Obama: "We're responsible for each other". Really? Since when?

Did you know that the single American with no dependents making around 500 a week, give or take, pays the highest tax rate of any group?
There are too many variable to make that assertion with any degree of intellectual honesty.
Of course, you didn't know that.
It's not that he didn't know that. It's that he doesn't give a damn about intellectual honesty.
Well, I didn't want to call him a liar, so I allowed for the possibility that he is simply igornant.
Liar or ignorant - his call, I guess.
I'd still like to know how encouraging people to be self reliant and provide individual charity is spewing hate.
To a parasite, it's tantamount to summoning their worst fear, enemy and threat all at once.
If they allow you to choose the charities you give to and not give to, you might leave out the charities they use to buy votes.
That weakens their voter base and threatens their political power, so you'll simply have to do as they say.
Obama: "We're responsible for each other".

The MONUMENTAL FRAUD, Pathological LIAR, Stone Cold MARXIST, and MuslimArselicker Obami Salaami issues this IDIOTIC proclamation as though we are responsible for ~25% of our Nation's PARASITES.....and, if that isn't enough......for ~ 13 MILLION Illegal Immigrants ?!?!?!?

IMO, it's reasonable to assume that of the 47% of the Nation who DO NOT PAY ANY TAXES AT ALL.........~22% are possibly hopeless, and ~25% are fucking PARASITES.

In the time when we are in the throes of BANKRUPTCY for us to concern ourselves with PARASITES and the welfare of Illegal Immigrants is INSANELY LUDICROUS !!!!


Yes and Obama is not responsible for any of the deficit, he just inherited it from Bush. I guess he doesn't want to share any of that responsibility!
I'm often taken by the attack on the ideal of collectivism , especially since the heat seems to be turned up in recent times.

Perhaps the Q you should be asking is, are we a collective society?, or are we islands? Collectivism isn't that funky a concept really....

In fact, it would seem to me that collectivism is inheretly human in nature , right on back to when cavemen hunted in packs.

Collectivism is what bonded Americans together to start this country, it's what made us roll up our sleeves and free Europe from fascism in the 40's, and put a man on the moon in the 60's

Collective bargaining resulted in the middle class's best standard of living in the free world

Together we stand, Divided we fall , which i believe we still subscribe to desribes the might of collectivism , as well as the weakness of it's lack in a single phrase

The new Collossus on the Statue of Liberty openly invites the tired, poor, huddled, wretched & homeless to America to partake in collectivism

In fact, does anyone dispute collectivism as indoctrinated and institutionalized as part of the American spirit?

So where did it all get such a bad rap , i would ask?

and oh, do i look fat in this post?

Except that there is nothing collective about a percentage of the people working to pay entitlements for a percentage doing no work. There is nothing collective about people doing very little but being allowed to vote for people who will continue this pattern for them. If you can't contribute to society (if you are physically able) you should not be able to vote in that society because those people will ALWAYS vote for the person giving them someone's elses money. If it were truly a collective, everyone would be involved in the earning not just some.
In order for 1 person to have the right to something free, another person's rights are taken away by having to perform that task for the other. How is that a collective.
I'm often taken by the attack on the ideal of collectivism , especially since the heat seems to be turned up in recent times.

Perhaps the Q you should be asking is, are we a collective society?, or are we islands? Collectivism isn't that funky a concept really....

In fact, it would seem to me that collectivism is inheretly human in nature , right on back to when cavemen hunted in packs.

Collectivism is what bonded Americans together to start this country, it's what made us roll up our sleeves and free Europe from fascism in the 40's, and put a man on the moon in the 60's

Collective bargaining resulted in the middle class's best standard of living in the free world

Together we stand, Divided we fall , which i believe we still subscribe to desribes the might of collectivism , as well as the weakness of it's lack in a single phrase

The new Collossus on the Statue of Liberty openly invites the tired, poor, huddled, wretched & homeless to America to partake in collectivism

In fact, does anyone dispute collectivism as indoctrinated and institutionalized as part of the American spirit?

