Obama: "We're responsible for each other". Really? Since when?

That was the quote that stood out the most. That somehow I am responsible for John Doe or anyone else for me. Yet, I'm then told I cannot be judgemental about another person's lifestyle. Well, if I'M gonna be held responsible for that person, then I better damn well be allowed to make judgement on them. For example...........

- Shaquita the welfare queen should not be able to have more kids. She won't work. Blows money on the lottery. I'm responsible for her. So...no more kids. Drug test her. And if she is driving any car valued at over $3,000, we take it, sell it, and give her 3K to buy a used car. The rest goes into the general fund.

- Bubba the redneck trailor trash should not be able to keep getting drunk every day. He's lost his job for drunkenness. And all he wants to do is watch NASCAR and shoot guns all day. He can afford ammo because I subsidize his food, housing and healthcare.

- Pedro must go back. I'm not responsible for 6 billion people, only the 300 million US citizens. Sorry Mexicans, board the bus and go home. I can only be responsible for so many people, ya know?

- FAT PEOPLE. This is the one that hits me the hardest. If I am indeed responsible for everyone else, then my mild intolerance for fat asses is now full blown hate. If you are fucking fat, I'm tired of paying for your bills. Your health bills. Your food bills. You eat more, thus causing prices to be higher. Your car burns more gas due to more weight, thus, pushing gas prices higher. You consume more healthcare, thus, cause them to go up. Mr. Obama, tell ME, the person responsible for all others, how you're gonna stop obesity. Michelle pushing carrots ain't working.

So, Mr. President, now that you've told me I am responsible for everyone else, I am demanding a few changes in the lifestyle of my fellow people that I'm responsible for. The days of tolerance and not passing judgement are over. Gay people, you spread STD's faster than others simply because you don't use protection as often. Stop being gay. Fat people, stop being disgusting fat blobs and just screwing up countless things as a result. Shaquita? No more fucking kids, get a job, line up for a drug test. Bubba? You're done, no more booze.

But wait. HOW can we control all those people's behaviors? Obviously, to share responsibility, we must pass judgement and correct it. But how can we engage in this liberal utopian shared responsibility, while also having the freedom to be Shaquita, Bubba, Pedro, fat, gay, etc, etc, etc????? You can't be held responsible for each other while at the same time enjoying the freedom to succeed or be a fuck up.

Well, we can't. Thats why left wing ideology in full bloom always turns into a regime like Cuba, USSR, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Burma, Russia, and others. Because you need an overwhelming, central force to control the behaviors of the masses in order to fairly hold them all responsible for each other.

Welcome to tyranny folks.

You are so right.

I think Obama may be slightly delusional. For some strange and bizarre reason, Obama thinks Republicans care about the middle class and the poor. Come one, this is a party that's 90% white. They go after a different minority every other week. They say they want to protect a fetus, but we all know, it's just to screw with women's rights. Besides a fetus hasn't yet turned into a feminist, gay or Muslim.

And this idea that Republicans want to help the elderly? What a hoot. The programs Republicans want to get rid of were created to help the elderly because they couldn't get health insurance. No insurance company is going to insure the elderly willingly. Why? Because they are "elderly", duh! They are not necessary in this society. Better they just die and quit costing us so much money.

I'm sorry, I'm going to have to go with Republicans on this one. I think it's part of their "Christian and family values".

Why would anyone in his right mind wait until he is elderly to consider getting health insurance???
That was the quote that stood out the most. That somehow I am responsible for John Doe or anyone else for me. Yet, I'm then told I cannot be judgemental about another person's lifestyle. Well, if I'M gonna be held responsible for that person, then I better damn well be allowed to make judgement on them. For example...........

- Shaquita the welfare queen should not be able to have more kids. She won't work. Blows money on the lottery. I'm responsible for her. So...no more kids. Drug test her. And if she is driving any car valued at over $3,000, we take it, sell it, and give her 3K to buy a used car. The rest goes into the general fund.

- Bubba the redneck trailor trash should not be able to keep getting drunk every day. He's lost his job for drunkenness. And all he wants to do is watch NASCAR and shoot guns all day. He can afford ammo because I subsidize his food, housing and healthcare.

