Obama will not sign GOP law to extend subsidies-Breaking

I'm shocked, shocked I tell you that Obama will not sign a law effectively repealing Obamacare.
Yes he would rather millions go without insurance or healthcare than work with the GOP to find solutions.
See? The tards are drinking the piss already!


Fortunately, the rest of America is not stupid enough to buy this bullshit, and the GOP will take a serious hit if it continues with this idiocy, just like it did with the shutdown.
What's ironic is the plaintiffs in Burwell are gop pols who are now giving other gop polls a giant dose of grief. Who says the gop is not the party of crazy.

Sigh. And that's how we got 8 years of Obama and Obamacare.
Perhaps what the gop pols really want to avoid is this. Making a major national election issue over repealing Obama and replacing it with something, that I would prefer, that allows people to obtain tax credits to purchase insurance in state, or federal, exchanges. If they actually tried to effectively govern, they'd pss off the wing of their own party that doesn't want the fed govt in healthcare ... even though the only reason they have employer sponsored plans is because the govt's been giving their employer a tax break for providing it for the past sixty or so odd years.

The Law needs to be fixed. There are some good parts to it. Obama needs to compromise.

Make the law better. Is that so hard?
There have been more that 15 amendments to the law already. Saying Obama won't agree to any fix is bs, and even you know its bs as you spout it. In fact, I call BS. Obama is not gonna sign this bill that ends the subsidies. Ever. And he shouldn't, and I don't even like the law. adios.
Shut her down!

Let's see how willing Obama is to compromise. He's good at that right? :lol:

He wants something, the GOP wants something. But this time the GOP have the cards. If it gets killed it will be solely on Obama's hands. Remember, he and the Dims wrote this piece of shit.
Good luck selling that to the folks in swing states if they lose insurance with a gop court and a gop plaintiff lawsuit. I'm sure the latinos and gays are coming over to the gop too.
They are going to blame the President. It isnt called "Boehnercare" or "McConnellcare". It's called Obamacare. And it sucks. And people hate it.

The public knows who wrote the law. Damn....Obama and the Dims have been defending this shit for 3 election cycles and have incurred historic losses in the House and Senate.

To say the public will magically forget the Dims are responsible for this piece of crap is idiotic.
It seems the catching point is "But Burwell said the measure would also take away the subsidies over time and repeal important components of Obamacare such as guaranteeing insurance for Americans with pre-existing health conditions.
Burwell Obama wouldn t sign GOP plan to extend insurance subsidies - Yahoo News
Did you predict that? What objection do you have against guaranteeing insurance for American's with pre-existing conditions?
Of course there is no detailed GOP proposal so she (and you) are talking out of your ass.

There most certainly is a detailed GOP proposal. It's an actual bill, dumbass.

Here is the sponsor of that bill crowing about it. And it is exactly what Burwell said it is.

There are poison pill provisions in the bill which are not necessary to fix the federal exchange subsidies.
Thats one senator, jackass. We dont know what will emerge.
I'm shocked, shocked I tell you that Obama will not sign a law effectively repealing Obamacare.
Yes he would rather millions go without insurance or healthcare than work with the GOP to find solutions.
See? The tards are drinking the piss already!


Fortunately, the rest of America is not stupid enough to buy this bullshit, and the GOP will take a serious hit if it continues with this idiocy, just like it did with the shutdown.
What's ironic is the plaintiffs in Burwell are gop pols who are now giving other gop polls a giant dose of grief. Who says the gop is not the party of crazy.

Sigh. And that's how we got 8 years of Obama and Obamacare.

Another one with a crystal ball. Got next weeks lotto numbers. :lol:
The subsidies should stay with major concessions to make the bill better. Tort reform and the ability to sell insurance across state lines for starters.
Those are not major concessions. Modified tort reform and interstate cooperatives are good ideas.
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A Hart Research Associates Poll released on March 2, finds that by a solid 63-29 majority, American voters want to keep Obamacare intact. The national survey of 800 registered voters, conducted on behalf of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), found that 63 percent of respondents would disapprove, if the Supreme Court restricted the availability of tax credits under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), with 44 percent strongly disapproving.

By contrast, just 29 percent of American voters would approve of the Supreme Court siding with the plaintiffs in King v. Burwell. A ruling in favor of the plaintiffs could eliminate the health care subsidies in 34 states. Only 15 percent strongly favored the Court pulling the federal subsidies and depriving millions of Americans of coverage under the ACA.

According to the poll, even 56 percent of Republican voters want to keep the subsidies in place. 74 percent of Democrats and 57 percent of Independents support upholding the subsidies.

http://www.seiu.org/ACA Tax Credits PF.pdf

This polling data directly contradicts the Washington Post polling data just posted....(see GOP voters).

