Obama Transcendentally Unworthy of Being President


Gold Member
Feb 21, 2012
Terrorism. Chaos. Fear of the future. In the age of Obama, America is undergoing a “fundamental transformation” – that much everyone knows.

But what few seem to realize about this transformation is that the sheer stress of living in today’s America is driving tens of millions to the point of illness, depression and self-destruction. “Life is difficult,” wrote psychiatrist M. Scott Peck at the outset of his international best-seller, “The Road Less Traveled.” Stress, difficulties, disappointments, accidents, disease, misfortune, cruelty, betrayal – they’re unavoidable in this life.

Yet, during eras when society and families are stable, unified and fundamentally decent and moral – as, say, America during the 1950s – the stress level for each person is minimized, or at least not compounded by a perverse society. Conversely, when – as is the case today – we have widespread family breakdown, a depraved culture that mocks traditional moral values, a chaotic economy and disintegrating monetary system and a power-mad government dominated by demagogues and sociopaths, the normal stresses of life are greatly multiplied.

Thus it has come to pass that America, long the hope of the world, has grown increasingly dispirited and angry, which in turn breeds anxiety, fear, confusion, hopelessness and depression.

After all, let’s face the hard facts: We just re-elected perhaps the worst president in history, someone manifestly obsessed with dismantling traditional, free-market capitalist America and transforming it into a socialist nanny state. That in itself is highly stressful – at least for the roughly half the population that still understands socialism always leads to a profound loss of freedom and prosperity.

Then there’s today’s relentless economic pressures: high unemployment (the actual rate is at least double that of the “official” government rate), foreclosures and bankruptcies, a stagnant growth rate, 11,000 new people signing up for food stamps every single day, rising taxes for the entire middle class whose net worth is simultaneously shrinking, ever-higher prices for food, gas and other essentials – and overshadowing it all, a galactic national debt burden, courtesy of a wildly out-of-control government unrestrained by either the Constitution or common sense.

That, too, is very stressful. Top it all off with an administration continually abusing the public for the sake of enlarging and consolidating its political power – for instance, by purposely making the “sequester” cuts hurt Americans, even our active-duty soldiers, as much as possible.

Make no mistake: This sort of stress on Americans is not only intentional on the part of Team Obama – it is strategic. Remember, these people are revolutionaries (that is, engaged in “bringing about a major or fundamental change,” as Merriam-Webster puts it) and utterly committed to replacing one societal structure – America’s constitutional, limited-government, free-enterprise system – with another – a socialist, wealth-redistributionist system run by an all-powerful government.

Such a radical change cannot be accomplished while Americans are calm, happy, content and grateful for their blessings. Citizens must be unhappy and stressed out. Indeed, widespread popular discontent has always been the required fuel for leftist transformation.

We need to realize that Americans could not have twice elected a leader as transcendentally unworthy of the presidency as Barack Obama without first having had their minds and hearts captured. Through constant leftist indoctrination, emotional manipulation, ruthless intimidation – and then being rewarded once they have “converted” – perhaps half of the American electorate has been programmed over the course of decades by a subversive school system and equally perverse “news” establishment. Truth be told, both institutions have become full-blown abominations, occupying as they do near-sacred stations of public trust in American civilization.....

Americans ?snapping? by the millions
His worthiness came with the election and twice.

He didn't need Daddy's supreme court shill to appoint him, either.
Terrorism. Chaos. Fear of the future. In the age of Obama, America is undergoing a “fundamental transformation” – that much everyone knows.

But what few seem to realize about this transformation is that the sheer stress of living in today’s America is driving tens of millions to the point of illness, depression and self-destruction. “Life is difficult,” wrote psychiatrist M. Scott Peck at the outset of his international best-seller, “The Road Less Traveled.” Stress, difficulties, disappointments, accidents, disease, misfortune, cruelty, betrayal – they’re unavoidable in this life.

Yet, during eras when society and families are stable, unified and fundamentally decent and moral – as, say, America during the 1950s – the stress level for each person is minimized, or at least not compounded by a perverse society. Conversely, when – as is the case today – we have widespread family breakdown, a depraved culture that mocks traditional moral values, a chaotic economy and disintegrating monetary system and a power-mad government dominated by demagogues and sociopaths, the normal stresses of life are greatly multiplied.

