Obama: "We're Doing Things You Don't Know About!!"

I watched the interview, and Obama struck me as a man with good intentions. I don't think he understands economics, but he truly desires to leave this country in a better condition than it was left by the Bush administration.

I do wish Jon Stewart had questioned him on civil liberties and foriegn policy decisions, but he did take him to task on some issues, for that I am glad.
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I watched the interview, and Obama struck me as a man with good intentions. I don't think he understands economics, but he truly desires to leave this country in a better condition than it was left by the Bush administration.

I do wish Jon Stewart had questioned him on civil liberties and foriegn policy decisions, but he did take him to task on some issues, for that I am glad.

Welcome to the board. What is your status on Obama's eligibility issue and why do you think he has not released any of his college records or transcripts? After all he said he was for transparency.
I have to laugh at the Suckers that voted for this idiot.

I'm happy they get to down with the sinking ship the Obama is steering with the rest uS because they thought they wouldn't be AFFECTED.

Sail away.

Yanno, it is fine to laugh at the foibles of your opponent and his supporters. But wishing other people would "go down with the ship" is carrying it too far, Stephanie. You wonder why some call your posts hateful?

This is exactly why.

oh poor Maddie, don't get your panties all in a bunch. when you become the hateful post moderator, I'll call on you to translate.:lol:

Chortle..chortle...chortle... Hey look! Stepahnie is being SteFunny!:lol:
I'm not a tea bagger, you twitterpatted dolt. I voted for Obama......what I seem to have gotten instead is ObamaLite. My *hope* is almost all gone and the only *change* I see is things suck even more than they did in 2008.
....And, after all....he's (already) had TWO YEARS to change everything!!! (Right? :rolleyes: )

How politically-mature of you.

I watched the interview, and Obama struck me as a man with good intentions. I don't think he understands economics, but he truly desires to leave this country in a better condition than it was left by the Bush administration.

I do wish Jon Stewart had questioned him on civil liberties and foriegn policy decisions, but he did take him to task on some issues, for that I am glad.

Welcome to the board. What is your status on Obama's eligibility issue and why do you think he has not released any of his college records or transcripts? After all he said he was for transparency.

What does "transparency" mean to you?

If Obama provided all of those things, you would accuse him of having AIDS, and demand all of his medical records. Nothing will ever be enough for you, and don't even try to deny it.:boohoo::lalala::420::tinfoil:
Yes, Mr. President, that is but one of the dreads that has lead to the stagnation of our country...
Mr. Shaman wrote:

You can usually spot a Glenn Beck "editorial", right-off-the-bat, the way he makes an accusation & poses it as a question. It's an amateurish-tactic....but, he's doing the best he can (tryin' to tread water in the world of entertainment, where many others excel), despite his long-term history of alcohol-dependence.

You could have given him some credit, for this screed, Mudd-Butt.

Let's not bullshit ourselves, Mr. Shaman. Obama has been off his game linguistically for weeks now. Giving speeches in Spanish. "You are the enemy". "Get to the back of the bus". "It's not our fault".

C'mon....."we are doing things you know nothing about"? Seriously? I can hardly believe this is the same man as the one I was so enchanted by in 2008. Did his campaign speech writer die or something?

No, you were just enchanted by a consumate B.S. artist.... but, at the end of the day, it's still B.S. Obama is all B.S.
I watched the interview, and Obama struck me as a man with good intentions. I don't think he understands economics, but he truly desires to leave this country in a better condition than it was left by the Bush administration.

I do wish Jon Stewart had questioned him on civil liberties and foriegn policy decisions, but he did take him to task on some issues, for that I am glad.

Welcome to the board. What is your status on Obama's eligibility issue and why do you think he has not released any of his college records or transcripts? After all he said he was for transparency.

Thank you. :)

If the question is whether or not I believe Barack Obama was born in this country, I do. I hope he shows the proper papers to his detractors, if only to move the discussion to more pressing issues.
I watched the interview, and Obama struck me as a man with good intentions. I don't think he understands economics.....
....A subject lost on the 'Baggers (and, their choice), as well.


Maybe we need Christine O'Donnell's input. :rolleyes:

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I watched the interview, and Obama struck me as a man with good intentions. I don't think he understands economics.....
....A subject lost on the 'Baggers (and, their choice), as well.


Maybe we need Christine O'Donnell's input. :rolleyes:


I can't disagree with you there.

