Obama supporters, your long night watch is almost over, lay down your burden...

Most people are not working by choice? .

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age
Adult Civilian nonistitutional population: 254,742,000
Working: 152,385,000
Not working but looking for work (aka "unemployed"): 7,170,000
Not working or looking for work (not in the labor force): 95,774,000
Not in the labor force and wants a job now: 5,524,000

So out of 103 million not working, 12,619,000 want a job, and 90,325,000 do not.

More details on those not in the labor force: A-38. Persons not in the labor force by desire and availability for work, age, and sex
LOL by desire. Record number couldn't find a job because they wanted to? Damn, that must be some strong coolaid you guys are drinking.

Record 95,102,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Number Grew 18% Since Obama Took Office in 2009

When President Obama took office in January 2009, 80,529,000 Americans were not in the labor force.. That number rose steadily during his two terms, reaching a record 95,055,000 in November 2016, then setting a record (95,102,000) in December.

According to BLS, total nonfarm payroll employment rose by a lackluster 156,000 in December.
Are you claiming 50 million retired people can't find jobs?

Are you ignoring the 32 million baby boomers who retired under Obama?

Are you aware that the lackluster 156,000 jobs in December averages out to 1.9 million jobs in a year? More than Bush saw in eight years

Are you aware that despite all the jobs Obama claimed to have created, he still hold the record of having 47.6 million on food stamps.
The funding of Obamacare included one group of people getting yet another handout funded by someone other than them.

Getting the subsidies means someone else is making it possible for them to have it. Whether they get help with a subsidy or someone else paid more because they were insured means someone other than them is footing the bill. There is no difference because it comes from a different pocket. The result is the same and that is they still aren't paying for something they get that is THEIR responsibility.

I laughed when you said Obama killed bin Laden. Unless you can show me where he actually took the shot, Obama did nothing.

Obama created an environment where more people went to the welfare office door and knocked. He made it easier for them to do so by enabling it.
Obama created an environment where more people went to the welfare office door and knocked. He made it easier for them to do so by enabling it.

The Great Recession began in Nov 2007.......

Have someone help you read a calendar, Cleetus...
Awwwww how cute, they're still blaming Bush.

When did The Great Recession begin on your planet?

Who was POTUS in 2003 when eligibility requirements for SNAP were modified?
oh you want to go back and discuss what happened in 2007, which BOTH parties were responsible for? The asshole had eight years, and all he did was implement taxes and anti business policies that crippled the economy.

and all he did was implement taxes and anti business policies that crippled the economy

Meanwhile, on Planet Earth.....


47.6 million on food stamps under Obama. That's a fact you can't refute.
Obama is a top ten President who will be sandwiched between two of the worst Presidents in history
Name one accomplishment of Obama.
Hands up don't shoot he could have been my son but the police acted stupidly.

PS. Here's a bazillion tax payer dollars for your soon to be bankrupt green energy business, thanks for your financial support.
Grampa....leave it alone.........

According to a report by the Department of Energy, interest payments to the government from projects funded by the Loan Programs Office were $810 million as of September - higher than the $780 million in losses from loans it sustained from startups including Fisker Automotive, Abound Solar and Solyndra, which went bankrupt after receiving large government loans intended to help them bring their advanced green technologies to market.

The report's findings are more of a political victory than a financial one. It took the program three years to break even after Solyndra's failure, while during that same time the Standard & Poor's 500 index increased 67 percent.

Still, the federal loans program is a success for taxpayers, judging by the numbers in the new report, the DOE said. After Solyndra's 2011 collapse, the program was sharply criticized by Republican lawmakers as a waste of public money and a fountain of cronyism. The outcries mounted as others in the program failed, and the DOE issued no new loans between late 2011 and this year.

Exclusive: Controversial U.S. energy loan program has wiped out losses
He asked what Obama's accomplishments were. Those are the things I will most remember him for. Wrecking race relations & civility. As well as blowing our tax dollars on frivolous bullshit.

So, compared to past presidents, how has Federal Spending grown under Obama?

Demonstrate that you have some grasp of Reality...

The debt almost doubled under Obama.
Most people are not working by choice? .

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age
Adult Civilian nonistitutional population: 254,742,000
Working: 152,385,000
Not working but looking for work (aka "unemployed"): 7,170,000
Not working or looking for work (not in the labor force): 95,774,000
Not in the labor force and wants a job now: 5,524,000

So out of 103 million not working, 12,619,000 want a job, and 90,325,000 do not.