- Pedro must go back. I'm not responsible for 6 billion people, only the 300 million US citizens. Sorry Mexicans, board the bus and go home. I can only be responsible for so many people, ya know?

- FAT PEOPLE. This is the one that hits me the hardest. If I am indeed responsible for everyone else, then my mild intolerance for fat asses is now full blown hate. If you are fucking fat, I'm tired of paying for your bills. Your health bills. Your food bills. You eat more, thus causing prices to be higher. Your car burns more gas due to more weight, thus, pushing gas prices higher. You consume more healthcare, thus, cause them to go up. Mr. Obama, tell ME, the person responsible for all others, how you're gonna stop obesity. Michelle pushing carrots ain't working.

So, Mr. President, now that you've told me I am responsible for everyone else, I am demanding a few changes in the lifestyle of my fellow people that I'm responsible for. The days of tolerance and not passing judgement are over. Gay people, you spread STD's faster than others simply because you don't use protection as often. Stop being gay. Fat people, stop being disgusting fat blobs and just screwing up countless things as a result. Shaquita? No more fucking kids, get a job, line up for a drug test. Bubba? You're done, no more booze.

But wait. HOW can we control all those people's behaviors? Obviously, to share responsibility, we must pass judgement and correct it. But how can we engage in this liberal utopian shared responsibility, while also having the freedom to be Shaquita, Bubba, Pedro, fat, gay, etc, etc, etc????? You can't be held responsible for each other while at the same time enjoying the freedom to succeed or be a fuck up.

Well, we can't. Thats why left wing ideology in full bloom always turns into a regime like Cuba, USSR, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Burma, Russia, and others. Because you need an overwhelming, central force to control the behaviors of the masses in order to fairly hold them all responsible for each other.

Welcome to tyranny folks.

before the "ME" generation thats how American felt .if a neighbor was in trouble everyone helped now there's you
As individuals giving of themselves by their own means and ability. Not forcibly given to a representative elected by people to do tasks they are 'concerned' about but too lazy, shallow or distracted to do anything about personally.

Nothing like delegating your morality to someone else because you're not really that interested in pursuing your conviction.
before the "ME" generation thats how American felt .if a neighbor was in trouble everyone helped now there's you

If you want it back, stop outsourcing your responsibilities to the government and act on behalf of your neighbor.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

I do , I don't vote party lines never did . I vote for the best person I think is for America.
the government is America , so I don't vote people that spew crap of hate toward other Americans ,
like yourself .

Encouraging personal responsibility and personal charity is spewing hate? You really have odd definitions.

You really need to realize that voting for elected leaders, really isnt going to change the world. Changing yourself into a better person, then your family, and then the community through one on one charity will.

Government isnt the solution. It's a necessary evil on the road to self government.
- Shaquita the welfare queen should not be able to have more kids. She won't work. Blows money on the lottery. I'm responsible for her. So...no more kids. Drug test her. And if she is driving any car valued at over $3,000, we take it, sell it, and give her 3K to buy a used car. The rest goes into the general fund.

This is the same poster who is accusing Planned Parenthood of genocide for promoting birth control in predominantly black communities.
That was the quote that stood out the most. That somehow I am responsible for John Doe or anyone else for me. Yet, I'm then told I cannot be judgemental about another person's lifestyle. Well, if I'M gonna be held responsible for that person, then I better damn well be allowed to make judgement on them. For example...........

- Shaquita the welfare queen should not be able to have more kids. She won't work. Blows money on the lottery. I'm responsible for her. So...no more kids. Drug test her. And if she is driving any car valued at over $3,000, we take it, sell it, and give her 3K to buy a used car. The rest goes into the general fund.

- Bubba the redneck trailor trash should not be able to keep getting drunk every day. He's lost his job for drunkenness. And all he wants to do is watch NASCAR and shoot guns all day. He can afford ammo because I subsidize his food, housing and healthcare.

- Pedro must go back. I'm not responsible for 6 billion people, only the 300 million US citizens. Sorry Mexicans, board the bus and go home. I can only be responsible for so many people, ya know?

