Obama temporarily banned flights to and from Israel in July!

but he refuses to ban flights from west Africa !
What US flights from West Africa??

Oh.ok....word games..He should ban anyone entering the u.s. who has been in an ebola hotspot...like these nations have;

Anticipate travel disruption due to Ebola-related flight bans, health screening measures

The authorities in several countries have implemented entry restrictions to curtail the spread of Ebola from countries that have Ebola cases, while air carriers have restricted flights or modified schedules. Health screening has also been implemented at ports of entry and departure in various countries throughout West Africa and is being introduced in Europe and North America countries as well.

Specific details of restrictions such as those listed below are difficult to verify and subject to change, while the implementation of state-imposed entry conditions can vary. Similarly, flight schedules may change at short notice. Travellers departing from countries affected by an outbreak of Ebola should seek itinerary-specific guidance from the relevant authorities on screening procedures and documentation requirements. They should also reconfirm the status of flights before setting out and allow additional time during arrival and departure to pass through enhanced medical screening.

Travel Briefing

Entry restrictions

  • Kenya on 10 October announced that it had closed the Suam border crossing (Trans-Nzoia county) with Uganda due to reports of an Ebola-related death in Bukwo district (Uganda). Earlier, the Kenyan authorities on 19 August suspended entry of passengers travelling from and through Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, excluding health professionals supporting efforts to contain the outbreak and Kenyan citizens.
  • Cape Verde on 9 October announced that it would now deny entry to non-resident foreigners coming from countries with ‘intense Ebola transmission' – Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia - or who have been to those countries in the previous 30 days.
  • Mauritius on 8 October banned entry to all travellers who have visited Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia, Senegal and Congo (DRC) in the last two months, rather than just citizens of those countries, as was the case previously. The authorities have announced that entry restrictions for travellers from Senegal and Nigeria will be lifted on 10 October and 17 October respectively, if no further cases of Ebola infection are reported.
  • Seychelles on 8 October suspended entry to travellers who have visited Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Nigeria or Congo (DRC) 28 days prior to their journey, with the exception of Seychellois citizens.
  • Côte d'Ivoire has reopened in early October its borders with Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia.
  • Equatorial Guinea is denying entry to travellers whose journeys originated in countries affected by Ebola.
  • Cameroon on 17 September reopened its borders to travellers from Senegal. An 18 August ban remains in place on travel from Nigeria, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
  • Southern African Development Community (SADC) member states – Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe – have stated that travellers coming from Ebola-affected countries (according to the World Health Organisation, WHO) would be monitored for 21 days and that travel to member countries for any gatherings would be discouraged. The SADC provided no details as to how member countries will carry out the associated screening and follow-up and it is likely that countries will have individual processes. There are also reports that some countries require health documentation for entry. Travellers are advised to contact the embassy or health ministry of their destination country to clarify their individual circumstances and prepare their trips accordingly.
  • South Sudan has placed a ban on travellers coming from Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia or Congo (DRC), or those who have travelled to those countries in the preceding 21 days. According to the health ministry, entry of travellers from Nigeria depends on their travel history in that country and whether they have visited Ebola-affected areas.
  • Namibia's foreign ministry on 11 September announced that foreigners travelling from countries affected by Ebola would be prohibited from entering the country.
  • Gambia on 1 September suspended entry of persons who have visited Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone or Nigeria in the 21 days prior to travel. Those travelling indirectly from any of the aforementioned countries to Gambia via another country also come under this measure.
  • Côte d'Ivoire announced on 23 August that it had closed its land borders with Guinea and Liberia.
  • Gabon stated on 22 August that it is restricting the issuance of entry visas to travellers from Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria on a case-by-case basis.
  • Rwanda, according to the US Department of State on 22 August, has banned entry to travellers who have visited Guinea, Liberia or Sierra Leone in the 22 days prior to travel.
  • Senegal on 21 August closed its land border with Guinea, while the country's sea and air borders will also be closed to vessels and aircraft from Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
  • Chad on 21 August closed its land border with Nigeria at Lake Chad. The country previously reportedly banned the entry of any travellers originating or transiting through Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria or Sierra Leone, with airlines serving the country reportedly rerouting flights.
  • South Africa on 21 August restricted entry for all non-citizens travelling from Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. The government subsequently clarified that this was not a blanket ban and could be waived for 'absolutely essential travel'.
Flights and other transport