Thus it has come to pass that America, long the hope of the world, has grown increasingly dispirited and angry, which in turn breeds anxiety, fear, confusion, hopelessness and depression.

After all, let’s face the hard facts: We just re-elected perhaps the worst president in history, someone manifestly obsessed with dismantling traditional, free-market capitalist America and transforming it into a socialist nanny state. That in itself is highly stressful – at least for the roughly half the population that still understands socialism always leads to a profound loss of freedom and prosperity.

Then there’s today’s relentless economic pressures: high unemployment (the actual rate is at least double that of the “official” government rate), foreclosures and bankruptcies, a stagnant growth rate, 11,000 new people signing up for food stamps every single day, rising taxes for the entire middle class whose net worth is simultaneously shrinking, ever-higher prices for food, gas and other essentials – and overshadowing it all, a galactic national debt burden, courtesy of a wildly out-of-control government unrestrained by either the Constitution or common sense.

That, too, is very stressful. Top it all off with an administration continually abusing the public for the sake of enlarging and consolidating its political power – for instance, by purposely making the “sequester” cuts hurt Americans, even our active-duty soldiers, as much as possible.

Make no mistake: This sort of stress on Americans is not only intentional on the part of Team Obama – it is strategic. Remember, these people are revolutionaries (that is, engaged in “bringing about a major or fundamental change,” as Merriam-Webster puts it) and utterly committed to replacing one societal structure – America’s constitutional, limited-government, free-enterprise system – with another – a socialist, wealth-redistributionist system run by an all-powerful government.

Such a radical change cannot be accomplished while Americans are calm, happy, content and grateful for their blessings. Citizens must be unhappy and stressed out. Indeed, widespread popular discontent has always been the required fuel for leftist transformation.

We need to realize that Americans could not have twice elected a leader as transcendentally unworthy of the presidency as Barack Obama without first having had their minds and hearts captured. Through constant leftist indoctrination, emotional manipulation, ruthless intimidation – and then being rewarded once they have “converted” – perhaps half of the American electorate has been programmed over the course of decades by a subversive school system and equally perverse “news” establishment. Truth be told, both institutions have become full-blown abominations, occupying as they do near-sacred stations of public trust in American civilization.....

Americans ?snapping? by the millions

You need a whole box of tissues for your cryfest.
'Transcendentally Unworthy' spoken like a true Irritus grad. Bravo, meaningless, useless, irrelevant, but heck no one ever claimed our graduates did anything except spout nonsense. Nonsense keeps sense at bay and sense we don't need. http://www.usmessageboard.com/education/287771-education-for-a-republican.html

"It is just this lack of connection to a concern with truth - this indifference to how things really are - that I regard as of the essence of bullshit." Harry Frankfurt

"...[M]any people find themselves surprised at the sympathy they can feel for even outrageous opponents of government-as was demonstrated when popular support blossomed for the anti-government forces holed up with David Koresh at Waco, Texas, or with Randy Weaver, who defied the FBI at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. I remember filmmaker Oliver Stone's telling me how much he sided with those underdogs. After all, much of what those groups said was just the equivalent of the Jefferson tee shirt worn by Timothy McVeigh, the bomber of Oklahoma City's federal building. But the real victims of our fear are not those faced with such extreme action - not even the 168 people killed (and many more injured) by McVeigh. The real victims are the millions of poor or shelterless or medically indigent who have been told, over the years, that they must lack care or life support in the name of their very own freedom. Better for them to starve than to be enslaved by 'big government.' That is the real cost of our anti-government values." Garry Wills 'A Necessary Evil' Introduction p21
His worthiness came with the election and twice.

He didn't need Daddy's supreme court shill to appoint him, either.

You're so bitter that Bush won, twice... lol. I guess you support Reaganomics seeing as he had two terms as well...

Being elected means everything you do is right! Or, in Swallows mind, only if you're a Democrat, because Republicans can't be held to the same standers of measurement or else both parties would start looking a whole lot identical.

His worthiness came with the election and twice.

He didn't need Daddy's supreme court shill to appoint him, either.

You're so bitter that Bush won, twice... lol. I guess you support Reaganomics seeing as he had two terms as well...