Somebody is lying....wonder who? :D
I gave you the Hart PDF questionnaire and tabular results. The point is that if the GOP is perceived as messing with or ending the subsidies, it will be massacred next year.
The subsidies should stay with major concessions to make the bill better. Tort reform and the ability to sell insurance across state lines for starters.
Those are not major concession. Modified tort reform and interstate cooperatives are good ideas.

Thank you Jake. Since SCOTUS may end subsidies in some States this is an opportunity for both sides to improve this thing.

If Obama will truly refuse to compromise at all then that is a major problem. He needs Congress to fix his mess. As a result, he will need to give something back. Again...this is pretty simple stuff.
"If it gets killed it will be solely on Obama's hands" will not sell with the voters.

Anymore than the shutdowns. What you think does not matter. Only what the voters think counts.

Now if the GOP can show that modified tort reform and inter-state cooperatives have the votes, then the fix can be made, allowing states that want their own programs can have them.
I'm shocked, shocked I tell you that Obama will not sign a law effectively repealing Obamacare.
Yes he would rather millions go without insurance or healthcare than work with the GOP to find solutions.
See? The tards are drinking the piss already!


Fortunately, the rest of America is not stupid enough to buy this bullshit, and the GOP will take a serious hit if it continues with this idiocy, just like it did with the shutdown.
It didnt take any hit with the shutdowns.
You are a pis drinker. We've established that.
If Obama refuses to work with the GOP Congress whose fault is that, Congress or Obama?
Perhaps what the gop pols really want to avoid is this. Making a major national election issue over repealing Obama and replacing it with something, that I would prefer, that allows people to obtain tax credits to purchase insurance in state, or federal, exchanges. If they actually tried to effectively govern, they'd pss off the wing of their own party that doesn't want the fed govt in healthcare ... even though the only reason they have employer sponsored plans is because the govt's been giving their employer a tax break for providing it for the past sixty or so odd years.

The Law needs to be fixed. There are some good parts to it. Obama needs to compromise.

Make the law better. Is that so hard?
There have been more that 15 amendments to the law already. Saying Obama won't agree to any fix is bs, and even you know its bs as you spout it. In fact, I call BS. Obama is not gonna sign this bill that ends the subsidies. Ever. And he shouldn't, and I don't even like the law. adios.
Obama has unilaterally amended it via executive action numerous times. What we have now isnt the bill that was passed.
A Hart Research Associates Poll released on March 2, finds that by a solid 63-29 majority, American voters want to keep Obamacare intact. The national survey of 800 registered voters, conducted on behalf of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), found that 63 percent of respondents would disapprove, if the Supreme Court restricted the availability of tax credits under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), with 44 percent strongly disapproving.

By contrast, just 29 percent of American voters would approve of the Supreme Court siding with the plaintiffs in King v. Burwell. A ruling in favor of the plaintiffs could eliminate the health care subsidies in 34 states. Only 15 percent strongly favored the Court pulling the federal subsidies and depriving millions of Americans of coverage under the ACA.

According to the poll, even 56 percent of Republican voters want to keep the subsidies in place. 74 percent of Democrats and 57 percent of Independents support upholding the subsidies.

http://www.seiu.org/ACA Tax Credits PF.pdf

This polling data directly contradicts the Washington Post polling data just posted....(see GOP voters).

Somebody is lying....wonder who? :D
I gave you the Hart PDF questionnaire and tabular results. The point is that if the GOP is perceived as messing with or ending the subsidies, it will be massacred next year.

You are making a major assumption. Many, many, many cards to be played yet. Both sides will try to hang the screw up on the other side.

I think the GOP can punch back very effectively since this is solely a Dimocrat Bill. That cannot be argued. The Dims are responsible for the error. It is not unreasonable to suggest they need to clean up their mess.
Obama would not sign a bill which has other changes to the law which are completely unnecessary to fix the subsidies. The GOP would like to add a bunch of poison pills to such a fix, and then they will act all indignant and self-righteous when Obama refuses to sign it.

The American people aren't stupid enough to fall for that bullshit, but the GOP is retarded enough to think they will. Just like they were retarded enough to believe they wouldn't get most of the blame for a government shutdown.

They just never learn! Which goes without saying for retards, really.

(cue doom music)

BREAKINGBOMBSHELLALERT! Obamaz fucking you in the ass! Grab your piss cups, and stay tuned for a refill.
Actually, it all boils down to the GOP having to fix a major screwup by Obama and the Democrats, and the Republicans can't be blamed if the subsidies are thrown out, because they didn't file the lawsuit...... So if Obama vetoes the bill he and the Democrats in Congress deserve all the blame for passing flawed legislation!!!!!!!


