Obama Shatters Spending Record for First-Year Presidents

The one thing he good at. Spending other peoples money.. Spit

In real dollars, the spending of Obama for 2009 is equal to the spending of the United States in 1945 if and only if you count for inflation. Of course, Obama has to deal with two wars that are unfunded from the Bush Administration. Plus, the tax cut during a time of war under the Bush Administration is not helping with the national debt as well. If you look at the Afghanistan war, that is spending 100 million dollars per-day to the national debt. If you look at revenue for the federation government, the government because of the deep recession is having a shortfall in revenue of over thirty percent.

You may not know something about business, but it takes money to make money. The private sector in September 2008 during the Bush Administration failed to boost the economy. You may have notice the collapse of the Stock Market in September 2008. You may now know the recovery of the Stock Market with it being over 10,000 and close to 11,000 again.

If you want to know something, the middle class will not recover until the rich recover their money first. Remember, we are still in a capitalist society so the rich recover first, the middle class second, then the poor. You can pound on your chest that in 2009 the rich are making a killing with bonus money . Remember the Reagan Administration theory, it is called the trickledown theory.

SHHHhhhhhhhhh :eusa_shhh:

We are not allowed to talk about facts while Obama bashing
President Obama has shattered the budget record for first-year presidents -- spending nearly double what his predecessor did when he came into office and far exceeding the first-year tabs for any other U.S. president in history.

Do you mean to tell me that he spent more than Millard Fillmore???

I find that hard to believe!
Obama Shatters Spending Record for First-Year Presidents

That fiscal year covered the last three-and-a-half months of George W. Bush's term and the first eight-and-a-half months of Obama's.

Spent 2X as much as Bush did during the comparable period.
And considering our govt had a supposed surplus when Bush took office....
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Quote: Originally Posted by WillowTree View Post
The one thing he good at. Spending other peoples money.. Spit
Isn't that a prerequisite for being a liberal/democrat?

I thought that was the how Reagan made the economy of the 80's seem good? By creating money faster than folks could ship it overseas one Chinese VCR at a time.
Yea i didn't think this President could actually spend more than Bush but he sure did prove me wrong. What a sad Socialist Nightmare. :(
Yea i didn't think this President could actually spend more than Bush but he sure did prove me wrong. What a sad Socialist Nightmare. :(

You would have been more happy to have seen a complete collapse of our economic system?

Let's project that McCain had won. The same meltdown would be spiraling ours and the worlds finacial sectors down the toilet. What would you suggest John would or could have done? Who would you blame for him being fortunate enough to have even stabalised the disaster as much as Obama and his team have done?

Where has Obama spent money wastefully? If the bailouts were wasteful what was the alternative?
This Administration has rapidly moved us towards Third World Misery faster than any other Administration in recent memory. These inept Socialists have completely sunk many future generations to come. It really is very sad.
This Administration has rapidly moved us towards Third World Misery faster than any other Administration in recent memory. These inept Socialists have completely sunk many future generations to come. It really is very sad.

What would McCain have done that would have satisfied you?
I was certainly no big John McCain fan but blaming the guy who lost and isn't President just seems pretty lame to me. More Massive Spending,Massive Debt,and Massive Unemployment is this President's legacy and blaming the candidate who lost the Election just isn't going to change that. Why not just blame BOOOOOOOSSHH AN FOX NOOOOOOOZ too?
Yea i didn't think this President could actually spend more than Bush but he sure did prove me wrong. What a sad Socialist Nightmare. :(
Cons can't make up their minds if the Democratic Party is Socialist, Communist or Fascist. So, they use the three alternately. Of course, they're all different.
You can't have Fascism without first adopting Socialist/Communist ideologies. Socialism/Communism can and often do lead to Fascism. Most people are confused over these terms but it really is pretty simple in the end. You can't possibly get to Fascism without going the Socialist/Communist route first.
I was certainly no big John McCain fan but blaming the guy who lost and isn't President just seems pretty lame to me. More Massive Spending,Massive Debt,and Massive Unemployment is this President's legacy and blaming the candidate who lost the Election just isn't going to change that. Why not just blame BOOOOOOOSSHH AN FOX NOOOOOOOZ too?

Obama did not appoint himself president. If one is to give your analysis any credibility then you have to blame the american voter for putting him in office in the middle of this economic shitstorm. We only had two choices. ERGO with your constant berating of the choice that was made it is obvious to any that read your shit that McCain would have done better. The question still remains unanswered. How?

Or are you just here to try to tear down the sitting president of the United States of America. In which case you are a traitorous coward.

Put up or shut up.
I never said i supported John McCain. I didn't see any real differences between the two candidates. However,blaming the candidate who lost the Election and isn't President really is pretty lame. Did you blame Al Gore & John Kerry for all of Bush's mistakes? Probably not. Massive Spending,Massive Debt,and Massive Unemployment really are this President's legacy and blaming the losing candidate in the Election just isn't going to cut it. These Socialists really have sunk many future generations to come. Pretty sad stuff.
I never said i supported John McCain. I didn't see any real differences between the two candidates. However,blaming the candidate who lost the Election and isn't President really is pretty lame. Did you blame Al Gore & John Kerry for all of Bush's mistakes? Probably not. Massive Spending,Massive Debt,and Massive Unemployment really are this President's legacy and blaming the losing candidate in the Election just isn't going to cut it. These Socialists really have sunk many future generations to come. Pretty sad stuff.

OK I get it..you are a fucking moron. I asked who or how the situation would have been better handled and you go stupid on us. Nuff said.

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