Obama Says No To Landmines

No landmines because an innocent civilian might accidentally step on one.

It's much better to bomb an area with drones so Obama can outright kill as many innocent civilians as possible.

Why take any chances?
War is Hell.........Landmines are part of that Hell............They can be used to beef up defenses on bases............

I don't agree with all these dang rules for Wars..............ROE's that handcuffs our people into losing Wars.

The object of War is to kill the enemy. Land mines do just that.

Yeah, we really kicked ass in Viet Nam - thanks to landmines.

We lost Vietnam because of people like you. PC mentality and lines not to be crossed. aka We didn't fight a War but a police action. Instead of rolling north and taking North Vietnam with massed armies. They had a top troop strength of around 250k once during the War. There was no way in hell they could have stopped us.

Politicians lose the Wars.....Not the troops.

Vietnam was an immoral clusterfuck. We should never have been there.

Thank the Dems!
No landmines because an innocent civilian might accidentally step on one.

It's much better to bomb an area with drones so Obama can outright kill as many innocent civilians as possible.

Why take any chances?
everyone needs to ask themselves one easy question before getting upset -
what is the practical ramification of this?

the answer is we don't get to use bombs in the ground war we aren't in. wild.
Obama banned torture and now landmines

What next?

Land based operations, anything that can possibly harm anyone and winning. Anything that could possibly result in winning this illegal, poorly thought out war he started is off the table.
Poison gas, biological weapons, flame throwers all help you win in war

They are banned for humanitarian reasons
When war, which is predicated on killing people becomes humanitarian you let me fucking know. Until then the only thing I give a shit about is winning and winning means by whatever means necessary you kill every last fucking enemy soldier you can by any means necessary.

If you want humanitarian go volunteer for bingo night at a retirement home. Stay out of the war business you don't have the balls for it.
there are rules, donnie. this isn't 'nam.

seriously, anyone ever hear a general say that they didn't need a weapon? i'm sure it happens, just not very often.
Nam was lost because of your stupid fucking rules! We had that won until people like you came along and fucked it up. Now you're making assinine rules from the very beginning and guess what special ed? ISIS is getting closer to Bagdad every day.

When are you going to realize the only people that follow your rules in war are the losers? A general knows how to win a war. The politicians are the only ones capable of making him lose that war with your stupid fucking rules.
No landmines because an innocent civilian might accidentally step on one.

It's much better to bomb an area with drones so Obama can outright kill as many innocent civilians as possible.

Why take any chances?
everyone needs to ask themselves one easy question before getting upset -
what is the practical ramification of this?

the answer is we don't get to use bombs in the ground war we aren't in. wild.

There's another interesting consideration.

If we aren't at war, then we aren't fighting an official army. Thus, there are No Civilians as contrasted with an army and lobbing drones into populated areas results in No Civilian casualties...they're just all terrorists.

I'm sure Obabble reassures himself with such ideas.
Obama banned torture and now landmines

What next?

Land based operations, anything that can possibly harm anyone and winning. Anything that could possibly result in winning this illegal, poorly thought out war he started is off the table.
Poison gas, biological weapons, flame throwers all help you win in war

They are banned for humanitarian reasons
When war, which is predicated on killing people becomes humanitarian you let me fucking know. Until then the only thing I give a shit about is winning and winning means by whatever means necessary you kill every last fucking enemy soldier you can by any means necessary.

If you want humanitarian go volunteer for bingo night at a retirement home. Stay out of the war business you don't have the balls for it.
there are rules, donnie. this isn't 'nam.

seriously, anyone ever hear a general say that they didn't need a weapon? i'm sure it happens, just not very often.
Nam was lost because of your stupid fucking rules! We had that won until people like you came along and fucked it up. Now you're making assinine rules from the very beginning and guess what special ed? ISIS is getting closer to Bagdad every day.

When are you going to realize the only people that follow your rules in war are the losers? A general knows how to win a war. The politicians are the only ones capable of making him lose that war with your stupid fucking rules.
we followed a lot of rules in viet nam? this is news.
Obama banned torture and now landmines

What next?