So where did it all get such a bad rap , i would ask?

and oh, do i look fat in this post?

Except that there is nothing collective about a percentage of the people working to pay entitlements for a percentage doing no work. There is nothing collective about people doing very little but being allowed to vote for people who will continue this pattern for them. If you can't contribute to society (if you are physically able) you should not be able to vote in that society because those people will ALWAYS vote for the person giving them someone's elses money. If it were truly a collective, everyone would be involved in the earning not just some.
In order for 1 person to have the right to something free, another person's rights are taken away by having to perform that task for the other. How is that a collective.

You blew it in the first sentence. These "entitlements" were EARNED by those workers and PROMISED by the people they work for.

Well, we can't. Thats why left wing ideology in full bloom always turns into a regime like Cuba, USSR, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Burma, Russia, and others. Because you need an overwhelming, central force to control the behaviors of the masses in order to fairly hold them all responsible for each other.

Welcome to tyranny folks.

It's called the social contract.

You signed onto this nation's version of it the day you were born.

November 2012: Time to renew the contract.:cool:
Well you are just a glass full of sunshine aren't ya Bucs?

Look for every welfare queen, there are at least 20 others who need money to pay their rent and are tirelessly applying for jobs that will be to their skills and qualifications. Not wasting his and other companies time and energy at a job he/she doesn't care about and isn't productive at.

Obesity maybe a problem, education needs to be out there. But you obviously haven't been fat. You don't know how easy it is to gain weight and how hard it is to get it off. My girlfriend gained 15 pounds in 2 weeks because she had a patella dislocation playing soccer. 15 pounds in two weeks. Its going to take her months to work that off.

Yeah I know what you're going to say "Well go work out" but even when you do, most shit we eat is bad for you. Not only that, you have work, school, responsibilities that don't allow people to get in the necessary workout needed to maintain or lose weight. I think I saw somewhere that women over 25 have to work out an hour a day to maintain the weight they are at if they eat normally. An hour to just maintain? Damn. I think thats why I rarely see women in my school ever eat.

You're the problem, you don't think fat people feel like shit? They do. Alot of students of mine are overweight. I hear what students say to them, you think people like being fat? Hell no. You think people CHOOSE TO BE GAY? Yeah I would love to have my family disown me and have the threat of getting beaten to death.

At the end of the day, we are all Americans. Black, white,hispanic, gay, fat, everyone is an American. Some are doing well, some are not.

But a rising tide lifts all boats. Whats best for Americans is to help Americans.

I noticed you didnt take up for the redneck. hmmmmmm....
Sadly, for liberals and their limited understanding of English, this does NOT mean we are responsible for other people. It means that we are responsible to God for OUR actions regarding other people. And sometimes, the most responsible action we can take toward other people is to let them be responsible for their own actions.

You could not have said it better.

That ideal is to say that we SHOULD help each other, but shouldn't be FORCED to. If God/Jesus believed we should be forced to help each other, they wouldn't preach charity, they would just preach the need for a massive human authority that takes all people's assets to be redistributed. But there is a reason God/Jesus preached it, and that is because it is meant to be voluntary, thus creating the need to keep reminding us that it's the right thing to do.

On another note....liberals should pay attention to the studies showing conservatives are more charitable anyway. Guess we practice what they preach.

All of that is good and well if charities could cover the needs. But they can't and never could. Charities are going full force NOW even with the current welfare. History bears that out.

And since you brought Jesus into it what do you think His position is? Surely you're aware that everything you earn and own belong to God, right? And that everything you do should be done to the glory of God?

A true Christian will gladly pay his taxes and will only have praise when those taxes are used for the welfare of his fellow man. And if you like we can start a Bible lesson thread and see exactly what Jesus said of the poor and our treatment of them.


I'd love to know exactly where in the Bible you find glorious love of taxes as a tenet of Christianity. Would that be the First or Second Book of Idiots?
I am my brother's keeper.

This is a basic Christian philosophy.

