OBAMA To Be Subpoenaed!

You really can’t make this up can you. While the Senate impeachment trial is going on Fox ignores it. Not only ignores it but spreads lies to its ignorant base. Wow..sad..really, really sad.

Telling lies to combat lies don't make one look smart, just makes them look like a liar.

Scary stuff right there.

Yup. Flexibility to do what? Where was Russia at that point in its invasion of the Ukrain? Was aid ongoing at the time of that meeting? Did Obamas relationship with Vlad have anything to do with Obama refusing to authorize lethal aid to Ukrain? Yup. All questions that need asking.

Definitely. The guy who could have though, has now been impeached, and his hands are tied in this matter.
Joe Biden does not want to discuss this at ALL.

Joe Biden & Ukraine: Former VP Warns Media against Shopping ‘Conclusively Debunked’ Corruption Allegations During Impeachment Trial | National Review

The former vice president and his son could be called by Republicans as witnesses in the upcoming trial. Last week, Senator Rand Paul (R., Ky.) said that the Bidens should be called if the upper chamber votes to hear witnesses.

“If the president is being accused of withholding foreign aid, and his argument is, ‘Well, we were studying corruption, and we wanted to know about corruption in Ukraine,’ and I think the Bidens are as corrupt as the day is long,” Paul argued. “No young man who is the son of a politician gets $50,000 a month who has no experience, working for a Ukrainian oligarch. You know, for goodness sakes — it smells to high heaven. It smells like corruption.”

This is true, but there is A LOT more corruption that goes all the way up to the Atlantic Coucil that is orders of magnitude more powerful, that is covering for them.

I already posted this link, which leads back to tons of folks.

Politicians and their Families are Playing in the Corrupt Ukrainian Sandbox – Dr. Rich Swier

Dmitri Alperovitch - Wikipedia

CrowdStrike Revises Russian Hack Into Ukrainian Artillery

Cyber Firm Rewrites Part of Disputed Russian Hacking Report

You are correct, a thorough investigation IS NOT what they want.

Both establishment Republicans, Democrats, and the bureaucrats are all in on the epistemological paradigm. Any deviation CANNOT be tolerated, mostly because a lot of families and a lot of jobs depend on it. Thus, Trump was trying to expose something that did not want or need to be exposed, which worked against him being elected. There was a lot of media and propaganda associated with it.

Does it go all the way up to Obama? Sure, probably. But folks would probably have to be assassinated and killed before he would ever be called to testify. Even he you could force him to the stand, he would still never be able to be proved to tell a lie from the truth. Much of the hard evidence was/is digit. I don't think it can ever be recalled anymore. I'm not sure. Bill Binny says one thing, John Brenner says another.

It does need to be exposed. I feel that the future of our own country is in jeopardy too.
You really can’t make this up can you. While the Senate impeachment trial is going on Fox ignores it. Not only ignores it but spreads lies to its ignorant base. Wow..sad..really, really sad.

Telling lies to combat lies don't make one look smart, just makes them look like a liar.

I noticed that poster jumped in and started changing the subject immediately to Fox News. Who the hell cares about Fox News at a time like this?
WHy in the hell are our tax dollars going to buy javelin missiles for Ukraine anyways?
Ukraine can be thought of as a proxy delaying war with Russia against US and NATO. Puting would rather continue to stir and divide Ukraine until it falls from within and willingly comes back under Russia as in the cold war days, but he may get tired of waiting. Russia and Ukraine have the two largest single nation armies over there, but if Russia went full force, a blocking maneuver using Javelins to take out the Russian tanks, is a better option than trusting the ability of Ukraines older tanks to stand toe to toe for an extended assault. Javelins in quantity couple with available Ukraine tanks could hold stand off a couple of Russian motorized rifle divisions, or at least that is the theory. Javelins much cheaper and more diplomatic than taking a chance on troops. Ukraine desires to be NATO aligned, but is not a member of NATO. At the same time, is second largest country over there and buts up against NATO allies we actually are pledged to support. Putin is just playing chess, and he's not bad at it.

What a load of bullshit.

Yes, unfortunately, we have a lot of citizens who have been brainwashed to trust the establishment. Ignorant, complacent and brainwashed.

Well. . . it's not that it isn't so much "untruth" at this point.

IT is what the state of things is. . . but the fault of WHY it is this way? The US made it so, NOT Russia.

