Obama will win re-election in 2012 by default

In 92 - Clinton said: "I didn't inhale."

Bush said "Read my lips"

Which is worse??
Incumbants have to really suck to not win re-election - like Carter ............................

Bush Sr did not suck - not sure why he lost.........................

"Read my lips... no new taxes"

That's why he lost.

That and Ross Perot talked about a balanced budget and got 18% of the popular vote IIRC.

But he is right, unless the president completely fucks up on his message and loses his base, he likely will get elected.

Republicans should focus Marco Rubio and Chris Christie on 2016. But it ain't gonna matter much when Biden wins in 2016 :tongue:

He is losing his base... the moderates have abandoned him, the far left fringe isn't happy that he hasn't been able to turn the U.S. into a Marxist utopia. All he has left are the unions... and we see how that's playing out.

Couple that with inflation, and possibly stagflation, 56,000,000 unemployed, Obamacare, record debt, $5 gasoline....

and... Biden?

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David George DeLancey for President. Your the voter. If this message trips your trigger then put my name on the ballot and check the box. Here is my plan, Idea, Evaluation, whatever you think it is it's your vote. If you do agree then I've sold you on this idea. When I leave the Presidential Office for someone else to 'acknowledge' then that presidency will be yours and yes still in effect. What affect will this five issue plan have on you.

A One Percent Sales Tax on the Dollar, I also feel it worthy to have a 1/2 a cent sales tax from within the dollar. Example .42 cents 1/2 a cent sales tax. .88 cents 1/2 a cent sales tax. Without Tax money will make nothing for itself. Nothing being the most important thing in the world we can not not think about it. What comes around goes around. Respect is what I give when someone is paying attention to me. For instence I realize that while your attention is towards me I realize that you are actually doing nothing. That counts or is going to count for something. Nothing = something. That was the first thing just the 1% and 1/2 % sales tax. Hers number three; Everybody over the age of twenty-one gets money; this is called 'Distribution' it is now in calculation of me and another whom help't me figure an aproximate value $4000.00 although if you agree that I have sold you on this ongoing idea then it should be $4400.00 sales tax included. Give this some thought. When you have deposited money in your bank account you recieve interest, thats a sale. Next issue is an Income Tax withheld from ones paycheck, tax goes up so should the wage. No sence on getting the shaft twice when the state informs of this ahead of time, and businesses advance on it by upping the value on stuff. Fourth thing is Disabled persons get more. 5th thing is Retired Persons get more. Of course we're going to have alot of divercity between these two last fields although there should be "Distribution" no matter what. Upsetting isn't it to know that money being an invention {go head think it over} is used in such a diversified way. Calculation respect what belongs to you and nothing else will matter. You've got to start somewhere. Vote David George DeLancey the one acknowledgeing the Presidential Seat of the White House. That will involve all of us as well. Remember when the president leaves there should be something there to be continued. It is not all that bad assuming the position, though acknowledgeing it , well thats a fact. But only if you agree.

The Federal Researve Bank Of The United States issues the funds that is if it's ok. When the funds get distributed it will now be collected by the individual states. This will inturn be collect every quarter by the Federal Researve Bank of The United States. It then values the money. {{{{WORTH}}}} Worth is 100 people at a penny a piece equals $1.00. The next 100 people at the same taxation are now valueing the dollar at $2.00. Thats just an example that when we figure where the money is we realy can't touch it. Realy would you lend someone $1000.00 if you only had $500.00 in what ever savings container you choose to have. And look at this this way. One lends out $20.00 because the other asked for it, heck you'd run out of money to if you were at an amusement park. So you go ahead and give the $20.00 away. Darn it what about the sales tax. That person will now only get at a lets say 5% sales tax which is out ragious only $19.95. I thought that person wanted $20.00. Oops there it goes again the same $20.00! Now it's worth $19.90 by the time the Federal researves bank gets the whole bloodt thing there will be nothing left for investemnt on your other part. Thats right it's all investment. But what if you not only wanted to invest in the country and you leats say thought hey I could by a lawn mower and fix it up. It costs you $25.00 for the mowere $27.50 for parts in which you again took care of the sales tax. Now you have in incomeof what ever you sell it for. More money to you. And they say the rich pay more, of course they do they have more. It's not illegal to have more money. If the Boody Income Tax was 18% {just an example there heck we would have to go to work to figure what the real estimate or value was}, then every body would pay the same tax rate; remember the term rate for future "expenditures" expenditures may be getting personal; An idea can be an expenditure. What do you own. It is the terms and meanings and all words, it is what we live by, it is the value of ....go ahead you finish it.

