Obama: "We're responsible for each other". Really? Since when?

Indeed - the left will often (and rather ironically) invoke the idea that 'tru Christians would support the welfare state because Christ teaches to hekp the needy'.

These idiots obvioualy overlook the fact that for charity to actually BE charity, it must be given freely, not foced at gunpoint.

But then, the left generally does not understand the things they oppose.

Well said. I tried to explain to the libiots that for Christianity to have judgement, it must have free will, thus allowing us to choose, or not choose, to be charitable.

I know Jesus would want us to be charitable. But if someone would not, I doubt he'd get men with guns to come force our assets out of our pockets, and threaten prison or physical violence for anyone who resists. That ain't tha Sweet Baby 8 lb Jesus I know and love.
Like Obama does, huh? All those soldiers on the street, armed to the teeth to collect taxes.

I saw you edited to add "soldiers on streets with guns".

Hey man, you do know the IRS has law enforcement powers, and that they do carry guns. Most often, if a tax evader refuses to cooperate, they get local police to assist in the arrest of that person. Remember Wesley Snipes going to jail for not paying taxes? Who took him into custody? The Easter Bunny? No. Men with guns did.
I've always known generosity to be an entirely willful endeavor... not something done as a result of an ever far-reaching federal government mandate.
Indeed - the left will often (and rather ironically) invoke the idea that 'tru Christians would support the welfare state because Christ teaches to hekp the needy'.

These idiots obvioualy overlook the fact that for charity to actually BE charity, it must be given freely, not foced at gunpoint.

But then, the left generally does not understand the things they oppose.

I agree 100% with that but we see the same things from the right.
"True Christians would never allow gays" this and that.
Every time we allow the what would the great pooh bah invisible man in the sky do argument to influence government everything gets fucked up.
Obama shoulda said: "We are responsible for each other. And volunteerism doesn't work, I learned that in college from my heroic professors. Thus, taxes will be going up, and anyone who does not cooperate will face arrest. And the men with guns urge you to not resist that arrest. I simply urge you to cooperate and pay the higher tax. Or else."

Thats more realistic to his agenda. I'd even respect him more for being ballsy enough to just fucking say it. At least the lines would be clearly drawn.
Indeed - the left will often (and rather ironically) invoke the idea that 'tru Christians would support the welfare state because Christ teaches to hekp the needy'.

These idiots obvioualy overlook the fact that for charity to actually BE charity, it must be given freely, not foced at gunpoint.

But then, the left generally does not understand the things they oppose.

Well said. I tried to explain to the libiots that for Christianity to have judgement, it must have free will, thus allowing us to choose, or not choose, to be charitable.

I know Jesus would want us to be charitable. But if someone would not, I doubt he'd get men with guns to come force our assets out of our pockets, and threaten prison or physical violence for anyone who resists. That ain't tha Sweet Baby 8 lb Jesus I know and love.
Like Obama does, huh? All those soldiers on the street, armed to the teeth to collect taxes.

They're not called "soldiers", ass clown. They're called "police officers". And they are, indeed, armed.

Please remember, shitforbrains, that tax evasion was what they finally managed to bring Al Capone down for. And they didn't do it by sending a crowd of IRS accountants and auditors to his door.
Well said. I tried to explain to the libiots that for Christianity to have judgement, it must have free will, thus allowing us to choose, or not choose, to be charitable.

I know Jesus would want us to be charitable. But if someone would not, I doubt he'd get men with guns to come force our assets out of our pockets, and threaten prison or physical violence for anyone who resists. That ain't tha Sweet Baby 8 lb Jesus I know and love.
Like Obama does, huh? All those soldiers on the street, armed to the teeth to collect taxes.

They're not called "soldiers", ass clown. They're called "police officers". And they are, indeed, armed.

Please remember, shitforbrains, that tax evasion was what they finally managed to bring Al Capone down for. And they didn't do it by sending a crowd of IRS accountants and auditors to his door.

Liberals are too fucking stupid to understand that. I'm an ex-cop, and support the police fiercly. BUT.....I hate that corrupt governments at all levels have put cops in a position where they sometimes have to enforce stupid fucking laws. Thank God police have descretion, so they can just refuse to enforce some stupid stuff. Many people don't realize the true balance between freedom and tyranny are cops, as no law can be laid upon a citizen without an armed man WILLING to enforce it. A government can pass a "Round up all blondes" law, but if the cops refuse to do it, it wont happen. Same for soldiers, as martial law would demand they enforce laws. But as long as cops and soldiers refuse to enforce evil laws, we'll be fine. Ironic, however, that the group founded on this idea, Oath Keepers, was labeled a possible terror/extremist group by the far left Southern Poverty Law Center. Disgraceful fucking left wingers, labeling cops who swear to uphold their oath an extremist group!

But anyhoo.....yeah, fail to pay taxes, you get arrested by men with guns. So indeed, our taxes are collected at the point of a gun.
Indeed - the left will often (and rather ironically) invoke the idea that 'tru Christians would support the welfare state because Christ teaches to hekp the needy'.

These idiots obvioualy overlook the fact that for charity to actually BE charity, it must be given freely, not foced at gunpoint.

But then, the left generally does not understand the things they oppose.

Well said. I tried to explain to the libiots that for Christianity to have judgement, it must have free will, thus allowing us to choose, or not choose, to be charitable.

I know Jesus would want us to be charitable. But if someone would not, I doubt he'd get men with guns to come force our assets out of our pockets, and threaten prison or physical violence for anyone who resists. That ain't tha Sweet Baby 8 lb Jesus I know and love.
Like Obama does, huh? All those soldiers on the street, armed to the teeth to collect taxes.
Whats happens to you when you refuse to pay your taxes?
Hint: it eventually involves someone with a gun.
Like Obama does, huh? All those soldiers on the street, armed to the teeth to collect taxes.

