Obama says US must shift cars, trucks off of oil

Cool. When someone comes up with a way to do it I am all for it.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0mU6DIZWlQ"]Comparison: 2010 Tesla Roadster Sport vs. 2011 Porsche Boxster Spyder - YouTube[/ame]

How long does it take to refuel the Tesla in comparison with the Boxster? Did they cover that? Did they cover its tendancy to break down even more than Porsches are famous for?

Yep the only car in Conusmer Reports history to break during their test drive.
What did Chaney do?

He participated in helping people register to vote and was killed for his efforts in that regard by some 'good ol' boys' near Philadelphia, Mississippi, which just so happens to be the very same place where Ronald Reagan kicked off his post-convention presidential campaign 16 years later on Aug 3, 1980 after winning the Republican nomination for president.
Lakota when it comes to science...I'll agree with you. Reserach and development is one of the modern day things the government does a half way good job on.

I thought you believed in the Constitution, so much for that.

You agree with the Constitution or you study it or you cite it. But it's not a religious document.


I read that very carefully, then went back and read it again, and I did not see a single example of a government program that is successful. Why is that?

No successful government programs? How about the Interstate Highway system? How about Electrification programs around the country such as the TVA, which brought electricity to everyone? How about our National Park system? How about NASA putting a man on the moon? How about the Manhattan Project, which allowed us to win WW2? How about our system of weather and communication satellites? How about our military which keeps our country safe? How about Social Security and Medicare, which keeps our seniors from dying in the streets? Food and Drug safety? Student loans? Workplace safety? These are just off the top of my heqd. There are probably hundreds more examples of our government working for our benefit successfully.

Can you point out where I said no government program has ever been successful? All I did was point out that the great defense of government supplied by the Fake Indian didn't have any examples.

That said, let's look at your examples.

What is the purpose of the Interstate Highway System? Did you know that, in the event of an invasion, it belongs the Defense Department? Since it has never been used for its original purpose you can't actually declare it has been a success.

The TVA was intended to end poverty and modernize the society of the Tennessee Valley? Be honest now, would you call that a success?

The Manhattan Project was successful, mostly because the government got a bunch of smart people who were not government employees, and gave them free reign to build a bomb. That would definitely be one of the things I would point to if I was trying to argue the government builds things. By the way, the net result of the Manhattan Project was that nuclear power generation in the US was locked into the least efficient reactor design because the Navy chose it because it was the cheapest to build.

Do you want me to keep pointing out why government is not the model of efficiency and success?
He wants cars that ignore the laws of physics? Has he ever heard of friction? Does he want us to start killing sperm whales and use them to make grease for the various parts of the car that rub against each other.

That's moronic, clearly he's talking about not using a drop of oil as fuel, but you inadvertently pointed out that another reason to not burn all the oil besides the fact that it is poisoning the planet, and that is the fact that is very useful for a wide variety of applications such as lubrication, plastics, chemicals, fertilizers , etc. All far more difficult to replace than as a form of energy. Our progeny would think us the greatest fools if we burned it all up.

You are aware that the carbon footprint to build an electric car is more than double that of a conventional auto. If your lucky and the batteries last as long as they are supposed to you might break even over the life of an electric car, but so far they haven't lived up to their billing.

and of coures he dont realize the power grid was not built for 150,000.000 plus electric cars to be plugged in at night. if you think power outages are bad now....lol you have not seen anything yet. Wonder when they will develope a electric 747 ?
Look at this fucking idiot;

President pushes $2B alternative-fuel research fund

"President Barack Obama in front of a Chevy Volt and other plug-in electric vehicles at Argonne (Ill.) National Laboratory today as he urges congress to authorize a $200-million-a-year fund for research into alternative energy technology to move vehicles from use of oil."

by Todd Spangler, Detroit Free Press

Published: 03/15/2013 04:26pm

"WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama is in Chicago today, talking up the need for a $2-billion Energy Trust Fund he wants to help fund research into how to run the cars and trucks of the future on fuels other than oil."

