Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

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    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

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The father wasn't African-American ...... he was African not negro.

gawd, you're an idiot


In that era, African would be nationality, not race.
By your lily-White, American perspective. Perhaps Africans view being African as a race? Or did in 1961?

That may be so, but normally Africans aren't filling out US birth certificates. Not that I believe that shit is fake, but good grief that was some dumb logic.
To clean up the mess that Bush left is going to take a lot more than 4 years. Obama is getting there...slowly, but surely....

Oh Puh-leeeze.


Really? How? It is the worst economic crisis since the depression - and that took until the start of WWII to come right - 10 years....this has only been 2.5....

every pres says same too, its all relative, and the media loves it, so its the worst ever, krugman had some interesting things to say about the Reagan recovery, do you know what he said?

so are we in for 8 years of FDR recovery? you can check the records for 82-83-84. Reagan didn't have a supra majority, a reconciliation majority none of that, nor did he have gobs of stimulus money to throw at it either, so I'd say that evens things up. And here we sit.
Obama is not an American President... My Cocker Spanial is more of a Christian than BO is.
So only Christians are real presidents?

So.. JFK wasn't an American president?

JFK was a Catholic and that's about as Christian as Christian gets.
No, it's not. Catholicism is not Christianity. It's as far from Christianity as you can get without being an open Luciferian.

Indulgences? Scapulars? Praying to Mary and the Saints?

All at total odds with Christian teachings.

'Catholic' translates as 'Universal'

The Universal Roman [Roman Catholic] Church was founded under Constantine as a means of unifying all the pagan faiths under a neo-christian umbrella as a means of controlling the masses and securing his rule and authority.

'Christmas'? Saturnalia. Jesus was not born in winter.

'Easter'? Eostre/Astarte. Another false god.

Did not Jesus warn of the false churches and false doctrines to come, of the broad and winding path to damnation?

Did not Jesus say we know them by their fruits? Is it not the grace of God and accepting and confessing that grace which saves us? Are not our acts the fruits by which a the tree is known?

Yet the Universal Roman Church declares Christ's teachings to be anathema.
If anyone says that justifying faith is nothing else than confidence in divine mercy, which remits sins for Christ's sake, or that it is this confidence alone that justifies us, LET HIM BE ANATHEMA [8]
Interestingly, "the gospel" could accurately be defined as, "confidence in divine mercy, which remits sins for Christ's sake, and it is this confidence alone that justifies us." Yet Rome emphatically anathematizes anyone who holds to that definition. We shall shortly see that the Bible holds the exact position Rome anathematizes.

"Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified"
The Gospel of Rome: Roman Catholic Plan of Salvation
To clean up the mess that Bush left is going to take a lot more than 4 years. Obama is getting there...slowly, but surely....

Okay. Can you tell us exactly what that mess was? So how long will it take the next POTUS to clean up the mess obama left us?

Subprime mortgage meltdown for a start. What do you think the 'mess' was and how it was caused? You think it was Obama's fault that the US is mired in two wars and had a mortgage meltdown. Just a friendly reminder, he was a junior senator from Illinois when all this started - he could have done what to stop it?

I have no idea how long it will take to fix. You?

You seem to like rhetorical questions - go for it...
This was worse that anything since the great depression.

You cant compare it to an average recession
About damn time. Have to wonder why the hell he spent over a million dollars fighting to not Release it. Stupid childish games.

The Claims that he did not spend over a million dollars fighting the release of this and his school records is completely false. It is a matter of public Record that he has spent over 1 Million dollars fighting the Release of both the BC, and transcripts, and up until as late as last week. The State of Hawaii was still claiming the BC he just found was "lost"

Prove it, then.
You're right. He does. He has to christen the U.S.S. Barrack H. Obama.


wow, thats some water hazard....:eusa_whistle:



Oh Puh-leeeze.


Really? How? It is the worst economic crisis since the depression - and that took until the start of WWII to come right - 10 years....this has only been 2.5....

every pres says same too, its all relative, and the media loves it, so its the worst ever, krugman had some interesting things to say about the Reagan recovery, do you know what he said?

so are we in for 8 years of FDR recovery? you can check the records for 82-83-84. Reagan didn't have a supra majority, a reconciliation majority none of that, nor did he have gobs of stimulus money to throw at it either, so I'd say that evens things up. And here we sit.

Excuse me? You're comparing the hiccup that Raygun had with the cluster fuck of 2008? If that is your starting point, then the debate stops here....:cuckoo:
To clean up the mess that Bush left is going to take a lot more than 4 years. Obama is getting there...slowly, but surely....

Okay. Can you tell us exactly what that mess was? So how long will it take the next POTUS to clean up the mess obama left us?

Subprime mortgage meltdown for a start. What do you think the 'mess' was and how it was caused? You think it was Obama's fault that the US is mired in two wars and had a mortgage meltdown. Just a friendly reminder, he was a junior senator from Illinois when all this started - he could have done what to stop it?

I have no idea how long it will take to fix. You?

You seem to like rhetorical questions - go for it...

he could have voted against raising the debt ceiling like a responsible senator......oh wait...:eusa_whistle:

I suspect it was because Fox was focused on the Bernanke Presser instead.
You suspect wrong. Royal Wedding and storms.

fox usally covers everything he does, everywhere,Ii have had to switch off umpteen times, trust me.....this is a one off. and frankly, I would think you would be glad that they concentrated on what was important, the bernanke presser , no?

Or, to state this without any spin or other bullshit, Lt Col Lakin refused to follow orders, hence he got six months in prison, loss of pay, loss of pension, and loss of rank. And rightfully so.

That would be spin. The Lieutenant Colonel simply asked to see Obama's birth certificate to ensure that he was qualified to lead. Obama now understands the importance of this by having today's press conference. So why didn't he show this soldier the same consideration 6 months ago? Does he not care about our soldiers?

It is not the prerogative of a military officer to demand the President provide proof of his legitimacy.

As was said before, Lakin wasn't even allowed to enter the Birth Certificate issue into his argument.

He was court martialed, because he refused to obey a lawful order and refused to deploy. His reasons for doing so are entirely irrelevant in the eyes of the UCMJ.

Because LTC Lakin refused deployment, another physician was activated and went in his place.

Lakin could have taken a slap on the wrist, gotten a reprimand, deployed and finished his career out. He was warned that this was a fools errand. He demanded trial by Court Martial.

His ass earned his time in the disciplinary barracks at Leavanworth and he deserves to be sitting there.
That would be spin. The Lieutenant Colonel simply asked to see Obama's birth certificate to ensure that he was qualified to lead. Obama now understands the importance of this by having today's press conference. So why didn't he show this soldier the same consideration 6 months ago? Does he not care about our soldiers?


The court martial says he disobeyed orders form senior officers and missed movement.

He fucked over his men.

He got what any moron gets for missing movement, minus the beating enlisted men give another for doing so.


Obama is CIC. If his eligibility is in doubt, all orders are suspect. Why didn't the CIC just comply with this soldier's request? He obviously thought it important enough to do it today. Why not 6 months ago?

Because, and I know this is a shocking concept, the Commander In Chief doesn't take orders from an O-4.

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