United States Court of Appeals,Fourth Circuit. David KING; Douglas Hurst; Brenda Levy; Rose Luck, Plaintiffs–Appellants, v. Sylvia Matthews BURWELL, in her official capacity as U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services; United States Department of Health & Human Services; Jacob Lew, in his official capacity as U.S. Secretary of the Treasury; United States Department of the Treasury; Internal Revenue Service; John Koskinen, in his official capacity as Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Defendants–Appellees. - See more at: KING v. BURWELL - FindLaw

The plaintiffs in this case are Virginia residents who do not want to purchase comprehensive health insurance. Virginia has declined to establish a state-run Exchange and is therefore served by the prominent federally-facilitated Exchange known as HealthCare.gov. Without the premium tax credits, the plaintiffs would be exempt from the individual mandate under the unaffordability exemption. With the credits, however, the reduced costs of the policies available to the plaintiffs subject them to the minimum coverage penalty. According to the plaintiffs, then, as a result of the IRS Rule, they will incur some financial cost because they will be forced either to purchase insurance or pay the individual mandate penalty. - See more at: KING v. BURWELL - FindLaw
The voters will not buy your arguments, Obiwan.

All they will see is their subsidies are gone because our GOP would not compromise. They won't blame BHO.
The voters will not buy your argument, WQ.

All they will see is their subsidies are gone because our GOP would not compromise. They won't blame BHO.

Takes two to compromise, Jake. :) Obama has already said he refuses to compromise.

Now tell me again who will be blamed?
If the SCOTUS sides with the GOP they will lose the next election.

If the SCOTUS sides with Obamacare the GOP will lose the next election.

When the GOP has nothing to lose then taking their own constituents down the drain with them seems like a reasonable course to take.
These people better pray. They asked for it. I know at least couple of people that can't get coverage because of existing conditions. They are not with ACA but with anthem. They are pissed. They are Republicans. I'm very sure there are thousands of these people. For GOP you can kiss 2016 goodbye.
If the SCOTUS sides with the GOP they will lose the next election.

If the SCOTUS sides with Obamacare the GOP will lose the next election.

When the GOP has nothing to lose then taking their own constituents down the drain with them seems like a reasonable course to take.
These people better pray. They asked for it. I know at least couple of people that can't get coverage because of existing conditions. They are not with ACA but with anthem. They are pissed. They are Republicans. I'm very sure there are thousands of these people. For GOP you can kiss 2016 goodbye.

So many crystal ball readers! :lol: Please...any more predictions?
What objection do you have against guaranteeing insurance for American's with pre-existing conditions?

Insurance is paying into a pool when you are healthy and then getting coverage when you have a problem. It is shared risk. The equation is over a lifetime you generally pay in about what you take out. If that equation is out of balance then somebody has to come up with the deficit.

This pre existing condition bullshit is just another form of welfare where you can get benefits regardless of if you paid in your share or not.

"Their ain't no such thing as a free lunch".

This Libtard mentality where they think they are entitled to have somebody else pay their bills simply because they are alive is absolutely despicable.
Republicans to Obama:

You didn't stop us from fucking up your bill so it is YOUR fault

No...the Dims fucked it up all by themselves....:lol:

Lets see...

Republicans cherry pick an obscure sentence and push a bizarre interpretation
Republicans file suit to Supreme Court
Republicans refuse simple legislation clarifying the wording

Yup...Obama's fault
Actually the Republicans didn't file the lawsuit, dumbass...... They aren't to blame.....

This one is completely on Obama and the Democrats!!!!!
It seems the catching point is "But Burwell said the measure would also take away the subsidies over time and repeal important components of Obamacare such as guaranteeing insurance for Americans with pre-existing health conditions.
Burwell Obama wouldn t sign GOP plan to extend insurance subsidies - Yahoo News
Did you predict that? What objection do you have against guaranteeing insurance for American's with pre-existing conditions?

Why do Republicans have so much of a problem with covering pre-existing conditions?

An overwhelming majority of Americans support it

Simple answer, it is not a republican or democrat issue, it boils down to an insurance industry issue of breaking even or a chance of making a profit. for starters google Assurant Health Care to see the results, they are loosing countless millions, premiums do not cover expenses and are exiting the health care industry. The fact that the young, who have been forced, to purchase health insurance premiums are less likely to require care, however, the senior population requires extensive and costly medical treatment, by theory unused coverage allocations should cover the shortfall, it doesn't. By increasing deductibles to a level that few young people and marginal earners can afford. The theory goes that the healthy youth will not use insurance until absolutely required. The bill is flawed from top to bottom, this veiled attempt to classify it as health insurance is nothing more than a reallocation program gone the way all government programs work, the garbage can.

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