Obama to go on tour and announce future executive actions before state of the union address

Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

I just bookmarked this post of yours. It's going to bite you in the ass so hard you'll leave this place. I already know what will happen and this is not it. Idiot.

It is about time that our President starts realizing what leadership is all about
Trying to work with a Republican Gridlocked Congress is useless

Obama will accomplish more in his last two years than he did in the previous four

Dude you are confusing leadership with dictatorship. see people with brains who passed high school and got their diploma know that leadership is defined by how ell you bring people together, not far apart. dictatorship is fuck everybody else and I'll do everything myself, because i have the POWER. Go in your hole now and fuck off.
The more Mr Obama acts to make the country a better place the more his approval numbers rebound, go figure.

Bookmarked. Oh and fyi, you are fucking retarded and have no clue what's coming your way, but i don't care and you are officially on ignore since you are a poster just like rightwinger. Useless.
Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

When do you suppose he will be proposing the Enabling Act? Maybe the Patriot Act is enough. As with not voting, not passing Obama's BS ideology is DOING something.
With a nation in the midst of the worst recession in 75 years, Republican insistence on blocking any economic stimulus was abhorrent
Well once a community agitator always one except now on a grand scale

He hoses us down (taxpayers expense) by traveling all over the country to give his hateful speech's that is filled with LIES.

what a President. He could lose his voice and I wouldn't care.
He's just making sure that a Democrat doesn't take the White House in 2016.
At least somebody in Washington is getting something done.

You go Mr. President, you show them what leadership is all about!
Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

I just bookmarked this post of yours. It's going to bite you in the ass so hard you'll leave this place. I already know what will happen and this is not it. Idiot.

It is about time that our President starts realizing what leadership is all about
Trying to work with a Republican Gridlocked Congress is useless

Obama will accomplish more in his last two years than he did in the previous four

Dude you are confusing leadership with dictatorship. see people with brains who passed high school and got their diploma know that leadership is defined by how ell you bring people together, not far apart. dictatorship is fuck everybody else and I'll do everything myself, because i have the POWER. Go in your hole now and fuck off.
The more Mr Obama acts to make the country a better place the more his approval numbers rebound, go figure.

make it a better place? We have riots, looting, protesters like YOUR OWS taking over malls. People in the country is less United under him than even Bush. but that's what you calling him making THE COUNTRY better. You're an Obama goon/tool/ows out there stirring up all this shit.
Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

The House representatives haven't been able to do anything other than send bills to the Senate for votes, which Hairless Reid has sitting under his desk in stacks. He has been protecting Barry so Barry doesn't have to veto anything that would show the voters what a coward he really is.

Change is coming though, and Barry has his tail between his legs. Talk about some true colors emerging....:thup:

Maybe Harry tripped over his tail and broke his face.
At least somebody in Washington is getting something done.

You go Mr. President, you show them what leadership is all about!
good I hope you say that when a Republican gets in and oversteps YOUR Representation in Congress.

go Mr. President go Mr. Dear wonderful leader. go
Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

I just bookmarked this post of yours. It's going to bite you in the ass so hard you'll leave this place. I already know what will happen and this is not it. Idiot.

It is about time that our President starts realizing what leadership is all about
Trying to work with a Republican Gridlocked Congress is useless

Obama will accomplish more in his last two years than he did in the previous four

Dude you are confusing leadership with dictatorship. see people with brains who passed high school and got their diploma know that leadership is defined by how ell you bring people together, not far apart. dictatorship is fuck everybody else and I'll do everything myself, because i have the POWER. Go in your hole now and fuck off.
The more Mr Obama acts to make the country a better place the more his approval numbers rebound, go figure.