- FAT PEOPLE. This is the one that hits me the hardest. If I am indeed responsible for everyone else, then my mild intolerance for fat asses is now full blown hate. If you are fucking fat, I'm tired of paying for your bills. Your health bills. Your food bills. You eat more, thus causing prices to be higher. Your car burns more gas due to more weight, thus, pushing gas prices higher. You consume more healthcare, thus, cause them to go up. Mr. Obama, tell ME, the person responsible for all others, how you're gonna stop obesity. Michelle pushing carrots ain't working.

So, Mr. President, now that you've told me I am responsible for everyone else, I am demanding a few changes in the lifestyle of my fellow people that I'm responsible for. The days of tolerance and not passing judgement are over. Gay people, you spread STD's faster than others simply because you don't use protection as often. Stop being gay. Fat people, stop being disgusting fat blobs and just screwing up countless things as a result. Shaquita? No more fucking kids, get a job, line up for a drug test. Bubba? You're done, no more booze.

But wait. HOW can we control all those people's behaviors? Obviously, to share responsibility, we must pass judgement and correct it. But how can we engage in this liberal utopian shared responsibility, while also having the freedom to be Shaquita, Bubba, Pedro, fat, gay, etc, etc, etc????? You can't be held responsible for each other while at the same time enjoying the freedom to succeed or be a fuck up.

Well, we can't. Thats why left wing ideology in full bloom always turns into a regime like Cuba, USSR, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Burma, Russia, and others. Because you need an overwhelming, central force to control the behaviors of the masses in order to fairly hold them all responsible for each other.

Welcome to tyranny folks.

"Barack Obama's half brother, George Onyango Obama, was found living in a 6 by 10 foot slum hut in Huruma estate just outside of Nairobi. According to reports George Obama survives on $12 a year in the slums of Kenya."
Barack's Half Brother: George Obama's Hut Is In The Slums Of Kenya

Back in '08, when I heard about George, I sent him a check for $10.
A healthy Self-interest is my only obligation to the world. I will take care of me, mine, and my interests with an utter devotion and zeal.

If everyone followed suit, the world would actually be a nice place to live. By extension, people would have nice homes, nice neighborhoods, a nice work place and so forth. People would be striving for betterment at work, home and country.

Without a healthy self interest you have Democrat ghettos where other people are burdened with other people's problems, like crime, poverty, foreclosures, unemployment, drug abuse and gov't run abortions.

PS I have no obligation to anyone. Anyone that tells you different is a buffoon.

I know you won't understand this, but a "health community" is better, because that means everyone is healthy.

And that was my point. That if we are truly responsible for each other, then I expect the left to stop telling me I cannot be judgemental, and stop telling me I must be tolerant. If I'm responsible for everyone else's well being, well, then theres gonna be some changes around here:

1- No more fat asses. You'll work out, eat a sensible diet, and lose fucking fat.
2- No more unprotected sex. I'm tired of people having babies they can't afford, and I'm tired of gay men spreading STD's due to lack of condoms. Wrap it up or be celebant.
3- No more lottery tickets. The ghetto wastes millions on that shit. If you can't afford to buy food, then you aren't gambling either.
4- No more alcohol if you do not work a full-time job. Yep. You must have a license to drink alcohol. That license depends on full-time employment.
5- Drug testing for all people who recieve subsidized housing, food, medical aid, education or welfare checks.

I have a lot more to list. Tolerance is over. If I'm responsible for everyone else, then everyone else is gonna start living up to our standards right?

Wow, any you're talking about "big government". Who are you? Gawd?
I know you won't understand this, but a "health community" is better, because that means everyone is healthy.

And that was my point. That if we are truly responsible for each other, then I expect the left to stop telling me I cannot be judgemental, and stop telling me I must be tolerant. If I'm responsible for everyone else's well being, well, then theres gonna be some changes around here:

1- No more fat asses. You'll work out, eat a sensible diet, and lose fucking fat.
2- No more unprotected sex. I'm tired of people having babies they can't afford, and I'm tired of gay men spreading STD's due to lack of condoms. Wrap it up or be celebant.
3- No more lottery tickets. The ghetto wastes millions on that shit. If you can't afford to buy food, then you aren't gambling either.
4- No more alcohol if you do not work a full-time job. Yep. You must have a license to drink alcohol. That license depends on full-time employment.
5- Drug testing for all people who recieve subsidized housing, food, medical aid, education or welfare checks.

