Obama the dictator?

How is it Obama can command changes in the ACA but when Congress wants to do it via legislation liberals scream that it's the LAW OF THE LAND and therefore apparently untouchable?

The Obama presser today was so disgustingly that of an elected king.
Of course Obama is not at all concerned with the already policies nor those to be cancelled as time passes. Obama is trying to save the 2014 mid terms for democrats who incidentally are running from Obamacare and the president himself, as fast as their legs will carry them.
The reason this conclusion is made is simple. Obama like some kind of overlord, gave insurance companies permission to break the very law Obama is so desperately trying to save. Obama placed a time limit on which he allowed people to keep their insurance. By his decision today, Obama admits he lied when he said if we wanted to keep our insurance we could. And that if we wanted to keep our doctor, we could.
The fact that Obama placed a one year limit is an absolute joke.
This guy exists in a parallel universe.
Now, someone please show me in the US Code or the US Constitution where it is written that the President may violate the law at his discretion with impunity and face no sanctions.
No, they aren't. If young healthies aren't forced into the plan on schedule -- the schedule explicitly written into the law -- that throws the funding for artificially lowered premiums of other groups out of whack.

The mandate isn't delayed.

A. The mandate isn't delayed yet.

B. What does that have to do with what I said? Obama just told the young healthies -- and other healthy and sufficiently wealthy individuals who were needed to help keep O-care premiums from exploding -- that they can stay on their old cheaper plans if the plans can be make it past whatever state muster they have to pass and insurance companies are willing to tackle the actuarial nightmare Obama just foisted on them.

The funding for the currently offered 2014 premiums is no longer intact.

Of course, that's still wrong. The younger healthy whatever blah blah wealthy you're talking about weren't even necessarily getting a plan on the exchange, their insurer was dropping their plan and their insurer was replacing it with a new plan that is aca compliant. Either way, they were insured.

Secondly, we're only talking about the 5 million or so that we know of so far that lost their plan. Many of whichs' insurers still wont offer it back to them - Obama merely extended them the option.
Here is the breakdown according to the Tax Foundation;

Main Components in Net Cuts to Medicare ($416.5 billion)

Reductions in annual updates to Medicare FFS payment rates = $196 billion cut
Medicare Advantage rates based upon fee-for-service rates = $136 billion cut
Medicare Part D “donut hole” fix = $42.6 billion increase
Payment Adjustments for Home Health Care = $39.7 billion cut
Medicare Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Payments = $22.1 billion cut
Revision to the Medicare Improvement Fund = $20.7 billion cut
Reducing Part D Premium Subsidy for High-Income Beneficiaries = $10.7 billion cut
Interactions between Medicare programs = $29.1 billion cut

Main Components in Other Provisions ($149 billion)

Associated effects of coverage provisions on revenues = $46 billion
Exclusion of unprocessed fuels from the cellulosic biofuel producer credit = $23.6 billion
Require information reporting on payments to corporations = $17.1 billion
Raise 7.5% AGI floor on medical expenses deduction to 10% = $15.2 billion
Limitations to the use of HSAs, MSAs, FSAs, etc. = $19.4 billion

Other Net Spending Cuts ($52 billion)

Education reforms = $19 billion cut, which is the difference between approximately $58 billion in spending reductions via reform of the student loan program and approximately $39 billion in greater spending on higher education programs, most notably Pell Grants
Community Living Assistance Services and Supports = $70 billion in cuts
Category is netted lower by increases in other health programs such as public health programs and spending on community health centers
How is it Obama can command changes in the ACA but when Congress wants to do it via legislation liberals scream that it's the LAW OF THE LAND and therefore apparently untouchable?

The same way every president has done it.

In typical dictator fashion, Obama once again by passed the Congress.
The President CANNOT change the law. Congress does that. The President cannot simply "say" it is ok for someone or a group to simply ignore the law.
That is EXACTLY what Obama is doing.
And now Obama has created an even bigger mess.
He's dumped his shit show in the laps of the insurers, asking them to fix HIS logistical nightmare. In a few weeks Obama will do another presser and say "see, the insurance companies won't renew the policies THEY cancelled. I told them they could reinstate the cancelled customers."....
How is it Obama can command changes in the ACA but when Congress wants to do it via legislation liberals scream that it's the LAW OF THE LAND and therefore apparently untouchable?

The same way every president has done it.