This is what Jesus teached, preached and lived.

Sadly, for liberals and their limited understanding of English, this does NOT mean we are responsible for other people. It means that we are responsible to God for OUR actions regarding other people. And sometimes, the most responsible action we can take toward other people is to let them be responsible for their own actions.

Link to Bible chapter and verse?


Are you stupid? This isn't some isolated, cherrypicked-out-of-context quote such as liberals like to use to lamely try to claim their socialist bullshit is "approved by God". This is a basic, fundamental teaching of Christianity, found by studying THE ENTIRE BOOK, in context and interrelating. If you don't have the lifelong Biblical scholarship to understand it, it's sure as hell not MY job to correct your ignorance. I suggest you start attending church.

However, in the interests of Christian charity, I will say that you can start your education by Googling the words "Bible" and "Personal Responsibility", and then reading the sites from religious organizations instead of the ones from liberal political groups, although I realize this is exactly in diametric opposition to the way you USUALLY do things.
You could not have said it better.

That ideal is to say that we SHOULD help each other, but shouldn't be FORCED to. If God/Jesus believed we should be forced to help each other, they wouldn't preach charity, they would just preach the need for a massive human authority that takes all people's assets to be redistributed. But there is a reason God/Jesus preached it, and that is because it is meant to be voluntary, thus creating the need to keep reminding us that it's the right thing to do.

On another note....liberals should pay attention to the studies showing conservatives are more charitable anyway. Guess we practice what they preach.

All of that is good and well if charities could cover the needs. But they can't and never could. Charities are going full force NOW even with the current welfare. History bears that out.

And since you brought Jesus into it what do you think His position is? Surely you're aware that everything you earn and own belong to God, right? And that everything you do should be done to the glory of God?

A true Christian will gladly pay his taxes and will only have praise when those taxes are used for the welfare of his fellow man. And if you like we can start a Bible lesson thread and see exactly what Jesus said of the poor and our treatment of them.


God also believed in "free will". Otherwise, why would judgement exist?

We can't have free will if liberals insist on making everything in life mandatory.

What liberals will never admit is this: Who bears the MOST responsibility for the elderly? The family. I don't see many suburban libtards volunteering to let granny move in with them, but they'll sure bitch about the right not paying for granny's needs.

Start a Bible thread. The simple fact that judgement exists implies that free will must also exist. Wanna start from there?

Liberals are suddenly so hot to have God's stamp of approval - which is a pretty big change from the way they normally treat Him like a party crasher with bad hygiene - perhaps they should consider THIS quote:

"But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." 1 Timothy 5:8

Let us please note, brothers and sisters, that it does NOT say "If anyone does not provide for total strangers" or "If anyone does not pay taxes for social programs". It says PROVIDE FOR YOUR OWN FRIGGING FAMILY.

Can I get an amen?
All of that is good and well if charities could cover the needs. But they can't and never could. Charities are going full force NOW even with the current welfare. History bears that out.

And since you brought Jesus into it what do you think His position is? Surely you're aware that everything you earn and own belong to God, right? And that everything you do should be done to the glory of God?

A true Christian will gladly pay his taxes and will only have praise when those taxes are used for the welfare of his fellow man. And if you like we can start a Bible lesson thread and see exactly what Jesus said of the poor and our treatment of them.


God also believed in "free will". Otherwise, why would judgement exist?

We can't have free will if liberals insist on making everything in life mandatory.

What liberals will never admit is this: Who bears the MOST responsibility for the elderly? The family. I don't see many suburban libtards volunteering to let granny move in with them, but they'll sure bitch about the right not paying for granny's needs.

Start a Bible thread. The simple fact that judgement exists implies that free will must also exist. Wanna start from there?

Only a Conservative would tie in a persons Free Will to sin or not sin to charitible giving and taxation. Sorry but there's no link between them and I dare you to try and find one.

Jesus instructs us to pay our taxes but He says nothing about them beyond that. And to try and imply He does is putting words in His mouth.


