Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
every pres says same too, its all relative, and the media loves it, so its the worst ever, krugman had some interesting things to say about the Reagan recovery, do you know what he said?

so are we in for 8 years of FDR recovery? you can check the records for 82-83-84. Reagan didn't have a supra majority, a reconciliation majority none of that, nor did he have gobs of stimulus money to throw at it either, so I'd say that evens things up. And here we sit.

Excuse me? You're comparing the hiccup that Raygun had with the cluster fuck of 2008? If that is your starting point, then the debate stops here....:cuckoo:

hiccup? ok then, you're right I guess it does. nothing like a closed mind dude. sorry to hear it.

no, no, no, no, no...you don't get off that easily. Please explain how much in the shit Raygun was compared to Bush....this should be interesting....
Do you watch Fox News? If truth matters to you, what do you watch? This should be interesting.

Not the one station that paid the big bucks in court for the right to lie to their viewers without repercussions

Just how stupid are you willing to be on this forum? All you do is make comments with nothing to back them up. You may some day realize that you have a mental disorder because of your connection to liberalism.

Are you really not aware of this case?

do you live in a hole?
Googled Obama birth certificate and nothing authentic came up.

Get over the fact he's non-American.

That is weird, the one I have found has an authentic seal and says it can be used in any court proceedings. Get over the fact you are loon, and move on with life.

Does the seal also say "Made In China?"

Man, you are one brainwashed dumbass.

I suppose you think 9/11 was an "inside job" too...

Put on your tinfoil hat :cuckoo:

Obama is a non-US citizen.

Get over it

Damn. Your a fucking troll. You really are.

Obama, do not negotiate with terrorists. No matter what, they will not believe a person like you could actually be the president. Fuck you Donald and i feel sorry for idiots who actually believe him. He is a circus clown.
Tit for tat left and right arguments are the end of this road. You 2 party politic people have lost your ability to think clearly.

God, people like you are boring. People talk about whatever the fuck they want to talk about on here. If you want to discuss the ruling on class action suits, go start a thread on it.

If you haven't figured it out, this is entertainment for most people. The issues that I am really concerned about are generally not the issues I talk about here.
Botched Name Purge Denied Some the Right to Vote (washingtonpost.com)

The Tampa residents were among hundreds, perhaps thousands, of non-felons in Florida who civil rights lawyers contend were wrongly prevented from voting in the Nov. 7 election after state election officials and a private contractor bungled an attempt to cleanse felons from voter rolls.

The effort was so riddled with errors that a more precise tally will probably never be possible. But it is clear that at least 2,000 felons whose voting rights had been automatically restored in other states were kept off the rolls and, in many cases, denied the right to vote.

How many votes did Bush win by?

Thank you for that link!

Nah, I'm still not buying it. Believe me, I wanted Gore to win that election. But there's no evidence that the people who were wrongly booted off the eligible lists would have voted for Gore.

It's 11 years ago. That ship has sailed people.
Jane Akre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1997, Wilson and Akre began work on a story regarding the agricultural biotechnology company Monsanto and recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH), a milk additive that had been approved for use by the Food and Drug Administration but also blamed for a number of health issues. Wilson and Akre planned a four part investigative report on Monsanto's use of rBGH, which prompted Monsanto to write to Roger Ailes, president of Fox News Channel, in an attempt to have the report reviewed for bias and because of the "enormous damage that can be done" as a result of the report.[4]

WTVT did not run the report, and later argued in court that the report was not "breakthrough journalism." Wilson and Akre then claimed that Monsanto's actions constituted the news broadcast telling lies, while WTVT countered that it was looking only for fairness. According to Wilson and Akre, the two rewrote the report over 80 times over the course of 1997, and WTVT decided to exercise "its option to terminate their employment contracts without cause,"[5] and did not renew their contracts in 1998. WTVT later ran a report about Monsanto and rBGH in 1998, and the report included defenses from Monsanto.[4]
Obama is not an American Presidentl. He insults, demeans and disrespects mainstream America. Not too many Americans go to church on Easter to hear the pastor talk about race. My Cocker Spanial is more of a Christian than BO is.

