Obama to go on tour and announce future executive actions before state of the union address

Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

I just bookmarked this post of yours. It's going to bite you in the ass so hard you'll leave this place. I already know what will happen and this is not it. Idiot.

It is about time that our President starts realizing what leadership is all about
Trying to work with a Republican Gridlocked Congress is useless

Obama will accomplish more in his last two years than he did in the previous four

You are apparently the one that does not understand leadership. Being a virtual dictator is not leadership, or at least the type I want an American president to learn. REAGAN showed you leadership in how he handled the Democrat Congress. Obama is "my way or the highway" dictator not leader.

Good reference...compare how Tip O'Neil worked with Reagan to John Boehner

Reagan must fail..........I don't think so

It is a good reference, Reagan was a leader that people worked with. Besides this thing about Republicans not working with Democrats is just an invention of the left wing. Obamacare was just such bad legislation no one in their right minds would vote for the POS. It took buying off his own party to get it done. He has now paid the political price as he himself said he would. But sadly he will no work within the system and I am thinking shortly will be proposing the Enabling Act.
Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

I just bookmarked this post of yours. It's going to bite you in the ass so hard you'll leave this place. I already know what will happen and this is not it. Idiot.

It is about time that our President starts realizing what leadership is all about
Trying to work with a Republican Gridlocked Congress is useless

Obama will accomplish more in his last two years than he did in the previous four
And he is going to piss a lot of people off. Good for him.
Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

I just bookmarked this post of yours. It's going to bite you in the ass so hard you'll leave this place. I already know what will happen and this is not it. Idiot.

It is about time that our President starts realizing what leadership is all about
Trying to work with a Republican Gridlocked Congress is useless

Obama will accomplish more in his last two years than he did in the previous four

You are apparently the one that does not understand leadership. Being a virtual dictator is not leadership, or at least the type I want an American president to learn. REAGAN showed you leadership in how he handled the Democrat Congress. Obama is "my way or the highway" dictator not leader.

They are cheering him on to overstep We the Peoples REPRESTATION in Congress. I find them disgusting.
The only people who have representation in congress are corporate persons like Exxon/Mobil, Goldman Sachs and especially, Koch industries.

Ok, if you believe that then do us a favor and don't vote. We all know the libs have their own billion dollar supporters all I have to do is mention 1 - George Soros.
It is about time that our President starts realizing what leadership is all about
Trying to work with a Republican Gridlocked Congress is useless

Obama will accomplish more in his last two years than he did in the previous four

Dude you are confusing leadership with dictatorship. see people with brains who passed high school and got their diploma know that leadership is defined by how ell you bring people together, not far apart. dictatorship is fuck everybody else and I'll do everything myself, because i have the POWER. Go in your hole now and fuck off.
The more Mr Obama acts to make the country a better place the more his approval numbers rebound, go figure.

make it a better place? We have riots, looting, protesters like YOUR OWS taking over malls. People in the country is less United under him than even Bush. but that's what you calling him making THE COUNTRY better. You're an Obama goon/tool/ows out there stirring up all this shit.
Sometimes shit needs to be stirred or it will continue to clog the drain.

Only shit for brains would use shit as an example to prove a shitty point.
It's true and you know it, real lasting beneficial change often does not occur unless the powers that be are shown in no uncertain terms that they are really pissing people off with their inaction.
Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

I just bookmarked this post of yours. It's going to bite you in the ass so hard you'll leave this place. I already know what will happen and this is not it. Idiot.

It is about time that our President starts realizing what leadership is all about
Trying to work with a Republican Gridlocked Congress is useless

Obama will accomplish more in his last two years than he did in the previous four

You are apparently the one that does not understand leadership. Being a virtual dictator is not leadership, or at least the type I want an American president to learn. REAGAN showed you leadership in how he handled the Democrat Congress. Obama is "my way or the highway" dictator not leader.

They are cheering him on to overstep We the Peoples REPRESTATION in Congress. I find them disgusting.
The only people who have representation in congress are corporate persons like Exxon/Mobil, Goldman Sachs and especially, Koch industries.

well why is that? Your Dear Leader was suppose to change all that WASN'T HE?
Oh but he LIED and duped people you like again
Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

I just bookmarked this post of yours. It's going to bite you in the ass so hard you'll leave this place. I already know what will happen and this is not it. Idiot.

It is about time that our President starts realizing what leadership is all about
Trying to work with a Republican Gridlocked Congress is useless

Obama will accomplish more in his last two years than he did in the previous four

You are apparently the one that does not understand leadership. Being a virtual dictator is not leadership, or at least the type I want an American president to learn. REAGAN showed you leadership in how he handled the Democrat Congress. Obama is "my way or the highway" dictator not leader.

They are cheering him on to overstep We the Peoples REPRESTATION in Congress. I find them disgusting.

More scary, in my opinion.
Dude you are confusing leadership with dictatorship. see people with brains who passed high school and got their diploma know that leadership is defined by how ell you bring people together, not far apart. dictatorship is fuck everybody else and I'll do everything myself, because i have the POWER. Go in your hole now and fuck off.
The more Mr Obama acts to make the country a better place the more his approval numbers rebound, go figure.

make it a better place? We have riots, looting, protesters like YOUR OWS taking over malls. People in the country is less United under him than even Bush. but that's what you calling him making THE COUNTRY better. You're an Obama goon/tool/ows out there stirring up all this shit.
Sometimes shit needs to be stirred or it will continue to clog the drain.

