening to him speak. Course I don't use a liberal hearing aid
Right, you use Limbaugh doublespeak.

Here is what Brennan said unfiltered by your MessiahRushie:

"On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar."

RUSH: After the Orlando shooting, Obama said, "ISIL is under more pressure than ever before. ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half the populated territory it once controlled in Iraq, and it will lose more." The CIA director today says they're bigger than ever, they're stronger than ever, they're wealthier than ever, and they're getting into this country in greater numbers than ever. Who are we to believe here?
I don't listen to Rush Blowhard but apparently you do eh? Stupid libtards & their ASSinine ASSumptions.

And your bloviating in no water contradicts the question put forth.
And yet you parrot his lies perfectly.
You're ignoring the contradiction he pointed out.
Neither were lying. The Area under ISIS control is shrinking as the coalition is slowing taking ground back. However, the threat of ISIS carrying out attacks on soft targets in the west is still great. The President was talking about the former, and the CIA director was talking about the latter.
That is not what I hear when listening to him speak. Course I don't use a liberal hearing aid
Right, you use Limbaugh doublespeak.

Here is what Brennan said unfiltered by your MessiahRushie:

"On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar."

RUSH: After the Orlando shooting, Obama said, "ISIL is under more pressure than ever before. ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half the populated territory it once controlled in Iraq, and it will lose more." The CIA director today says they're bigger than ever, they're stronger than ever, they're wealthier than ever, and they're getting into this country in greater numbers than ever. Who are we to believe here?
I don't listen to Rush Blowhard but apparently you do eh? Stupid libtards & their ASSinine ASSumptions.

And your bloviating in no water contradicts the question put forth.
And yet you parrot his lies perfectly.
Interesting considering I haven't listened to him since he was on TV. Just stop, you look stupid trying to force a round peg in a square hole.
Neither were lying. The Area under ISIS control is shrinking as the coalition is slowing taking ground back. However, the threat of ISIS carrying out attacks on soft targets in the west is still great. The President was talking about the former, and the CIA director was talking about the latter.
That is not what I hear when listening to him speak. Course I don't use a liberal hearing aid
Right, you use Limbaugh doublespeak.

Here is what Brennan said unfiltered by your MessiahRushie:

"On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar."

RUSH: After the Orlando shooting, Obama said, "ISIL is under more pressure than ever before. ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half the populated territory it once controlled in Iraq, and it will lose more." The CIA director today says they're bigger than ever, they're stronger than ever, they're wealthier than ever, and they're getting into this country in greater numbers than ever. Who are we to believe here?
I don't listen to Rush Blowhard but apparently you do eh? Stupid libtards & their ASSinine ASSumptions.

And your bloviating in no water contradicts the question put forth.
And yet you parrot his lies perfectly.
You're ignoring the contradiction he pointed out.

Get used to it - it happens here constantly..... :)
Neither were lying. The Area under ISIS control is shrinking as the coalition is slowing taking ground back. However, the threat of ISIS carrying out attacks on soft targets in the west is still great. The President was talking about the former, and the CIA director was talking about the latter.

Well Assad and Putin are beating the shit out of them in Syria, but they have expanded into Libya and Afghanistan. Big time.

By expanding you mean they are mostly converting al Qaeda and other locals to their cause.

Doesn't change the fact that the President and CIA Director were talking about different aspects of the fight against ISIS and in fact pretty much agree that there have been gains on the battlefield, while the threat of attacks on soft targets remains as great as ever if not more so from these ISIS Bastards.
Neither were lying. The Area under ISIS control is shrinking as the coalition is slowing taking ground back. However, the threat of ISIS carrying out attacks on soft targets in the west is still great. The President was talking about the former, and the CIA director was talking about the latter.
That is not what I hear when listening to him speak. Course I don't use a liberal hearing aid
Right, you use Limbaugh doublespeak.

Here is what Brennan said unfiltered by your MessiahRushie:

"On the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, the U.S-led coalition has made important progress against ISIL. The group appears to be a long way from realizing the vision that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi laid out when he declared the “caliphate” two years ago in Mosul.

Several notable indicators are trending in the right direction. ISIL has lost large stretches of territory in both Syria and Iraq. Its finance and media operations have been squeezed. And it has struggled to replenish its ranks of fighters, in part because fewer foreign fighters are traveling to Syria. Moreover, some reports suggest that a growing number of ISIL members are becoming disillusioned with the group and are eager to follow in the footsteps of members who have already defected.

The anti-ISIL Coalition is taking steps to exploit these vulnerabilities. In addition to efforts underway to liberate cities like Fallujah and Manbij, the Coalition is also removing ISIL leaders from the battlefield, thereby reducing the group’s capabilities and its will-to-fight. Last month, for example, a US airstrike killed an influential ISIL leader in Al Anbar."

RUSH: After the Orlando shooting, Obama said, "ISIL is under more pressure than ever before. ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half the populated territory it once controlled in Iraq, and it will lose more." The CIA director today says they're bigger than ever, they're stronger than ever, they're wealthier than ever, and they're getting into this country in greater numbers than ever. Who are we to believe here?
I don't listen to Rush Blowhard but apparently you do eh? Stupid libtards & their ASSinine ASSumptions.

And your bloviating in no water contradicts the question put forth.
And yet you parrot his lies perfectly.
You're ignoring the contradiction he pointed out.
He's stuck on stupid. Just committed to running with it. Hopefully it's sharp & he trips :badgrin:
Its pretty common for some dimwit like Obama to make excuses, claim everything is great, and blame everyone else for his failures.
Its pretty common for some dimwit like Obama to make excuses, claim everything is great, and blame everyone else for his failures.

Well, hell, to be honest, have we ever had a president that DIDN'T do exactly the same thing?

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