Obama: "We're OUTTA HERE!!"

obama officially sacrifices all our efforts, our national security, our national interests, and his reelection hopes to a desperate, irresponsible stunt. We cannot afford in any way to let this fool occupy such an important office one minute longer than necessary. This idiot will slink back to Chicago next year but we may well pay for his feckless irresponsibility for a long time to come.

I dont think he will end up back in Chicago for long. I bet he gets offered a Job at the UN, where he can begin to wreck the global economy in the same fashion as he did ours.
Ah...my good friend...this is good day to be Iranian.
This Obama, he once again proves useful to us. It funny...he say many things against Iran, but does everything we want him to.
So...eminence...what is our plan for Libya now?


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Actually, as pissed as I am at Obama these days, I have to acknowledge that end of 2011 is when he originally said he'd have the troops home by. If it happens, that is, for once, a campaign promise kept.

actually, during the 2008 campaign, he promised a 16 month withdrawal from Iraq, should he be elected...

News Analysis - Campaign Promises on Ending the War in Iraq Now Muted by Reality - NYTimes.com
But as he moves closer to the White House, President-elect Obama is making clearer than ever that tens of thousands of American troops will be left behind in Iraq, even if he can make good on his campaign promise to pull all combat forces out within 16 months.
Nor has Mr. Obama laid out any timetable beyond 16 months for troop drawdowns, or suggested when he believes a time might come for a declaration that the war is over.
I'm sure the Iranians and the Syrians are foaming out of their mouths, waiting for January 1, 2012 to arrive.

Another waste of American lives. The leftists got their way. They've been comparing the Iraq War to the Vietnam War for YEARS now.

The ONLY viable resemblance to the Vietnam War is the way the USA is, once again, leaving a free country completely vulnerable to attack by their hostile neighbors.

I can't wait to hear what the left wingnuts have to say after hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians are slaughtered by the Iranian and Syrian invaders. They sure were quick to blame the U.S. military for being responsible for Iraqi civilian deaths, weren't they!

Oh did you want us to die some more?


Well.......not the.....

The beauty of this is.... NATO has announced that they basically got Qaddafi (or however the hell you spell it) totally by accident.

As much as they would like everyone to think THEY got him, it was Predator drone strikes that took out the convoy and wounded him, so we are pretty much directly responsible for his death. Not that I disagree that the man needed to go, I am just worried about what kind of dictator will be put in place that may be far worse.
I'm sure the Iranians and the Syrians are foaming out of their mouths, waiting for January 1, 2012 to arrive.

Another waste of American lives. The leftists got their way. They've been comparing the Iraq War to the Vietnam War for YEARS now.

The ONLY viable resemblance to the Vietnam War is the way the USA is, once again, leaving a free country completely vulnerable to attack by their hostile neighbors.

I can't wait to hear what the left wingnuts have to say after hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians are slaughtered by the Iranian and Syrian invaders. They sure were quick to blame the U.S. military for being responsible for Iraqi civilian deaths, weren't they!

Oh did you want us to die some more?


No, that will come in another couple years when the repercussions of an early withdrawal kick in under a Republican president that leaves him/her no choice but to put troops back on the ground over there to protect civilians from atrocities, and then the Democrats/liberals/progressives can take to the streets again claiming that the evil warmongering republicans need to be kicked from office again. You see how this works? The Dems create problems and then turn around and point fingers and use said problems politically.
Just like when they gave bush overwhelming support to invade Iraq under the same information he had to invade, then turned around and flip flopped on the invasion and made the weaker minded folks believe that it was all evil Bush's fault that we where there to begin with. Trickery wont work this time, the people are watching.
Actually, as pissed as I am at Obama these days, I have to acknowledge that end of 2011 is when he originally said he'd have the troops home by. If it happens, that is, for once, a campaign promise kept.

How convenient for him, he is about to get his ass smacked in 2012 and he all of a sudden decides to keep a promise, after 3 years of not keeping them and running the country in the ground.
I'm sure the Iranians and the Syrians are foaming out of their mouths, waiting for January 1, 2012 to arrive.

Another waste of American lives. The leftists got their way. They've been comparing the Iraq War to the Vietnam War for YEARS now.
You mean.....the fact we went-INTO Iraq....based on The DICK; Cheney's.....


