Obama Teaches Us All A Lesson About Cliven Bundy

American blacks are the most racist people on the planet. I don't get it. Maybe its because some of them make so much money off of them.
It would figure Obama would talk race even at an event that was intended as a light hearted evening.
Typical of a black man. Can't get five words out without race coming up.


You folks were making Cliven Bundy into a modern George Washington complete with Militia men (Who put their wives and kids in front of armed federal agents while they secured sniper positions).

THEN Cliven opened his pie hole.

Yes sir ree bob..you couldn't ask for a greater gift.

And he took it.


You are such a bigot. Pity.


I am "bigoted" against anti American racist state rights theocrats who try to get people shot up because they want to decide which laws they want to follow which laws they don't.

Sue me.
if they paided 20 an hour or so it would be perfectly fine for a job.
Im serious, paying them 7-8 an hour is piss

I am in Australia now.

You know what the minimum wage is here?

Like 20 bucks an hour.

You know what's that bought?

A low crime rate and lots of happy people.

:cool:Stay there


But you can move to the country you are loyal too.


Don't let the door slam your ass on the way out.
"American blacks are racists" is stereotyping and bigotry.

Also your english sucks. Nobody has any idea what the fuck youre saying half the time.
my grand baby still doesnt get Obama or yankee blacks. We're getting ready to go up. Jump up.

You really are fucked up. I dont get you guys at all.

There is no planet where the above comments are not disjointed psychobabble that makes no sense whatsoever.
I am in Australia now.

You know what the minimum wage is here?

Like 20 bucks an hour.

You know what's that bought?

A low crime rate and lots of happy people.

:cool:Stay there


But you can move to the country you are loyal too.


Don't let the door slam your ass on the way out.

You don't happen to have a country. Your loyalty is to your ideology. You libs try to make my country, the United States of America into something else...A socialist utopia:cuckoo:
my grand baby still doesnt get Obama or yankee blacks. We're getting ready to go up. Jump up.

You really are fucked up. I dont get you guys at all.

There is no planet where the above comments are not disjointed psychobabble that makes no sense whatsoever.

wow that actually was typed out by her....

Shes been accused around here of being on drugs lots and lots of times......its cuz of convoluted shit like that where noone has fuck all of an idea what the hell she is trying to say.

I don't give a fuck.

And advocating it as a viable career choice is disgusting.

Even moreso given the history of this country.

How you folks even defend this bullshit is beyond me.

if they paided 20 an hour or so it would be perfectly fine for a job.
Im serious, paying them 7-8 an hour is piss

I am in Australia now.

You know what the minimum wage is here?

Like 20 bucks an hour.

You know what's that bought?

A low crime rate and lots of happy people.
20 an hour means you are not struggling with the kids. 20 an hour means a mom can stay home with her kids while the husband works. Or vice versa. Meaning the kids have a full time parent to actually parent. Means people can buy homes and cars.

Its amazing how the right is so anti-wage these days. Were they not, a lot of their policies would actually take affect.
There is no planet where the above comments are not disjointed psychobabble that makes no sense whatsoever.

wow that actually was typed out by her....

Shes been accused around here of being on drugs lots and lots of times......its cuz of convoluted shit like that where noone has fuck all of an idea what the hell she is trying to say.

and drinking...she drinks, and you dont have to accuse, she admits it.
:cool:Stay there


But you can move to the country you are loyal too.


Don't let the door slam your ass on the way out.

You don't happen to have a country. Your loyalty is to your ideology. You libs try to make my country, the United States of America into something else...A socialist utopia:cuckoo:

i dont think you understand what 20 an hour, hell even 15 an hour provides people. You give a family 20 an hour and Obamacare never happened. Private insurance would be the same. You give people 20 an hour and the nuclear family has a better shot of staying together. You give 20 an hour and people wouldnt have abandoned their homes during the crash. You give people 20 an hour and they will spitball more back into the economy, by buying cars, tvs, fridges, washers etc.

You give people 20 an hour and most likely taxes would decrease overtime. Or you could swing to a flat rate of some sort. You would also see crime decrease because people wouldnt have to resort to stealing or what not, because the neighborhood didnt collapse into trash.