Being elected means everything you do is right! Or, in Swallows mind, only if you're a Democrat, because Republicans can't be held to the same standers of measurement or else both parties would start looking a whole lot identical.


And your still a faggot, Avorysucks.

Nothing is going to change your queerness.

As for you swallowing my jiz?

Go suck an egg..homoboi.
Wait, this all magically started with Obama? Life being "difficult"? Tell me, Sallow, does the brainwashing hurt? Is it like being waterboarded?
Sure, he gets elected twice; but he never has ever come close to fulfilling his promises to you. So, where is that change he promised? Oh it's here, but it isn't positive. Nor doe it have any positive effect. Then again, why did you keep voting for him? You hate lying, but vote for a liar. Very nice.
His worthiness came with the election and twice.

He didn't need Daddy's supreme court shill to appoint him, either.

Who knew there were still dimwitted adolescent leftist retards out there who believe that...

Believe what?

That's the history.

Bush lost the popular vote first time around.

See the problem here is we have a system, you want to play by a set of rules that you make up as you go along. We have an electoral college, you want to believe we don't, only if a Republican wins.

It's kinda like how you support Obama despite him expanding the Patriot act, expanding homeland security, expanding wars, starting new wars, doing bailouts, doing mass injections to the stock markets, more corporate subsidies and the list is ever growing.

Even if Bush didn't win the first election by popular vote, he won a second term, so you by your own retarded logic, should respect and accept as well as support everything he did....

By my logic you should support everything Bush did because you support every single one of Bush era polices under Obama, seeing as Obama expanded many and repealed literally zero.
Obama Transcendentally Unworthy of Being President

'Transcendentally Unworthy' spoken like a true Irritus grad. Bravo, meaningless, useless, irrelevant, but heck no one ever claimed our graduates did anything except spout nonsense. Nonsense keeps sense at bay and sense we don't need. http://www.usmessageboard.com/education/287771-education-for-a-republican.html

"It is just this lack of connection to a concern with truth - this indifference to how things really are - that I regard as of the essence of bullshit." Harry Frankfurt

"...[M]any people find themselves surprised at the sympathy they can feel for even outrageous opponents of government-as was demonstrated when popular support blossomed for the anti-government forces holed up with David Koresh at Waco, Texas, or with Randy Weaver, who defied the FBI at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. I remember filmmaker Oliver Stone's telling me how much he sided with those underdogs. After all, much of what those groups said was just the equivalent of the Jefferson tee shirt worn by Timothy McVeigh, the bomber of Oklahoma City's federal building. But the real victims of our fear are not those faced with such extreme action - not even the 168 people killed (and many more injured) by McVeigh. The real victims are the millions of poor or shelterless or medically indigent who have been told, over the years, that they must lack care or life support in the name of their very own freedom. Better for them to starve than to be enslaved by 'big government.' That is the real cost of our anti-government values." Garry Wills 'A Necessary Evil' Introduction p21

And they will be further vicitmized by rising insurance premiums, brought on by none other the Obama himself. Take it from Kathleen Sebelius:

Sebelius: Well, yeah actually, ObamaCare is causing insurance premiums to rise « Hot Air
His worthiness came with the election and twice.

He didn't need Daddy's supreme court shill to appoint him, either.

You're so bitter that Bush won, twice... lol. I guess you support Reaganomics seeing as he had two terms as well...

Being elected means everything you do is right! Or, in Swallows mind, only if you're a Democrat, because Republicans can't be held to the same standers of measurement or else both parties would start looking a whole lot identical.


And your still a faggot, Avorysucks.

Nothing is going to change your queerness.

As for you swallowing my jiz?

Go suck an egg..homoboi.

What a pathetic, genetically defective, monkey...................................
You're so bitter that Bush won, twice... lol. I guess you support Reaganomics seeing as he had two terms as well...

Being elected means everything you do is right! Or, in Swallows mind, only if you're a Democrat, because Republicans can't be held to the same standers of measurement or else both parties would start looking a whole lot identical.


And your still a faggot, Avorysucks.

Nothing is going to change your queerness.

As for you swallowing my jiz?

Go suck an egg..homoboi.

What a pathetic, genetically defective, monkey...................................

And yet not a single liberal/progressive will call Swallow out for the raging homophone he is. In fact many like having him on their side.

