Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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They have to keep touting this issue because they cant have a real debate on the issues or they would lose
Let me ask you once again, truthdoesnotmattertoyou, who started the whole birther thing? Care to answer or will you just want to snipe from the sidelines?

What issues should we be debating? How about the debt? Do you remember last election, The dem's lost big time because of the enormous debt that the left put upon this country.

How about Gitmo still being open?

How about combat troops still in Iraq?

How about the high cost of gas and food?

How about the high unemployment numbers?

How about the transparency we were promised?

Do you understand what I just posted above? These are all things that Obama ran on and talked about. So where are YOUR debates on these issues at? HMMMMM????

To clean up the mess that Bush left is going to take a lot more than 4 years. Obama is getting there...slowly, but surely....

Oh Puh-leeeze.

wow, I thought he WORKED FOR ALL THE PEOPLE. I guess not.
and don't you have me on IGNORE?:eusa_whistle:

Yes, all the people.

However, that does not mean he has to visit lunatic asylums and answer their questions about why he's from Pluto, or why he has six heads.

And I have no recollection of putting you on ignore.

Oh sorry, I though it was you who said you had me on ignore.

Most of us have you on ignoramous.
Better things Obama has to do besides release his COLB long form:

1. Catch 18 holes before lunch
2. Catch 18 holes before dinner
3. Play basketball
4. Appear on Oprah
5. Attend a fundraiser for millionaires at $35,800 a plate
6. Throw a party for another championship team
7. Practice his putting
8. Vacation in Brazil
9. Attend religious services in a famous D.C. church. The topic: Jim Crow is now James Crow Esquire
10. Accept an award for transparency
They have to keep touting this issue because they cant have a real debate on the issues or they would lose
Let me ask you once again, truthdoesnotmattertoyou, who started the whole birther thing? Care to answer or will you just want to snipe from the sidelines?

What issues should we be debating? How about the debt? Do you remember last election, The dem's lost big time because of the enormous debt that the left put upon this country.

How about Gitmo still being open?

How about combat troops still in Iraq?

How about the high cost of gas and food?

How about the high unemployment numbers?

How about the transparency we were promised?

Do you understand what I just posted above? These are all things that Obama ran on and talked about. So where are YOUR debates on these issues at? HMMMMM????

To clean up the mess that Bush left is going to take a lot more than 4 years. Obama is getting there...slowly, but surely....

hummm, every pres. says same gump, its 21 months after the recession, I'd say we are a bit behind schedule no?
Let me ask you once again, truthdoesnotmattertoyou, who started the whole birther thing? Care to answer or will you just want to snipe from the sidelines?

What issues should we be debating? How about the debt? Do you remember last election, The dem's lost big time because of the enormous debt that the left put upon this country.

How about Gitmo still being open?

How about combat troops still in Iraq?

How about the high cost of gas and food?

How about the high unemployment numbers?

How about the transparency we were promised?

Do you understand what I just posted above? These are all things that Obama ran on and talked about. So where are YOUR debates on these issues at? HMMMMM????

To clean up the mess that Bush left is going to take a lot more than 4 years. Obama is getting there...slowly, but surely....

Oh Puh-leeeze.


Really? How? It is the worst economic crisis since the depression - and that took until the start of WWII to come right - 10 years....this has only been 2.5....
And the lies just continue.

They will lose a debate on the real issues and they know it.
Why don't you just STFU about losing a debate on the real issues and start posting them? You talk a good game like most leftnuts but let's see what you got. I'm waiting to lose just to you, so let's see what you can come up with. BIGMOUTH. I already asked you a couple of times and you just seem to wander off. I do understand your medical condition so, give it your best shot, will ya. The entire leftist world is waiting for YOU.
Let me ask you once again, truthdoesnotmattertoyou, who started the whole birther thing? Care to answer or will you just want to snipe from the sidelines?

What issues should we be debating? How about the debt? Do you remember last election, The dem's lost big time because of the enormous debt that the left put upon this country.