More details on those not in the labor force: A-38. Persons not in the labor force by desire and availability for work, age, and sex
LOL by desire. Record number couldn't find a job because they wanted to? Damn, that must be some strong coolaid you guys are drinking.

Record 95,102,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Number Grew 18% Since Obama Took Office in 2009

When President Obama took office in January 2009, 80,529,000 Americans were not in the labor force.. That number rose steadily during his two terms, reaching a record 95,055,000 in November 2016, then setting a record (95,102,000) in December.

According to BLS, total nonfarm payroll employment rose by a lackluster 156,000 in December.
Are you claiming 50 million retired people can't find jobs?

Are you ignoring the 32 million baby boomers who retired under Obama?

Are you aware that the lackluster 156,000 jobs in December averages out to 1.9 million jobs in a year? More than Bush saw in eight years

Are you aware that despite all the jobs Obama claimed to have created, he still hold the record of having 47.6 million on food stamps.

Don't worry....Trump will break the record

The total number increases as population increases
while claiming more jobs are created

They are not directly related phenomena, Banjo Lad.......and who do you believe is "claiming more jobs are created"?

We've established that you are both innumerate and credulous......let's lock up "entirely uninformed" while we are here...

Obama supporters. Are you claiming unemployment went down without jobs being created.

Kiss it NL.

Read the question again......nah......fuck it......

There are 3 different surveys which measure employment growth.....those are just the DIRECT measures......then we have trends in nominal and real wages, state and federal tax collections, job openings, initial claims, voluntary quits...This could go on for a while.....

The bottom line?

The jobs data isn't compiled with "claims", it is a carefully produced set of data series with redundant checks...

savvy, Cleetus?

Read the number. 47.6 million on food stamps while a claim of job creation is being made.

Your little boy can't lie well either.
Keep slinging those slurs you ignorant piece of shit.

Working people can qualify for food stamps. How did you get ths fucking stupid. Your racism seems to indicate that you were inbred, are you from WV?
Caucasians make up the greatest raw number of public assistance. So......Please point out the racism...

Raws numbers mean nothing.
Most people are not working by choice? .

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age
Adult Civilian nonistitutional population: 254,742,000
Working: 152,385,000
Not working but looking for work (aka "unemployed"): 7,170,000
Not working or looking for work (not in the labor force): 95,774,000
Not in the labor force and wants a job now: 5,524,000

So out of 103 million not working, 12,619,000 want a job, and 90,325,000 do not.

More details on those not in the labor force: A-38. Persons not in the labor force by desire and availability for work, age, and sex
LOL by desire. Record number couldn't find a job because they wanted to? Damn, that must be some strong coolaid you guys are drinking.

Record 95,102,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Number Grew 18% Since Obama Took Office in 2009

When President Obama took office in January 2009, 80,529,000 Americans were not in the labor force.. That number rose steadily during his two terms, reaching a record 95,055,000 in November 2016, then setting a record (95,102,000) in December.

According to BLS, total nonfarm payroll employment rose by a lackluster 156,000 in December.
Are you claiming 50 million retired people can't find jobs?

Are you ignoring the 32 million baby boomers who retired under Obama?

Are you aware that the lackluster 156,000 jobs in December averages out to 1.9 million jobs in a year? More than Bush saw in eight years

Are you aware that despite all the jobs Obama claimed to have created, he still hold the record of having 47.6 million on food stamps.

Don't worry....Trump will break the record

Funny part about what you say is yours is a guess and my statement is fact. Learn the difference.
You mean the spin job by the media which fails to tell the country that a record number are out of work and have stopped looking? I'm sure you're going to brag about the so called unemployment numbers which doesn't take into account the tens of millions who lost their jobs and stopped looking.
There are a record number of people not working and not looking for work. But that does not mean they all lost their jobs (or ever had jobs). 90 million of the 95 million Not in the Labor Force do not want a job. Many who say they want a job have not looked for work at all in 2016. Others couldn't start working at this time even if they were handed one.

There are 1.7 million people who want a job, could start work if offered, have looked for work in the last year, but aren't looking now. most of them stopped looking due to family responsibilities or to go to school or training, or personal issues like child care or transportation problems or because they were sick or injured or pregnant. Less than half a million "gave up" because they believed they wouldn't get a job.

