Obama seeks to keep military from voting with law suits on Ohio and other states

The rw's WANT to believe the Brietbart lie and that's that.

As usual, they wouldn't know the truth if it bit them in the butt.

So, I'm giving up.
Yes, my home state is being sued to keep the military from voting.

Stupid liberals are always claiming that Republicans disenfranchise voters, but when it comes to disenfranchising it's always the Democrats that are behind it.

From Jim Crowe to now, DEMOCRATS are always behind the real vote disenfranchising, and we have it again with Obama!

President Barack Obama, along with many Democrats, likes to say that, while they may disagree with the GOP on many issues related to national security, they absolutely share their admiration and dedication to members of our armed forces. Obama, in particular, enjoys being seen visiting troops and having photos taken with members of our military. So, why is his campaign and the Democrat party suing to restrict their ability to vote in the upcoming election?

On July 17th, the Obama for America Campaign, the Democratic National Committee, and the Ohio Democratic Party filed suit in OH to strike down part of that state's law governing voting by members of the military. Their suit said that part of the law is "arbitrary" with "no discernible rational basis."

Currently, Ohio allows the public to vote early in-person up until the Friday before the election. Members of the military are given three extra days to do so. While the Democrats may see this as "arbitrary" and having "no discernible rational basis," I think it is entirely reasonable given the demands on servicemen and women's time and their obligations to their sworn duty.

The National Defense Committee reports:
[f]or each of the last three years, the Department of Defense’s Federal Voting Assistance Program has reported to the President and the Congress that the number one reason for military voter disenfranchisement is inadequate time to successfully vote.
If anyone proposes legislation to combat voter fraud, Democrats will loudly scream that the proposal could "disenfranchise" some voter, somewhere. We must ensure, they argue, that voting is easy and accessible to every single voter. Every voter, that is, except the men and women of our military.
Obama Campaign Sues to Restrict Military Voting

The Attorney General for the State of Ohio, Mike DeWine has already been on Fox, saying Ohio wil fight this law suit and it is OBVIOUS That this law suit is designed to keep all military votes from being counted.

It's pretty obvious why! Obama knows the military isn't behind him! And that he can't win reelection without Ohio. So, he doesn't care how obvious this move is. He will do any dirty underhanded vote disenfranchising to win Ohio.

So, you libs can scream your phony outrage about vote disenfranchising. We will all know you are phony liars because you will all be for this law suit.

Democrats! Once again, the REAL VOTE DISENFRANCHISERS!


Another idiot who didn't bother reading thru the thread.

Yes, my home state is being sued to keep the military from voting.

My wife's sister works as a poll worker in Cuyahoga county (and she is a centrist Republican who helped campaign for HW Bush).

You have completely misrepresented the facts.

Here is the story.

The GOP sought to end early voting for all residents. They did this because they have an interest in a compressed voting schedule. Why? It's sort of a long story, but ... here goes.

The GOP created a strategy in 2004 of failing to provide liberal voting districts with enough voting machines. This was the subject of many law suits in 2004 when Columbus, a Left-leaning city of nearly 800,000, was given half as many voting machines as conservative towns with half the population. The result was that thousands of people could not vote. The corruption in Ohio is well documented; do the research.

Regardless, the Democratic party successfully sued to have a proportional amount of voting machines in each district. This caused problems for the GOP, who wanted to continue using this tactic - SO, what did they do? Answer: they got rid of early voting for everyone in hopes that this would make it harder for the poor masses to vote.

Actually - and here is the kicker -they got rid of early voting for everyone but military. (Funny how that works)

In response to this, the Democrats sued to restore early voting for everyone. The GOP is now saying that because they don't want to give this special voting privilege to just the military, that the Dems are trying to prevent the military from voting. This is fucking insane. The Dems want everyone to be able to vote early, as they could for decades. The point of early voting was to allow people with jobs and children to have more time to vote.

The Original Poster is a fraud. He should read the wording of the law suit. Funny how he uses a rightwing blog to supply the facts rather than the actual court case.

