Obama the dictator?

How is it Obama can command changes in the ACA but when Congress wants to do it via legislation liberals scream that it's the LAW OF THE LAND and therefore apparently untouchable?

The same way every president has done it.

The law specifies dates when each part goes in to effect. He can't unilaterally change that without an amendment to the law. The House should file suit with SCOTUS.

I have a feeling that they are currently working on that…..
I've posted the rules of presidential decree, Oblama has done nothing illegal, if he had proceeding would have already started on impeachment or censure.
Why, instead of making a thread, don't you look up the powers delegated to the POTUS instead of acting like he's a Dictator.

You scared you might find out it's within his lawful ability to do so, man? (cuz it is)

Why don't you address how Obama can get away with changing the law over and over while mocking Republicans who call for changes, with Obama and other Democrats saying that changes Republicans request can't be done because it's the law of the land, in between calling for more civility and cooperation in Washington?

Because the proposed Republican changes undermine the entirety of the Law itself.. What's to address, based on that?

The law does an ample job of undermining itself.

Would someone, somewhere tell me where in the Constitution a President is allowed to change fundamental elements of a bill passed by Congress and signed into law?
“All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States…”

Apparently the dictator Barry didn't get the damned memo…...

United States Presidents issue executive orders to help officers and agencies of the executive branch manage the operations within the federal government itself. Executive orders have the full force of law[1] when they take authority from a power granted directly to the Executive by the Constitution, or are made in pursuance of certain Acts of Congress which explicitly delegate to the President some degree of discretionary power (delegated legislation). Like statutes or regulations promulgated by government agencies, executive orders are subject to judicial review, and may be struck down if deemed by the courts to be unsupported by statute or the Constitution. Major policy initiatives usually require approval by the legislative branch, but executive orders have significant influence over the internal affairs of government, deciding how and to what degree laws will be enforced, dealing with emergencies, waging war, and in general fine policy choices in the implementation of broad statutes

Executive order - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Guess what, BushII did it also, so did Reagan, in fact it started with George Washington.

this is what happens when you let anyone into the conversation. People telling you they know better than 200+ years of governing

This is why stats have proven the the right is not to smert.
Why don't you address how Obama can get away with changing the law over and over while mocking Republicans who call for changes, with Obama and other Democrats saying that changes Republicans request can't be done because it's the law of the land, in between calling for more civility and cooperation in Washington?

Because the proposed Republican changes undermine the entirety of the Law itself.. What's to address, based on that?

The law does an ample job of undermining itself.

Would someone, somewhere tell me where in the Constitution a President is allowed to change fundamental elements of a bill passed by Congress and signed into law?

United States Presidents issue executive orders to help officers and agencies of the executive branch manage the operations within the federal government itself. Executive orders have the full force of law[1] when they take authority from a power granted directly to the Executive by the Constitution, or are made in pursuance of certain Acts of Congress which explicitly delegate to the President some degree of discretionary power (delegated legislation). Like statutes or regulations promulgated by government agencies, executive orders are subject to judicial review, and may be struck down if deemed by the courts to be unsupported by statute or the Constitution. Major policy initiatives usually require approval by the legislative branch, but executive orders have significant influence over the internal affairs of government, deciding how and to what degree laws will be enforced, dealing with emergencies, waging war, and in general fine policy choices in the implementation of broad statutes
Executive order - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Guess what, BushII did it also, so did Reagan, in fact it started with George Washington.

this is what happens when you let anyone into the conversation. People telling you they know better than 200+ years of governing

This is why stats have proven the the right is not to smert.

Hey dumbass….I stand by my statement. Barry can NOT change legislation. IT IS AGAINST THE LAW. He is the PRESIDENT - part of the EXECUTIVE BRANCH of government. He is NOT part of Congress - part of the LEGISLATIVE branch.

How about you learning what a Bicameral form of government is.
Would someone, somewhere tell me where in the Constitution a President is allowed to change fundamental elements of a bill passed by Congress and signed into law?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqSB4DFZqoM]I will make it legal - YouTube[/ame]
Legislation on federal and state levels do not entirely emanate from a legislative body. there are other forms of legislation, ie, administrative legislation, presidential legislation. These procedures were adopted to fast track laws , so legislative bodies can deal with other issues and not be tied up with all matters governmental.
this is what happens when you let anyone into the conversation. People telling you they know better than 200+ years of governing

This is why stats have proven the the right is not to smert.

