Obama to go on tour and announce future executive actions before state of the union address

Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

I just bookmarked this post of yours. It's going to bite you in the ass so hard you'll leave this place. I already know what will happen and this is not it. Idiot.

It is about time that our President starts realizing what leadership is all about
Trying to work with a Republican Gridlocked Congress is useless

Obama will accomplish more in his last two years than he did in the previous four
When does he declare martial law and have himself appointed president for life?
Doesn't look like he will Capt Hyperbole
Why not? Heck if Congress is just an impediment to him carrying out his agenda just announce he is suspending Congress indefinitely. He already thinks he can say when Congress is in session or not.

Why talk to someone who intentionally isn't listening to a word you are saying?
Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

Now that Harry Reid is no longer the Senate Majority Leader, it will no longer be the Do Nothing Congress. Obama will have to veto the bills that will finally be sent to him. I know you will then call him the Do Nothing President, right?
Congress will spend two years pointedly sending him things he will never sign such as dismantling SS or renaming the rocky mountains after Ronald Reagan.

One of the first bills passed will be to finish building the Keystone pipeline. Will Obama veto it?
Probably will if it means over-ruling the state governments that oppose it. Nice how you guys will throw state rights to the wolves for the sake of the petroleum industry.

No states are opposing the pipeline, and Obama has screwed over the Canadians long enough. Canadian oil is being transported by other more expensive and environmentally damaging means right now. A few American jobs would help our economy and a lot of unemployed Americans. I hope he does veto it, and I am confident his veto will be overridden if he does.
Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

That's what you're going to say when the next President is a Republican and they just bypass congress with their agenda and Obama it through an executive order, aren't you big guy?

Turns out when you called W "King George" ... it was a lie ...
I have no doubt a Republican President will use executive orders and signing statements

Why wouldn't they?
According to some RWs, President Obama is the first to use executive orders.
Just put occupied on ignore. His shit wasn't worth the bacteria and stench.

I put them on ignore a long time ago. I'll see a post of theirs every now and then and they are usually filled with lies and stupidity, like Obama is making this country better. I think he's a paid Obama goon who goes around beating the drums for his Dear wonderful leader. He's also involved with the OWS agitators who is stirring up the crap on us with protesting that turns into violence. That's why I won't have anything to do them.
Shit, you are not ignoring me that much, besides, the list of liberals willing to hang out on this board with you nutballs is shrinking and when the last of us quit in disgust the board will die, preaching to the choir is boring.
Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

I just bookmarked this post of yours. It's going to bite you in the ass so hard you'll leave this place. I already know what will happen and this is not it. Idiot.

It is about time that our President starts realizing what leadership is all about
Trying to work with a Republican Gridlocked Congress is useless

Obama will accomplish more in his last two years than he did in the previous four
When does he declare martial law and have himself appointed president for life?
Doesn't look like he will Capt Hyperbole
Why not? Heck if Congress is just an impediment to him carrying out his agenda just announce he is suspending Congress indefinitely. He already thinks he can say when Congress is in session or not.

Expect some form of the Enabling Act shortly, it will probably be tied to some sort of terror attack, hey, much like the Patriot Act.
I guess Obama will be pandering to the shrinking number of places in the United States that actually care what he says anymore. More and more fly over states.

Everyone knows he will attempt to do as he wishes via executive fiat.

Now he will not have Reid to block for him. He must now actually make a decision via the VETO. They will no longer be in the way. Either way he can't pass shit in Congress anymore anyway. He's on a leash.
Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

I just bookmarked this post of yours. It's going to bite you in the ass so hard you'll leave this place. I already know what will happen and this is not it. Idiot.

It is about time that our President starts realizing what leadership is all about
Trying to work with a Republican Gridlocked Congress is useless

Obama will accomplish more in his last two years than he did in the previous four
When does he declare martial law and have himself appointed president for life?

Careful, it could happen. It happened to a democratic government about 81 years ago.
Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

Now that Harry Reid is no longer the Senate Majority Leader, it will no longer be the Do Nothing Congress. Obama will have to veto the bills that will finally be sent to him. I know you will then call him the Do Nothing President, right?
Congress will spend two years pointedly sending him things he will never sign such as dismantling SS or renaming the rocky mountains after Ronald Reagan.