I have a lot more to list. Tolerance is over. If I'm responsible for everyone else, then everyone else is gonna start living up to our standards right?

Wow, any you're talking about "big government". Who are you? Gawd?
You're right. Better to just cut off the federal trough completely. No added bureaucracy, AND they can't abuse the funds they didn't earn.
I do , I don't vote party lines never did . I vote for the best person I think is for America.
the government is America , so I don't vote people that spew crap of hate toward other Americans ,
like yourself .

The government is NOT America. The people are. The government is a necessary evil the people tolerate in order to do certain things. And at the point where dipshits start believing it "is America", or that objecting to government-forced "charity" is "spewing hate toward other Americans", it stops being a necessary evil and becomes just an evil.
we will have a government like it or not , it just depends is it our or a forgien one , so quit demonizing the government just because you don't agree , the government here is the out come of our votes not oppressed on us .
its us in one form .

if the US is too demanding for you ? Canada < go there .
there are welfare cheats , most are coreperations , you want to bitch ! how about the billion corperation cheat us out of tax money , starte whining there and work you way to people ,

Just because unpleasant things are an inevitable part of life does NOT require me or anyone else to embrace them like a trip to Disneyland. I'm also always going to have black mold growing in my shower that has to be scrubbed away, but that doesn't mean I have to stop bitching about it.

You go find someone who lived through Soviet Russia's gulags or Mao Tse Tung's Revolution and tell THEM that government is inevitable, and at least it's not FOREIGN, so they shouldn't have "demonized" it. And before you try to tell me that the US government isn't anything like as bad as the Soviet Union's or the early days of Communist China, let me just say that of course it isn't. And that's because there've always been Americans who have realized that government is, at best, a vicious guard dog: powerful and useful, but as likely to savage you as anyone if you forget that it's not a cuddly pet.

And if I want to bitch, it's not going to be about the people who take advantage of opportunities that the evils of government make available, because that's just human nature the same way forming governments is. I'm going to continue to bitch about the evils of government making it possible for people to take advantage, and I'm going to continue to bitch about blithering halfwits who burble on about the wonders of government and would let it take over our entire lives if they were allowed to.
before the "ME" generation thats how American felt .if a neighbor was in trouble everyone helped now there's you

That was called "charity." Now we have welfare and "entitlements." Now we're forced to fork over the cash at gunpoint.

Any "neighbor" who demands my hard earned money at the point of a gun can go fuck himself.
The government is NOT America. The people are. The government is a necessary evil the people tolerate in order to do certain things. And at the point where dipshits start believing it "is America", or that objecting to government-forced "charity" is "spewing hate toward other Americans", it stops being a necessary evil and becomes just an evil.
we will have a government like it or not , it just depends is it our or a forgien one , so quit demonizing the government just because you don't agree , the government here is the out come of our votes not oppressed on us .
its us in one form .

if the US is too demanding for you ? Canada < go there .
there are welfare cheats , most are coreperations , you want to bitch ! how about the billion corperation cheat us out of tax money , starte whining there and work you way to people ,

Just because unpleasant things are an inevitable part of life does NOT require me or anyone else to embrace them like a trip to Disneyland. I'm also always going to have black mold growing in my shower that has to be scrubbed away, but that doesn't mean I have to stop bitching about it.

You go find someone who lived through Soviet Russia's gulags or Mao Tse Tung's Revolution and tell THEM that government is inevitable, and at least it's not FOREIGN, so they shouldn't have "demonized" it. And before you try to tell me that the US government isn't anything like as bad as the Soviet Union's or the early days of Communist China, let me just say that of course it isn't. And that's because there've always been Americans who have realized that government is, at best, a vicious guard dog: powerful and useful, but as likely to savage you as anyone if you forget that it's not a cuddly pet.