Ukraine was fine. It had a democratically elected government, that the people put into power.

That problem was, AMERICAN interests didn't like it. WE WANTED the energy in Ukraine. We wanted to meddle there and create problems, b/c Ukraine was drifting closer to Russia. . . but sure, why shouldn't they?

They have tons of ethnic Russians in Ukraine. That is like Russia being upset that Canadians or Mexico is close to us? SO WHAT?

But no, we had our state department and CIA hire a bunch of Neo-nazis go in and create a coup to overthrow a democratically elected government.

So, the provinces that were primarily ethnically Russian? How do you THINK they reacted when we set up a pro-Western government and outlawed Russian as a second language when Ukraine had traditionally been so close to Russia for the past hundred years?

What the hell? Whose fault IS this proxy war? DUH.

WE funded those NAZIS and got trouble, not the Russians.
WHy in the hell are our tax dollars going to buy javelin missiles for Ukraine anyways?
Ukraine can be thought of as a proxy delaying war with Russia against US and NATO. Puting would rather continue to stir and divide Ukraine until it falls from within and willingly comes back under Russia as in the cold war days, but he may get tired of waiting. Russia and Ukraine have the two largest single nation armies over there, but if Russia went full force, a blocking maneuver using Javelins to take out the Russian tanks, is a better option than trusting the ability of Ukraines older tanks to stand toe to toe for an extended assault. Javelins in quantity couple with available Ukraine tanks could hold stand off a couple of Russian motorized rifle divisions, or at least that is the theory. Javelins much cheaper and more diplomatic than taking a chance on troops. Ukraine desires to be NATO aligned, but is not a member of NATO. At the same time, is second largest country over there and buts up against NATO allies we actually are pledged to support. Putin is just playing chess, and he's not bad at it.

What a load of bullshit.

Yes, unfortunately, we have a lot of citizens who have been brainwashed to trust the establishment. Ignorant, complacent and brainwashed.

Well. . . it's not that it isn't so much "untruth" at this point.

IT is what the state of things is. . . but the fault of WHY it is this way? The US made it so, NOT Russia.

Ukraine was fine. It had a democratically elected government, that the people put into power.

That problem was, AMERICAN interests didn't like it. WE WANTED the energy in Ukraine. We wanted to meddle there and create problems, b/c Ukraine was drifting closer to Russia. . . but sure, why shouldn't they?

They have tons of ethnic Russians in Ukraine. That is like Russia being upset that Canadians or Mexico is close to us? SO WHAT?

But no, we had our state department and CIA hire a bunch of Neo-nazis go in and create a coup to overthrow a democratically elected government.

So, the provinces that were primarily ethnically Russian? How do you THINK they reacted when we set up a pro-Western government and outlawed Russian as a second language when Ukraine had traditionally been so close to Russia for the past hundred years?

What the hell? Whose fault IS this proxy war? DUH.

WE funded those NAZIS and got trouble, not the Russians.

I always felt the establishment was corrupt, but I did know it ran this deep. I was also complacent for a very long time, but the last couple of years have really got me thinking.
WHy in the hell are our tax dollars going to buy javelin missiles for Ukraine anyways?
Ukraine can be thought of as a proxy delaying war with Russia against US and NATO. Puting would rather continue to stir and divide Ukraine until it falls from within and willingly comes back under Russia as in the cold war days, but he may get tired of waiting. Russia and Ukraine have the two largest single nation armies over there, but if Russia went full force, a blocking maneuver using Javelins to take out the Russian tanks, is a better option than trusting the ability of Ukraines older tanks to stand toe to toe for an extended assault. Javelins in quantity couple with available Ukraine tanks could hold stand off a couple of Russian motorized rifle divisions, or at least that is the theory. Javelins much cheaper and more diplomatic than taking a chance on troops. Ukraine desires to be NATO aligned, but is not a member of NATO. At the same time, is second largest country over there and buts up against NATO allies we actually are pledged to support. Putin is just playing chess, and he's not bad at it.

What a load of bullshit.

Yes, unfortunately, we have a lot of citizens who have been brainwashed to trust the establishment. Ignorant, complacent and brainwashed.

Well. . . it's not that it isn't so much "untruth" at this point.

IT is what the state of things is. . . but the fault of WHY it is this way? The US made it so, NOT Russia.

Ukraine was fine. It had a democratically elected government, that the people put into power.