Countries that have implemented Ebola-related travel restrictions:

  • Gambia has banned the entry of flights from Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone.
  • Gabon has banned the entry of flights and ships from countries affected by Ebola.
  • Senegal has banned flights from Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
  • Cameroon has banned flights to and from Nigeria.Chad has suspended all flights from Nigeria.
  • Nigeria has suspended flights to the country operated by Gambian national carrier Gambia Bird.
  • Côte d'Ivoire has now lifted the ban on passenger flights from Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
Details of airlines that have restricted flights to Ebola-affected countries:

  • Air France suspended flights to Sierra Leone from 28 August.
  • The Togo-based carrier Asky Airlines has suspended flights to and from Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
  • Arik Air (Nigeria), Gambia Bird and Kenya Airways have suspended services to Liberia and Sierra Leone.
  • British Airways has extended their suspension of flights to Liberia and Sierra Leone until 31 December.
  • Emirates Airlines has suspended flights to Guinea.
  • Korean Air suspended flights to and from Kenya from 20 August.
  • Senegal Airlines has suspended flights to and from Conakry (Guinea) until further notice.
Other airlines have modified their routes but are still operating regular scheduled services. These include:

  • Royal Air Maroc
  • Brussels Airlines.
Medical screening

Entry and exit health screening is now in place in numerous countries throughout West Africa and is being introduced in Europe and North America countries as well; related measures can include the partial closure of land borders, ports and river crossings in an effort to restrict cross-border travel. Members should allow additional time to pass through medical screening and not travel if they are sick. Staff should continue to monitor local media and this website for developments.

Travel Advice Summary

  • Defer non-essential travel to Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
  • Travellers flying from countries affected by Ebola should enquire with the relevant embassies or health ministries about any requirements conditioning entry at their destination, and prepare accordingly.
  • Reconfirm bookings on all regional routes as increased demand is likely. We do not hold information on specific flights.
  • Allow additional time during arrival and departure to pass through enhanced medical screening.
  • Do not travel if you are sick. Persons with fever or other Ebola-like symptoms may be taken to designated centres or have entry/exit denied.

Banning flights from and to West Africa wouldn't be panicking, it would be the proper course of action.

Based on what?

Again, 27,000 people die every year from the flu, often because you guys think it's just wonderful that 1/4 of the country doesn't have adequate health coverage.

But man, one guy - not even an American - dies of a scary African Disease, and you guys all go into panic mode.

The CDC and the WHO know a lot more about ebola than you do...but they're probably "racists", though, right?
Ole joe has to protect his negro messiah in office. If a republican was president he would be outraged.

..and there you have it.
The air flight travel industry does not want the flights to cease to any place. They already took a 4% loss as a slap to the face the day the fellow was hospitalized in Dallas..
but he refuses to ban flights from west Africa !

He halted flights into Ben Gurion because rockets were landing on the tarmac dumbass. Halt flights over a disease outbreak when few fliers if any would even be infected is predjudicial.

No it is not prejudice. We should have closed all flights from those countries months ago.
but he refuses to ban flights from west Africa !

He halted flights into Ben Gurion because rockets were landing on the tarmac dumbass. Halt flights over a disease outbreak when few fliers if any would even be infected is predjudicial.
pal this virus is a lot more dangerous than a couple of rockets ! you know it,i know it and the potus knows it !
Yet more people die by the flu in the US than from
but he refuses to ban flights from west Africa !