Bookmarked. Oh and fyi, you are fucking retarded and have no clue what's coming your way, but i don't care and you are officially on ignore since you are a poster just like rightwinger. Useless.
Why are you ignoring people who have a different opinion than you? Are you just here to preach to the choir?
Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

When do you suppose he will be proposing the Enabling Act? Maybe the Patriot Act is enough. As with not voting, not passing Obama's BS ideology is DOING something.
With a nation in the midst of the worst recession in 75 years, Republican insistence on blocking any economic stimulus was abhorrent

all that people care about is if the congress functions or not. The GOP leadership senate leader and the speaker of the house seem very confident bills will be passed that they said so publicly.. So next time think before you post. Asshole.
Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

I just bookmarked this post of yours. It's going to bite you in the ass so hard you'll leave this place. I already know what will happen and this is not it. Idiot.

It is about time that our President starts realizing what leadership is all about
Trying to work with a Republican Gridlocked Congress is useless

Obama will accomplish more in his last two years than he did in the previous four

You are apparently the one that does not understand leadership. Being a virtual dictator is not leadership, or at least the type I want an American president to learn. REAGAN showed you leadership in how he handled the Democrat Congress. Obama is "my way or the highway" dictator not leader.
Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

I just bookmarked this post of yours. It's going to bite you in the ass so hard you'll leave this place. I already know what will happen and this is not it. Idiot.

It is about time that our President starts realizing what leadership is all about
Trying to work with a Republican Gridlocked Congress is useless

Obama will accomplish more in his last two years than he did in the previous four

Dude you are confusing leadership with dictatorship. see people with brains who passed high school and got their diploma know that leadership is defined by how ell you bring people together, not far apart. dictatorship is fuck everybody else and I'll do everything myself, because i have the POWER. Go in your hole now and fuck off.
The more Mr Obama acts to make the country a better place the more his approval numbers rebound, go figure.

Bookmarked. Oh and fyi, you are fucking retarded and have no clue what's coming your way, but i don't care and you are officially on ignore since you are a poster just like rightwinger. Useless.

Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

I just bookmarked this post of yours. It's going to bite you in the ass so hard you'll leave this place. I already know what will happen and this is not it. Idiot.

It is about time that our President starts realizing what leadership is all about
Trying to work with a Republican Gridlocked Congress is useless

Obama will accomplish more in his last two years than he did in the previous four

Dude you are confusing leadership with dictatorship. see people with brains who passed high school and got their diploma know that leadership is defined by how ell you bring people together, not far apart. dictatorship is fuck everybody else and I'll do everything myself, because i have the POWER. Go in your hole now and fuck off.
The more Mr Obama acts to make the country a better place the more his approval numbers rebound, go figure.

make it a better place? We have riots, looting, protesters like YOUR OWS taking over malls. People in the country is less United under him than even Bush. but that's what you calling him making THE COUNTRY better. You're an Obama goon/tool/ows out there stirring up all this shit.
Sometimes shit needs to be stirred or it will continue to clog the drain.
Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

I just bookmarked this post of yours. It's going to bite you in the ass so hard you'll leave this place. I already know what will happen and this is not it. Idiot.

It is about time that our President starts realizing what leadership is all about
Trying to work with a Republican Gridlocked Congress is useless

Obama will accomplish more in his last two years than he did in the previous four

You are apparently the one that does not understand leadership. Being a virtual dictator is not leadership, or at least the type I want an American president to learn. REAGAN showed you leadership in how he handled the Democrat Congress. Obama is "my way or the highway" dictator not leader.

Good reference...compare how Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan to John Boehner

Reagan must fail..........I don't think so
Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

I just bookmarked this post of yours. It's going to bite you in the ass so hard you'll leave this place. I already know what will happen and this is not it. Idiot.

It is about time that our President starts realizing what leadership is all about
Trying to work with a Republican Gridlocked Congress is useless

Obama will accomplish more in his last two years than he did in the previous four

You are apparently the one that does not understand leadership. Being a virtual dictator is not leadership, or at least the type I want an American president to learn. REAGAN showed you leadership in how he handled the Democrat Congress. Obama is "my way or the highway" dictator not leader.

They are cheering him on to overstep We the Peoples REPRESTATION in Congress. I find them disgusting.
I just bookmarked this post of yours. It's going to bite you in the ass so hard you'll leave this place. I already know what will happen and this is not it. Idiot.