You miss-spelled the second part of your moniker.

It's spelled A-S-S, not F-A-T-E.
Same team, like it or not.

I'm not in the center. I'm on the outside looking in.

Seriously? Entertainment? Hey guy, rights are being consolidated while you're being "entertained".

I quit. Good luck!
I'm glad Obama finally released his BC. Now this controversy can end. I just wish he would have done this a long time ago. He only hurt himself by being so secretive.

Obama released his BC for 2 reasons. First was that recent poll that came out that showed only 30-something percent of people believed he was really born in the US. The second was the fact Trump was calling him out and had no plans on backing down until he released it.

Faced with those 2 factors Obama had little choice to cave in and release it.

Regardless, I'm glad it's over.
They have to keep touting this issue because they cant have a real debate on the issues or they would lose
Let me ask you once again, truthdoesnotmattertoyou, who started the whole birther thing? Care to answer or will you just want to snipe from the sidelines?

What issues should we be debating? How about the debt? Do you remember last election, The dem's lost big time because of the enormous debt that the left put upon this country.

How about Gitmo still being open?

How about combat troops still in Iraq?

How about the high cost of gas and food?

How about the high unemployment numbers?

How about the transparency we were promised?

Do you understand what I just posted above? These are all things that Obama ran on and talked about. So where are YOUR debates on these issues at? HMMMMM????

Those are all decent points to debate.

However, none of them is the subject of this thread.

And, since this subject was brought up by quite a few people on the right-hand side of the fence, in an accusatory manner, it needs to be answered, loudly, when proven wrong.
Apparently....the one they just showed does not match the first from 2008....Correct me if I'm wrong.....

it's a copy, they're the same thing. the hawaii long form and a colb are the same thing.
i just don't trust this "obama"
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Oh Puh-leeeze.


Really? How? It is the worst economic crisis since the depression - and that took until the start of WWII to come right - 10 years....this has only been 2.5....

Hell, this recovery isn't even as bad as the Reagan Recovery.

At this point in Reagan's 1st Term, unemployment was at 10.8%, and we were in a second recession.
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More Dems voted against the wars than for it. And Repubs?

And to say this is a mess created by the Dems and Obama just shows what a partisan hack you are..

I don't know, how much 'hock' has he got you into to?

Do you even read what you write before you hit the submit button? It doesn't appear so. Do you remember when the Iraq war started? Do you? Do you know of when the president signed into law the Iraq Regime change policy? It does not matter how many dems or repubs voted to use force in Iraq. It was a legal vote. Got that? Now this mess I am referring to is the one that WAS created by obama and the dems'. It does not make me a hack. You do remember that obama sold this country a bill of goods that he has yet to produce. He stated the deficit would go down if we passed his initial economic plan and that unemployment would not rise above 8%. What happened? Because of Obama's missteps and piss poor handling of this economy does not make me a hack. It makes more aware of just how dangerous liberal policies really are.

I noticed that you could not address any of the issues I raised in my previous post. Are you and truthmatters one and the same person?
has anybody done a statisical analysis of how much time democrats spend on trump here on this board ??
I'm glad Obama finally released his BC. Now this controversy can end. I just wish he would have done this a long time ago. He only hurt himself by being so secretive.

Obama released his BC for 2 reasons. First was that recent poll that came out that showed only 30-something percent of people believed he was really born in the US. The second was the fact Trump was calling him out and had no plans on backing down until he released it.

Faced with those 2 factors Obama had little choice to cave in and release it.

Regardless, I'm glad it's over.

That poll you are talking about had only the righty's saying he wasnt born in the us. How does that hurt him?

Trump was calling him out? Trump had "investigators" in Hawaii looking into this and he said we would be shocked at what they found. How did that turn out?

Now he is going after his academic records? I want to ask you a question...will you support this one as well? No other president in history has been asked this but for SOME reason, its ok with the right leaning people to ask this crap now. Why is this?

Trump is a damn circus clown that had ZERO "proof" of his accusations and he was full of it when he said his investigators found something. Agree.

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