And no one has ever suggested that Christians should do any less than their civic duty. There is, however, an ENORMOUS divide between a simple instruction to be good citizens and the idea that Christians should LOVE taxes, should joyously embrace taxes, should seek to pay ever higher taxes, and that they should consider tax-funded government programs to be a substitute for the voluntary, one-on-one charity that IS their Christian duty.

You're correct that Jesus never says a word about taxes beyond that Christians are obligated to pay them according to their civic duty. This is strange, given that Jesus speaks MANY times about a Christians duty to charity, and you would think that at least ONCE in all of those, He would have mentioned if the charity He was instructing Christians to show was meant to operate by way of taxes.

It's almost as if He didn't expect taxes and charity to have anything whatsoever to do with each other, or something. :eusa_whistle:
It's hilarious watching pharisee christians defend their earthly money as if ole jebus would have given a shit about taxes when clearly, CLEARLY, his message wasn't about who gets what tax bracket.


seriously, you plastic christians make me laugh every time.

Matthew 22:15-22 (King James Version)

15Then went the Pharisees, and took counsel how they might entangle him in his talk.

16And they sent out unto him their disciples with the Herodians, saying, Master, we know that thou art true, and teachest the way of God in truth, neither carest thou for any man: for thou regardest not the person of men.

17Tell us therefore, What thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not?

18But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites?

19Shew me the tribute money. And they brought unto him a penny.

20And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription?

21They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.

22When they had heard these words, they marvelled, and left him, and went their way.
I am my brother's keeper.

This is a basic Christian philosophy.

This is what Jesus teached, preached and lived.

Sadly, for liberals and their limited understanding of English, this does NOT mean we are responsible for other people. It means that we are responsible to God for OUR actions regarding other people. And sometimes, the most responsible action we can take toward other people is to let them be responsible for their own actions.

Thank you. I love the way you can justify being cold hearted. You must be Republican.

When you stop pawning your moral obligations regarding charity off on the government so that you don't have to associate directly with poor people, you can talk about MY coldheartedness. Congratulating yourself on your "compassion" as demonstrated by the government social programs you support is like congratulating yourself on your parenting skills as demonstrated by hiring a nanny.
I'm not a Christian, so why should I accept that horseshit?

It's just an excuse to get your hands on what other people have earned.

Really? Why?

Because we are members of the human race.


So suddenly, there IS an objective moral standard that universally applies to all human beings, as opposed to it being a private, subjective, individual choice?

Nice 180 there. Hope you didn't get whiplash, flipflopping that fast.
A healthy Self-interest is my only obligation to the world. I will take care of me, mine, and my interests with an utter devotion and zeal.

If everyone followed suit, the world would actually be a nice place to live. By extension, people would have nice homes, nice neighborhoods, a nice work place and so forth. People would be striving for betterment at work, home and country.

Without a healthy self interest you have Democrat ghettos where other people are burdened with other people's problems, like crime, poverty, foreclosures, unemployment, drug abuse and gov't run abortions.

PS I have no obligation to anyone. Anyone that tells you different is a buffoon.

I know you won't understand this, but a "health community" is better, because that means everyone is healthy.

Better for whom, exactly? How does it affect me personally if a total stranger I will never meet, living on the other side of the city from me, isn't healthy? In fact, there are ALREADY many such people, and I can tell you it has no impact on my life at all, except for the excessive need of liberal retards like you insisting on giving them my tax money.
I am my brother's keeper.

This is a basic Christian philosophy.

This is what Jesus teached, preached and lived.

And exactly how is that 40% of the people that do not pay any federal income tax being their brothers keeper?
They pay all kinds of taxes which, of course, you are aware of. I realize it's a talking point for cons.

Does anyone else get exceedingly tired of this disingenuous dancing back and forth between "we're talking about income taxes; oops, we're talking about ALL taxes; no, wait, we're only talking about income taxes again" bullshit from the left?

The only thing that makes it more obvious that you're a dishonest, hypocritical piece of shit than this song-and-dance is the fact that your post is headed by your name.

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