(This is worst that Stalinism. It is complete propaganda. God help us. This person votes)
FactCheck.org : Obama Not Trying to Curb Military Early Voting

The GOP created a strategy in 2004 of providing liberal voting districts with an insufficient number of voting machines. This was the subject of many law suits in 2004 when Columbus, a Left-leaning city of nearly 800,000, was given half as many voting machines as conservative towns with half the population. The result was that thousands of people could not vote. The corruption in Ohio is well documented; do the research.

Regardless, the Democratic party successfully sued to have a proportional amount of voting machines in each district. This caused problems for the GOP, who wanted to continue using this tactic - SO, what did they do? Answer: they got rid of early voting for everyone in hopes that this would make it harder for the poor masses to vote.

Actually - and here is the kicker -they got rid of early voting for everyone but military. (Funny how that works)

In response to this, the Democrats are suing to restore early voting for everyone. The GOP is now saying that because they don't want to give this special voting privilege to just the military, the Dems are trying to prevent the military from voting. This is fucking insane. The Dems want to restore the original law that gave this right to everyone. The point of early voting was to allow people with jobs and children to have more time to vote. The GOP doesn't want everyone to vote, just the conservatives and the military
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Yes, my home state is being sued to keep the military from voting.

You shouldn't lie.

The Republican controlled legislature passed a law that removed early voting for everyone but the military.

The Dems are trying to restore the right to early voting for everyone. The GOP is spinning this into an attempt by Democrats to deny the military the right to early voting. This is false. The dems want to get rid of the new law which stipulates only the military can vote early. The Dems want Ohio to go back to the old law which gave this right to everyone.

Read the law suit.
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You are fucking with the military personel that fight and die from MY STATE!

I am going to kick your lying liberal asses on this to election day or the judge dismisses the law suit.

You are going to be VERY sorry Obama EVER THOUGHT TO PULL THIS!

I am NOT going to let this go!

your not going to do anything but sit on your ass and whine on here.
Shut up
For those who don't already know, this thread is actually old news (look at the date on the OP). I bumped it up because of this bit of news:

After being summoned to court by a federal judge, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted on Friday backed away from his order that would have banned counties from planning for early voting.

Husted’s original order had essentially ignored a ruling by U.S. District Judge Peter Economus, who declared that the state couldn’t take away early voting in the three days before the election. Economus sided with the Obama campaign, which sued Ohio to get the early voting re-implemented.

In a court filing on Friday afternoon, Husted said he “apologizes to the federal district court” for creating what he called the “misimpression” that he was ignoring the order. “The Secretary would never intentionally contravene an order issued by the federal district court or any other court — and this case is no exception,” the filing said.

So, the Obama camp won the lawsuit, and yet,

not a single person in the military lost any voting rights as a consequence of that victory.

So what was all this OP bullshit about then?
So, the Obama camp won the lawsuit, and yet,

not a single person in the military lost any voting rights as a consequence of that victory.

So what was all this OP bullshit about then?

"...tell a lie often enough, in the hope it's perceived as true..."
For those who don't already know, this thread is actually old news (look at the date on the OP). I bumped it up because of this bit of news:

After being summoned to court by a federal judge, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted on Friday backed away from his order that would have banned counties from planning for early voting.

Husted’s original order had essentially ignored a ruling by U.S. District Judge Peter Economus, who declared that the state couldn’t take away early voting in the three days before the election. Economus sided with the Obama campaign, which sued Ohio to get the early voting re-implemented.

In a court filing on Friday afternoon, Husted said he “apologizes to the federal district court” for creating what he called the “misimpression” that he was ignoring the order. “The Secretary would never intentionally contravene an order issued by the federal district court or any other court — and this case is no exception,” the filing said.


:lol: Husted got his ass put in line. The slimy bastard would have continued to ignore the order (yes, he did ignore the judge's order) had he not been called on it.

Let's see how ToePuttySpammer spins this latest news.

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