So why should people not trying to work be classified as unemployed? We already know they won't get a job, so including them as unemployed doesn't help with seeing how hard it is to get a job.
Yeah yeah yeah, nice try no cigar. You see, it's your winded "explanation" that didn't match the facts on the ground as of last November 8, that's why we ended up with an electoral landslide in favor of Trump.
Oh? What specifically are you claiming does not match the "facts on the ground" and what is your evidence (besides unsubstantiated opinion)?
Why do you think people in all those previously blue states voted for Trump then? They refuted Obama and his supposed incumbent's economic, domestic and international policies. It was so disastrous that states that had had not voted red in forty years, did so last November 8. Over 70% of Americans were very unhappy with the direction the country was heading.

3 million more Americans voted for Hillary than voted for Trump
7 million more Americans voted for Obama than voted for Trump

Stop pretending you have a mandate

Trump got 34 more electoral than required. Hillary got 227, 43 less than needed. That's all that matters.
Why do you think people in all those previously blue states voted for Trump then? They refuted Obama and his supposed incumbent's economic, domestic and international policies. It was so disastrous that states that had had not voted red in forty years, did so last November 8. Over 70% of Americans were very unhappy with the direction the country was heading.
Some of that is true. Some voted for him because they thought Clinton was worse, some because they liked his policies on immigration, etc.

But popular opinion doesn't change reality. Most people not working are not working by choice. Very few people "gave up."
Most people are not working by choice? Or perhaps they are seeing the good jobs and opportunities fade away under the Obama economy, and voting for Hillary meant more of the same? Not to mention his disastrous domestic and international policies which people strongly disapproved of as well.

Would you interrupt your steady stream of bullshit and post Obama's current Approval Ratings?

So you think popular means good? Sorry, 47.6 million on food stamps isn't good. All his popular means is that you better get in line since you only have 11 more days to kiss his ass. Pucker up.
There are a record number of people not working and not looking for work. But that does not mean they all lost their jobs (or ever had jobs). 90 million of the 95 million Not in the Labor Force do not want a job. Many who say they want a job have not looked for work at all in 2016. Others couldn't start working at this time even if they were handed one.

There are 1.7 million people who want a job, could start work if offered, have looked for work in the last year, but aren't looking now. most of them stopped looking due to family responsibilities or to go to school or training, or personal issues like child care or transportation problems or because they were sick or injured or pregnant. Less than half a million "gave up" because they believed they wouldn't get a job.

So why should people not trying to work be classified as unemployed? We already know they won't get a job, so including them as unemployed doesn't help with seeing how hard it is to get a job.
Yeah yeah yeah, nice try no cigar. You see, it's your winded "explanation" that didn't match the facts on the ground as of last November 8, that's why we ended up with an electoral landslide in favor of Trump.
Oh? What specifically are you claiming does not match the "facts on the ground" and what is your evidence (besides unsubstantiated opinion)?
Why do you think people in all those previously blue states voted for Trump then? They refuted Obama and his supposed incumbent's economic, domestic and international policies. It was so disastrous that states that had had not voted red in forty years, did so last November 8. Over 70% of Americans were very unhappy with the direction the country was heading.

3 million more Americans voted for Hillary than voted for Trump
7 million more Americans voted for Obama than voted for Trump

Stop pretending you have a mandate

Trump got 34 more electoral than required. Hillary got 227, 43 less than needed. That's all that matters.
Nobody is questioning that he won

Only that most Americans voted against him and he needed Russia to win
Yeah yeah yeah, nice try no cigar. You see, it's your winded "explanation" that didn't match the facts on the ground as of last November 8, that's why we ended up with an electoral landslide in favor of Trump.
Oh? What specifically are you claiming does not match the "facts on the ground" and what is your evidence (besides unsubstantiated opinion)?
Why do you think people in all those previously blue states voted for Trump then? They refuted Obama and his supposed incumbent's economic, domestic and international policies. It was so disastrous that states that had had not voted red in forty years, did so last November 8. Over 70% of Americans were very unhappy with the direction the country was heading.

3 million more Americans voted for Hillary than voted for Trump
7 million more Americans voted for Obama than voted for Trump

Stop pretending you have a mandate

Trump got 34 more electoral than required. Hillary got 227, 43 less than needed. That's all that matters.
Nobody is questioning that he won

Only that most Americans voted against him and he needed Russia to win

Since popular votes aren't mentioned anywhere in the Constitution related to electing a President, it's irrelevant.