They're not called "soldiers", ass clown. They're called "police officers". And they are, indeed, armed.

Please remember, shitforbrains, that tax evasion was what they finally managed to bring Al Capone down for. And they didn't do it by sending a crowd of IRS accountants and auditors to his door.

Liberals are too fucking stupid to understand that. I'm an ex-cop, and support the police fiercly. BUT.....I hate that corrupt governments at all levels have put cops in a position where they sometimes have to enforce stupid fucking laws. Thank God police have descretion, so they can just refuse to enforce some stupid stuff. Many people don't realize the true balance between freedom and tyranny are cops, as no law can be laid upon a citizen without an armed man WILLING to enforce it. A government can pass a "Round up all blondes" law, but if the cops refuse to do it, it wont happen. Same for soldiers, as martial law would demand they enforce laws. But as long as cops and soldiers refuse to enforce evil laws, we'll be fine. Ironic, however, that the group founded on this idea, Oath Keepers, was labeled a possible terror/extremist group by the far left Southern Poverty Law Center. Disgraceful fucking left wingers, labeling cops who swear to uphold their oath an extremist group!

But anyhoo.....yeah, fail to pay taxes, you get arrested by men with guns. So indeed, our taxes are collected at the point of a gun.
Ya' left out one important thing regarding "between freedom and tyranny".......It's called our 2nd amendment right!
They're not called "soldiers", ass clown. They're called "police officers". And they are, indeed, armed.

Please remember, shitforbrains, that tax evasion was what they finally managed to bring Al Capone down for. And they didn't do it by sending a crowd of IRS accountants and auditors to his door.

Liberals are too fucking stupid to understand that. I'm an ex-cop, and support the police fiercly. BUT.....I hate that corrupt governments at all levels have put cops in a position where they sometimes have to enforce stupid fucking laws. Thank God police have descretion, so they can just refuse to enforce some stupid stuff. Many people don't realize the true balance between freedom and tyranny are cops, as no law can be laid upon a citizen without an armed man WILLING to enforce it. A government can pass a "Round up all blondes" law, but if the cops refuse to do it, it wont happen. Same for soldiers, as martial law would demand they enforce laws. But as long as cops and soldiers refuse to enforce evil laws, we'll be fine. Ironic, however, that the group founded on this idea, Oath Keepers, was labeled a possible terror/extremist group by the far left Southern Poverty Law Center. Disgraceful fucking left wingers, labeling cops who swear to uphold their oath an extremist group!

But anyhoo.....yeah, fail to pay taxes, you get arrested by men with guns. So indeed, our taxes are collected at the point of a gun.
Ya' left out one important thing regarding "between freedom and tyranny".......It's called our 2nd amendment right!
I'm sorry, but I keep thinking of this every time I see a response like this. It's not that I disagree per sey, but this just pops into my head.

Well said. I tried to explain to the libiots that for Christianity to have judgement, it must have free will, thus allowing us to choose, or not choose, to be charitable.

I know Jesus would want us to be charitable. But if someone would not, I doubt he'd get men with guns to come force our assets out of our pockets, and threaten prison or physical violence for anyone who resists. That ain't tha Sweet Baby 8 lb Jesus I know and love.
Like Obama does, huh? All those soldiers on the street, armed to the teeth to collect taxes.
Whats happens to you when you refuse to pay your taxes?
Hint: it eventually involves someone with a gun.

So what?
Did you know that the single American with no dependents making around 500 a week, give or take,

pays the highest tax rate of any group?

(That's me, btw, although I make more than that. So the rest of you need to quit whining, you parasitic crybabies!)

Did you know that the single American with no dependents making around 500 a week, give or take,

pays the highest tax rate of any group?

(That's me, btw, although I make more than that. So the rest of you need to quit whining, you parasitic crybabies!)

And just think. With a flat tax % with no deductions for anyone, even the poor, you'd not be in that boat. How nice to have a tax policy that can be printed on one sheet of paper and not require you to hire an accountant or waste hours of your time calculating 'your fair share' which isn't fair at all.
Did you know that the single American with no dependents making around 500 a week, give or take,

pays the highest tax rate of any group?

(That's me, btw, although I make more than that. So the rest of you need to quit whining, you parasitic crybabies!)

And just think. With a flat tax % with no deductions for anyone, even the poor, you'd not be in that boat. How nice to have a tax policy that can be printed on one sheet of paper and not require you to hire an accountant or waste hours of your time calculating 'your fair share' which isn't fair at all.

Someone obviously watched the Sunday morning shows and decided to come and regurgitate their pap in one giant chunk. Makes me glad I have NYC on ignore.
I'd still like to know how encouraging people to be self reliant and provide individual charity is spewing hate.
I for one am not interested in being my brothers keeper.

If my brother makes crappy life decisions then he's on his own in my book.

The only people I feel morally resonsible to assist are those who are actually mentally or physically handicapped.

Barry can kiss my ass if he thinks I feel responsible for any of the millions of freeloaders out there.

However, if Barry and any other like minded folks want to take care of the freeloaders then they need to open the wallets and whip out the check books and make it so. Good luck.

someone is crippled every minute and a sucker is born every minute. My business doesn't want to pay taxes for cripples; I'll take the fresh meat and throw away the broken. Efficiency. Profit.
Did you know that the single American with no dependents making around 500 a week, give or take, pays the highest tax rate of any group?
There are too many variable to make that assertion with any degree of intellectual honesty.
Of course, you didn't know that.

It's not that he didn't know that. It's that he doesn't give a damn about intellectual honesty.

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