Only shit for brains would use shit as an example to prove a shitty point.
It's true and you know it, real lasting beneficial change often does not occur unless the powers that be are shown in no uncertain terms that they are really pissing people off with their inaction.

RIGHT NOW, this second if you could name one thing you think Congress should have or should act upon what is it? Specifically.
Dude you are confusing leadership with dictatorship. see people with brains who passed high school and got their diploma know that leadership is defined by how ell you bring people together, not far apart. dictatorship is fuck everybody else and I'll do everything myself, because i have the POWER. Go in your hole now and fuck off.
The more Mr Obama acts to make the country a better place the more his approval numbers rebound, go figure.

make it a better place? We have riots, looting, protesters like YOUR OWS taking over malls. People in the country is less United under him than even Bush. but that's what you calling him making THE COUNTRY better. You're an Obama goon/tool/ows out there stirring up all this shit.
Sometimes shit needs to be stirred or it will continue to clog the drain.

Only shit for brains would use shit as an example to prove a shitty point.
It's true and you know it, real lasting beneficial change often does not occur unless the powers that be are shown in no uncertain terms that they are really pissing people off with their inaction.

You don't clean a shitty wall by throwing more shit onto it. I gotta ask.... Seriously..... Are you fucking retarded? You aren't worth a discussion. Everybody needs to put you on ingore after reading this exchange. and they will.
I just bookmarked this post of yours. It's going to bite you in the ass so hard you'll leave this place. I already know what will happen and this is not it. Idiot.

It is about time that our President starts realizing what leadership is all about
Trying to work with a Republican Gridlocked Congress is useless

Obama will accomplish more in his last two years than he did in the previous four

You are apparently the one that does not understand leadership. Being a virtual dictator is not leadership, or at least the type I want an American president to learn. REAGAN showed you leadership in how he handled the Democrat Congress. Obama is "my way or the highway" dictator not leader.

They are cheering him on to overstep We the Peoples REPRESTATION in Congress. I find them disgusting.
The only people who have representation in congress are corporate persons like Exxon/Mobil, Goldman Sachs and especially, Koch industries.

Ok, if you believe that then do us a favor and don't vote. We all know the libs have their own billion dollar all I have to do is mention 1 - George Soros.
You can mention him but it does not look like he has a pull with our next congress, those people in there next owe their very souls to their bankrollers and they will expect a lot in return.
Our President needs to use the State of the Union address to lay down the gauntlet with Republicans

Here is what you need to do, if you fail, here is the Executive Actions I will take
The more Mr Obama acts to make the country a better place the more his approval numbers rebound, go figure.

make it a better place? We have riots, looting, protesters like YOUR OWS taking over malls. People in the country is less United under him than even Bush. but that's what you calling him making THE COUNTRY better. You're an Obama goon/tool/ows out there stirring up all this shit.
Sometimes shit needs to be stirred or it will continue to clog the drain.

Only shit for brains would use shit as an example to prove a shitty point.
It's true and you know it, real lasting beneficial change often does not occur unless the powers that be are shown in no uncertain terms that they are really pissing people off with their inaction.

RIGHT NOW, this second if you could name one thing you think Congress should have or should act upon what is it? Specifically.
Reality based immigration reform would be a good start. Of course they will not touch it with yet another election coming up next year.
Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

Now that Harry Reid is no longer the Senate Majority Leader, it will no longer be the Do Nothing Congress. Obama will have to veto the bills that will finally be sent to him. I know you will then call him the Do Nothing President, right?
Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

Now that Harry Reid is no longer the Senate Majority Leader, it will no longer be the Do Nothing Congress. Obama will have to veto the bills that will finally be sent to him. I know you will then call him the Do Nothing President, right?

What makes you think any bills will be sent to Obama?

Where have you been the last four years?
make it a better place? We have riots, looting, protesters like YOUR OWS taking over malls. People in the country is less United under him than even Bush. but that's what you calling him making THE COUNTRY better. You're an Obama goon/tool/ows out there stirring up all this shit.
Sometimes shit needs to be stirred or it will continue to clog the drain.

Only shit for brains would use shit as an example to prove a shitty point.
It's true and you know it, real lasting beneficial change often does not occur unless the powers that be are shown in no uncertain terms that they are really pissing people off with their inaction.

RIGHT NOW, this second if you could name one thing you think Congress should have or should act upon what is it? Specifically.
Reality based immigration reform would be a good start. Of course they will not touch it with yet another election coming up next year.
With the TeaTard base, Republicans will do nothing about immigration outside of more fences

Leaving Obamas executive action in place
Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

I just bookmarked this post of yours. It's going to bite you in the ass so hard you'll leave this place. I already know what will happen and this is not it. Idiot.

It is about time that our President starts realizing what leadership is all about
Trying to work with a Republican Gridlocked Congress is useless

Obama will accomplish more in his last two years than he did in the previous four

Dude you are confusing leadership with dictatorship. see people with brains who passed high school and got their diploma know that leadership is defined by how ell you bring people together, not far apart. dictatorship is fuck everybody else and I'll do everything myself, because i have the POWER. Go in your hole now and fuck off.
The more Mr Obama acts to make the country a better place the more his approval numbers rebound, go figure.

Playing golf in Hawaii for two weeks at taxpayers expense did seem to help his image.
Our President needs to use the State of the Union address to lay down the gauntlet with Republicans

Here is what you need to do, if you fail, here is the Executive Actions I will take

You mean dictate to them as would a dic......
Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

That's what you're going to say when the next President is a Republican and they just bypass congress with their agenda and Obama it through an executive order, aren't you big guy?

Turns out when you called W "King George" ... it was a lie ...

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