This is another payback scam. You can't tell me that this country needs to put 2 billion dollars into alternative energy. He's such a crook.

I can't stand to look at his face or hear his fucking voice or read his fucking bullshit lies.

Obama is a crook who is stealing our money to give to his cronies and then they end up going bankrupt like many already have..
most corrupted administration eva

You're thinking of Cheney and Halliburton.


No They're thinking Hope and Change......


Correction, you're right Obama and Chevy, Cheney and Halliburton......no change.
Often times government must lead the way.

when they get a leader up there to lead.....let me know....

Obama Leadership = Going to Chicago and offering to spend $2 B, after proposing a $1.70/hr minimum wage increase.

Next he'll propose free beer.

He's the Pied Piper. Obama only picks low hanging fruit: Who is not going to be happy with more government cheese and more money for flipping burgers?
Just because Europe has always used force to control science does not mean the United States has to do the same thing. Gates could fund the SSC by himself, the real problem is the government wouldn't let him.

Where did they use force?

You jst said that it was the government, that means they used force.

And that way of thinking is why you're considered a wingnut and also why you're losing.
Just in the area of health -- vaccinations, anyone? Yet for some odd reason (a lack of education comes to mine) some conservatives now want to prevent their kids from being inoculated due to fears of what? Autism? Implied sexual freedom due to an immunity to disease 20-30 years in the future?

Then there's clean water and the disease prevention made possible by sewage treatment plants? Thankfully, there have been no protests against that...so far.

How about automobile safety? The death rates on our highways is actually going down even though the mileage driven has gone up. Air bags? Shoulder harnesses? Mandated safety recalls?

How about building codes which require sprinkler systems in public buildings and/or minimum construction standards which helps prevent electrical fires in homes. Or bldg codes which prevent thousands from dying in our earthquake zones (unlike 3rd world countries who routinely loose 100-300 THOUSAND lives when a quake arrives).

You're right. There ARE hundreds of examples.

like many Democratic parents are not concerned about the same thing....:eusa_eh:
one heck of a speech....:eusa_hand:
you are supposed to drive in one of these...

while Obama rides in these....





Perhaps the president should use a motorcycle, and do away with security of any kind.
Obama says US must shift cars, trucks off of oil

NEDRA PICKLER and MATTHEW DALY | March 15, 2013 06:03 PM EST | Associated Press
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Obama says US must shift cars, trucks off of oil

LEMONT, Ill. — Envisioning cars that can go "coast to coast without using a drop of oil," President Barack Obama on Friday urged Congress to authorize spending $2 billion over the next decade to expand research into electric cars and biofuels to wean automobiles off gasoline.

Obama, expanding on an initiative he addressed in his State of the Union speech last month, said the United States must shift its cars and trucks entirely off oil to avoid perpetual fluctuations in gas prices. Citing policies that already require automakers to increase gas mileage, he said he expects that by the middle of the next decade, Americans will only have to fill up their cars half as often.

"We've set some achievable but ambitious goals," Obama said, speaking at Argonne National Laboratory outside Chicago

"The only way to break this cycle of spiking gas prices – the only way to break that cycle for good – is to shift our cars entirely, our cars and trucks, off oil," the president said.

Friday's speech, with its focus on energy, was designed to draw attention to what the White House says is one of Obama's top agenda items for his second term. That focus, however, has been overshadowed as the administration and Congress work on an immigration overhaul, gun legislation and deficit-reduction measures.

Obama cast his proposal as not only a clean energy plan, but as one meant to create opportunities for economic growth.

I'm for research and development...Let the private sector apply it if this is successful without government.

Yes, Obama's policies will stop the fluxuations in gas prices. They will get higher, and stay higher. Meanwhile, his friends are getting rich on taxpayer dollars.
Just because Europe has always used force to control science does not mean the United States has to do the same thing. Gates could fund the SSC by himself, the real problem is the government wouldn't let him.

I can never understand what posters think they achieve by posting nonsense.
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