In typical dictator fashion, Obama once again by passed the Congress.
The President CANNOT change the law. Congress does that. The President cannot simply "say" it is ok for someone or a group to simply ignore the law.
That is EXACTLY what Obama is doing.
And now Obama has created an even bigger mess.
He's dumped his shit show in the laps of the insurers, asking them to fix HIS logistical nightmare. In a few weeks Obama will do another presser and say "see, the insurance companies won't renew the policies THEY cancelled. I told them they could reinstate the cancelled customers."....

You and I are in total agreement here. There does seem to be one very big problem, however…if (and I believe he has) Barry has violated the law, then when can we expect those spineless "representatives" to do something about it?

Quite frankly, I am getting a little tired of waiting on their lazy asses…...
Here is the breakdown according to the Tax Foundation;

Main Components in Net Cuts to Medicare ($416.5 billion)

Reductions in annual updates to Medicare FFS payment rates = $196 billion cut
Medicare Advantage rates based upon fee-for-service rates = $136 billion cut
Medicare Part D “donut hole” fix = $42.6 billion increase
Payment Adjustments for Home Health Care = $39.7 billion cut
Medicare Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Payments = $22.1 billion cut
Revision to the Medicare Improvement Fund = $20.7 billion cut
Reducing Part D Premium Subsidy for High-Income Beneficiaries = $10.7 billion cut
Interactions between Medicare programs = $29.1 billion cut

Main Components in Other Provisions ($149 billion)

Associated effects of coverage provisions on revenues = $46 billion
Exclusion of unprocessed fuels from the cellulosic biofuel producer credit = $23.6 billion
Require information reporting on payments to corporations = $17.1 billion
Raise 7.5% AGI floor on medical expenses deduction to 10% = $15.2 billion
Limitations to the use of HSAs, MSAs, FSAs, etc. = $19.4 billion

Other Net Spending Cuts ($52 billion)

Education reforms = $19 billion cut, which is the difference between approximately $58 billion in spending reductions via reform of the student loan program and approximately $39 billion in greater spending on higher education programs, most notably Pell Grants
Community Living Assistance Services and Supports = $70 billion in cuts
Category is netted lower by increases in other health programs such as public health programs and spending on community health centers

It would definitely be interesting to see how those 2010 figures compare to the realities on the ground now. I don't think they would match up well even before today's announcement. And after today's announcement the disparity would be even greater, assuming insurance companies could find a way to continue offering the less expensive policies.
Obama says he's doing it to help the people. Except that he's only going to help them for one year. And guess what happens during that year?


Helping Americans my ass. Help that only lasts until AFTER the elections.


I guess the man thinks delaying it one year will help in 2014 to win back the House. :lol:

My guess is Obama believes the American people will forget about Obamacare. And of course the DNC will come up with a bunch of slick campaign slogans for their most vulnerable Senators and House members to use. He believes based on this the voters will blindly flock to the polls and push the "D" button.
How wrong he is will be.
Obama says he's doing it to help the people. Except that he's only going to help them for one year. And guess what happens during that year?


Helping Americans my ass. Help that only lasts until AFTER the elections.


I guess the man thinks delaying it one year will help in 2014 to win back the House. :lol:

My guess is Obama believes the American people will forget about Obamacare. And of course the DNC will come up with a bunch of slick campaign slogans for their most vulnerable Senators and House members to use. He believes based on this the voters will blindly flock to the polls and push the "D" button.
How wrong he is will be.

Again agreed! It is going to look like a battle royal at next years elections. There WILL be blood….the democrats are going to spanked like the spoiled rotten little jerks they are...
Obama never lied and he is not a dictator. All he does is bring people together to solve problems and if you can't see that you're a racist.... :thup:
This whole things needs to be Repealed and shove it up the Democrats places the sun doesn't shine

then they repay (out of their OWN MONEY) the billions they took and wasted to implement this pos

I can't believe people are still defending Ofailcare and Obama after this mess he brought on us and is now HURTING more people than it was suppose to help to start with

then kick those lying bastards, you have to pass it to see what's in it, and you can keep your PLAN period....out of a job

Thay HAVE to defend it. Basically, it's the only thing that they, and their boy, have accomplished in 5 years. They MUST protect what they see as Barry's "legacy".