Most politicians understand demographics, but they do not understand economics.
I watched the interview, and Obama struck me as a man with good intentions. I don't think he understands economics, but he truly desires to leave this country in a better condition than it was left by the Bush administration.

I do wish Jon Stewart had questioned him on civil liberties and foriegn policy decisions, but he did take him to task on some issues, for that I am glad.

Welcome to the board. What is your status on Obama's eligibility issue and why do you think he has not released any of his college records or transcripts? After all he said he was for transparency.
No doubt!!

Whatever indicators (regarding someone's character) has always been Priority 1, for "conservatives"!!!!!

I watched the interview, and Obama struck me as a man with good intentions. I don't think he understands economics, but he truly desires to leave this country in a better condition than it was left by the Bush administration.

I do wish Jon Stewart had questioned him on civil liberties and foriegn policy decisions, but he did take him to task on some issues, for that I am glad.

Welcome to the board. What is your status on Obama's eligibility issue and why do you think he has not released any of his college records or transcripts? After all he said he was for transparency.

What does "transparency" mean to you?

If Obama provided all of those things, you would accuse him of having AIDS, and demand all of his medical records. Nothing will ever be enough for you, and don't even try to deny it.:boohoo::lalala::420::tinfoil:
I'm thinkin'.....the purpose of transparency is to assure all Americans there's a degree of (some kind of) consistency, in policy & process....and, "consevatives" have consistently demanded such reassurance!!!

Mr. Shaman wrote:

You can usually spot a Glenn Beck "editorial", right-off-the-bat, the way he makes an accusation & poses it as a question. It's an amateurish-tactic....but, he's doing the best he can (tryin' to tread water in the world of entertainment, where many others excel), despite his long-term history of alcohol-dependence.

You could have given him some credit, for this screed, Mudd-Butt.

Let's not bullshit ourselves, Mr. Shaman. Obama has been off his game linguistically for weeks now. Giving speeches in Spanish. "You are the enemy". "Get to the back of the bus". "It's not our fault".

C'mon....."we are doing things you know nothing about"? Seriously? I can hardly believe this is the same man as the one I was so enchanted by in 2008. Did his campaign speech writer die or something?

No, you were just enchanted by a consumate B.S. artist.... but, at the end of the day, it's still B.S. Obama is all B.S.
....As if Daddy Bush would allow Lil' Dumbya to take-on Wall $treet......for OBVIOUS-reasons.

LOL...let Mr. Shaman think Glenn Beck ghost writes for mudwhistle if he likes. I think that is a praise-worthy connection as well. I ain't got no celebrities donating their time to me, yanno.

personally, i think beck is a fuckwit.

mudwhistle wrote a good piece. i don't often get fooled like that. :redface:

I've known Mudd-Butt for yeeeeaaaarrrrs! Chances are.....he's been thrown-out-of more forums, than most people (here) have (ever) even visited!!!!

Granted, he might (finally) have gotten outta Jr, High....but, he hasn't gotten THAT good, yet!!! :eusa_hand:

i'll get back to you when your opinion has any discernable value.

don't wait up
I watched the interview, and Obama struck me as a man with good intentions. I don't think he understands economics, but he truly desires to leave this country in a better condition than it was left by the Bush administration.

I do wish Jon Stewart had questioned him on civil liberties and foriegn policy decisions, but he did take him to task on some issues, for that I am glad.

Welcome to the board. What is your status on Obama's eligibility issue and why do you think he has not released any of his college records or transcripts? After all he said he was for transparency.

Thank you. :)

If the question is whether or not I believe Barack Obama was born in this country, I do. I hope he shows the proper papers to his detractors, if only to move the discussion to more pressing issues.
Current-events isn't your forte, huh?? :eusa_eh:

May 13, 2010

"The state of Hawaii has released a computer print-out of the birth certificate information and officials have vouched for its authenticity, but that has failed to satisfy the birthers.

State officials have said they receive roughly 50 requests per month for the president's birth certificate, often from the same small group of peoplehttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8680916.stm, and that processing the requests takes considerable time."

August 8, 2010

"Could the "birther" movement be fading away?

Hawaii says requests for President Obama's birth certificate have declined dramatically since Republican Gov. Linda Lingle signed into law a bill that allowed the state to ignore repeated demands for the document.

The number of requests has dropped from 10-20 a week to only two or three since the law passed in May, The Associated Press reports."


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