Obama uses grieving parents to promote gun legislation

Some of these parents are undoubtedly in a state of depression, and Obama uses them to promote his new gun legislation…. Obama is scum:evil:
That's like saying that we use murder victims to promote murder laws. Of course they are being "used" as you put it. Its tragedies like this that the legislation hopes to lower to incidence of you dimwit.
If that's true, why then are they trying to pass restrictions that would not have prevented the Newtown shooting and will not prevent another like it?
Are you people THAT retarded? SO, with no background checks, ANYONE could legally buy a gun. Is THAT what you morons are fighting for? I know the gun manufacturers want no restrictions on gun sale$$$. But you folks are really ignorant.

You don't think it would be appropriate to require a background check for people buying cars. If it would keep an automobile out of the hands of just one DUI offender, especially one who had killed another?

So we can agree gun requirements should be the same as driving and owning a car. Registration, liability insurance, learner's permit, passing a safe and competent operations test, yearly inspections, renewal of license, loss of license for operating under the influence.

No, we don't agree. I am simply trying to ascertain whether you would apply the same standards to both automobile and firearms ownership. Apparently, you do.
Some of these parents are undoubtedly in a state of depression, and Obama uses them to promote his new gun legislation…. Obama is scum:evil:

That's like saying that we use murder victims to promote murder laws. Of course they are being "used" as you put it. Its tragedies like this that the legislation hopes to lower to incidence of you dimwit.

Liberals like to use the emotion of the moment to pass laws which would have no effect in preventing what happened to these people’s children Obama acts as if this new bill would have actually done something to save these kids, he's a pathetic piece of shit, Obama, Biden, Holder the whole lot of these scumbags
Some of these parents are undoubtedly in a state of depression, and Obama uses them to promote his new gun legislation…. Obama is scum:evil:
That's like saying that we use murder victims to promote murder laws. Of course they are being "used" as you put it. Its tragedies like this that the legislation hopes to lower to incidence of you dimwit.
If that's true, why then are they trying to pass restrictions that would not have prevented the Newtown shooting and will not prevent another like it?

Because they're a bunch of pussies. They don't really care about stopping those deaths. They will politicize them. But they won't risk their jobs over it.
That's like saying that we use murder victims to promote murder laws. Of course they are being "used" as you put it. Its tragedies like this that the legislation hopes to lower to incidence of you dimwit.
If that's true, why then are they trying to pass restrictions that would not have prevented the Newtown shooting and will not prevent another like it?
Because they're a bunch of pussies. They don't really care about stopping those deaths. They will politicize them. But they won't risk their jobs over it.
These people believe the state should have a monopoly on force; an armed citizenry gets in the way of this.
The scotus has already said gun laws are perfectly constitutional.

You point yout gun at us and say.

hu uh.

Its as if you want to porove you are too insane to be trusted with a gun
You will not win this fight.

You are dead wrong and all the facts prove it.

Yet you cling to your guns like insane liars and insist 91% of the American people and the SCOTUS are liars.

America its time we stop letting insane people have guns
Lets start with these fact adverse people who can not reason and are a danger to everyone.

they are the 9%

we are the 91%
As we see so clearly here, the anti-gun loons can only present an argument based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
This is why they are losing, and will always lose, the argument on guns.
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or requiring background checks to buy a car. or sell one
Are you people THAT retarded? SO, with no background checks, ANYONE could legally buy a gun.
This is a lie - background checks or not, it is still illegal for felons, etc to buy a gun.

The background check is one of the appropriate enforcement mechanisms against illegal gun ownership.

Your positiion is comparable to saying that even if the drinking age is 21, stores should have no right to check I.D. before someone buys alcohol.
I never thought i'd say this, but i have to seperate from the NRA on this one: I endorse the Toomey-Manchin bill. It looks like a fair deal to me. It strengthens background checks, it prohibits a federal registry and it doesn't ban any gun or set a clip/magazine limit.

