Obama says US must shift cars, trucks off of oil

What kind of tech will be able to drive car 3,000 miles without gas, natural gas or propane?

Fairy dust, I hear Maobama is going to run AF 1 on it by the end of his term. Right now there is no other viable technology available to replace carbon based fuels. Of course Maobama thinks it's just fine to put future generations further in the hole to waste money on it now.
I spoke to an oil man from Texas the other day, over 35 years in the business. I asked him what the story was on the fracking........ he told me that Texas has enough oil in it's borders to run this country for at least 200 years....... just Texas. The oil inside the borders of this country is estimated at higher than Saudi Arabia....... natural gas is even more plentiful..
Ah, man... I thought hydrogen was gonna be the wave of the future like Bush said

Yeah....sure....Lil' Dumbya was all-about.....

It is obvious that we should end using fossil fuels. Grease, plastics and other products do not deplete the reserves at anything like the same rate and do not pollute at all to the same degree.

What is needed, however, is much more than just changing cars, or the electoral system, or ending marijuana prohibition. We need a much higher general capacity for understanding, reason and debate. That means education. Not 'Harvard', just human basics.

But, I am dreaming...
Obama says US must shift cars, trucks off of oil

NEDRA PICKLER and MATTHEW DALY | March 15, 2013 06:03 PM EST | Associated Press
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Obama says US must shift cars, trucks off of oil

LEMONT, Ill. — Envisioning cars that can go "coast to coast without using a drop of oil," President Barack Obama on Friday urged Congress to authorize spending $2 billion over the next decade to expand research into electric cars and biofuels to wean automobiles off gasoline.

Obama, expanding on an initiative he addressed in his State of the Union speech last month, said the United States must shift its cars and trucks entirely off oil to avoid perpetual fluctuations in gas prices. Citing policies that already require automakers to increase gas mileage, he said he expects that by the middle of the next decade, Americans will only have to fill up their cars half as often.

"We've set some achievable but ambitious goals," Obama said, speaking at Argonne National Laboratory outside Chicago

"The only way to break this cycle of spiking gas prices – the only way to break that cycle for good – is to shift our cars entirely, our cars and trucks, off oil," the president said.

Friday's speech, with its focus on energy, was designed to draw attention to what the White House says is one of Obama's top agenda items for his second term. That focus, however, has been overshadowed as the administration and Congress work on an immigration overhaul, gun legislation and deficit-reduction measures.

Obama cast his proposal as not only a clean energy plan, but as one meant to create opportunities for economic growth.
I'm for research and development...Let the private sector apply it if this is successful without government.

He wants cars that ignore the laws of physics? Has he ever heard of friction? Does he want us to start killing sperm whales and use them to make grease for the various parts of the car that rub against each other.

That's moronic, clearly he's talking about not using a drop of oil as fuel, but you inadvertently pointed out that another reason to not burn all the oil besides the fact that it is poisoning the planet, and that is the fact that is very useful for a wide variety of applications such as lubrication, plastics, chemicals, fertilizers , etc. All far more difficult to replace than as a form of energy. Our progeny would think us the greatest fools if we burned it all up.
man oh man, the have a website that is called, government is good and of course the troll found it

so much propaganda out there today..
man oh man, the have a website that is called, government is good and of course the troll found it

so much propaganda out there today..

Yes, government bad, very bad. That's why the framers wrote a Constitution of which over half is the instructions for how to run the government.
Good luck with that. With how much batteries cost, how little they hold, and how long it takes to charge them. They are better off using technologies that convert waste to oil on a massive scale. It will eliminate our oil shortage and it will eliminate garbage and waste. Right now the Navy is working on converting seawater to jet fuel. If they are successful with that, then they could figure out how to convert it to auto fuel. But we can't let the processing become a privatized thing, or else they would gauge the prices.

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If they can get jet fuel, they can run trucks on it: jet fuel is nothing but highly-refined kerosene. Diesel engines can burn it (in fact, most diesel airport equipment does) without a problem.
I can see where it would be really REALLY BAD if the technology to power cars and trucks with a minimum of oil products were invented here in the USA. Where all great inventions used to come from.

I mean, the oil companies would take a big hit on profits. And they won't let that happen.

And hell it could create thousands of good paying jobs in America. Can't have that.

And it could make us even more energy independent. Can't have that.

And it would give us a product we could sell around the world. Bad bad bad.

Yea, an alternative to oil and gas for vehicles would be really bad.

Now, if that was a rethug President saying what Obama said, you know the rethugs would love the idea and that nothing would ever be done to make it happen. rehtugs love oil companies to much.

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