If I haven't yet got my name on the ballot then if you agree with this message please secure this investment by putting it there and don't forget to check the box. Unless your useing a pen and don't won't to make things sloppy after decideing hym maybe not. At least my name will be noticed. Anything can happen. Although that was kind of a kidding thing you know. Weigh this out Acknowledgement and Assuming. What is the postion.

here's a good one repeat after me this also represents respect-----I'm The Boss We're The Boss You're The Boss
5:37 p.m. e.s.t. 3-8-2011
Still a long way out to make any sort of stupid assumption such as this.
You mean like those folks who still insist WMDs will be found?


"Republican voters looking for their party's 2012 challenger to President Barack Obama will choose from a field that has as many perceived weaknesses as strengths.

"It's tough to beat an incumbent, and if you're going to do it, you're going to have to do it with someone who is stellar. It's not clear that Republicans have that," said Julian Zelizer, a political scientist professor at Princeton University.

The candidates who can best manage their negatives are likely to be the ones who will rise from the pack in the months of campaigning, which is just beginning to heat up.

There is no better example than former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, who many consider the front-runner of a race that is wide open and off to a slow start.

His potential Achilles' heel is the healthcare plan he helped develop for his state that looks suspiciously like the Obama plan that conservatives want to repeal.

Gee......Romneycare vs. Obamacare.....should be interesting!

The above post idea of a 1%sales tax. Distibution to every one over the age of twenty-one. State Tax withheld from ones paycheck. Disabled persons get more. Retired persons get more. Was thought of in 1986 I wrote to the Governor of New Hampshire in care of President Reagan. Second invoice was in 1992 in Wyoming to Governor Simpson in care of President Clinton in his second year forst term. I kept warning myself I was right. Next letter was to Senator Kennedy four months prior to his passing of death. I also at this same period wrote to The Governor of California. Out of all these I got a responce from California. I started On the Internet in 2005. This was my first time on the commuter system. I have had learned quite alot and am still advancing. I admit reading some of my literature has probably been challenging for some. It only gets better.

I chose the clapping of the hands because I realy think my idea beats any one elses. Personally if I actually cared if I got the Presidential position then I would worrying about somebodyelses extraodinary plan. It's been 25 years now how would you feel. All I realy have to do is depend on how you feel, heck it's my idea. Reread it if you can't get a grip on yourself. We all have to do what we have to do. Perhaps thats why nothing gets done. Actually it is said that a controlled farm owned by a large state of being will not produce well. But if that farm was devided into small family farms it would for sure prodeuce more. You've got to start somewhere:clap2:
There are plenty of viable Republican candidates

There is what's his name
Then there is that other guy
And that lady who won't talk to anyone
And that guy that nobody likes

Obama needs to be worried
Nobody in the GOP field is breaking out - and most of them have huge negatives of their own.

People will vote for the incumbant because it is safe.

That's the most terrifying scenario I've ever heard. Man you should write Horror movies.
Here we are at Exit Eleven Just spoke word from God in Heaven.
Here we are at Exit Ten just to write with this Old Pen.
Here we are at Exit Nine sure am feeling fine.
Here we are at Exit Eight and I think we're running late.
Here we are at Exit Seven and it's almost Eleven.
Here we are at Exit Six just strolling through these Big Tall Styx.
Here we are at exit Five sure am gald to be alive.
Here we are at Exit Four just ready to open those Big Old Doors.
Here we are at Exit Three and I hope she's thinking of me.
Here we are at Exit Two and I'm surely thinking of you.
Here we are at Exit One and I'm glad that run is done.

You may only change the Here we are to Here I am. If you like I guess Here you are could be apropriate

I'll post one last Poem later during the weak. Although if you like you can go to Watchdog Forum after putting my name David George DeLancey for President. There I have a Poem in regards to a relative from the 1700's who resided in New York. Enjoy; Till next Time.

