Obama Teaches Us All A Lesson About Cliven Bundy


President Barack Obama taught everyone a little lesson about racist Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy during the 2014 White House Correspondents' Dinner.

Obama was touting the success of Olympic snowboarder Jamie Anderson, who was in attendance at the dinner, saying he hadn't "seen someone pull a 180 that fast until Rand Paul disinvited that Nevada rancher from this dinner."

"As a general rule, things don't end well if the sentence starts with, 'Let me tell you something about the Negro,'" Obama said. "You don't really need to know the rest of it, just a tip for you."Obama Teaches Us All A Lesson About Cliven Bundy


Well hes right.
Shes been accused around here of being on drugs lots and lots of times......its cuz of convoluted shit like that where noone has fuck all of an idea what the hell she is trying to say.

and drinking...she drinks, and you dont have to accuse, she admits it.

Not today Not partying down.

Jump up guys. its island. my kids my life. I'm white as can be I guess as in your mind but I do jerk and tonight I'm jammin with jerk chicken and bananas.

Sorries as I can be but my skin is white my soul is the islands baby.

That must be some good ganja.
this man is just the ugliest hearted, mean spirited President I have lived under... I really believe he's mentally ill which the scares the hell out me

It's undeniable that he's mentally ill. The question is, how close is he to snapping and having a serious psychotic break?

President Barack Obama taught everyone a little lesson about racist Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy during the 2014 White House Correspondents' Dinner.

Obama was touting the success of Olympic snowboarder Jamie Anderson, who was in attendance at the dinner, saying he hadn't "seen someone pull a 180 that fast until Rand Paul disinvited that Nevada rancher from this dinner."

"As a general rule, things don't end well if the sentence starts with, 'Let me tell you something about the Negro,'" Obama said. "You don't really need to know the rest of it, just a tip for you."Obama Teaches Us All A Lesson About Cliven Bundy


Well hes right.

Basically I think anyone floating the whole "State's rights" thing is going to say something about cotton and negroes somewhere down the line.

this man is just the ugliest hearted, mean spirited President I have lived under... I really believe he's mentally ill which the scares the hell out me

It's undeniable that he's mentally ill. The question is, how close is he to snapping and having a serious psychotic break?

you're the psychotic who sits on message boards every day saying outlandish and hateful partisan quips - I think hes got one up on ya tbh
Everyone needs to tell people like Shallow simply, NO. We won't be silent.

when did he/she ask you to be silent?

Another take on this little man..and they aren't writing it on their knees like others


Obama Skips Self-Deprecation, Lashes Out at Republicans in Vicious WHCA Dinner Monologue

It takes a big man to make fun of himself, to take his failures, hold them up for everyone to see, and say, as Chandler Bing might: "Could I BE any more ridiculous?"

So when the president of the United States -- the most powerful man in the world, used to always getting his way, always being the smartest guy in the room, and always the one who gets the last word -- does it, we take note. It's a lesson in self-deprecation all Americans can learn from; Hey, the president mocks himself, so maybe I should just lighten up a little bit on myself, too.

Once a year, at the White House Correspondents' Association dinner, the president drops in to deliver a short comedy bit heavy on self deprecation. President Reagan was a master, goofing on himself as a slow-witted Hollywood rube; George H.W. Bush stepped out of his stiff patrician bearing to hit himself with a few zingers; Bill Clinton singed himself badly after his affair with a White House intern ("How was your week?").

And George W. Bush was, frankly, a master. Derided like Reagan, a slow witted rube, but this time from Texas, Bush once brought an impersonator on stage to mock him nonstop, for everything from his marble-mouthed delivery to his low approval rating. Mastery.

But President Obama each year proves he just isn't man enough to point his super-intellectual humor at himself. Sure, he almost always delivers a burn or two at himself, but he always goes on a scorched-earth campaign after that, viciously ripping any and all critics who have taken him on.

Saturday night was no different.

"It is great to be back. What a year, huh? I usually start these dinners with a few self-deprecating jokes. After my stellar 2013, what can I possibly talk about?" he said right at the top of his 20-minute routine.

He was, of course, going to mock the dismal rollout of Obamacare. But in his very first joke, he did so not by targeting himself, but by going after 2012 GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

"At one point, things got so bad, the 47 percent called Mitt Romney to apologize," he said to applause and laughter from the heavily liberal crowd. He made two other jokes, both weak, about the rollout, and ... done. "Rather than dwell on the past, I would like to pivot to this dinner," he said. End of self deprecation.

But he would go on to eviscerate his foes, bring up Kenya and "birthers" not once but twice, delight in charging Republicans with racism (which also filled a lengthy serious passage at the end of his comedy bit), target two private citizens, the Koch brothers, and muse about "what did we do to piss off Chris Christie so bad?" (Classy.)

He seemed positively obsessed with the Republicans who are going to vie for his job. Like this line, talking about the wonders of snowboarding in the Winter Olympics : "We haven’t seen somebody pull a 180 that fast since Rand Paul disinvited that disgruntled rancher from this dinner."

