Obama: "We're responsible for each other". Really? Since when?

All of that is good and well if charities could cover the needs. But they can't and never could. Charities are going full force NOW even with the current welfare. History bears that out.

And since you brought Jesus into it what do you think His position is? Surely you're aware that everything you earn and own belong to God, right? And that everything you do should be done to the glory of God?

A true Christian will gladly pay his taxes and will only have praise when those taxes are used for the welfare of his fellow man. And if you like we can start a Bible lesson thread and see exactly what Jesus said of the poor and our treatment of them.


God also believed in "free will". Otherwise, why would judgement exist?

We can't have free will if liberals insist on making everything in life mandatory.

What liberals will never admit is this: Who bears the MOST responsibility for the elderly? The family. I don't see many suburban libtards volunteering to let granny move in with them, but they'll sure bitch about the right not paying for granny's needs.

Start a Bible thread. The simple fact that judgement exists implies that free will must also exist. Wanna start from there?

Liberals are suddenly so hot to have God's stamp of approval - which is a pretty big change from the way they normally treat Him like a party crasher with bad hygiene - perhaps they should consider THIS quote:

"But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." 1 Timothy 5:8

Let us please note, brothers and sisters, that it does NOT say "If anyone does not provide for total strangers" or "If anyone does not pay taxes for social programs". It says PROVIDE FOR YOUR OWN FRIGGING FAMILY.

Can I get an amen?

AMEN!! But allow me to further enlighten you.....

.....we believe the historical, Biblically documented teachings of Jesus Christ clearly show that Jesus is a Liberal. His philosophy, based in compassion, equality, inclusion, forgiveness, tolerance, peace and - most importantly - love, is 100% Liberal.

Jesus Is A Liberal - Home Page

A healthy Self-interest is my only obligation to the world. I will take care of me, mine, and my interests with an utter devotion and zeal.

If everyone followed suit, the world would actually be a nice place to live. By extension, people would have nice homes, nice neighborhoods, a nice work place and so forth. People would be striving for betterment at work, home and country.

Without a healthy self interest you have Democrat ghettos where other people are burdened with other people's problems, like crime, poverty, foreclosures, unemployment, drug abuse and gov't run abortions.

PS I have no obligation to anyone. Anyone that tells you different is a buffoon.

I know you won't understand this, but a "health community" is better, because that means everyone is healthy.

Better for whom, exactly? How does it affect me personally if a total stranger I will never meet, living on the other side of the city from me, isn't healthy? In fact, there are ALREADY many such people, and I can tell you it has no impact on my life at all, except for the excessive need of liberal retards like you insisting on giving them my tax money.

WWJD? :confused:

"Every one, as he is bound to preserve himself... by the like reason, when his own preservation comes not in competition, ought he, as much as he can, to preserve the rest of mankind, and may not, unless it be to do justice on an offender, take away, or impair the life, or what tends to the preservation of the life, the liberty, health, limb, or goods of another" --John Locke; from Second Treatise on Civil Government

How does that justify confiscatory taxation?
2010 Quality of Life Index: 194 Countries Ranked and Rated to Reveal the Best Places to Live – International Living - Since 1979

From your link:

"To produce this annual Index we consider nine categories: Cost of Living, Culture and Leisure, Economy, Environment, Freedom, Health, Infrastructure, Safety and Risk, and Climate. This involves a lot of number crunching from “official” sources, including government websites, the World Health Organization, and The Economist, to name but a few. We also take into account what our editors from all over the world have to say about our findings."

Is now a good time to tell you to shut the fuck up with your agenda-pushing?

Wait. Is there ever a BAD time for that? :anj_stfu:
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God also believed in "free will". Otherwise, why would judgement exist?

We can't have free will if liberals insist on making everything in life mandatory.

What liberals will never admit is this: Who bears the MOST responsibility for the elderly? The family. I don't see many suburban libtards volunteering to let granny move in with them, but they'll sure bitch about the right not paying for granny's needs.

Start a Bible thread. The simple fact that judgement exists implies that free will must also exist. Wanna start from there?

Liberals are suddenly so hot to have God's stamp of approval - which is a pretty big change from the way they normally treat Him like a party crasher with bad hygiene - perhaps they should consider THIS quote:

"But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." 1 Timothy 5:8

Let us please note, brothers and sisters, that it does NOT say "If anyone does not provide for total strangers" or "If anyone does not pay taxes for social programs". It says PROVIDE FOR YOUR OWN FRIGGING FAMILY.

Can I get an amen?

AMEN!! But allow me to further enlighten you.....

.....we believe the historical, Biblically documented teachings of Jesus Christ clearly show that Jesus is a Liberal. His philosophy, based in compassion, equality, inclusion, forgiveness, tolerance, peace and - most importantly - love, is 100% Liberal.

