Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

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    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

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The court martial says he disobeyed orders form senior officers and missed movement.

He fucked over his men.

He got what any moron gets for missing movement, minus the beating enlisted men give another for doing so.


Obama is CIC. If his eligibility is in doubt, all orders are suspect. Why didn't the CIC just comply with this soldier's request? He obviously thought it important enough to do it today. Why not 6 months ago?

B/c he did, years ago.

this douch wasn't satisfied, so he fucked over his company be missing movement.

The pussy just didn't want to do his duty.

He also fucked over another Officer who had to deploy last minute in his place. His name was introduced at the Court Martial as evidence of tangible harm that Lakin's insubordination caused.

Even the most far right wing people with a military background didn't get behind Lakin.

He was apparently stupid enough to let the Birthers use him as their cannon fodder. He deserved what he got.
To clean up the mess that Bush left is going to take a lot more than 4 years. Obama is getting there...slowly, but surely....

Okay. Can you tell us exactly what that mess was? So how long will it take the next POTUS to clean up the mess obama left us?

Subprime mortgage meltdown for a start. What do you think the 'mess' was and how it was caused? You think it was Obama's fault that the US is mired in two wars and had a mortgage meltdown. Just a friendly reminder, he was a junior senator from Illinois when all this started - he could have done what to stop it?

I have no idea how long it will take to fix. You?

You seem to like rhetorical questions - go for it...
Did Bush not ask for investigations into these entities and what was Barney Frank and Chris Dodd's response to it? That all was okay, wasn't it? Here's a friendly reminder for you as well, Obama WAS not in the Senate when we were as you say, mired in two wars. Perhaps you should look and see how his votes were on some of the legislature concerning these two wars. You might be surprised to find how he voted. How long will it take to fix this mess created by the dems and obama? I really have no idea but to continue down this road we are going which you yourself say is a mess will take a lot longer than anything Bush has done.
Just how much has Obama put us into hock for?
That would be spin. The Lieutenant Colonel simply asked to see Obama's birth certificate to ensure that he was qualified to lead. Obama now understands the importance of this by having today's press conference. So why didn't he show this soldier the same consideration 6 months ago? Does he not care about our soldiers?


The court martial says he disobeyed orders form senior officers and missed movement.

He fucked over his men.

He got what any moron gets for missing movement, minus the beating enlisted men give another for doing so.


Obama is CIC. If his eligibility is in doubt, all orders are suspect. Why didn't the CIC just comply with this soldier's request? He obviously thought it important enough to do it today. Why not 6 months ago?

You have GOT to be shitting us...

Are you actually arguing that the PRESIDENT is obligated to prove his legitmacy to a LIEUTENANT COLONEL???

Is this actually THE PRESDIDNT'S fault that this guy is in Leavenworth, in your eyes???
We still haven't seen his birth certificate. We've only seen the short form and long form of the same form.......in any form. A certificate of live birth is what we've seen.

LOL, you wouldn't be satisfied if they had had sworn, notarized, statements from 20 witnesses, and made home movies of the event as it took place.

You might want to look at this, and then seek help

Paranoid schizophrenia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Paranoid schizophrenia is manifested primarily through impaired thought processes, in which the central focus is on distorted perceptions or paranoid behavior and thinking. Delusions are in most cases grandiose or persecutory, or both. Delusions may be multiple, but usually organized and coherent.
Really? How? It is the worst economic crisis since the depression - and that took until the start of WWII to come right - 10 years....this has only been 2.5....

every pres says same too, its all relative, and the media loves it, so its the worst ever, krugman had some interesting things to say about the Reagan recovery, do you know what he said?

so are we in for 8 years of FDR recovery? you can check the records for 82-83-84. Reagan didn't have a supra majority, a reconciliation majority none of that, nor did he have gobs of stimulus money to throw at it either, so I'd say that evens things up. And here we sit.

Excuse me? You're comparing the hiccup that Raygun had with the cluster fuck of 2008? If that is your starting point, then the debate stops here....:cuckoo:

hiccup? ok then, you're right I guess it does. nothing like a closed mind dude. sorry to hear it.
We still haven't seen his birth certificate. We've only seen the short form and long form of the same form.......in any form. A certificate of live birth is what we've seen.

LOL, you wouldn't be satisfied if they had had sworn, notarized, statements from 20 witnesses, and made home movies of the event as it took place.

You might want to look at this, and then seek help

Paranoid schizophrenia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Paranoid schizophrenia is manifested primarily through impaired thought processes, in which the central focus is on distorted perceptions or paranoid behavior and thinking. Delusions are in most cases grandiose or persecutory, or both. Delusions may be multiple, but usually organized and coherent.

I know it was meant to be a slam, but psychosis is the calling card of schizophrenia. Schizophrenics are so disordered in their thought process that they have a hard time carrying on a conversation with you in person, let alone on a message board.

I do suspect that this board has it's fair share of paranoid personality disorders, but I would relegate that to the Terrel's and other conspiracy wingnuts.
U.S. standards for classifying race on birth certificates in 1961, see page 231 at the link.

Births in the United States in 1961 are classified for vital statistics into white, Negro, American Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Aleut, Eskimo, Hawaiian and Part-Hawaiian (combined), and "other nonwhite.


There is no category for AFRICAN.

Obama's father was not a "birth in the United States", which is, by your own quote, what those classifications specifically apply to.
It's been nearly 3 years and no proof, or valid evidence has come forth to prove that he was not born in HI.


Do you want obama out in '12? Of course you do. Many people do.