Just amazing how Swallow does not see that it's very likely he is a closet homosexual... I mean, just look at his demanding imagination! The thought of sex with me excites Swallow so greatly he can't even reply to my posting!

1. Passed Health Care Reform:

And lied about it.

2. Passed the Stimulus:

At an expense to the taxpayers it was designed to help.

3. Passed Wall Street Reform:

But then encourages the same risky lending that caused the first economic meltdown.

(4. Ended the War in Iraq:
(5. Began Drawdown of War in Afghanistan:

Not before he invaded Libya and Sudan

6. Eliminated Osama Bin Laden:

The courier (Abu Ahmad) that eventually led our forces to him was already on the Bush administration's radar as far back as 2002. In 2007, the CIA and other subsequent intelligence sources confirmed Bin Laden's location in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Obama was merely in the right place at the right time.

7. Turned around US Auto Industry:

Sure, tell that to Detroit.

8. Recapitalized Banks:

Wait what? I thought banks were the epitome of evil to Liberals. This is rich! Oops.

9. Repealed "Don't Ask, Don't Tell":

Have to say this was a good move, if for no other reason than more fresh meat on the front lines.

10. Toppled Moammar Gaddafi:

No, he did not. His own people did.

11. Told Mubarak to Go:

Where exactly? And he congratulates Egypt when it elects a known leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. Right, at least Mubarak wasn't anti American.

12. Reversed Bush Torture Policies:

That led to the capture of Bin Laden

13. Improved America's Image Abroad:

That's a laugher. How exactly does a man improve his country's image whilst continuing the same tactics in the middle east his predecessor did?

14. Kicked Banks Out of Federal Student Loan Program, Expanded Pell Grand Spending:

Yep, spend more. All the meanwhile student loan debt reached an all time high in November of last year ($1 Trillion).

15. Created Race to the Top:

Sure, we bribe people to get what we want? Yep. that's how we get Education reform done. Pass it, or else!

16. Boosted Fuel Efficiency Standards:

My 2003 Honda Accord gets 32 MPG highway. So he did what now?

17. Coordinated International Response to Financial crisis:

See #3

18. Passed Mini Stimuli:

Yep, that silver bullet will start to get old after a while.

19. Began Asia "Pivot":

How is this an accomplishment?

20. Increased Support for Veterans:

Fight the good fight, sit on your butt when you get home. After your employer fires you, and your house and care are repossessed.. support? Where?

21. Tightened Sanctions on Iran:

While their Nuclear program continues unabated.

22. Created Conditions to Begin Closing Dirtiest Power Plants:

Tell me, how can coal be clean? By putting people out of work. Thank you Obama!

23. Passed Credit Card Reforms:

I have to say, this is actually something he did right.

24. Eliminated Catch-22 in Pay Equality Laws:

Works for me!

25. Protected Two Liberal Seats on the U.S. Supreme Court:

So, that's how they upheld Obamacare?

26. Improved Food Safety System:

Howdy there, Monsanto!
Last edited:

1. Passed Health Care Reform:

And lied about it.

2. Passed the Stimulus:

At an expense to the taxpayers it was designed to help.

3. Passed Wall Street Reform:

But then encourages the same risky lending that caused the first economic meltdown.

(4. Ended the War in Iraq:
(5. Began Drawdown of War in Afghanistan:

Not before he invaded Libya and Sudan

6. Eliminated Osama Bin Laden:

The courier (Abu Ahmad) that eventually led our forces to him was already on the Bush administration's radar as far back as 2002. In 2007, the CIA and other subsequent intelligence sources confirmed Bin Laden's location in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Obama was merely in the right place at the right time.

7. Turned around US Auto Industry:

Sure, tell that to Detroit.

8. Recapitalized Banks:

Wait what? I thought banks were the epitome of evil to Liberals. This is rich! Oops.

9. Repealed "Don't Ask, Don't Tell":

Have to say this was a good move, if for no other reason than more fresh meat on the front lines.

10. Toppled Moammar Gaddafi:

No, he did not. His own people did.

11. Told Mubarak to Go:

Where exactly? And he congratulates Egypt when it elects a known leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. Right, at least Mubarak wasn't anti American.