Land based operations, anything that can possibly harm anyone and winning. Anything that could possibly result in winning this illegal, poorly thought out war he started is off the table.
Poison gas, biological weapons, flame throwers all help you win in war

They are banned for humanitarian reasons
When war, which is predicated on killing people becomes humanitarian you let me fucking know. Until then the only thing I give a shit about is winning and winning means by whatever means necessary you kill every last fucking enemy soldier you can by any means necessary.

If you want humanitarian go volunteer for bingo night at a retirement home. Stay out of the war business you don't have the balls for it.
there are rules, donnie. this isn't 'nam.

seriously, anyone ever hear a general say that they didn't need a weapon? i'm sure it happens, just not very often.
Nam was lost because of your stupid fucking rules! We had that won until people like you came along and fucked it up. Now you're making assinine rules from the very beginning and guess what special ed? ISIS is getting closer to Bagdad every day.

When are you going to realize the only people that follow your rules in war are the losers? A general knows how to win a war. The politicians are the only ones capable of making him lose that war with your stupid fucking rules.

The politicians represent "we the people". We don't yet live in a military dictatorship. Eisenhower warned us about that shit.
Land based operations, anything that can possibly harm anyone and winning. Anything that could possibly result in winning this illegal, poorly thought out war he started is off the table.
Poison gas, biological weapons, flame throwers all help you win in war

They are banned for humanitarian reasons
When war, which is predicated on killing people becomes humanitarian you let me fucking know. Until then the only thing I give a shit about is winning and winning means by whatever means necessary you kill every last fucking enemy soldier you can by any means necessary.

If you want humanitarian go volunteer for bingo night at a retirement home. Stay out of the war business you don't have the balls for it.
there are rules, donnie. this isn't 'nam.

seriously, anyone ever hear a general say that they didn't need a weapon? i'm sure it happens, just not very often.
Nam was lost because of your stupid fucking rules! We had that won until people like you came along and fucked it up. Now you're making assinine rules from the very beginning and guess what special ed? ISIS is getting closer to Bagdad every day.

When are you going to realize the only people that follow your rules in war are the losers? A general knows how to win a war. The politicians are the only ones capable of making him lose that war with your stupid fucking rules.

The politicians represent "we the people". We don't yet live in a military dictatorship. Eisenhower warned us about that shit.
Well then you people need to get your head out of your ass and let the military do what they need to in order to win the wars your we the people representatives have started.
Poison gas, biological weapons, flame throwers all help you win in war

They are banned for humanitarian reasons
When war, which is predicated on killing people becomes humanitarian you let me fucking know. Until then the only thing I give a shit about is winning and winning means by whatever means necessary you kill every last fucking enemy soldier you can by any means necessary.

If you want humanitarian go volunteer for bingo night at a retirement home. Stay out of the war business you don't have the balls for it.
there are rules, donnie. this isn't 'nam.

seriously, anyone ever hear a general say that they didn't need a weapon? i'm sure it happens, just not very often.
Nam was lost because of your stupid fucking rules! We had that won until people like you came along and fucked it up. Now you're making assinine rules from the very beginning and guess what special ed? ISIS is getting closer to Bagdad every day.

When are you going to realize the only people that follow your rules in war are the losers? A general knows how to win a war. The politicians are the only ones capable of making him lose that war with your stupid fucking rules.

The politicians represent "we the people". We don't yet live in a military dictatorship. Eisenhower warned us about that shit.
Well then you people need to get your head out of your ass and let the military do what they need to in order to win the wars your we the people representatives have started.

Yeah, we tried that with Bush and Cheney. All we got was fucked really hard in the ass without lubricant.
Wow people coming out in support of land mines. What a bunch of fools humanity is made of. Every time we take a step forward a bunch of assholes end up dragging us 2 steps back. Christ.
Two steps back from what? You're the asshole telling us what we can and can't use in a war. When ISIS hits someone else with gas what are you going to do? Complain to the UN or decide how to react?
When war, which is predicated on killing people becomes humanitarian you let me fucking know. Until then the only thing I give a shit about is winning and winning means by whatever means necessary you kill every last fucking enemy soldier you can by any means necessary.