And if I want to bitch, it's not going to be about the people who take advantage of opportunities that the evils of government make available, because that's just human nature the same way forming governments is. I'm going to continue to bitch about the evils of government making it possible for people to take advantage, and I'm going to continue to bitch about blithering halfwits who burble on about the wonders of government and would let it take over our entire lives if they were allowed to.
Those who want government running every aspect of their lives, like the person you are addressing, need government to control their lives because they are either incapable of, or refuse to take responsibility for themselves, their familes, their own well being, as well as their families own well beings. These are the people who deserve no charity. They deserve to wallow in their own self imposed misery.......Sadly, there are those who do deserve charity through no fault of their own. It's people like the person you addressing who make it harder to distinguish the truly needy, from the true freeloader.
I've always known generosity to be an entirely willful endeavor... not something done as a result of an ever far-reaching federal government mandate.
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I've always known generosity to be an entirely willful endeavor... not something done as a result of an ever far-reaching federal government mandate.
Indeed - the left will often (and rather ironically) invoke the idea that 'tru Christians would support the welfare state because Christ teaches to hekp the needy'.

These idiots obvioualy overlook the fact that for charity to actually BE charity, it must be given freely, not foced at gunpoint.

But then, the left generally does not understand the things they oppose.
we will have a government like it or not , it just depends is it our or a forgien one , so quit demonizing the government just because you don't agree , the government here is the out come of our votes not oppressed on us .
its us in one form .

if the US is too demanding for you ? Canada < go there .
there are welfare cheats , most are coreperations , you want to bitch ! how about the billion corperation cheat us out of tax money , starte whining there and work you way to people ,

Just because unpleasant things are an inevitable part of life does NOT require me or anyone else to embrace them like a trip to Disneyland. I'm also always going to have black mold growing in my shower that has to be scrubbed away, but that doesn't mean I have to stop bitching about it.

You go find someone who lived through Soviet Russia's gulags or Mao Tse Tung's Revolution and tell THEM that government is inevitable, and at least it's not FOREIGN, so they shouldn't have "demonized" it. And before you try to tell me that the US government isn't anything like as bad as the Soviet Union's or the early days of Communist China, let me just say that of course it isn't. And that's because there've always been Americans who have realized that government is, at best, a vicious guard dog: powerful and useful, but as likely to savage you as anyone if you forget that it's not a cuddly pet.

And if I want to bitch, it's not going to be about the people who take advantage of opportunities that the evils of government make available, because that's just human nature the same way forming governments is. I'm going to continue to bitch about the evils of government making it possible for people to take advantage, and I'm going to continue to bitch about blithering halfwits who burble on about the wonders of government and would let it take over our entire lives if they were allowed to.
Those who want government running every aspect of their lives, like the person you are addressing, need government to control their lives because they are either incapable of, or refuse to take responsibility for themselves, their familes, their own well being, as well as their families own well beings. These are the people who deserve no charity. They deserve to wallow in their own self imposed misery.......Sadly, there are those who do deserve charity through no fault of their own. It's people like the person you addressing who make it harder to distinguish the truly needy, from the true freeloader.

While I agree with you in general, I do balk a bit at the word "deserve", because it feels like it plays into the liberal idea that those of us who work and produce somehow "owe" it to others to help them and take care of them. I'm not comfortable with that.

So let me be clear so we're all on the same page. I am not responsible for anyone other than myself, and to a certain extent, my children. This is because those are the only people whose actions I have some control over. I have a responsibility TO my husband and my other loved ones, but down where the rubber meets the road, I cannot be responsible for them.

I do not owe it to anyone - other than the aforementioned loved ones - to take care of them. If and when I give charity, it is not because someone "deserves" it from me, or because I "owe" it to them. It is because I owe it to myself to be a person I can admire, and because I owe it to God to be the person He instructs me to be. It is the very essence of charity that the recipient has no right whatsoever to demand it from me; he can only receive it with gratitude through my own choice.
I know you won't understand this, but a "health community" is better, because that means everyone is healthy.

And that was my point. That if we are truly responsible for each other, then I expect the left to stop telling me I cannot be judgemental, and stop telling me I must be tolerant. If I'm responsible for everyone else's well being, well, then theres gonna be some changes around here:

1- No more fat asses. You'll work out, eat a sensible diet, and lose fucking fat.
2- No more unprotected sex. I'm tired of people having babies they can't afford, and I'm tired of gay men spreading STD's due to lack of condoms. Wrap it up or be celebant.
3- No more lottery tickets. The ghetto wastes millions on that shit. If you can't afford to buy food, then you aren't gambling either.
4- No more alcohol if you do not work a full-time job. Yep. You must have a license to drink alcohol. That license depends on full-time employment.
5- Drug testing for all people who recieve subsidized housing, food, medical aid, education or welfare checks.