6:14 p.m. I have some Art Economics History being gathered at Anciently DeLancey _It also pertains to family history. I chose not to put any commas with Art Economics History Thats the way augh-hugh augh-hugh I like it augh-hugh augh-hugh. Hey I could probably find an ancester for you. I'm getting real good at it. Ok I cheat I can go to the Genealogy Building in Salt Lake City. They got alot of information there. Although I have found other sources. Isn't it important to know that your here and by that you have had to be from some part that did'nt become extinct. Thats real inportant to me.
Nobody in the GOP field is breaking out - and most of them have huge negatives of their own.

People will vote for the incumbant because it is safe.

George Bush 1 is proof that isn't true. VP for the greatest President in the 20th century and he only made it one term. Jimmy Carter was a better president than obama and Carter lost.
Nobody in the GOP field is breaking out - and most of them have huge negatives of their own.

People will vote for the incumbant because it is safe.

Funny I was just reading a poll that said 65% of Independents think the country is going in the wrong Direction, and just over 50% of them think We are heading for a major Economic Collapse do to Deficit spending and printing money.

Kind of blows a hole in your whole the incumbent is safe Idea.

Obama could surely win Re-Election, but he certainly could lose as well. It is very foolish of either side to be counting those chickens just yet. Keep in mind that Bill Clinton did not even become a candidate till just over 1 year from Election day. Election day is still nearly 2 years away. Plenty of time for some Little Known Republican to pop up and become a front runner.
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Nobody in the GOP field is breaking out - and most of them have huge negatives of their own.

People will vote for the incumbant because it is safe.

That's the most terrifying scenario I've ever heard. Man you should write Horror movies.
You must be too young to remember 2004.


Care to explain why the GOP lost? Could it be they thought they were big spenders? Could it be the democrats have proven to spend more than the Republicans?
Vote for me David George DeLancey. Just put my name on the ballot and check the box.
Here is my plan, it consists of five issues.

#1 A One Percent Sales Tax on the Dollar and a half a-cent from .01 to .99 cents
#2 Distribution to everyone over the age of Twenty-one, estimated fund now is $4040.00
#3 A State Tax on ones Paycheck, when the state income tax goes up so does the wage.
#4 Disabled persons get more.
#5 Retired persons get more.

A state has to put out funds upfront before the collection of income taxes, I do not agree with property tax unless the property is being sold.
Federal and Military expenses are paid by the collection of sales taxes. When a state does not collect enough income tax which it will not, then the Federal Reserves by collection of sales taxes will then flip the remaining bill.

All in all the state collects an income tax, and the federal reserves collects the sales. Since the Federal Reserves Bank distributes the currency then it should be only recommended that that organization collect the income of the usage of the currency which is what the dollar makes. Money should make money for itself.

The printing of money is only limited to the capacity of the country's capabilities, the circulation of a countries currency is very essential. Till next time' Vote David George DeLancey no ands ifs or buts.
Incumbants have to really suck to not win re-election - like Carter ............................

Bush Sr did not suck - not sure why he lost.........................

Ross Perot among other factors,but this is the biggest,he split the vote without him it would be Bill who today,and Hillery would still be selling cattle and land in Ark.
Vote for me David George DeLancey.

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11:01 A.M. E.S.T. 10-4-2011:up:
Vote for me David George DeLancey. Just put my name on the ballot and check the box.
Here is my plan, it consists of five issues.

#1 A One Percent Sales Tax on the Dollar and a half a-cent from .01 to .99 cents
#2 Distribution to everyone over the age of Twenty-one, estimated fund now is $4040.00
#3 A State Tax on ones Paycheck, when the state income tax goes up so does the wage.
#4 Disabled persons get more.
#5 Retired persons get more.

A state has to put out funds upfront before the collection of income taxes, I do not agree with property tax unless the property is being sold.
Federal and Military expenses are paid by the collection of sales taxes. When a state does not collect enough income tax which it will not, then the Federal Reserves by collection of sales taxes will then flip the remaining bill.

All in all the state collects an income tax, and the federal reserves collects the sales. Since the Federal Reserves Bank distributes the currency then it should be only recommended that that organization collect the income of the usage of the currency which is what the dollar makes. Money should make money for itself.

The printing of money is only limited to the capacity of the country's capabilities, the circulation of a countries currency is very essential. Till next time' Vote David George DeLancey no ands ifs or buts.

After what I just read no way would I vote for you.
vote for me david george delancey.

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search david george delancey and my five issue plan
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search david george delancey for president of the united states of ameica

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David George DeLancey World Wide Wisdom

11:01 a.m. E.s.t. 10-4-2011:up:


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