I think Congress should get behind this.
I never thought i'd say this, but i have to seperate from the NRA on this one: I endorse the Toomey-Manchin bill. It looks like a fair deal to me. It strengthens background checks, it prohibits a federal registry and it doesn't ban any gun or set a clip/magazine limit.
I think Congress should get behind this.
I would back if it:
-The backgound checks poposed would have prevented the Newtown shooting and will prevent another like it
- Background checks were not a form a prior restraint, which is an infringement of the right.
I never thought i'd say this, but i have to seperate from the NRA on this one: I endorse the Toomey-Manchin bill. It looks like a fair deal to me. It strengthens background checks, it prohibits a federal registry and it doesn't ban any gun or set a clip/magazine limit.
I think Congress should get behind this.
I would back if it:
-The backgound checks poposed would have prevented the Newtown shooting and will prevent another like it
- Background checks were not a form a prior restraint, which is an infringement of the right.

There's no such thing as prior restraint as applied to requiring proof of eligibility to purchase a commodity. That is made-up nonsense.
I never thought i'd say this, but i have to seperate from the NRA on this one: I endorse the Toomey-Manchin bill. It looks like a fair deal to me. It strengthens background checks, it prohibits a federal registry and it doesn't ban any gun or set a clip/magazine limit.
I think Congress should get behind this.
I would back if it:
-The backgound checks poposed would have prevented the Newtown shooting and will prevent another like it
- Background checks were not a form a prior restraint, which is an infringement of the right.

There's no such thing as prior restraint as applied to requiring proof of eligibility to purchase a commodity. That is made-up nonsense.

If requiring a person who wants to vote to prove that they are eligible to vote in that district is wrong, then requiring a background check is also.

I have my Concealed Permit. I still have to have a background check, which is $10, every time I buy a weapon. I just don't have to wait the three business days to pick it up.
I would back if it:
-The backgound checks poposed would have prevented the Newtown shooting and will prevent another like it
- Background checks were not a form a prior restraint, which is an infringement of the right.

There's no such thing as prior restraint as applied to requiring proof of eligibility to purchase a commodity. That is made-up nonsense.
If requiring a person who wants to vote to prove that they are eligible to vote in that district is wrong, then requiring a background check is also.
Prior restraint comes intio play when the exercise of a right is restrained until such a time that the state determines said exercise does not break the law; the exact manner of said exercise is irrelevant to this.
Are you people THAT retarded? SO, with no background checks, ANYONE could legally buy a gun.
This is a lie - background checks or not, it is still illegal for felons, etc to buy a gun.

The background check is one of the appropriate enforcement mechanisms against illegal gun ownership.

Your positiion is comparable to saying that even if the drinking age is 21, stores should have no right to check I.D. before someone buys alcohol.

Given the information I've seen that the majority of these nutcases shooting people up at random are on some form, or have been on some form, of psychotropic drugs intended to control mood or personality disorders, I would suggest that anyone diagnosed and prescribed a regimen of drugs for this range of disorders should be entered into some kind of database. This database should be included in the NCIS program. If their names show up on the database, they should not be permitted to legally acquire firearms, just like the criminals listed in the database.
I would back if it:
-The backgound checks poposed would have prevented the Newtown shooting and will prevent another like it
- Background checks were not a form a prior restraint, which is an infringement of the right.

There's no such thing as prior restraint as applied to requiring proof of eligibility to purchase a commodity. That is made-up nonsense.

If requiring a person who wants to vote to prove that they are eligible to vote in that district is wrong, then requiring a background check is also.

I have my Concealed Permit. I still have to have a background check, which is $10, every time I buy a weapon. I just don't have to wait the three business days to pick it up.

Now that is still a point of interest, isn't it? The same faction demanding photo ID checks prior to a citizen exercising one Right (this one specifically identified in the Constitution) screams longest, loudest, and hardest if the barest suggestion of requiring photo ID to exercise another "right". I guess "rights" are protected only if the squeaky wheel faction feels they should be protected.
This is a lie - background checks or not, it is still illegal for felons, etc to buy a gun.

The background check is one of the appropriate enforcement mechanisms against illegal gun ownership.

Your positiion is comparable to saying that even if the drinking age is 21, stores should have no right to check I.D. before someone buys alcohol.
Given the information I've seen that the majority of these nutcases shooting people up at random are on some form, or have been on some form, of psychotropic drugs intended to control mood or personality disorders, I would suggest that anyone diagnosed and prescribed a regimen of drugs for this range of disorders should be entered into some kind of database. This database should be included in the NCIS program. If their names show up on the database, they should not be permitted to legally acquire firearms, just like the criminals listed in the database.
Is it illegal for these people to buy/own/possess/use a firearm?

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