"As a general rule, things don’t end well if the sentence starts, 'Let me tell you something I know about the negro.' You don’t really need to hear the rest of it. Just a tip for you. Don't start your sentence that way," he said to laughter, apparently seeking to connect Paul with embattled Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy.

He targeted Sen. Ted Cruz too: "But I have not given up the idea of working with Congress. In fact, two weeks ago, Senator Ted Cruz and I, we got a bill done together and I have to say the signing ceremony was something special. We got a picture of it I think." Cut to Obama signing a bill at his desk, a disgruntled Cruz behind him, a hideous Devil with horns on the other side, a sign reading "HELL" covered with snow and ice.

And he took aim at Texas Gov. Rick Perry: Obama said Perry had followed a move by Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and named a school after the president. Cut to a picture of a school sign: "Raging Socialist High School, 'Home of the Fighting Chomskys,' Bake Sale Tuesday, All Proceeds to Be Divided Equally."

Throughout the monologue, the 2,500 people in the Washington Hilton howled their approval at the over-the-top attacks. Later, when comedian Joal McHale made a Nancy Pelosi joke, there were only groans.

But Obama knows that the highly partisan crowd at the annual event will eat up his vindictive diatribe, and each year, it does. So every year, Obama makes it all just a bit more vicious. Still, that seems to be just the problem: A man who can't laugh at himself is a man devoid of humor, and nearly always, bitter and petty.

all of it here
Obama Skips Self-Deprecation, Lashes Out at Republicans in Vicious WHCA Dinner Monologue | Truth Revolt

Po' baby. Got your panties all in a knot. Get used to it. We laughed at you in Nov12. We laughed at you at the dinner. And we will laugh at you right up to 20Jan17, when we will have the biggest laugh at all at Hillary's inaugeration.
Yes the post office, the navy funded by the government and the general welfare clause are not socialist.

No sir ree bob.

And your made up "classical liberal" includes slavery and women with no vote.

Boy oh boy.
:eusa_hand:Liberty is the opposite of slavery ...Just so you know

Most of the founders owned slaves.

Jefferson had children with one.

Look it up.

Learn some history, talking points boy. Think independently if possible....
n fact, Frederick Douglass argued, the U.S. Constitution was both the founding generation's greatest achievement and the abolitionists' greatest weapon. Contrary to the view held by both the Garrisonians and the slaveholders, both of whom saw the Constitution as proslavery, Douglass argued that the document forbade slavery and enshrined the colorblind principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence, including the "self-evident" truths that "all men are created equal" and born in possession of "unalienable Rights" Look to the language of the Constitution, he said, and "it will be found to contain principles and purposes, entirely hostile to the existence of slavery."

'A glorious liberty document': Frederick Douglass' case for an anti-slavery Constitution. - Free Online Library

Abraham Lincoln also used the Declaration of Independence to make the argument for freeing the slaves. The document written by Jefferson
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you that stupid? Thats rhetorical. Yeah i've been part of two companies where you "earn" your way up..Which doesnt happen unless you brownnose the right people. Its not about earning shit these days. "earning" is a nice fantasy you guys thinks works in the real world. ( im sure they're a few places where you can earn it, but not overall)

Again you actively work against your own policies because you think its some sort of welfare or some other retarded label you people like to meme around.

there is a reason why companies are keeping wages low. Its almost akin to being a drug dealer.

Trickle down doesnt work in the real world. Greed does.

if not for people like your pathetic president we'd have plenty more good jobs Obamanomics at work hope you like it:cuckoo:

Where is your evidence that we would have "plenty more good jobs" if Obama was not the President?
logic boy......Unlease our energy production, cut regulations, cut taxes. Jobs ..jobs...Jobs.. ..Obama phones, and food stamps aren't working
:eusa_hand:Liberty is the opposite of slavery ...Just so you know

Most of the founders owned slaves.

Jefferson had children with one.

Look it up.

Learn some history, talking points boy. Think independently if possible....
n fact, Frederick Douglass argued, the U.S. Constitution was both the founding generation's greatest achievement and the abolitionists' greatest weapon. Contrary to the view held by both the Garrisonians and the slaveholders, both of whom saw the Constitution as proslavery, Douglass argued that the document forbade slavery and enshrined the colorblind principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence, including the "self-evident" truths that "all men are created equal" and born in possession of "unalienable Rights" Look to the language of the Constitution, he said, and "it will be found to contain principles and purposes, entirely hostile to the existence of slavery."

'A glorious liberty document': Frederick Douglass' case for an anti-slavery Constitution. - Free Online Library

Abraham Lincoln also used the Declaration of Independence to make the argument for freeing the slaves. The document written by Jefferson

Not sure what you are getting at.

The Constitution codified slavery and it took over 100 years and the civil war to end it.