How about Gitmo still being open?

How about combat troops still in Iraq?

How about the high cost of gas and food?

How about the high unemployment numbers?

How about the transparency we were promised?

Do you understand what I just posted above? These are all things that Obama ran on and talked about. So where are YOUR debates on these issues at? HMMMMM????

To clean up the mess that Bush left is going to take a lot more than 4 years. Obama is getting there...slowly, but surely....

hummm, every pres. says same gump, its 21 months after the recession, I'd say we are a bit behind schedule no?

How fast does it have to move Trojan? What would you do differently to make it 'faster'..?
I'm sure he's got better things to do than to satisfy the lunatic ravings of a bunch of birfer morons.

You're right. He does. He has to christen the U.S.S. Barrack H. Obama.


wow, thats some water hazard....:eusa_whistle:

LOL, The Obama is doing a good job of cleaning up the mess of the Bush years.

Man that Obama he be the man, he wave magic wand and walla, the seas part, the sick are healed, the blind can see..

Oh wait, he spends us into a trillions of dollars of dept, he gives us a socialized Health care(ask Europe how that is working out for them)? Unemployed went up under him, food prices are shooting through the roof, gas prices are going sky high, the middle east is burning to the ground.

But hey, HE BE THE MESSISAH.:lol:
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They have to keep touting this issue because they cant have a real debate on the issues or they would lose
Let me ask you once again, truthdoesnotmattertoyou, who started the whole birther thing? Care to answer or will you just want to snipe from the sidelines?

What issues should we be debating? How about the debt? Do you remember last election, The dem's lost big time because of the enormous debt that the left put upon this country.

How about Gitmo still being open? not happy about it but voting R wouldnt change that would it?

How about combat troops still in Iraq? Last US combat troops leave Iraq | World news | guardian.co.uk

How about the high cost of gas and food?and you think an R would stop it?

How about the high unemployment numbers?republicans crashed the world market

How about the transparency we were promised?Its not what I hoped but then the right has always been worse

Do you understand what I just posted above? These are all things that Obama ran on and talked about. So where are YOUR debates on these issues at? HMMMMM????

Why debate these issues when basic truth is under assault by the right daily.

Its why your party uses the birther and death panel shit in the first place, so they can avoid the real issues they know they would lose the debate on.
To clean up the mess that Bush left is going to take a lot more than 4 years. Obama is getting there...slowly, but surely....

Okay. Can you tell us exactly what that mess was? So how long will it take the next POTUS to clean up the mess obama left us?
Race of Father: "African".



A buddy of mine was shocked when he ordered a copy of his birth certificate recently and found that it listed his race as "Negro". "African" wasn't the term used for Black people back then, it was "Negro".

Also, Obama was born in August yet we are to believe he was only the 151st person born in that state all year? Really?

The father wasn't African-American ...... he was African not negro.

gawd, you're an idiot


In that era, African would be nationality, not race.
By your lily-White, American perspective. Perhaps Africans view being African as a race? Or did in 1961?
I'm just curious why he spent $2,000,000 on suppressing the BC for 2 years and then just voluntarily gives it up on the same day the federal reserve is to give its first press conference in 90 some years

ROFL. Because they didn't spend 2 million dollars on "suppressing the BC".

That story was also untrue.

Well from what I have read that story is true while other stories say its not. I guess we will never know exactly.

So allow me to amend my post. Why has Obama spend a significant amount of money suppressing the BC for 2 years and then just voluntarily gives it up???
Prove that he spent ANY money on this. You can't.
About damn time. Have to wonder why the hell he spent over a million dollars fighting to not Release it. Stupid childish games.

The Claims that he did not spend over a million dollars fighting the release of this and his school records is completely false. It is a matter of public Record that he has spent over 1 Million dollars fighting the Release of both the BC, and transcripts, and up until as late as last week. The State of Hawaii was still claiming the BC he just found was "lost"

This is a LIE.

If it's a matter of public record, show these "records".

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