Funny thing is your problem is that things related to Hillary were shown yet you don't refute any of them.
Oh? What specifically are you claiming does not match the "facts on the ground" and what is your evidence (besides unsubstantiated opinion)?
Why do you think people in all those previously blue states voted for Trump then? They refuted Obama and his supposed incumbent's economic, domestic and international policies. It was so disastrous that states that had had not voted red in forty years, did so last November 8. Over 70% of Americans were very unhappy with the direction the country was heading.

3 million more Americans voted for Hillary than voted for Trump
7 million more Americans voted for Obama than voted for Trump

Stop pretending you have a mandate

Trump got 34 more electoral than required. Hillary got 227, 43 less than needed. That's all that matters.
Nobody is questioning that he won

Only that most Americans voted against him and he needed Russia to win

Since popular votes aren't mentioned anywhere in the Constitution related to electing a President, it's irrelevant.

Funny thing is your problem is that things related to Hillary were shown yet you don't refute any of them.
Constitution doesn't say anything about a President needing Russia's help to get elected
Why do you think people in all those previously blue states voted for Trump then? They refuted Obama and his supposed incumbent's economic, domestic and international policies. It was so disastrous that states that had had not voted red in forty years, did so last November 8. Over 70% of Americans were very unhappy with the direction the country was heading.

3 million more Americans voted for Hillary than voted for Trump
7 million more Americans voted for Obama than voted for Trump

Stop pretending you have a mandate

Trump got 34 more electoral than required. Hillary got 227, 43 less than needed. That's all that matters.
Nobody is questioning that he won

Only that most Americans voted against him and he needed Russia to win

Since popular votes aren't mentioned anywhere in the Constitution related to electing a President, it's irrelevant.

Funny thing is your problem is that things related to Hillary were shown yet you don't refute any of them.
Constitution doesn't say anything about a President needing Russia's help to get elected

That's only an excuse because you can't deal with your bitch losing.
Obama supporters. Are you claiming unemployment went down without jobs being created.

Kiss it NL.

Read the question again......nah......fuck it......

There are 3 different surveys which measure employment growth.....those are just the DIRECT measures......then we have trends in nominal and real wages, state and federal tax collections, job openings, initial claims, voluntary quits...This could go on for a while.....

The bottom line?

The jobs data isn't compiled with "claims", it is a carefully produced set of data series with redundant checks...

savvy, Cleetus?

Read the number. 47.6 million on food stamps while a claim of job creation is being made.

Your little boy can't lie well either.
Keep slinging those slurs you ignorant piece of shit.

Working people can qualify for food stamps. How did you get ths fucking stupid. Your racism seems to indicate that you were inbred, are you from WV?
Caucasians make up the greatest raw number of public assistance. So......Please point out the racism...

Raws numbers mean nothing.
Raws numbers mean nothing
For the past 48 hrs....

Read the number. 47.6 million

Obama created an environment where more people went to the welfare office door and knocked. He made it easier for them to do so by enabling it.

The Great Recession began in Nov 2007.......

Have someone help you read a calendar, Cleetus...
Awwwww how cute, they're still blaming Bush.

When did The Great Recession begin on your planet?

Who was POTUS in 2003 when eligibility requirements for SNAP were modified?
oh you want to go back and discuss what happened in 2007, which BOTH parties were responsible for? The asshole had eight years, and all he did was implement taxes and anti business policies that crippled the economy.

and all he did was implement taxes and anti business policies that crippled the economy

Meanwhile, on Planet Earth.....


47.6 million on food stamps under Obama. That's a fact you can't refute.
Most of those food stamp recipients have jobs. That`s a fact you can`t refute!Get a Job? Most Welfare Recipients Already Have One
All the snowflakes.....enjoy the speech today! Bask in the glory!! Raise a glass!:party:

In 9 days, he flies off to Hawaii to body surf and whatever else you do out there.......never to matter again!:bye1: For our side,9 days 'til the tingle up the leg ftmfw!:rock::rock:
Why did so many people feel beaten down and out of luck if Obama was doing a good job with the economy?

Because Obama only cares about the 1%

Middle-class Americans and the poor enjoyed their best year of economic improvement in decades in 2015, the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, a spike that broke a years-long streak of disappointment for American workers but did not fully repair the damage inflicted by the Great Recession.