Too late. Barry will go down in history as the most inept slob to have ever held public office. Obarrycare, the IRS, The NSA…on and on and on ……..
I very much doubt that he will go down as the "most inept slob to have ever held public office." Certainly george w bush will be rated much, much lower than Obama. I see bush ending up in the bottom five of all presidents. That said, there are some things about Obama I like.
I like the fact that Obama was able to turn the economy around and avoid the depression we were headed for.
I like the fact Obama was able to save GM and Chrysler.
I like the fact Obama made a promise to get bin Laden and then he followed up on that promise.
I like the fact he helped get rid of Ghaddafi without putting American boots on the ground.
I like the fact he did not get us involved with the turmoil in Egypt.
I like the fact he has concern for the poor and un-insured Americans.
I like the fact he projects the image of a good family man.
I like the fact his decisions and behavior have increased America's standing in the world communitiy.
I like the fact that American's are getting jobs rather than losing them.
I like the fact he wants to end the run-away inflation of medical costs.
I like the fact he followed through on bush's plan to end the war in Iraq.
I like that Obama intends to have us out of Afghanistan by the end of 2014.
I like the fact that Obama is intelligent and has repeatedly made the republicans look like inept jerks.
I like the fact that Obama was able to re-examine and change his view on gay marriage.
I like the fact that Obama was able to see the gay question as one of civil rights and not religious bull shit.
I like the fact Obama is not affraid to stand up to the gop.
I like the fact he has moved quickly when national disasters strike.
I like the fact he wants to take assault weapons off the street.
I like the fact he is trying to rebuild the middle class.
I like the wholesome image he and his family present.
I like that he has done the right thing in trying to work with the gop although it has been a waste of time.
I like the fact Obama is willing to work for ALL Americans and not just the wealthy.
I like the choice Obama made for the Supreme Court.
I like the fact Obama wants to put people to work rebuilding the infrastructure of America.
I like the fact Obama has chosen an Attorney General who is willing to go after states that are attacking voter rights.

I like the fact that Obama got the president of Syria to admit to having WMD.
I like the fact that pressure by Obama ended up with those WMD being destroyed WITHOUT the loss of a single American life.

I don't like the fact that Obama repeatedly lied to all Americans.
Obama never lied and he is not a dictator. All he does is bring people together to solve problems and if you can't see that you're a racist.... :thup:

He said we could all keep our current policies, now we get to keep them only for another year. All he did was delay until after the elections, how is he not lying?
I see the left excusing this action for several reasons: Bush, his prerogative etc... But none of that addresses the fact of WHY he is doing this and the purpose behind it. Nor has anyone on the left acknowledged that he shouldn't after claiming that this is the Law of the land.

Plenty of excuses and 0 accountability with 100% hypocrisy
Obama should be Impeached for lying and laying this massive government FRAUD on the American people

now he thinks he can give a speech saying he will ALLOW you people to keep your policies for ONE MORE YEAR

I mean really folks, is this what you voted for...who the hell is he to ALLOW YOU ANYTHING?

my gawd we don't live under dictator rules yet
Why, instead of making a thread, don't you look up the powers delegated to the POTUS instead of acting like he's a Dictator.

You scared you might find out it's within his lawful ability to do so, man? (cuz it is)

Why don't you address how Obama can get away with changing the law over and over while mocking Republicans who call for changes, with Obama and other Democrats saying that changes Republicans request can't be done because it's the law of the land, in between calling for more civility and cooperation in Washington?

Because the proposed Republican changes undermine the entirety of the Law itself.. What's to address, based on that?
What the Hell do you think Obama doing changing a law on the fly is doing? Undermining? Really? You're correct...HIS credibility AND that of the Democrats. Well done.:eusa_whistle:

And BY the way? A POTUS cannot make changes to a LAW and circumvent the legislature. It's unconstitutional. Read Article 1, dufus.
Obama should be Impeached for lying and laying this massive government FRAUD on the American people

now he thinks he can give a speech saying he will ALLOW you people to keep your policies for ONE MORE YEAR

I mean really folks, is this what you voted for...who the hell is he to ALLOW YOU ANYTHING?

my gawd we don't live under dictator rules yet

Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 252 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.Western Journalism
Obama never lied and he is not a dictator. All he does is bring people together to solve problems and if you can't see that you're a racist.... :thup:

He said we could all keep our current policies, now we get to keep them only for another year. All he did was delay until after the elections, how is he not lying?
The post was rhetorical...written tongue-in-cheek...
Obama says he's doing it to help the people. Except that he's only going to help them for one year. And guess what happens during that year?


Helping Americans my ass. Help that only lasts until AFTER the elections.
He's too late...and just let those millions that lost their policies try to get them back. It ain't happening. And yes he did this solely for politics...and nothing else.
On the other hand, it's not difficult to believe that Obama is indeed so ignorant of how much work goes into determining a viable balance of insurance rates that he thinks it could be fixed by just saying, "go back and do what you were doing".

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