12. Reversed Bush Torture Policies:

That led to the capture of Bin Laden

13. Improved America's Image Abroad:

That's a laugher. How exactly does a man improve his country's image whilst continuing the same tactics in the middle east his predecessor did?

14. Kicked Banks Out of Federal Student Loan Program, Expanded Pell Grand Spending:

Yep, spend more. All the meanwhile student loan debt reached an all time high in November of last year ($1 Trillion).

15. Created Race to the Top:

Sure, we bribe people to get what we want? Yep. that's how we get Education reform done. Pass it, or else!

16. Boosted Fuel Efficiency Standards:

My 2003 Honda Accord gets 32 MPG highway. So he did what now?

17. Coordinated International Response to Financial crisis:

See #3

18. Passed Mini Stimuli:

Yep, that silver bullet will start to get old after a while.

19. Began Asia "Pivot":

How is this an accomplishment?

20. Increased Support for Veterans:

Fight the good fight, sit on your butt when you get home. After your employer fires you, and your house and care are repossessed.. support? Where?

21. Tightened Sanctions on Iran:

While their Nuclear program continues unabated.

22. Created Conditions to Begin Closing Dirtiest Power Plants:

Tell me, how can coal be clean? By putting people out of work. Thank you Obama!

23. Passed Credit Card Reforms:

I have to say, this is actually something he did right.

24. Eliminated Catch-22 in Pay Equality Laws:

Works for me!

25. Protected Two Liberal Seats on the U.S. Supreme Court:

So, that's how they upheld Obamacare?

26. Improved Food Safety System:

Howdy there, Monsanto!

27. Achieved New START Treaty:

Kim Jong Un called, says that when you get down to zero nukes, he'll attack.

28. Expanded National Service:

Sure, which does what to our deficit, exactly?

29. Expanded Wilderness and Watershed Protection:

So, that's why there's No Keystone XL pipeline, just protect the land from it!

30. Gave the FDA Power to Regulate Tobacco:

Why not Marijuana? LEGALIZE IT.

31. Pushed Federal Agencies to Be Green Leaders:

Through an Executive Order.

32. Passed Fair Sentencing Act:

Good deal!

33. Trimmed and Reoriented Missle Defense:

Hey lets shoot down missiles with slingshots now! Seriously?

34. Began Post-Post-9/11 Military Builddown:

So, what purpose does it serve to sequester our standing army?

35. Let Space Shuttle Die and Killed Planned Moon Mission:

Even President Kennedy wasn't this stupid.

36. Invested Heavily in Renewable Technology:

Solyndra anyone?

37. Crafting Next-Generation School Tests:

What's wrong with the ones we already have?

38. Cracked Down on Bad For-Profit Colleges:

See #14

39. Improved School Nutrition:

By making it wrong for schools to hold bake sales.

40. Expanded Hate Crimes Protections:

Good call

41. Avoided Scandal:


42. Brokered Agreement for Speedy Compensation to Victims of Gulf Oil Spill:

Blamed it on Bush

43. Created Recover.gov:

Government spending, theres an app for that.

44. Pushed Broadband Coverage:

Hey! I like my land line!

45. Expanded Health Coverage for Children:


46. Reorganize the Dangers of Carbon Dioxide:

Now it is officially dangerous to breathe. Thank you EPA!

47. Expanded Stem Cell Research:

Actually a good idea. Looks like it can cure cancer and regenerate limbs.

48. Provided Payment to Wronged Minority Farmers:

Good move!

49. Helped South Sudan Declare Independence:

By invading it.

50. Killed the F-22:

Oh right, he sequestered before sequestering was cool.

Ahem.. accomplishments... right.
And your still a faggot, Avorysucks.

Nothing is going to change your queerness.

As for you swallowing my jiz?

Go suck an egg..homoboi.

What a pathetic, genetically defective, monkey...................................

And yet not a single liberal/progressive will call Swallow out for the raging homophone he is. In fact many like having him on their side.

Just amazing how Swallow does not see that it's very likely he is a closet homosexual... I mean, just look at his demanding imagination! The thought of sex with me excites Swallow so greatly he can't even reply to my posting!

Dude..you're the one postulating the thrill of swallowing my jiz.

That's not a thrill to me.

It's kinda disgusting.

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