But if you keep grinding this stoopid birffer stuff over and over and over. All big 0 has to do is tell the moderates; "Do you want someone that sees proof and ignores it, running this country?"

Seriously, he will make this BS a front and center issue and we will have a problem keeping the House, and we can FORGET the Senate.

So STFU now, and we can get some conservatives in and hopefully take both houses of Congress, and maybe we canfix the damage you are doing and take the WH.

If you don't?

We are all fucked.

Burfers rule! (Its astounding to me, how people said they would vote for the Donald...because he had proof Obama wasnt born in Hawaii. How goes that donald?)

Burfers Rule! I wish Obama just waited a little longer, because I guarantee the donald will start with some other bullshit conspiracy crap.

This is why you do not negotiate with terrorists.
While you're all tuned into the wrong fucking channel....

Consumer lawsuits: Supreme Court ruling may limit class-action consumer lawsuits - latimes.com

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court gave corporations a major win Wednesday, ruling in a 5-4 decision that companies can block their disgruntled customers from joining together in a class-action lawsuit. The ruling arose from a California lawsuit involving cellphones, but it will have a nationwide impact.

In the past, consumers who bought a product or a service had been free to join a class-action lawsuit if they were dissatisfied or felt they had been cheated. By combining these small claims, they could bring a major lawsuit against a corporation.

But in Wednesday's decision, the high court said that under the Federal Arbitration Act companies can force these disgruntled customers to arbitrate their complaints individually, not as part of a group. Consumer-rights advocates said this rule would spell the end for small claims involving products or services.

In the case before the court, a Southern California couple complained about a $30 charge involving their purchase of cellphone service from AT&T Mobility. The California courts said they were entitled to join with others in bringing a class-action claim against the cellphone company.

But the Supreme Court reversed that decision Wednesday in AT&T Mobility vs. Concepcion. Justice Antonin Scalia said companies may require buyers to sign arbitration agreements, and those agreements may preclude class-action claims. Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justices Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas and Samuel A. Alito Jr. formed the majority.

Scalia said companies like arbitration because it is efficient and less costly. "Arbitration is poorly suited to the higher stakes of class litigation," he said.

But the dissenters said a practical ban on class action would be unfair to cheated consumers. Justice Stephen G. Breyer said the California courts had insisted on permitting class-action claims, despite arbitration clauses that forbade them. Otherwise, he said, it would allow a company to "insulate" itself "from liability for its own frauds by deliberately cheating large numbers of consumers out of individually small sums of money."

Breyer added that a ban on class actions would prevent lawyers from representing clients for small claims. "What rational lawyer would have signed on to represent the Concepcions in litigation for the possibility of fees stemming from a $30.22 claim?" he wrote. Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan joined his dissent.

The court itself divided along partisan lines. All five Republican appointes formed the majority, and four Democratic appointees dissented.

Still pending before the court is a major dispute over class-action suits involving job discrimination. Lawyers for Wal-Mart have asked the justices to throw out a sex-discrimination claim brought on behalf of 1.5 million current and past female employees.
Tit for tat left and right arguments are the end of this road. You 2 party politic people have lost your ability to think clearly.
What you mean FOX wasnt running non stop coverage of Obamas BC?
Do you watch Fox News? If truth matters to you, what do you watch? This should be interesting.

Not the one station that paid the big bucks in court for the right to lie to their viewers without repercussions

Just how stupid are you willing to be on this forum? All you do is make comments with nothing to back them up. You may some day realize that you have a mental disorder because of your connection to liberalism.
Okay. Can you tell us exactly what that mess was? So how long will it take the next POTUS to clean up the mess obama left us?

Subprime mortgage meltdown for a start. What do you think the 'mess' was and how it was caused? You think it was Obama's fault that the US is mired in two wars and had a mortgage meltdown. Just a friendly reminder, he was a junior senator from Illinois when all this started - he could have done what to stop it?

I have no idea how long it will take to fix. You?

You seem to like rhetorical questions - go for it...
Did Bush not ask for investigations into these entities and what was Barney Frank and Chris Dodd's response to it? That all was okay, wasn't it? Here's a friendly reminder for you as well, Obama WAS not in the Senate when we were as you say, mired in two wars. Perhaps you should look and see how his votes were on some of the legislature concerning these two wars. You might be surprised to find how he voted. How long will it take to fix this mess created by the dems and obama? I really have no idea but to continue down this road we are going which you yourself say is a mess will take a lot longer than anything Bush has done.
Just how much has Obama put us into hock for?

More Dems voted against the wars than for it. And Repubs?

And to say this is a mess created by the Dems and Obama just shows what a partisan hack you are..

I don't know, how much 'hock' has he got you into to?
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has anybody heard, does the new birth certificate pass muster ? there is still something about the timing and the pagentry, did the other bc's list black babies as african ? only about one percent. hope the question doesn't make me a racist.


feels as if the bc is being released slowly over time. we'll get a little more in a few years ??
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The court case you just sited is a right wing win.

Pretnding the issues we discuss are not real because you see your self in the middle doesnt make you correct.
Okay. Can you tell us exactly what that mess was? So how long will it take the next POTUS to clean up the mess obama left us?

Subprime mortgage meltdown for a start. What do you think the 'mess' was and how it was caused? You think it was Obama's fault that the US is mired in two wars and had a mortgage meltdown. Just a friendly reminder, he was a junior senator from Illinois when all this started - he could have done what to stop it?

I have no idea how long it will take to fix. You?

You seem to like rhetorical questions - go for it...

he could have voted against raising the debt ceiling like a responsible senator......oh wait...:eusa_whistle:


So that's why he now supports raising it...Obama has too many faces really to keep track of...

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