Obama to host 18 Democrats, no Republicans, for immigration dinner

Republicans are upset about being snubbed.........good, fuck 'em.

You have a lot of hate inside you. Can't be good for you. Take a walk smell the roses. sheesh

Hate? I don't think so, it's more of an intolerant loathing, a complete disrespect for certain people's views, sort of actively despising.

Like is said, go smell the roses. good gawd

I can imagine how you smell the roses.

And this is how they flip an egg

Your mind, what little there is of it....

Well now, where is that "moderate" Obama and so much for working together eh?
these people in Congress really HOSE us down for dinners, drivers, etc etc. what a gig
video at the site

Obama to host 18 Democrats, no Republicans, for immigration dinner
By Brian Hughes | November 19, 2014 | 2:54 pm

Obama to host all-Democrat immigration dinner

President Obama will host a dinner Wednesday night at the White House for 18 Democrats to discuss his upcoming immigration plans.
Washington Examiner

President Obama will host numerous lawmakers at the White House for dinner Wednesday to brief them on the eve of announcing executive action on immigration reform.

However, he didn’t invite any Republicans.

White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Obama would have dinner later Wednesday with 18 Democratic lawmakers to discuss immigration.

When asked why Obama wouldn’t break bread with GOP leaders, Earnest replied, “We’ve had any number of countless conversations with Republicans.”

“If it were only dinner that was required,” he added when pressed on whether Obama was preventing compromise with Republicans.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., Sens. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Robert Menendez, D-N.J., are among those who will dine at the White House.

Republicans were not happy about their exclusion from the dinner.
  • “Yet another shining example of bipartisanship from this president,” quipped a senior House GOP aide.
all of it here:
Obama to host 18 Democrats no Republicans for immigration dinner WashingtonExaminer.com

Republicans are upset about being snubbed.........good, fuck 'em.

You have a lot of hate inside you. Can't be good for you. Take a walk smell the roses. sheesh

Hate? I don't think so, it's more of an intolerant loathing, a complete disrespect for certain people's views, sort of actively despising.

Like is said, go smell the roses. good gawd

I can imagine how you smell the roses.

Well Barry enacts this immegraition bullshit I think he's gonna kick the Dems in the balls come election time.

Most Americans want these illegals out of our country and those that hire them prosecuted.

Its also a slap in the teeth to those who came here legally.

As for his Dem dinner?? Wouldn't expect anything else from the guy who won.
Well Barry enacts this immegraition bullshit I think he's gonna kick the Dems in the balls come election time.

Most Americans want these illegals out of our country and those that hire them prosecuted.

Its also a slap in the teeth to those who came here legally.

As for his Dem dinner?? Wouldn't expect anything else from the guy who won.
Libs like to cite opinion polls, when they agree with them. They tend to ignore them when they disagree.

Obama is now a dictator...and libs, Ds, and progs are cool with it.

The ends justify the means...and Obama and his gang need more illiterate voters to keep them in power...rule of law and the Constitution be damned.
Well Barry enacts this immegraition bullshit I think he's gonna kick the Dems in the balls come election time.

Most Americans want these illegals out of our country and those that hire them prosecuted.

Its also a slap in the teeth to those who came here legally.

As for his Dem dinner?? Wouldn't expect anything else from the guy who won.
Libs like to cite opinion polls, when they agree with them. They tend to ignore them when they disagree.

Obama is now a dictator...and libs, Ds, and progs are cool with it.

The ends justify the means...and Obama and his gang need more illiterate voters to keep them in power...rule of law and the Constitution be damned.
Please, tell me what a dictator is...Since there was no gang that elected Oblama like Mussolini..
Oh! By the vie I am not cool with illegals in our nation, yet it has been going on since 1982 and not one president has stopped it..
Well Barry enacts this immegraition bullshit I think he's gonna kick the Dems in the balls come election time.

Most Americans want these illegals out of our country and those that hire them prosecuted.

Its also a slap in the teeth to those who came here legally.

As for his Dem dinner?? Wouldn't expect anything else from the guy who won.
Libs like to cite opinion polls, when they agree with them. They tend to ignore them when they disagree.

Obama is now a dictator...and libs, Ds, and progs are cool with it.

The ends justify the means...and Obama and his gang need more illiterate voters to keep them in power...rule of law and the Constitution be damned.
Please, tell me what a dictator is...Since there was no gang that elected Oblama like Mussolini..
Oh! By the vie I am not cool with illegals in our nation, yet it has been going on since 1982 and not one president has stopped it..

So since no prior president has stopped it, it is okay for Obama to ignore our democratic system of government and dictatorially grant amnesty...is that your opinion?

And your knowledge of history is lacking. Ike did stop it in the 50s.

Y'know, the last time this country was really purring we had a Democrat in the White House and a Republican-controlled Congress. Clinton knew how to, and was willing to, find ways to work with the Newtmeister.

Looks to me like Obama has no such inclinations.


Y'know, the last time this country was really purring we had a Democrat in the White House and a Republican-controlled Congress. Clinton knew how to, and was willing to, find ways to work with the Newtmeister.

Looks to me like Obama has no such inclinations.


Of course not. Obama goal is to leave America worse off than when he started.

Yes, he's on track

This is all about saving Obamacare. The Democrats are involved in a criminal conspiracy to save their failing law and this is just another stage of it. These are the goals of this amnesty movement:

  1. Legalize Obamacare for millions of illegals
  2. Legitimize the illegal actions of the president including his failure to enforce our laws
  3. To marginalize the GOP and demonize them
  4. To sow insurrection and cause as much violence and mayhem as possible
  5. To bring as many foreigners into this country as possible to transform this country into an anti-American society
  6. To steal elections by totally changing the demographics of the electorate
  7. To put as much stress as possible on Social Security causing it's eventual collapse

Obama is after all a community organizer, which is the same as a professional troublemaker. He is not in the White House to solve problems but he is there to cause them. One of his excuses he used was he wants to fix a broken system. In all honesty he took a good system and totally broke it and now he claims to want to fix it.

Y'know, the last time this country was really purring we had a Democrat in the White House and a Republican-controlled Congress. Clinton knew how to, and was willing to, find ways to work with the Newtmeister.

Looks to me like Obama has no such inclinations.


Boehner has a bi-partisan immigration bill on his desk that passed the Senate and will pass the House.

He won't allow a vote on it.

Y'know, the last time this country was really purring we had a Democrat in the White House and a Republican-controlled Congress. Clinton knew how to, and was willing to, find ways to work with the Newtmeister.

Looks to me like Obama has no such inclinations.


Boehner has a bi-partisan immigration bill on his desk that passed the Senate and will pass the House.

He won't allow a vote on it.

Let's see what happens when the new Congress is up and running.

Sadly, politicians like to play "gotcha", and I'm sure Boehner and the rest are not above paying back Reid for stalling bills.

See what happens when politics is controlled by narcissistic wingers on both ends?


Y'know, the last time this country was really purring we had a Democrat in the White House and a Republican-controlled Congress. Clinton knew how to, and was willing to, find ways to work with the Newtmeister.

Looks to me like Obama has no such inclinations.


Boehner has a bi-partisan immigration bill on his desk that passed the Senate and will pass the House.

He won't allow a vote on it.
Laws mean nothing to this president. Why pass anything when Obama will just cherry-pick the law and only enforce what he wants?
NO !! i do not believe the last nail theory, the son-of-a-bitch has two more years to collect more nails, the last and final nail will be hammered in, in January 2016AD

my wish is that the final nail would be driven thru his fucking muslime mulatto commie head :up: ...... :lmao:

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