If you want humanitarian go volunteer for bingo night at a retirement home. Stay out of the war business you don't have the balls for it.
there are rules, donnie. this isn't 'nam.

seriously, anyone ever hear a general say that they didn't need a weapon? i'm sure it happens, just not very often.
Nam was lost because of your stupid fucking rules! We had that won until people like you came along and fucked it up. Now you're making assinine rules from the very beginning and guess what special ed? ISIS is getting closer to Bagdad every day.

When are you going to realize the only people that follow your rules in war are the losers? A general knows how to win a war. The politicians are the only ones capable of making him lose that war with your stupid fucking rules.

The politicians represent "we the people". We don't yet live in a military dictatorship. Eisenhower warned us about that shit.
Well then you people need to get your head out of your ass and let the military do what they need to in order to win the wars your we the people representatives have started.

Yeah, we tried that with Bush and Cheney. All we got was fucked really hard in the ass without lubricant.
We won that portion of the war. Your ass is sore because little obie didn't have the balls to keep going.
Wow people coming out in support of land mines. What a bunch of fools humanity is made of. Every time we take a step forward a bunch of assholes end up dragging us 2 steps back. Christ.
Steps back in war only occur when you declare what you won't do in order to win. A step forward from where we are now would be unleashing the full military might on our target. The steps back are your limitations on what they are allowed to do.
Wow people coming out in support of land mines. What a bunch of fools humanity is made of. Every time we take a step forward a bunch of assholes end up dragging us 2 steps back. Christ.
Steps back in war only occur when you declare what you won't do in order to win. A step forward from where we are now would be unleashing the full military might on our target. The steps back are your limitations on what they are allowed to do.
if people like you were in charge we wouldn't have survived the cold war.
Steps back in war only occur when you declare what you won't do in order to win. A step forward from where we are now would be unleashing the full military might on our target. The steps back are your limitations on what they are allowed to do.

Land mines are a cowards weapon. You know what else is a great military tool? Raping the women of your enemies and sending their captured soldiers into gas chambers. That would REALLY show them right? Where do you draw the line? Do you claim to be a Christian?
Wow people coming out in support of land mines. What a bunch of fools humanity is made of. Every time we take a step forward a bunch of assholes end up dragging us 2 steps back. Christ.
Steps back in war only occur when you declare what you won't do in order to win. A step forward from where we are now would be unleashing the full military might on our target. The steps back are your limitations on what they are allowed to do.
if people like you were in charge we wouldn't have survived the cold war.
We won the cold war because Reagan was willing to use what we had. obie can't even comprehend that kind of strength.
Wow people coming out in support of land mines. What a bunch of fools humanity is made of. Every time we take a step forward a bunch of assholes end up dragging us 2 steps back. Christ.
Steps back in war only occur when you declare what you won't do in order to win. A step forward from where we are now would be unleashing the full military might on our target. The steps back are your limitations on what they are allowed to do.
if people like you were in charge we wouldn't have survived the cold war.
We won the cold war because Reagan was willing to use what we had. obie can't even comprehend that kind of strength.

Yeah, right. Thank Gorbachev for ending the cold war.

Why Ronald Reagan Didn't Really Win the Cold War
Wow people coming out in support of land mines. What a bunch of fools humanity is made of. Every time we take a step forward a bunch of assholes end up dragging us 2 steps back. Christ.
Steps back in war only occur when you declare what you won't do in order to win. A step forward from where we are now would be unleashing the full military might on our target. The steps back are your limitations on what they are allowed to do.
if people like you were in charge we wouldn't have survived the cold war.
We won the cold war because Reagan was willing to use what we had. obie can't even comprehend that kind of strength.
if he had been willing to use what we had it wouldn't have been a cold war, would it?

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