He halted flights into Ben Gurion because rockets were landing on the tarmac dumbass. Halt flights over a disease outbreak when few fliers if any would even be infected is predjudicial.
Halting incoming flights and shipping from the hot zones is only common sense.



I'm hopelessly prejudiced against needlessly providing a pandemic -caliber virus a wide-open door through which to pass into the general population of my countrymen.

To the devil with prejudice, in this context.

If there is an arguable legitimate rationale for instituting such bans, from a scientific or medical perspective, then that is exactly what we should be doing.

Common sense, really.
Flu isn't nearly as fatal when caught, and there are vaccines for it. You have to be pretty stupid to claim flu is more deadly than ebola.
It is in this country....flu kills more US citizens than ..

So do tell us who dies from the flu, and show us all how the demographics compares to who is dying from ebola, and cite us the death rates of flu versus survivors to those with ebola.

Apparently, we shouldn't do anything until ebola kills as many as the flu does or something. Great points ...
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The precautionary principle—that any action designed to reduce risk should not await scientific certainty—compels the use of respiratory protection for a pathogen like Ebola virus that has:

  • No proven pre- or post-exposure treatment modalities
  • A high case-fatality rate
  • Unclear modes of transmission
We believe there is scientific and epidemiologic evidence that Ebola virus has the potential to be transmitted via infectious aerosol particles both near and at a distance from infected patients...

COMMENTARY Health workers need optimal respiratory protection for Ebola CIDRAP
The precautionary principle—that any action designed to reduce risk should not await scientific certainty—compels the use of respiratory protection for a pathogen like Ebola virus that has:

    • No proven pre- or post-exposure treatment modalities
    • A high case-fatality rate
    • Unclear modes of transmission
We believe there is scientific and epidemiologic evidence that Ebola virus has the potential to be transmitted via infectious aerosol particles both near and at a distance from infected patients...

COMMENTARY Health workers need optimal respiratory protection for Ebola CIDRAP

We all know how great it was when the CDC caved to political pressure during the AIDS epidemic and gave 'special' exemptions to homosexuals from the tried and true methods of controlling deadly epidemics. Apparently nothing has been learned from that by PC Nazis.
Flu isn't nearly as fatal when caught, and there are vaccines for it. You have to be pretty stupid to claim flu is more deadly than ebola.
It is in this country....flu kills more US citizens than ..

So do tell us who dies from the flu, and show us all how the demographics compares to who is dying from ebola, and cite us the death rates of flu survivors to those with ebola.
You have never heard of a person dying in the US from influenza...??

Most are elderly and the very young..
Flu isn't nearly as fatal when caught, and there are vaccines for it. You have to be pretty stupid to claim flu is more deadly than ebola.
It is in this country....flu kills more US citizens than ..

So do tell us who dies from the flu, and show us all how the demographics compares to who is dying from ebola, and cite us the death rates of flu survivors to those with ebola.
You have never heard of a person dying in the US from influenza...??

Most are elderly and the very young..
you know something maybe you are right !!! maybe we should wait until a few more people that have never traveled to West Africa contract the disease ! maybe it will be somebody you know or love that gets infected with it ! maybe they will die ! I mean hell we have the homegrown flew here anyway might as well throw Ebola into the mix ! maybe somebody with the flew will contract Ebola too ! I mean hell according to your stupid pussy ass left wing logic it will be ok as long as we don't ban a flight to a shitty west African cesspit and offend someone !
Flu isn't nearly as fatal when caught, and there are vaccines for it. You have to be pretty stupid to claim flu is more deadly than ebola.
It is in this country....flu kills more US citizens than ..

So do tell us who dies from the flu, and show us all how the demographics compares to who is dying from ebola, and cite us the death rates of flu survivors to those with ebola.
You have never heard of a person dying in the US from influenza...??

Most are elderly and the very young..

You think this is a clever retort? Don't understand sarcasm? No wonder you post on message boards all day; you'll hurt yourself if you left your room.

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