One of the first bills passed will be to finish building the Keystone pipeline. Will Obama veto it?
Probably will if it means over-ruling the state governments that oppose it. Nice how you guys will throw state rights to the wolves for the sake of the petroleum industry.

No states are opposing the pipeline, and Obama has screwed over the Canadians long enough. Canadian oil is being transported by other more expensive and environmentally damaging means right now. A few American jobs would help our economy and a lot of unemployed Americans. I hope he does veto it, and I am confident his veto will be overridden if he does.
The state of Nebraska has it tied up in court at the moment, do you really want the federal government to run roughshod over the legal process to give a gift to the petroleum industry?
Obama has thrown down the gauntlet. If Congress keeps going by doing nothing and waiting for the next president then he's going to govern. If they don't want him to govern, get off their dead asses and govern. But it doesn't look to much like it's going to happen quite yet.
Now that Harry Reid is no longer the Senate Majority Leader, it will no longer be the Do Nothing Congress. Obama will have to veto the bills that will finally be sent to him. I know you will then call him the Do Nothing President, right?
Congress will spend two years pointedly sending him things he will never sign such as dismantling SS or renaming the rocky mountains after Ronald Reagan.

One of the first bills passed will be to finish building the Keystone pipeline. Will Obama veto it?
Probably will if it means over-ruling the state governments that oppose it. Nice how you guys will throw state rights to the wolves for the sake of the petroleum industry.

No states are opposing the pipeline, and Obama has screwed over the Canadians long enough. Canadian oil is being transported by other more expensive and environmentally damaging means right now. A few American jobs would help our economy and a lot of unemployed Americans. I hope he does veto it, and I am confident his veto will be overridden if he does.
The state of Nebraska has it tied up in court at the moment, do you really want the federal government to run roughshod over the legal process to give a gift to the petroleum industry?

The only ones that will benefit will be the Koch Brothers since they will own the pipeline, the oil sands in Canada and the factories where it is going to go to. How many long term jobs will the project create? Only a handful. Yet a gas pipeline from Colorado to Kansas City is blocked left and right. The amount of jobs that creates in in the hundreds and thousands but the wrong people will make a profit from it and it won't be the Koch Brothers.
Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

That's what you're going to say when the next President is a Republican and they just bypass congress with their agenda and Obama it through an executive order, aren't you big guy?

Turns out when you called W "King George" ... it was a lie ...
I have no doubt a Republican President will use executive orders and signing statements

Why wouldn't they?
According to some RWs, President Obama is the first to use executive orders.

So our choices are the President can not have executive orders at all, or the President can decree anything he wants with them. Those are our choices, there is nothing in the middle. Like that he can only use them for powers which are granted to the President. That isn't an option. Got it.

Sometimes I forget how dumb liberals are, you never let me forget for long.
Congress will spend two years pointedly sending him things he will never sign such as dismantling SS or renaming the rocky mountains after Ronald Reagan.

One of the first bills passed will be to finish building the Keystone pipeline. Will Obama veto it?
Probably will if it means over-ruling the state governments that oppose it. Nice how you guys will throw state rights to the wolves for the sake of the petroleum industry.

No states are opposing the pipeline, and Obama has screwed over the Canadians long enough. Canadian oil is being transported by other more expensive and environmentally damaging means right now. A few American jobs would help our economy and a lot of unemployed Americans. I hope he does veto it, and I am confident his veto will be overridden if he does.
The state of Nebraska has it tied up in court at the moment, do you really want the federal government to run roughshod over the legal process to give a gift to the petroleum industry?

The only ones that will benefit will be the Koch Brothers since they will own the pipeline, the oil sands in Canada and the factories where it is going to go to. How many long term jobs will the project create? Only a handful. Yet a gas pipeline from Colorado to Kansas City is blocked left and right. The amount of jobs that creates in in the hundreds and thousands but the wrong people will make a profit from it and it won't be the Koch Brothers.
The Keystone pipeline as a political issue has continued to perplex me. It's a clear case of crony capitalism and bought political influence but it just does not matter to some.
One of the first bills passed will be to finish building the Keystone pipeline. Will Obama veto it?
Probably will if it means over-ruling the state governments that oppose it. Nice how you guys will throw state rights to the wolves for the sake of the petroleum industry.