That problem was, AMERICAN interests didn't like it. WE WANTED the energy in Ukraine. We wanted to meddle there and create problems, b/c Ukraine was drifting closer to Russia. . . but sure, why shouldn't they?

They have tons of ethnic Russians in Ukraine. That is like Russia being upset that Canadians or Mexico is close to us? SO WHAT?

But no, we had our state department and CIA hire a bunch of Neo-nazis go in and create a coup to overthrow a democratically elected government.

So, the provinces that were primarily ethnically Russian? How do you THINK they reacted when we set up a pro-Western government and outlawed Russian as a second language when Ukraine had traditionally been so close to Russia for the past hundred years?

What the hell? Whose fault IS this proxy war? DUH.

WE funded those NAZIS and got trouble, not the Russians.

This is exactly why I voted for Trump. As much of an ass as he may be, he is NOT a part of the establishment. They HATE him. That tells me all I need to know.
You really can’t make this up can you. While the Senate impeachment trial is going on Fox ignores it. Not only ignores it but spreads lies to its ignorant base. Wow..sad..really, really sad.

Telling lies to combat lies don't make one look smart, just makes them look like a liar.

Scary stuff right there.

It is a bit scary, but it was kind of weak.

They should have kept it behind closed doors, or Obama should have really just been honest with the public.

The fact is, the US and Russia are not the only ones that have this tech anymore. We all remember Saddam using Scud missiles, so that treaty is sort of pointless now. It is either time to update or get rid of it. The MSM making Trump look bad for scrapping it is disingenuous.

Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty - Wikipedia
You really can’t make this up can you. While the Senate impeachment trial is going on Fox ignores it. Not only ignores it but spreads lies to its ignorant base. Wow..sad..really, really sad.

Telling lies to combat lies don't make one look smart, just makes them look like a liar.

Scary stuff right there.

It is a bit scary, but it was kind of weak.

They should have kept it behind closed doors, or Obama should have really just been honest with the public.

The fact is, the US and Russia are not the only ones that have this tech anymore. We all remember Saddam using Scud missiles, so that treaty is sort of pointless now. It is either time to update or get rid of it. The MSM making Trump look bad for scrapping it is disingenuous.

Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty - Wikipedia

We need, at the very least, term limits for congressmen.
You really can’t make this up can you. While the Senate impeachment trial is going on Fox ignores it. Not only ignores it but spreads lies to its ignorant base. Wow..sad..really, really sad.

All we know for certain is that Obama and Biden cane to DC as middle class and each left after their families had collected tens of millions

Thankfully, Biden bragged about the DC Money Laundering Operation. This fall the Trump campaign should show make a commercial showing the American people why politicians stay in DC for decades and their families become multimillionaires
WHy in the hell are our tax dollars going to buy javelin missiles for Ukraine anyways?
Ukraine can be thought of as a proxy delaying war with Russia against US and NATO. Puting would rather continue to stir and divide Ukraine until it falls from within and willingly comes back under Russia as in the cold war days, but he may get tired of waiting. Russia and Ukraine have the two largest single nation armies over there, but if Russia went full force, a blocking maneuver using Javelins to take out the Russian tanks, is a better option than trusting the ability of Ukraines older tanks to stand toe to toe for an extended assault. Javelins in quantity couple with available Ukraine tanks could hold stand off a couple of Russian motorized rifle divisions, or at least that is the theory. Javelins much cheaper and more diplomatic than taking a chance on troops. Ukraine desires to be NATO aligned, but is not a member of NATO. At the same time, is second largest country over there and buts up against NATO allies we actually are pledged to support. Putin is just playing chess, and he's not bad at it.

What a load of bullshit.
And what is your theory for why we are supporting Ukraine? Do not underestimate the Russian bear.

My guess?

The same reason that Nazi's invaded the Soviet Union and got bogged down around Stalingrad. That Baku oil fields. Those now belong to Azerbaijan, Georgia.

In the new world, it is all about the control of energy, just like the old.

The more things change, the more it stays the same.

But the point is clear, this whole thing was set off because Clinton made some agreements with Yeltsin, and Bush Jr. started unraveling all of those.

Is Putin trustworthy or naive, is he a dupe or innocent? Hell no. But after the way we treated Yeltsin, the Russians aren't taking shit at this point.

This debacle in Ukraine is our fault, this much is clear.