I guess the democrats that gave him authorization to go to war based their decisions on lies to.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSwSDvgw5Uc]Democrats, WMD's & The Iraq War - YouTube[/ame]
Let's not forget, Bush could never have went to war in Iraq, without the democrats approval. How convenient for you to forget that little gem.
It's time to come home from Iraq. We've given them a shot at democracy, and they want us out. I think we oughta get out of Afghanistan too, we could waste our time, money, and blood there for the next 10-20 years and it wouldn't matter. That place is going to revert to what it was and is 10 minutes after we're gone.
Actually, as pissed as I am at Obama these days, I have to acknowledge that end of 2011 is when he originally said he'd have the troops home by. If it happens, that is, for once, a campaign promise kept.

He wanted to keep them in but the Iraqis said no sale on the conditions requested.

The United States had expected that some of the roughly 40,000 Americans in Iraq would remain there to aid in training and security.

But the two nations were unable to reach a deal on a key issue regarding legal immunity for U.S. troops, a senior U.S. military official with direct knowledge of the discussions told CNN this month.

It's all smoke and mirrors, I remember a couple of years ago when they said all combat troops where removed and only support troops where left behind for support reasons. I had a buddy over there in a combat unit at the time, and he said all they did was rename the combat units support units and left them there. HAHAHA!!! And the left back here at home cheered!!!! Idiots.
Socialist China famously no longer needs CARE packages. The Socialist Democracies of Europe will be meeting to assuage the excesses of the prosperity afflicted, even in Greece. The Arab Spring, guided along by Biden-Hillary-Obama, has created even again a successful intervention--of a recognized Coalition, NATO--in the matter of Libya.

It will even soon be summer in Australia!

Maybe now attention can finally be turned to the Polar Bears of our planet.

The Posse Comitatus--or whatever it was--will finally be out of the Middle East, and terrorist attacks on the USA will cease to be policy in other places.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Children of Lands of Many Nations now can play. . . .in peace. . . .with one-armed bandits!)
It's time to come home from Iraq. We've given them a shot at democracy, and they want us out. I think we oughta get out of Afghanistan too, we could waste our time, money, and blood there for the next 10-20 years and it wouldn't matter. That place is going to revert to what it was and is 10 minutes after we're gone.

Predator drones will be the thing of the future I think, but we must be careful, because that could also come back to bite us in the ass.
It's time to come home from Iraq. We've given them a shot at democracy, and they want us out. I think we oughta get out of Afghanistan too, we could waste our time, money, and blood there for the next 10-20 years and it wouldn't matter. That place is going to revert to what it was and is 10 minutes after we're gone.

Predator drones will be the thing of the future I think, but we must be careful, because that could also come back to bite us in the ass.

LOL, lots of things could bite us in the ass. Like those 20,000 shoulder fired missiles that have gone missing in Libya, the ones that can shoot down an airplane. I hear some of them are in the Sinai, not far from Gaza. Wouldn't be surprised to see a few show up here, and one day shoot down a passenger plane or maybe even hit the capital building. I don't have a good feeling for the way things are going.
....Outta IRAQ by end-of-year 2011!!!!


Stand-bye for C-SPAN LIVE!!

Live Video - C-SPAN | C-SPAN

The smart money is that he pulls them out of Iraq and redeploys them to Iran or Africa.
Yeah.....we really need to create a whole new Generation o' Bush-style insurgents, in Iran.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXCgHLX4Zi8]Another Revolution In IRAN - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djs5Ux0Sk0s]Underground Teens In Iran - YouTube[/ame]​

I just dont see it as being possible that the man wont keep troops deployed in combat zones around the globe. You have to think how Obama thinks, in his mind by pulling troops from Iraq that is a promise kept, it doesn't mean that he cant turn around and redeploy them to Iran or Africa. It would be gullible to think he would bring them home for good when there are so many more unfriendly "To him" dictators left in the world to overthrow.
He is the master of double speak and treason, so expect it.
Eisenhower WARNED (the rest of) us about you perpetual-War folks.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gahL5j4ack]Pres Eisenhower's Farewell Address In Which He Warns Americans About The Military Industrial Complex - YouTube[/ame]

What.....you own some weapon$-indu$try $tock$??
obvious reelection stunt is obvious. Iran will influence Iraq like they did Egypt and currently Libya and we will have more BS in the future.

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