No states are opposing the pipeline, and Obama has screwed over the Canadians long enough. Canadian oil is being transported by other more expensive and environmentally damaging means right now. A few American jobs would help our economy and a lot of unemployed Americans. I hope he does veto it, and I am confident his veto will be overridden if he does.
The state of Nebraska has it tied up in court at the moment, do you really want the federal government to run roughshod over the legal process to give a gift to the petroleum industry?

The only ones that will benefit will be the Koch Brothers since they will own the pipeline, the oil sands in Canada and the factories where it is going to go to. How many long term jobs will the project create? Only a handful. Yet a gas pipeline from Colorado to Kansas City is blocked left and right. The amount of jobs that creates in in the hundreds and thousands but the wrong people will make a profit from it and it won't be the Koch Brothers.
The Keystone pipeline as a political issue has continued to perplex me. It's a clear case of crony capitalism and bought political influence but it just does not matter to some.

Right, you wanting to fund despots and dictators and buy oil then float it in little boats across a big ocean as opposed to building an overland pipeline which provides $$ and jobs to the US economy is only logical, anyone who opposes that would only do it for "crony capitalism and bought political influence." Gotcha. Are you part Vulcan? Your logic is impeccable.
Gotta love our President moving ahead without the Do Nothing Congress

long overdue

That's what you're going to say when the next President is a Republican and they just bypass congress with their agenda and Obama it through an executive order, aren't you big guy?

Turns out when you called W "King George" ... it was a lie ...
I have no doubt a Republican President will use executive orders and signing statements

Why wouldn't they?
According to some RWs, President Obama is the first to use executive orders.

So our choices are the President can not have executive orders at all, or the President can decree anything he wants with them. Those are our choices, there is nothing in the middle. Like that he can only use them for powers which are granted to the President. That isn't an option. Got it.

Sometimes I forget how dumb liberals are, you never let me forget for long.
Why have republicans not even attempted to legislate clear limits on the scope of executive power? It's because they want those powers as vague and undefined as possible for when they finally win back the White House. Were they to do such a thing they would find a surprising amount of support from the progressives.
Our President needs to use the State of the Union address to lay down the gauntlet with Republicans

Here is what you need to do, if you fail, here is the Executive Actions I will take

You mean dictate to them as would a dic......

Republicans have a two year window of opportunity. After 2016 it will be gone

What will they do?

If they continue to pass kill Obamacare legislation they will get nothing done. If they work with the President, they can get things done they have been waiting six years for

My view is they will bow to the TeaTards and continue to block all things Obama. They will blow it

In the absence of a Republican Congress working with the President.....Obama will use executive orders to do what needs doing

Everybody needs to ignore rightwinger. Why? he's intentionally not listening to a word any of you are saying. Why bother with him? It's not fun. He's fucking annoying, because he cant discuss anything, because he doesn't listen. Put an end to him.
Which is what I expect Republicans will do
I doubt if they can change their spots

Which means Republicans will get nothing done in the next two years

Do Nothing except gerrymander, obstruct, pose for photo ops and take vacations.

To RWs, that's a winning strategy so yeah, why would theRepubs change what has worked so well for them?
One of the first bills passed will be to finish building the Keystone pipeline. Will Obama veto it?
Probably will if it means over-ruling the state governments that oppose it. Nice how you guys will throw state rights to the wolves for the sake of the petroleum industry.

No states are opposing the pipeline, and Obama has screwed over the Canadians long enough. Canadian oil is being transported by other more expensive and environmentally damaging means right now. A few American jobs would help our economy and a lot of unemployed Americans. I hope he does veto it, and I am confident his veto will be overridden if he does.
The state of Nebraska has it tied up in court at the moment, do you really want the federal government to run roughshod over the legal process to give a gift to the petroleum industry?