Ukraine and the Caspian: An Opportunity for the United States

You really can’t make this up can you. While the Senate impeachment trial is going on Fox ignores it. Not only ignores it but spreads lies to its ignorant base. Wow..sad..really, really sad.

Telling lies to combat lies don't make one look smart, just makes them look like a liar.

Scary stuff right there.

It is a bit scary, but it was kind of weak.

They should have kept it behind closed doors, or Obama should have really just been honest with the public.

The fact is, the US and Russia are not the only ones that have this tech anymore. We all remember Saddam using Scud missiles, so that treaty is sort of pointless now. It is either time to update or get rid of it. The MSM making Trump look bad for scrapping it is disingenuous.

Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty - Wikipedia

Mister Beale, the scariest thing of all is that we have US citizens who think that the establishment/government loves them and wants to take care of them, and they fight tooth and nail for them.
You really can’t make this up can you. While the Senate impeachment trial is going on Fox ignores it. Not only ignores it but spreads lies to its ignorant base. Wow..sad..really, really sad.

Telling lies to combat lies don't make one look smart, just makes them look like a liar.

Scary stuff right there.

It is a bit scary, but it was kind of weak.

They should have kept it behind closed doors, or Obama should have really just been honest with the public.

The fact is, the US and Russia are not the only ones that have this tech anymore. We all remember Saddam using Scud missiles, so that treaty is sort of pointless now. It is either time to update or get rid of it. The MSM making Trump look bad for scrapping it is disingenuous.

Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty - Wikipedia

Mister Beale, the scariest thing of all is that we have US citizens who think that the establishment/government loves them and wants to take care of them, and they fight tooth and nail for them.

. . well. . nothing is a simple explanation.

This forum is called. . USMB. We have lot of folks on here that are former military, former intel, former school teachers and police officers and firefighters, and they are all good people and worked for the government. . . so, in a way, yes, the establishment and government DOES love us and want to take care of us. Most people ARE good people.

The problem is one of compartmentalization, leadership, mission, and direction.

Before my multiple surgeries and my career was sidelined, I myself planned on being a career bureaucrat. . . . I went to school for this stuff, and was also keenly aware of how Universities, schools, the media and businesses were set up to purposely NOT teach people certain things. Only what workers and government folks need to do their own specific jobs.

Most folks, in my opinion, just have misplaced beliefs about systems as a whole work. What they believe is true for their family, or their local community, also believe is true also for larger organizations.

These things tend to break down as organizations get more impersonal. . . IMO. Atomization and depersonalization leads to corruption.

After the microphones were turned off, and the camera's were turned off at the impeachment trials in the Senate today. . . . beyond everyone's credulity, and just our own need to believe the ingrained reality they have drilled into us from birth. . . what is the proof they didn't just say, "CUT!"

Great job everyone. We'll take it up here tomorrow. :auiqs.jpg:

With the trillions that go missing. . . and the fact that the friends and relatives of these politicians get handed cushy jobs :dunno: And when I DO here about justice being served on anyone of these folks. . . . If I had the resources to actually check six months later that one of these crooks was doing their time. . Do you think they would be in jail? Really?

Not a single person spent a day in prison over the Iran-Contra affair.

In fact, the only person in the history of establishment politics that has ever spent any serious time in prison was G. Gordon Liddy, and that was only 4 years.

Hell, the government gave three years to Eugene Debs just for being a socialist. :71:

Trey Gowdy laid out the reasoning tonight on Hannity . :banana:

On the video of joe biden bragging about his quid pro quo at the CFR, biden said fire the prosecutor or you're not getting the billion dollars.

The ukranians said "That money was authorized by the president...you can't do that".

Biden said "call him".

Vice president Biden implicated president Obama.

Trey Gowdy said we need to ask obama if he knew of this quid pro quo AND DID HE AUTHORIZE IT? :dance:

That makes it KEY in this impeachment hearing...and if the democrats insist on calling witnesses...well... :auiqs.jpg:
Hannity - is full of bananas and Lou "False Teeth" Dobbs is too. <---- Can't believe nothing those two sacks of s hi t say!
Hannity - is full of bananas and Lou "False Teeth" Dobbs is too. <---- Can't believe nothing those two sacks of s hi t say!

You really need to work on your reading comprehension skills!

I said GOWDY...not hannity ot dobbs!

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