Hey dumbass….I stand by my statement. Barry can NOT change legislation. IT IS AGAINST THE LAW. He is the PRESIDENT - part of the EXECUTIVE BRANCH of government. He is NOT part of Congress - part of the LEGISLATIVE branch.

How about you learning what a Bicameral form of government is.

and you are wrong
If this were a Republican making changes to the laws this way, impeachment would be in the making.
this is what happens when you let anyone into the conversation. People telling you they know better than 200+ years of governing

This is why stats have proven the the right is not to smert.

Hey dumbass….I stand by my statement. Barry can NOT change legislation. IT IS AGAINST THE LAW. He is the PRESIDENT - part of the EXECUTIVE BRANCH of government. He is NOT part of Congress - part of the LEGISLATIVE branch.

How about you learning what a Bicameral form of government is.

I know all about it since my grandad was a member of the Oklahoma legislature after WWII up to 1976. I studied legislative law in his personal library, I have an original copy of the Constitutional convention of Oklahoma. I studied law for years until I decided not to make it a career. So I know what I am talking about.
This is why stats have proven the the right is not to smert.

Hey dumbass….I stand by my statement. Barry can NOT change legislation. IT IS AGAINST THE LAW. He is the PRESIDENT - part of the EXECUTIVE BRANCH of government. He is NOT part of Congress - part of the LEGISLATIVE branch.

How about you learning what a Bicameral form of government is.

I know all about it since my grandad was a member of the Oklahoma legislature after WWII up to 1976. I studied legislative law in his personal library, I have an original copy of the Constitutional convention of Oklahoma. I studied law for years until I decided not to make it a career. So I know what I am talking about.

Of course you do………...
Hey dumbass….I stand by my statement. Barry can NOT change legislation. IT IS AGAINST THE LAW. He is the PRESIDENT - part of the EXECUTIVE BRANCH of government. He is NOT part of Congress - part of the LEGISLATIVE branch.

How about you learning what a Bicameral form of government is.

I know all about it since my grandad was a member of the Oklahoma legislature after WWII up to 1976. I studied legislative law in his personal library, I have an original copy of the Constitutional convention of Oklahoma. I studied law for years until I decided not to make it a career. So I know what I am talking about.

Of course you do………...

yep and my aunt was the gov's secretary during David Boren's governorship. Now he is the head of Oklahoma University.
My father-in-law used to set up sound for the Iowa caucus, where my wife meet Ronny Raygun. Her cousin is Max Baer, you know, Jethro B. Clampet of the Beverly Hillbillies.
My Jewish friend from England has a cousin who is the lead singer for Foreigner.
Me, I knew James garner, he used to attend OU football games since he was from Oklahoma.
I used to work at OKC Arts theater and other entertainment events. Met a lot of actors, opera singers etc. It was fun, but at no pay.
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Why, instead of making a thread, don't you look up the powers delegated to the POTUS instead of acting like he's a Dictator.

You scared you might find out it's within his lawful ability to do so, man? (cuz it is)

Why don't you address how Obama can get away with changing the law over and over while mocking Republicans who call for changes, with Obama and other Democrats saying that changes Republicans request can't be done because it's the law of the land, in between calling for more civility and cooperation in Washington?

Because the proposed Republican changes undermine the entirety of the Law itself.. What's to address, based on that?

What is to address is that whatever the aim of Republican changes, Obama and the Democrats undermine their credibility and lose whatever claim they have to higher ground when they lie about what they have done and lie about what they can do and mock our representatives and by extension us while they, Obama and people like Reid, are standing up there lying to us.
My first thought when watching Obama's presser, was can he simply wave a magic wand and now change the law without going back to Congress ?
And can he also force insurance companies who may have been looking for ways to dump certain customers, to keep them ?
This whole things needs to be Repealed and shove it up the Democrats places the sun doesn't shine

then they repay (out of their OWN MONEY) the billions they took and wasted to implement this pos

I can't believe people are still defending Ofailcare and Obama after this mess he brought on us and is now HURTING more people than it was suppose to help to start with

then kick those lying bastards, you have to pass it to see what's in it, and you can keep your PLAN period....out of a job
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