You people dont think your talking points through at all these days.
:cool:Stay there


But you can move to the country you are loyal too.


Don't let the door slam your ass on the way out.

You don't happen to have a country. Your loyalty is to your ideology. You libs try to make my country, the United States of America into something else...A socialist utopia:cuckoo:

The United States is a Liberal Country founded by Liberals for Liberals.

Conservatives have tried and failed to change it several times.

Notably during the Whiskey Rebellion, The Mormon War and the Civil War.

You guys get your asses kicked every time.

But you can move to the country you are loyal too.


Don't let the door slam your ass on the way out.

You don't happen to have a country. Your loyalty is to your ideology. You libs try to make my country, the United States of America into something else...A socialist utopia:cuckoo:

The United States is a Liberal Country founded by Liberals for Liberals.

Conservatives have tried and failed to change it several times.

Notably during the Whiskey Rebellion, The Mormon War and the Civil War.

You guys get your asses kicked every time.

Yep Classical liberals not socialist

Classical liberalism is a philosophy committed to the ideal of limited government and liberty of individuals including freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and free markets.

Certainly not modern liberalism, obamanism, where elitist politicians tell us how to live our lives... Liberty boy, it's beyond your comprehension
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But you can move to the country you are loyal too.


Don't let the door slam your ass on the way out.

You don't happen to have a country. Your loyalty is to your ideology. You libs try to make my country, the United States of America into something else...A socialist utopia:cuckoo:

i dont think you understand what 20 an hour, hell even 15 an hour provides people. You give a family 20 an hour and Obamacare never happened. Private insurance would be the same. You give people 20 an hour and the nuclear family has a better shot of staying together. You give 20 an hour and people wouldnt have abandoned their homes during the crash. You give people 20 an hour and they will spitball more back into the economy, by buying cars, tvs, fridges, washers etc.

You give people 20 an hour and most likely taxes would decrease overtime. Or you could swing to a flat rate of some sort. You would also see crime decrease because people wouldnt have to resort to stealing or what not, because the neighborhood didnt collapse into trash.

You people dont think your talking points through at all these days.

"Give" that's the operative word isn't it. one has to earn their way, it's not about giving anything.
wow that actually was typed out by her....

Shes been accused around here of being on drugs lots and lots of times......its cuz of convoluted shit like that where noone has fuck all of an idea what the hell she is trying to say.

and drinking...she drinks, and you dont have to accuse, she admits it.

Not today Not partying down.

Jump up guys. its island. my kids my life. I'm white as can be I guess as in your mind but I do jerk and tonight I'm jammin with jerk chicken and bananas.

Sorries as I can be but my skin is white my soul is the islands baby.
You don't happen to have a country. Your loyalty is to your ideology. You libs try to make my country, the United States of America into something else...A socialist utopia:cuckoo:

i dont think you understand what 20 an hour, hell even 15 an hour provides people. You give a family 20 an hour and Obamacare never happened. Private insurance would be the same. You give people 20 an hour and the nuclear family has a better shot of staying together. You give 20 an hour and people wouldnt have abandoned their homes during the crash. You give people 20 an hour and they will spitball more back into the economy, by buying cars, tvs, fridges, washers etc.

You give people 20 an hour and most likely taxes would decrease overtime. Or you could swing to a flat rate of some sort. You would also see crime decrease because people wouldnt have to resort to stealing or what not, because the neighborhood didnt collapse into trash.

You people dont think your talking points through at all these days.

"Give" that's the operative word isn't it. one has to earn their way, it's not about giving anything.

you that stupid? Thats rhetorical. Yeah i've been part of two companies where you "earn" your way up..Which doesnt happen unless you brownnose the right people. Its not about earning shit these days. "earning" is a nice fantasy you guys thinks works in the real world. ( im sure they're a few places where you can earn it, but not overall)

Again you actively work against your own policies because you think its some sort of welfare or some other retarded label you people like to meme around.

there is a reason why companies are keeping wages low. Its almost akin to being a drug dealer.

Trickle down doesnt work in the real world. Greed does.

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