Real median household income was $56,500 in 2015, the bureau reported, up from $53,700 in 2014. That 5.2 percent increase was the largest, in percentage terms, recorded by the bureau since it began tracking median income statistics in the 1960s.

In addition, the poverty rate fell by 1.2 percentage points, the steepest decline since 1968. There were 43.1 million Americans in poverty on the year, 3.5 million fewer than in 2014. The share of Americans who lack health insurance continued a years-long decline, falling 1.3 percentage points, to 9.1 percent.

Middle class incomes had their fastest growth on record last year
Why did so many people feel beaten down and out of luck if Obama was doing a good job with the economy?

Because Obama only cares about the 1%

Middle-class Americans and the poor enjoyed their best year of economic improvement in decades in 2015, the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, a spike that broke a years-long streak of disappointment for American workers but did not fully repair the damage inflicted by the Great Recession.

Real median household income was $56,500 in 2015, the bureau reported, up from $53,700 in 2014. That 5.2 percent increase was the largest, in percentage terms, recorded by the bureau since it began tracking median income statistics in the 1960s.

In addition, the poverty rate fell by 1.2 percentage points, the steepest decline since 1968. There were 43.1 million Americans in poverty on the year, 3.5 million fewer than in 2014. The share of Americans who lack health insurance continued a years-long decline, falling 1.3 percentage points, to 9.1 percent.

Middle class incomes had their fastest growth on record last year

Like Paul Walker famously said in Fast 7............... "too slow"!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

s0n......you might as well be sitting naked on a stool in the middle of Siberia yelling "FIRE!!"

nobody cares
Why did so many people feel beaten down and out of luck if Obama was doing a good job with the economy?

Because Obama only cares about the 1%

Middle-class Americans and the poor enjoyed their best year of economic improvement in decades in 2015, the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, a spike that broke a years-long streak of disappointment for American workers but did not fully repair the damage inflicted by the Great Recession.

Real median household income was $56,500 in 2015, the bureau reported, up from $53,700 in 2014. That 5.2 percent increase was the largest, in percentage terms, recorded by the bureau since it began tracking median income statistics in the 1960s.

In addition, the poverty rate fell by 1.2 percentage points, the steepest decline since 1968. There were 43.1 million Americans in poverty on the year, 3.5 million fewer than in 2014. The share of Americans who lack health insurance continued a years-long decline, falling 1.3 percentage points, to 9.1 percent.

Middle class incomes had their fastest growth on record last year

Like Paul Walker famously said in Fast 7............... "too slow"!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

s0n......you might as well be sitting naked on a stool in the middle of Siberia yelling "FIRE!!"

nobody cares
"Too slow"?

Maybe if the Moron for whom you cast 2 votes hadn't managed to REDUCE private sector payrolls between Feb 2001 and Feb 2009, we wouldn't have needed 5 years to sop up the excess...

Personally, I think you should not vote.......you don't have the sense...
Why did so many people feel beaten down and out of luck if Obama was doing a good job with the economy?

Because Obama only cares about the 1%

Middle-class Americans and the poor enjoyed their best year of economic improvement in decades in 2015, the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, a spike that broke a years-long streak of disappointment for American workers but did not fully repair the damage inflicted by the Great Recession.

Real median household income was $56,500 in 2015, the bureau reported, up from $53,700 in 2014. That 5.2 percent increase was the largest, in percentage terms, recorded by the bureau since it began tracking median income statistics in the 1960s.

In addition, the poverty rate fell by 1.2 percentage points, the steepest decline since 1968. There were 43.1 million Americans in poverty on the year, 3.5 million fewer than in 2014. The share of Americans who lack health insurance continued a years-long decline, falling 1.3 percentage points, to 9.1 percent.

Middle class incomes had their fastest growth on record last year

Like Paul Walker famously said in Fast 7............... "too slow"!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

s0n......you might as well be sitting naked on a stool in the middle of Siberia yelling "FIRE!!"

nobody cares
"Too slow"?

Maybe if the Moron for whom you cast 2 votes hadn't managed to REDUCE private sector payrolls between Feb 2001 and Feb 2009, we wouldn't have needed 5 years to sop up the excess...

Personally, I think you should not vote.......you don't have the sense...

Enjoy the speech today s0n!!:deal:

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