Obama the dictator?

How is it Obama can command changes in the ACA but when Congress wants to do it via legislation liberals scream that it's the LAW OF THE LAND and therefore apparently untouchable?

Why, instead of making a thread, don't you look up the powers delegated to the POTUS instead of acting like he's a Dictator.

You scared you might find out it's within his lawful ability to do so, man? (cuz it is)

Why don't you address how Obama can get away with changing the law over and over while mocking Republicans who call for changes, with Obama and other Democrats saying that changes Republicans request can't be done because it's the law of the land, in between calling for more civility and cooperation in Washington?
How is it Obama can command changes in the ACA but when Congress wants to do it via legislation liberals scream that it's the LAW OF THE LAND and therefore apparently untouchable?

Why, instead of making a thread, don't you look up the powers delegated to the POTUS instead of acting like he's a Dictator.

You scared you might find out it's within his lawful ability to do so, man? (cuz it is)

Why don't you address how Obama can get away with changing the law over and over while mocking Republicans who call for changes, with Obama and other Democrats saying that changes Republicans request can't be done because it's the law of the land, in between calling for more civility and cooperation in Washington?

Because the proposed Republican changes undermine the entirety of the Law itself.. What's to address, based on that?
How is it Obama can command changes in the ACA but when Congress wants to do it via legislation liberals scream that it's the LAW OF THE LAND and therefore apparently untouchable?

Why, instead of making a thread, don't you look up the powers delegated to the POTUS instead of acting like he's a Dictator.

You scared you might find out it's within his lawful ability to do so, man? (cuz it is)

Why don't you address how Obama can get away with changing the law over and over while mocking Republicans who call for changes, with Obama and other Democrats saying that changes Republicans request can't be done because it's the law of the land, in between calling for more civility and cooperation in Washington?

politics is politics.
Frankly I don't care what they do with the law. I want it help those in need, but not those that don't.
My health services will be the same till I die, and that's a fact, jack!
How is it Obama can command changes in the ACA but when Congress wants to do it via legislation liberals scream that it's the LAW OF THE LAND and therefore apparently untouchable?

Because we have millions of TAKERS in this country that due to Obama--campaigned on free health care is why. Free this--Free that--Free everything.

Not only that but they voted this freaking socialist in for a second term.

They better be the 1st to sign up for this DISASTER called Obamacare--or I am really going to be pissed.
Just read that now John McCain (the dirtbag weasel) is now all for repealing the law in it's entirety. We have a bunch of clowns in Washington DC. Clowns.

With Obozo being the "Clown-in-Chief".

Indeed. So he stands Ted Cruz up before the nation and derides him over wanting to repeal the law. However, now he is demanding the same thing.

Will this help propel Ted Cruz to the White House?

Honestly, I seriously doubt it. I believe that the House will pick up seats and the republicans will take the Senate as well. At this point in time - right now - I don't believe that the republicans will take the Presidency. However, there is an ETERNITY before 2016. Anything can happen.
Just read that now John McCain (the dirtbag weasel) is now all for repealing the law in it's entirety. We have a bunch of clowns in Washington DC. Clowns.

With Obozo being the "Clown-in-Chief".

McCain is as equally stupid as O.

That's the primary reason that I can no longer tolerate this clown (McCain). He is the principle reason that the republicans are looked at as fools. Always ready to appease the damned democrats - always afraid to stand against those socialist fools that represent the "victims" in America.

Now, that he has stuck his finger into the wind and determined that, once again, he has been a total fool - he wants to change his position. Go straight to hell McCain.
How is it Obama can command changes in the ACA but when Congress wants to do it via legislation liberals scream that it's the LAW OF THE LAND and therefore apparently untouchable?
Clearly Obama is not a dictator. XXXX.
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why yes he is...maybe if the people had known that before electing him,,, they might NOT OF PUT THIS THUG in as President

where the hell is our Congress...?????
they can't let him rule however the hell feels like

They can and they will. The Dems put party before country and won't tell Barry Congress doesn't answer to him. The Repubs don't want to look like they are bullying poor little Obama and won't remind Barry that the Law is the Law and there is no provision for the White House to unilaterally change legislation on a whim.

