Obama the dictator?

Obama says he's doing it to help the people. Except that he's only going to help them for one year. And guess what happens during that year?


Helping Americans my ass. Help that only lasts until AFTER the elections.
He's too late...and just let those millions that lost their policies try to get them back. It ain't happening. And yes he did this solely for politics...and nothing else.

It IS going to create quite a cluster-fuck, isn't it?
On the other hand, it's not difficult to believe that Obama is indeed so ignorant of how much work goes into determining a viable balance of insurance rates that he thinks it could be fixed by just saying, "go back and do what you were doing".
Which again illustrates that he has NO business in office, and never did.

No one really expects him to know all about insurance, but we should expect him to surround himself with competent people, instead of academians who never held a job in the private sector.
On the other hand, it's not difficult to believe that Obama is indeed so ignorant of how much work goes into determining a viable balance of insurance rates that he thinks it could be fixed by just saying, "go back and do what you were doing".
Which again illustrates that he has NO business in office, and never did.

No one really expects him to know all about insurance, but we should expect him to surround himself with competent people, instead of academians who never held a job in the private sector.

After all the time he's supposedly thought about it, I expect him to know more about it. So we're back to the "ignorance or fraud" question. Either way, it's shameful that America voted for style over substance. The nation really does deserve what's happening to it now, but it's still sad.
On the other hand, it's not difficult to believe that Obama is indeed so ignorant of how much work goes into determining a viable balance of insurance rates that he thinks it could be fixed by just saying, "go back and do what you were doing".
Which again illustrates that he has NO business in office, and never did.

No one really expects him to know all about insurance, but we should expect him to surround himself with competent people, instead of academians who never held a job in the private sector.
Precisely, Ernie...and he doesn't...they're as an incompetent boobs as he is...and BOOBS with an agenda to wreck this Republic.
Obama says he's doing it to help the people. Except that he's only going to help them for one year. And guess what happens during that year?


Helping Americans my ass. Help that only lasts until AFTER the elections.
He's too late...and just let those millions that lost their policies try to get them back. It ain't happening. And yes he did this solely for politics...and nothing else.

It IS going to create quite a cluster-fuck, isn't it?
Indeed. WE are already there...the damage isn't done YET...
How can someone be a Dictator who thinks buying insurance is no more complicated than ordering fries at McDonalds?

I think this 'Dictator' stuff is exaggerated. 'You can fool some of the people..." and all that.
“All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States…”

Apparently the dictator Barry didn't get the damned memo…...

United States Presidents issue executive orders to help officers and agencies of the executive branch manage the operations within the federal government itself. Executive orders have the full force of law[1] when they take authority from a power granted directly to the Executive by the Constitution, or are made in pursuance of certain Acts of Congress which explicitly delegate to the President some degree of discretionary power (delegated legislation). Like statutes or regulations promulgated by government agencies, executive orders are subject to judicial review, and may be struck down if deemed by the courts to be unsupported by statute or the Constitution. Major policy initiatives usually require approval by the legislative branch, but executive orders have significant influence over the internal affairs of government, deciding how and to what degree laws will be enforced, dealing with emergencies, waging war, and in general fine policy choices in the implementation of broad statutes

Executive order - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Guess what, BushII did it also, so did Reagan, in fact it started with George Washington.

This is not some obscure provision in the bill that has become unworkable. This is a key benchmark and MUST take effect in order to fund the rest of the Act.
I repeat! The House should ask for SCOTUS review
I dont remember you saying this when bush wrote these for the war on terror....
This whole things needs to be Repealed and shove it up the Democrats places the sun doesn't shine

then they repay (out of their OWN MONEY) the billions they took and wasted to implement this pos

I can't believe people are still defending Ofailcare and Obama after this mess he brought on us and is now HURTING more people than it was suppose to help to start with

then kick those lying bastards, you have to pass it to see what's in it, and you can keep your PLAN period....out of a job

Thay HAVE to defend it. Basically, it's the only thing that they, and their boy, have accomplished in 5 years. They MUST protect what they see as Barry's "legacy".

