Obama will bankrupt and starve American Seniors unless he gets his way

Obama says he cannot guarantee Social Security checks will go out on August 3

Way to go, Barry. Way to go! Criminally irresponsible talk from the Failed Leader who thinks bank ATM's are hurting the economy and thinks blowing a Trillion dollar on not so shovel ready projects is funny.

Obama= Epic Fail

Obama says he cannot guarantee Social Security checks will go out on August 3 - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

so now because you can use it for a personal attack Social security needs to be saved.
Yet if obama was to cave to GOP demands, the next day you would be back screaming about these social programs need to go.

its just so pathetic how transparent the right is.


People like Crusader Frank would blame Obama and scream that the sky is falling if a coin falls on heads OR tails.

Ironically, even when it's his own party that flips the fucking coin in the first place.

yes, very transparent. I'm looking forward to 2012 and the first Granny eating catfood because of gutted social security ads.

Let the Republicans rule & Granny will be starving for 5 more years waiting for SS!!!!!!!!!!!

Boehner, the top Republican lawmaker in the House, said raising the retirement age by five years, indexing benefits to the rate of inflation and means-testing benefits would make the massive entitlement program more solvent.
so now because you can use it for a personal attack Social security needs to be saved.
Yet if obama was to cave to GOP demands, the next day you would be back screaming about these social programs need to go.

its just so pathetic how transparent the right is.


People like Crusader Frank would blame Obama and scream that the sky is falling if a coin falls on heads OR tails.

Ironically, even when it's his own party that flips the fucking coin in the first place.

yes, very transparent. I'm looking forward to 2012 and the first Granny eating catfood because of gutted social security ads.

Let the Republicans rule & Granny will be starving for 5 more years waiting for SS!!!!!!!!!!!

Boehner, the top Republican lawmaker in the House, said raising the retirement age by five years, indexing benefits to the rate of inflation and means-testing benefits would make the massive entitlement program more solvent.

I am thrilled to see some of the far righty GOP legislators starting to move toward the center on this: taxes on the wealthy, trillions in cuts, raising retirement age, indexing for inflation, and means-testing all would go a long way to getting back on the right track and getting the GOP the senate next year while keeping the house.
The people on Social Security should scream at the top of their lungs. You politicians better cut illegal aliens off welfare and cut off foreign aid before you touch my social security check. We paid into the system all our lives. Put us first we earned it!
Sure guys, Obama just admitted Social Security is broke, but spin it like the economy killing bank ATM's or 1967 Israeli borders because it's more productive to be an Obama Fluffer than it is to be an aware American

The people on Social Security should scream at the top of their lungs. You politicians better cut illegal aliens off welfare and cut off foreign aid before you touch my social security check. We paid into the system all our lives. Put us first we earned it!

Nope! Obama, who screwed Chrysler and GM Creditors to pay off the UAW went nuclear on American Seniors

He's treating American Senior Citizen like they were GM Bond holders: they get NOTHING so Obama can pay off his Unions and Political Hacks
Obama says he cannot guarantee Social Security checks will go out on August 3

Way to go, Barry. Way to go! Criminally irresponsible talk from the Failed Leader who thinks bank ATM's are hurting the economy and thinks blowing a Trillion dollar on not so shovel ready projects is funny.

Obama= Epic Fail

Obama says he cannot guarantee Social Security checks will go out on August 3 - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

so now because you can use it for a personal attack Social security needs to be saved.
Yet if obama was to cave to GOP demands, the next day you would be back screaming about these social programs need to go.

its just so pathetic how transparent the right is.


People like Crusader Frank would blame Obama and scream that the sky is falling if a coin falls on heads OR tails.

Ironically, even when it's his own party that flips the fucking coin in the first place.

yes, very transparent. I'm looking forward to 2012 and the first Granny eating catfood because of gutted social security ads.

The highlighted part reminds me of what I've often said about Republicans. They'll go to rural areas (farming country) and take credit for when it rains on the crops. Then they'll go to the cities and blame Democrats when it rains during rush hour.
Only a dumb fucking madman like Obama would suggest that an increase in revenue is the solution to fixing the debt. That would be like if you could no longer afford the monthly payements on your credit card, The credit card company suggesting they raise your credit limit.

LMAO! Obama just wants more time to run America into Bankruptcy. He's an out of control, Red china manchurian canidate, banker controlled puppet nutcase. He's finished in November. So are the mentally ill Democrats in D.C. Nothing but a bunch of carpetbagging, Lame ducks. Obama is by far the worst President to ever occupy the Oval office. ~BH
Only a dumb fucking madman like Obama would suggest that an increase in revenue is the solution to fixing the debt. That would be like if you could no longer afford the monthly payements on your credit card, The credit card company suggesting they raise your credit limit.

LMAO! Obama just wants more time to run America into Bankruptcy. He's an out of control, Red china manchurian canidate, banker controlled puppet nutcase. He's finished in November. So are the mentally ill Democrats in D.C. Nothing but a bunch of carpetbagging, Lame ducks. Obama is by far the worst President to ever occupy the Oval office. ~BH

ALERT ALERT ALERT!!!! Bolshie is frothing again. Wow! A Righty Extremist Frothing Fascist!! Wow!!! Thank you, Bolshie, for that incredible demonstration of invective. You might truly be a candidate for the asshole of the year award, but that display was magnificent.
when US troops were not paid on time during Reagan, there was no riots.
Shouldn't Republicans be celebrating? I thought they hated SS and progressive tax codes.

For fucks sake, you just can't win with some people.

youre a fucking idiot. show me one republican who says kill social security payments tomorrrow. Just one. stop listening to propaganda you zombie idiot.

Bush tried to privatize SS using ignoramus arguments and racism. In fact, he went on a tour in order to try to accomplish his goals. Repukes have been railing against SS for decades.

Wake the fuck up.

I think after Obama's blow up, people are going to want to take a real serious look at wanting to own their SocSec Retirement Fund

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