Jesus Is A Liberal - Home Page


There is nothing enlightening about the fact that there are imbeciles on the Internet, desperately trying to twist the Bible to suit their own agendas. I already knew that. After all, I'm talking to you.
all of that is good and well if charities could cover the needs. But they can't and never could. Charities are going full force now even with the current welfare. history bears that out.

and since you brought jesus into it what do you think his position is? Surely you're aware that everything you earn and own belong to god, right? And that everything you do should be done to the glory of god?

A true christian will gladly pay his taxes and will only have praise when those taxes are used for the welfare of his fellow man. And if you like we can start a bible lesson thread and see exactly what jesus said of the poor and our treatment of them.


god also believed in "free will". Otherwise, why would judgement exist?

We can't have free will if liberals insist on making everything in life mandatory.

What liberals will never admit is this: Who bears the most responsibility for the elderly? The family. I don't see many suburban libtards volunteering to let granny move in with them, but they'll sure bitch about the right not paying for granny's needs.

Start a bible thread. The simple fact that judgement exists implies that free will must also exist. Wanna start from there?

liberals are suddenly so hot to have god's stamp of approval - which is a pretty big change from the way they normally treat him like a party crasher with bad hygiene - perhaps they should consider this quote:

"but if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." 1 timothy 5:8

let us please note, brothers and sisters, that it does not say "if anyone does not provide for total strangers" or "if anyone does not pay taxes for social programs". It says provide for your own frigging family.

Can i get an amen?
I know you won't understand this, but a "health community" is better, because that means everyone is healthy.

Better for whom, exactly? How does it affect me personally if a total stranger I will never meet, living on the other side of the city from me, isn't healthy? In fact, there are ALREADY many such people, and I can tell you it has no impact on my life at all, except for the excessive need of liberal retards like you insisting on giving them my tax money.

WWJD? :confused:


I feel quite certain that, whatever Jesus did, HE would do it personally, rather than pawning it off on the government to handle for Him.
Better for whom, exactly? How does it affect me personally if a total stranger I will never meet, living on the other side of the city from me, isn't healthy? In fact, there are ALREADY many such people, and I can tell you it has no impact on my life at all, except for the excessive need of liberal retards like you insisting on giving them my tax money.

WWJD? :confused:


I feel quite certain that, whatever Jesus did, HE would do it personally, rather than pawning it off on the government to handle for Him.

And as we all know He would disapprove of using tax money to help the poor. :eusa_pray:


I feel quite certain that, whatever Jesus did, HE would do it personally, rather than pawning it off on the government to handle for Him.

And as we all know He would disapprove of using tax money to help the poor. :eusa_pray:


I don't think he would approve of us being taxed to give to special interests, period.

He wants us, as individuals, to lift one another, not outsource responsibilities to others.

I don't know why this is difficult.
21They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.

a key little tidbit that most libs forget about or don't care how they twist.
Better for whom, exactly? How does it affect me personally if a total stranger I will never meet, living on the other side of the city from me, isn't healthy? In fact, there are ALREADY many such people, and I can tell you it has no impact on my life at all, except for the excessive need of liberal retards like you insisting on giving them my tax money.

WWJD? :confused:


I feel quite certain that, whatever Jesus did, HE would do it personally, rather than pawning it off on the government to handle for Him.

Kinda like how he demanded his audience do for themselves instead of, you know, COLLECTING fishes and loaves and sharing among the crowd...


still laughing.
I feel quite certain that, whatever Jesus did, HE would do it personally, rather than pawning it off on the government to handle for Him.

And as we all know He would disapprove of using tax money to help the poor. :eusa_pray:


I don't think he would approve of us being taxed to give to special interests, period.

He wants us, as individuals, to lift one another, not outsource responsibilities to others.

I don't know why this is difficult.

Can you cite scripture as to where you believe that this is how ole jebus would have thought? I'd LOVE to see where he suggests anything about taxes and personal wealth as an important implication to his message.

I feel quite certain that, whatever Jesus did, HE would do it personally, rather than pawning it off on the government to handle for Him.

Kinda like how he demanded his audience do for themselves instead of, you know, COLLECTING fishes and loaves and sharing among the crowd...


still laughing.
Now if our government could only provide for all with out taxing the public.

I feel quite certain that, whatever Jesus did, HE would do it personally, rather than pawning it off on the government to handle for Him.

Kinda like how he demanded his audience do for themselves instead of, you know, COLLECTING fishes and loaves and sharing among the crowd...


still laughing.

Can you understand the difference between me throwing a party and hiring a caterer for my guests, and me taking on responsibility for providing food for my guests their entire lifetimes, or is that too complicated for you?

I feel quite certain that, whatever Jesus did, HE would do it personally, rather than pawning it off on the government to handle for Him.

Kinda like how he demanded his audience do for themselves instead of, you know, COLLECTING fishes and loaves and sharing among the crowd...


still laughing.