In short, Congress is too afraid to do anything, so that Check & Balance does not exist. And John "Fuck Be Upon Him" Roberts told the nation that anything the White House and Congress want to do is a-ok so long as they call it a tax, so that Check & Balance doesn't exist either.
Ed the idiot can't see the forest for the trees in govt. operations and law.

Funny how you advocate the use of executive fiat when a Democrat is the president, but it is oh so wrong when a Republican does it.

Hypocrite much?

“All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States…”

Apparently the dictator Barry didn't get the damned memo…...
How is it Obama can command changes in the ACA but when Congress wants to do it via legislation liberals scream that it's the LAW OF THE LAND and therefore apparently untouchable?

uh no...dictators dont typically go change laws like healthcare and get called a dictator. this is being lazy and nothing more gramps.
Ed the idiot can't see the forest for the trees in govt. operations and law.

Funny how you advocate the use of executive fiat when a Democrat is the president, but it is oh so wrong when a Republican does it.

Hypocrite much?

“All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States…”

Apparently the dictator Barry didn't get the damned memo…...

United States Presidents issue executive orders to help officers and agencies of the executive branch manage the operations within the federal government itself. Executive orders have the full force of law[1] when they take authority from a power granted directly to the Executive by the Constitution, or are made in pursuance of certain Acts of Congress which explicitly delegate to the President some degree of discretionary power (delegated legislation). Like statutes or regulations promulgated by government agencies, executive orders are subject to judicial review, and may be struck down if deemed by the courts to be unsupported by statute or the Constitution. Major policy initiatives usually require approval by the legislative branch, but executive orders have significant influence over the internal affairs of government, deciding how and to what degree laws will be enforced, dealing with emergencies, waging war, and in general fine policy choices in the implementation of broad statutes

Executive order - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Guess what, BushII did it also, so did Reagan, in fact it started with George Washington.
why yes he is...maybe if the people had known that before electing him,,, they might NOT OF PUT THIS THUG in as President

where the hell is our Congress...?????
they can't let him rule however the hell feels like

you really dont understand how our government works, and you prove this everytime you post.
why yes he is...maybe if the people had known that before electing him,,, they might NOT OF PUT THIS THUG in as President

where the hell is our Congress...?????
they can't let him rule however the hell feels like

you really dont understand how our government works, and you prove this everytime you post.

If only.

The mouthpieces on the right need to focus their message on substance, and less on the sky is falling hyperbole bullshit. The Country needs to tilt back right a little bit to be centered again I think.
How is it Obama can command changes in the ACA but when Congress wants to do it via legislation liberals scream that it's the LAW OF THE LAND and therefore apparently untouchable?

The same way every president has done it.

The law specifies dates when each part goes in to effect. He can't unilaterally change that without an amendment to the law. The House should file suit with SCOTUS.
Funny how you advocate the use of executive fiat when a Democrat is the president, but it is oh so wrong when a Republican does it.

Hypocrite much?

“All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States…”

Apparently the dictator Barry didn't get the damned memo…...

United States Presidents issue executive orders to help officers and agencies of the executive branch manage the operations within the federal government itself. Executive orders have the full force of law[1] when they take authority from a power granted directly to the Executive by the Constitution, or are made in pursuance of certain Acts of Congress which explicitly delegate to the President some degree of discretionary power (delegated legislation). Like statutes or regulations promulgated by government agencies, executive orders are subject to judicial review, and may be struck down if deemed by the courts to be unsupported by statute or the Constitution. Major policy initiatives usually require approval by the legislative branch, but executive orders have significant influence over the internal affairs of government, deciding how and to what degree laws will be enforced, dealing with emergencies, waging war, and in general fine policy choices in the implementation of broad statutes

Executive order - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Guess what, BushII did it also, so did Reagan, in fact it started with George Washington.

this is what happens when you let anyone into the conversation. People telling you they know better than 200+ years of governing

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