Too late. Barry will go down in history as the most inept slob to have ever held public office. Obarrycare, the IRS, The NSA…on and on and on ……..
I very much doubt that he will go down as the "most inept slob to have ever held public office." Certainly george w bush will be rated much, much lower than Obama. I see bush ending up in the bottom five of all presidents. That said, there are some things about Obama I like.
I like the fact that Obama was able to turn the economy around and avoid the depression we were headed for.
I like the fact Obama was able to save GM and Chrysler.
I like the fact Obama made a promise to get bin Laden and then he followed up on that promise.
I like the fact he helped get rid of Ghaddafi without putting American boots on the ground.
I like the fact he did not get us involved with the turmoil in Egypt.
I like the fact he has concern for the poor and un-insured Americans.
I like the fact he projects the image of a good family man.
I like the fact his decisions and behavior have increased America's standing in the world communitiy.
I like the fact that American's are getting jobs rather than losing them.
I like the fact he wants to end the run-away inflation of medical costs.
I like the fact he followed through on bush's plan to end the war in Iraq.
I like that Obama intends to have us out of Afghanistan by the end of 2014.
I like the fact that Obama is intelligent and has repeatedly made the republicans look like inept jerks.
I like the fact that Obama was able to re-examine and change his view on gay marriage.
I like the fact that Obama was able to see the gay question as one of civil rights and not religious bull shit.
I like the fact Obama is not affraid to stand up to the gop.
I like the fact he has moved quickly when national disasters strike.
I like the fact he wants to take assault weapons off the street.
I like the fact he is trying to rebuild the middle class.
I like the wholesome image he and his family present.
I like that he has done the right thing in trying to work with the gop although it has been a waste of time.
I like the fact Obama is willing to work for ALL Americans and not just the wealthy.
I like the choice Obama made for the Supreme Court.
I like the fact Obama wants to put people to work rebuilding the infrastructure of America.
I like the fact Obama has chosen an Attorney General who is willing to go after states that are attacking voter rights.

I like the fact that Obama got the president of Syria to admit to having WMD.
I like the fact that pressure by Obama ended up with those WMD being destroyed WITHOUT the loss of a single American life.

This list...is by a person in total denial.
I give you points for your undying loyalty to the man.
Tell me, have you ever owned up to a mistake you've made? Or do you just go about your day thinking every decision you've ever made is perfect?
Not so much removed as violations not being prosecuted. Amounts to the same.

No it doesn't. The mechanisms that are supposed to fund the bill are still in place.

No, they aren't. If young healthies aren't forced into the plan on schedule -- the schedule explicitly written into the law -- that throws the funding for artificially lowered premiums of other groups out of whack.

And THAT is precisely why Obamacare MUST be mandatory. A captive market. Obamacare is redistribution of wealth.
Obama says he's doing it to help the people. Except that he's only going to help them for one year. And guess what happens during that year?


Helping Americans my ass. Help that only lasts until AFTER the elections.
He's too late...and just let those millions that lost their policies try to get them back. It ain't happening. And yes he did this solely for politics...and nothing else.

I cannot believe an Ivy league educated individual could be so lacking in aforethought.
This latest decision by Obama just lacks any semblance of logic.
Does the President really believe the peopel who lost their coverage are going to be able to simply "get it back"? For crying out loud, it is the PPACA which outlawed the very policies he now says can be reinstated....For just one year. Then what? Those people and all the others who would eventually lose their policies would have to go through the process all over again? And the insurance companies? Does anyone in their right mind think the insurance carriers are going to write policies they KNOW are in violation of the law AND they will have to cancel in less than a year anyway? The insurers are not going to incur the expense. No way.
This is lunacy.
Obama says he's doing it to help the people. Except that he's only going to help them for one year. And guess what happens during that year?


Helping Americans my ass. Help that only lasts until AFTER the elections.
He's too late...and just let those millions that lost their policies try to get them back. It ain't happening. And yes he did this solely for politics...and nothing else.

I cannot believe an Ivy league educated individual could be so lacking in aforethought.
This latest decision by Obama just lacks any semblance of logic.
Does the President really believe the peopel who lost their coverage are going to be able to simply "get it back"? For crying out loud, it is the PPACA which outlawed the very policies he now says can be reinstated....For just one year. Then what? Those people and all the others who would eventually lose their policies would have to go through the process all over again? And the insurance companies? Does anyone in their right mind think the insurance carriers are going to write policies they KNOW are in violation of the law AND they will have to cancel in less than a year anyway? The insurers are not going to incur the expense. No way.
This is lunacy.

The man is trying (desperately) to help the dems out for the 2014 elections. Won't work. They are toast. They know it, I know it and you know it.

There is an old saying that heavily applies to the dems right now: "Live by the ACA - die by the ACA" THEY passed it. The republicans did not. THEY didn't bother to read it - had to "wait until it's passed to see what's in it" So they passed it without one republican vote. Good fer 'em!!! Now they have screwed the pooch.


As Barry's Pastor was so fond of saying….."The Dems chickens have come home to roost!"

You HAVE to love the gnashing of teeth that the DNC is going through right about now!!
Just wondering about something here……

317 million people (basically) in the United States

360 million spent on a website that doesn't work

Why not just give every American 1 million dollars and let them get their own damned healthcare!?!?!?

Geezzz…..a million bucks could buy one hell of a policy!!

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