It is about time that our President starts realizing what leadership is all about
Trying to work with a Republican Gridlocked Congress is useless

Obama will accomplish more in his last two years than he did in the previous four

Dude you are confusing leadership with dictatorship. see people with brains who passed high school and got their diploma know that leadership is defined by how ell you bring people together, not far apart. dictatorship is fuck everybody else and I'll do everything myself, because i have the POWER. Go in your hole now and fuck off.
The more Mr Obama acts to make the country a better place the more his approval numbers rebound, go figure.

Bookmarked. Oh and fyi, you are fucking retarded and have no clue what's coming your way, but i don't care and you are officially on ignore since you are a poster just like rightwinger. Useless.
Why are you ignoring people who have a different opinion than you? Are you just here to preach to the choir?

No. See all the people here who hate a man who acts like a dictator is doing their civic duty as American citizens and have earned respect by voicing out against it. People like you who support these distatorship actions and do nothing about it should be scathed by the American people. It takes a blind person to not like what he is doing in the manner in which he is doing it as wrong and unamerican and an clear abuse of power. What makes you look ever more idiotic i that he's not hiding it AT ALL You are acting unamerican.
Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

When do you suppose he will be proposing the Enabling Act? Maybe the Patriot Act is enough. As with not voting, not passing Obama's BS ideology is DOING something.
With a nation in the midst of the worst recession in 75 years, Republican insistence on blocking any economic stimulus was abhorrent

You really would have a point if there was a shred of truth to what you are saying, Jake.

Everything that Obama wanted passed. The Stimulus, TARP, the Auto bail out, Wall Street Reform and Obamacare. I can't think of one thing he wanted that didn't pass. And if there was then the worse happened, he just implemented it and Congress let him.

Jake, you really ought to be careful in what you say. If you wish to say that nothing was done then the economy recovered without any help like it would have much quicker then it did by Obama's spending our children's future.
Does anyone listen to that LIAR in Chief fraud anymore?

All he spews is bullshit and shows how ugly he really can be.

I haven't listened to him in YEARS and won't until he gone from our lives
I just bookmarked this post of yours. It's going to bite you in the ass so hard you'll leave this place. I already know what will happen and this is not it. Idiot.

It is about time that our President starts realizing what leadership is all about
Trying to work with a Republican Gridlocked Congress is useless

Obama will accomplish more in his last two years than he did in the previous four

Dude you are confusing leadership with dictatorship. see people with brains who passed high school and got their diploma know that leadership is defined by how ell you bring people together, not far apart. dictatorship is fuck everybody else and I'll do everything myself, because i have the POWER. Go in your hole now and fuck off.
The more Mr Obama acts to make the country a better place the more his approval numbers rebound, go figure.

make it a better place? We have riots, looting, protesters like YOUR OWS taking over malls. People in the country is less United under him than even Bush. but that's what you calling him making THE COUNTRY better. You're an Obama goon/tool/ows out there stirring up all this shit.
Sometimes shit needs to be stirred or it will continue to clog the drain.

Only shit for brains would use shit as an example to prove a shitty point. I'm not a guy you want to fuck with, so shut your mouth and leave.
Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

I just bookmarked this post of yours. It's going to bite you in the ass so hard you'll leave this place. I already know what will happen and this is not it. Idiot.

It is about time that our President starts realizing what leadership is all about
Trying to work with a Republican Gridlocked Congress is useless

Obama will accomplish more in his last two years than he did in the previous four

You are apparently the one that does not understand leadership. Being a virtual dictator is not leadership, or at least the type I want an American president to learn. REAGAN showed you leadership in how he handled the Democrat Congress. Obama is "my way or the highway" dictator not leader.

They are cheering him on to overstep We the Peoples REPRESTATION in Congress. I find them disgusting.
The only people who have representation in congress are corporate persons like Exxon/Mobil, Goldman Sachs and especially, Koch industries.

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