Obviously you are laughing since you don't understand what He did. He ministered to the people Himself. He is our Examplar. He didn't demand that Ceasar feed the people, He fed them Himself. He did what He could to lift them.

Which is exactly what we are talking about.

When will people start realizing it's their responsibility to act for themselves and not make laws for others to act in their place.
Can you cite scripture as to where you believe that this is how ole jebus would have thought? I'd LOVE to see where he suggests anything about taxes and personal wealth as an important implication to his message.

I don't have to. You already cited it.
I feel quite certain that, whatever Jesus did, HE would do it personally, rather than pawning it off on the government to handle for Him.

And as we all know He would disapprove of using tax money to help the poor. :eusa_pray:


Yes, He would. Jesus was never a proponent of passing your responsibilities and obligations off onto others.

I feel quite certain that, whatever Jesus did, HE would do it personally, rather than pawning it off on the government to handle for Him.

Kinda like how he demanded his audience do for themselves instead of, you know, COLLECTING fishes and loaves and sharing among the crowd...


still laughing.

Can you understand the difference between me throwing a party and hiring a caterer for my guests, and me taking on responsibility for providing food for my guests their entire lifetimes, or is that too complicated for you?

I feel quite certain that, whatever Jesus did, HE would do it personally, rather than pawning it off on the government to handle for Him.

Kinda like how he demanded his audience do for themselves instead of, you know, COLLECTING fishes and loaves and sharing among the crowd...


still laughing.

Obviously you are laughing since you don't understand what He did. He ministered to the people Himself. He is our Examplar. He didn't demand that Ceasar feed the people, He fed them Himself. He did what He could to lift them.

Which is exactly what we are talking about.

When will people start realizing it's their responsibility to act for themselves and not make laws for others to act in their place.

If you REALLY think that Jesus would disapprove of using tax money to help the poor then you are 100% lost as to what His message truly is. (And it's obvious since you refer to Him in the past tense as if He is dead. He is the true, living God.).

Of course, I'm betting that you're just yanking my chain since no sane Christian would truly believe what you're writing.

Better for whom, exactly? How does it affect me personally if a total stranger I will never meet, living on the other side of the city from me, isn't healthy? In fact, there are ALREADY many such people, and I can tell you it has no impact on my life at all, except for the excessive need of liberal retards like you insisting on giving them my tax money.

WWJD? :confused:


I feel quite certain that, whatever Jesus did, HE would do it personally, rather than pawning it off on the government to handle for Him.
For God so loved the world.... He did not send a committee.
And as we all know He would disapprove of using tax money to help the poor. :eusa_pray:


Yes, He would. Jesus was never a proponent of passing your responsibilities and obligations off onto others.

Kinda like how he demanded his audience do for themselves instead of, you know, COLLECTING fishes and loaves and sharing among the crowd...


still laughing.

Obviously you are laughing since you don't understand what He did. He ministered to the people Himself. He is our Examplar. He didn't demand that Ceasar feed the people, He fed them Himself. He did what He could to lift them.

Which is exactly what we are talking about.

When will people start realizing it's their responsibility to act for themselves and not make laws for others to act in their place.

If you REALLY think that Jesus would disapprove of using tax money to help the poor then you are 100% lost as to what His message truly is. (And it's obvious since you refer to Him in the past tense as if He is dead. He is the true, living God.).

Of course, I'm betting that you're just yanking my chain since no sane Christian would truly believe what you're writing.


His message was food stamps and welfare? Really? Perhaps you'd like to cite THAT Biblical quotation. And please note that we are NOT going to accept any generic remarks regarding "charity". I want to see something that SPECIFICALLY talks about His approval of tax money for the poor.

Get on it.

Btw, one speaks of Jesus in the past tense when one is speaking of His ministry here on Earth, as told to us in the Bible, which happened in the past. Duhhh.
And as we all know He would disapprove of using tax money to help the poor. :eusa_pray:


Yes, He would. Jesus was never a proponent of passing your responsibilities and obligations off onto others.

Kinda like how he demanded his audience do for themselves instead of, you know, COLLECTING fishes and loaves and sharing among the crowd...


still laughing.

Obviously you are laughing since you don't understand what He did. He ministered to the people Himself. He is our Examplar. He didn't demand that Ceasar feed the people, He fed them Himself. He did what He could to lift them.

Which is exactly what we are talking about.

When will people start realizing it's their responsibility to act for themselves and not make laws for others to act in their place.

If you REALLY think that Jesus would disapprove of using tax money to help the poor then you are 100% lost as to what His message truly is. (And it's obvious since you refer to Him in the past tense as if He is dead. He is the true, living God.).

Of course, I'm betting that you're just yanking my chain since no sane Christian would truly believe what you're writing.

Would Jesus condone a thief giving his money to the poor? The thief stole from others he found undeserving of their possessions to help those he found deserving.

HWJJ? (How Would Jesus Judge?)

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