Your "Bachmann" version of history not withstanding..

if not for people like your pathetic president we'd have plenty more good jobs Obamanomics at work hope you like it:cuckoo:

Where is your evidence that we would have "plenty more good jobs" if Obama was not the President?
logic boy......Unlease our energy production, cut regulations, cut taxes. Jobs ..jobs...Jobs.. ..Obama phones, and food stamps aren't working

Yes Jroc.

Reagan cut regulations, taxes, ramped up energy production.

Guess what it got us.

Dirty air, a financial collapse and richer billionaires. And that was during his administration.

Then came Bush jr. who essentially did the same thing.

What did that get us?


President Barack Obama taught everyone a little lesson about racist Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy during the 2014 White House Correspondents' Dinner.

Obama was touting the success of Olympic snowboarder Jamie Anderson, who was in attendance at the dinner, saying he hadn't "seen someone pull a 180 that fast until Rand Paul disinvited that Nevada rancher from this dinner."

"As a general rule, things don't end well if the sentence starts with, 'Let me tell you something about the Negro,'" Obama said. "You don't really need to know the rest of it, just a tip for you."
Obama Teaches Us All A Lesson About Cliven Bundy


The difference between Cliven Bundy and Donald Sterling is one is a major Democrat donor.

You do realize that most wealthy people will donate to candidates from both parties, right? Big business does this all the time. Whom they donate to does not necessarily determine their political affiliation. If I'm a wealthy Democrat and a I have a business that has an interest in certain legislation that might benefit my company, and my Congressman is a Republican who is certain to win re-election, guess whose campaign I am going to contribute to.

The difference between Cliven Bundy and Donald Sterling is one is a major Democrat donor.

You do realize that most wealthy people will donate to candidates from both parties, right? Big business does this all the time. Whom they donate to does not necessarily determine their political affiliation. If I'm a wealthy Democrat and a I have a business that has an interest in certain legislation that might benefit my company, and my Congressman is a Republican who is certain to win re-election, guess whose campaign I am going to contribute to.

It's kind of above their heads.

Most "poor" conservatives do not understand wealth or wealthy people.

They leave that sort of thing to the mysteries of the almighty.

The difference between Cliven Bundy and Donald Sterling is one is a major Democrat donor.

You do realize that most wealthy people will donate to candidates from both parties, right? Big business does this all the time. Whom they donate to does not necessarily determine their political affiliation. If I'm a wealthy Democrat and a I have a business that has an interest in certain legislation that might benefit my company, and my Congressman is a Republican who is certain to win re-election, guess whose campaign I am going to contribute to.

It's kind of above their heads.

Most "poor" conservatives do not understand wealth or wealthy people.

They leave that sort of thing to the mysteries of the almighty.


as nasty as your knee worshipping hero Obama
you liberals understand them well, you frikken VOTE for them to be your masters over and over
seven out of top ten RICHEST in Congress, Democrat
Most of the founders owned slaves.

Jefferson had children with one.

Look it up.

Learn some history, talking points boy. Think independently if possible....
n fact, Frederick Douglass argued, the U.S. Constitution was both the founding generation's greatest achievement and the abolitionists' greatest weapon. Contrary to the view held by both the Garrisonians and the slaveholders, both of whom saw the Constitution as proslavery, Douglass argued that the document forbade slavery and enshrined the colorblind principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence, including the "self-evident" truths that "all men are created equal" and born in possession of "unalienable Rights" Look to the language of the Constitution, he said, and "it will be found to contain principles and purposes, entirely hostile to the existence of slavery."

'A glorious liberty document': Frederick Douglass' case for an anti-slavery Constitution. - Free Online Library

Abraham Lincoln also used the Declaration of Independence to make the argument for freeing the slaves. The document written by Jefferson

Not sure what you are getting at.

The Constitution codified slavery and it took over 100 years and the civil war to end it.

Your "Bachmann" version of history not withstanding..


He's not getting at anything. You said the founders owned slaves. He said you didnt know what you were talking about and as proof he shows a quote that has nothing to do with if the founders owned slaves or not.

Classic switch :lol:
Most of the founders owned slaves.

Jefferson had children with one.

Look it up.

Learn some history, talking points boy. Think independently if possible....
n fact, Frederick Douglass argued, the U.S. Constitution was both the founding generation's greatest achievement and the abolitionists' greatest weapon. Contrary to the view held by both the Garrisonians and the slaveholders, both of whom saw the Constitution as proslavery, Douglass argued that the document forbade slavery and enshrined the colorblind principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence, including the "self-evident" truths that "all men are created equal" and born in possession of "unalienable Rights" Look to the language of the Constitution, he said, and "it will be found to contain principles and purposes, entirely hostile to the existence of slavery."

'A glorious liberty document': Frederick Douglass' case for an anti-slavery Constitution. - Free Online Library

Abraham Lincoln also used the Declaration of Independence to make the argument for freeing the slaves. The document written by Jefferson

Not sure what you are getting at.

The Constitution codified slavery and it took over 100 years and the civil war to end it.

Your "Bachmann" version of history not withstanding..


You're too simple minded to comprehend.....That's the way the Democrats like them.

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