I have a lot more to list. Tolerance is over. If I'm responsible for everyone else, then everyone else is gonna start living up to our standards right?

Wow, any you're talking about "big government". Who are you? Gawd?

Apparantly I'm among the people who are responsible for everyone else's fuck ups. So, as your left wing Savior Obama said, if I'm responsible for everyone else along with myself, then I'm holding everyone else to my personal standards:

- Work 40 hours a week.
- No drugs or booze.
- 10% body fat or less for males.
- 5 hours per week of exercise.
- No unprotected sex.
- Graduate high school and attempt college.

I have a long list of standards that I will not tolerate others failing to meet. But since I'm responsible for others now, then I have standards and I expect others to attempt to meet them.
I've always known generosity to be an entirely willful endeavor... not something done as a result of an ever far-reaching federal government mandate.
Indeed - the left will often (and rather ironically) invoke the idea that 'tru Christians would support the welfare state because Christ teaches to hekp the needy'.

These idiots obvioualy overlook the fact that for charity to actually BE charity, it must be given freely, not foced at gunpoint.

But then, the left generally does not understand the things they oppose.

Well said. I tried to explain to the libiots that for Christianity to have judgement, it must have free will, thus allowing us to choose, or not choose, to be charitable.

I know Jesus would want us to be charitable. But if someone would not, I doubt he'd get men with guns to come force our assets out of our pockets, and threaten prison or physical violence for anyone who resists. That ain't tha Sweet Baby 8 lb Jesus I know and love.
I've always known generosity to be an entirely willful endeavor... not something done as a result of an ever far-reaching federal government mandate.
Indeed - the left will often (and rather ironically) invoke the idea that 'tru Christians would support the welfare state because Christ teaches to hekp the needy'.

These idiots obvioualy overlook the fact that for charity to actually BE charity, it must be given freely, not foced at gunpoint.

But then, the left generally does not understand the things they oppose.

Well said. I tried to explain to the libiots that for Christianity to have judgement, it must have free will, thus allowing us to choose, or not choose, to be charitable.

I know Jesus would want us to be charitable. But if someone would not, I doubt he'd get men with guns to come force our assets out of our pockets, and threaten prison or physical violence for anyone who resists. That ain't tha Sweet Baby 8 lb Jesus I know and love.
Like Obama does, huh? All those soldiers on the street, armed to the teeth to collect taxes.
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Indeed - the left will often (and rather ironically) invoke the idea that 'tru Christians would support the welfare state because Christ teaches to hekp the needy'.

These idiots obvioualy overlook the fact that for charity to actually BE charity, it must be given freely, not foced at gunpoint.

But then, the left generally does not understand the things they oppose.

Well said. I tried to explain to the libiots that for Christianity to have judgement, it must have free will, thus allowing us to choose, or not choose, to be charitable.

I know Jesus would want us to be charitable. But if someone would not, I doubt he'd get men with guns to come force our assets out of our pockets, and threaten prison or physical violence for anyone who resists. That ain't tha Sweet Baby 8 lb Jesus I know and love.
Like Obama does, huh?

Yes, exactly like Obama does. He's saying and asking rich people, and really everyone in general, to be more generous. Or as he said in his own words, we are all responsible for each other. So he is saying we need to be more charitable.

And, if he gets his way, more charity will become law. Yep. Taxes will go up.

And if anyone refuses to pay their increased tax, what will happen? Well, the IRS (aka, men with guns) will come to your door and say "Pay up". If you refuse? You'll go to jail. Resisit going to jail? You'll be physically taken down according to the level of force necessary to do so.

Don't wanna pay Obama's tanning bed tax increase? Well, it's included in the bill. So if you tan, and don't pay the full amount, well, the local police will be called. Pay up or go to jail. And don't dare resist.

See how that works? You WILL OBEY Obama's demand for more charity giving, aka taxes. If you don't obey, men will guns will visit you and tell you to obey. If you still don't, you lose freedom. Resist that and you may possibly lose life or limb.

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