The only ones that will benefit will be the Koch Brothers since they will own the pipeline, the oil sands in Canada and the factories where it is going to go to. How many long term jobs will the project create? Only a handful. Yet a gas pipeline from Colorado to Kansas City is blocked left and right. The amount of jobs that creates in in the hundreds and thousands but the wrong people will make a profit from it and it won't be the Koch Brothers.
The Keystone pipeline as a political issue has continued to perplex me. It's a clear case of crony capitalism and bought political influence but it just does not matter to some.

Yes I am sure to the far left drones it is a foreign concept!

Creation of jobs and being more energy independent is something the far left is against..
Probably will if it means over-ruling the state governments that oppose it. Nice how you guys will throw state rights to the wolves for the sake of the petroleum industry.

No states are opposing the pipeline, and Obama has screwed over the Canadians long enough. Canadian oil is being transported by other more expensive and environmentally damaging means right now. A few American jobs would help our economy and a lot of unemployed Americans. I hope he does veto it, and I am confident his veto will be overridden if he does.
The state of Nebraska has it tied up in court at the moment, do you really want the federal government to run roughshod over the legal process to give a gift to the petroleum industry?

The only ones that will benefit will be the Koch Brothers since they will own the pipeline, the oil sands in Canada and the factories where it is going to go to. How many long term jobs will the project create? Only a handful. Yet a gas pipeline from Colorado to Kansas City is blocked left and right. The amount of jobs that creates in in the hundreds and thousands but the wrong people will make a profit from it and it won't be the Koch Brothers.
The Keystone pipeline as a political issue has continued to perplex me. It's a clear case of crony capitalism and bought political influence but it just does not matter to some.

Right, you wanting to fund despots and dictators and buy oil then float it in little boats across a big ocean as opposed to building an overland pipeline which provides $$ and jobs to the US economy is only logical, anyone who opposes that would only do it for "crony capitalism and bought political influence." Gotcha. Are you part Vulcan? Your logic is impeccable.
As things stand today your arguments do not carry as much weight as they did when unemployment and oil prices were high.
Our President needs to use the State of the Union address to lay down the gauntlet with Republicans

Here is what you need to do, if you fail, here is the Executive Actions I will take

You mean dictate to them as would a dic......

Republicans have a two year window of opportunity. After 2016 it will be gone

What will they do?

If they continue to pass kill Obamacare legislation they will get nothing done. If they work with the President, they can get things done they have been waiting six years for

My view is they will bow to the TeaTards and continue to block all things Obama. They will blow it

In the absence of a Republican Congress working with the President.....Obama will use executive orders to do what needs doing

Everybody needs to ignore rightwinger. Why? he's intentionally not listening to a word any of you are saying. Why bother with him? It's not fun. He's fucking annoying, because he cant discuss anything, because he doesn't listen. Put an end to him.
Which is what I expect Republicans will do
I doubt if they can change their spots

Which means Republicans will get nothing done in the next two years

Do Nothing except gerrymander, obstruct, pose for photo ops and take vacations.

To RWs, that's a winning strategy so yeah, why would theRepubs change what has worked so well for them?

The GOP controls the Senate and the house, yet the far left drones continues on the old programmed talking points.
I guess Obama will be pandering to the shrinking number of places in the United States that actually care what he says anymore. More and more fly over states.

Everyone knows he will attempt to do as he wishes via executive fiat.

Now he will not have Reid to block for him. He must now actually make a decision via the VETO. They will no longer be in the way. Either way he can't pass shit in Congress anymore anyway. He's on a leash.
President Obama will do what he thinks needs to be done until Congress legislates otherwise

What is stopping them?
I guess Obama will be pandering to the shrinking number of places in the United States that actually care what he says anymore. More and more fly over states.

Everyone knows he will attempt to do as he wishes via executive fiat.

Now he will not have Reid to block for him. He must now actually make a decision via the VETO. They will no longer be in the way. Either way he can't pass shit in Congress anymore anyway. He's on a leash.
President Obama will do what he thinks needs to be done until Congress legislates otherwise

What is stopping them?


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