Obama won't attend Judge Scalia's funeral. Only to pay their respects at the high court.

No reason given for Obama not attending the Basilica on Saturday. Only Vice President Biden will attend the funeral with his wife.

I have no words. Just sitting here shaking my head.


President will not attend requiem for Scalia

Do you randomly go to the funerals of people that you don't even agree wit h on most issues?

This gentleman served his country with honor and dignity for thirty years. A President shouldn't be playing politics at this time.

Well a President with class wouldn't be playing politics but instead go to the funeral and honor a great American who loved his country dearly.

he's paying his respects in advance of the funeral.

biden is going to the funeral.

that has been done many times before. but please keep spewing.

that has been done many times before.

By a sitting president in the case of a sitting Supreme Court Justice?

Got a link?
No reason given for Obama not attending the Basilica on Saturday. Only Vice President Biden will attend the funeral with his wife.

I have no words. Just sitting here shaking my head.


President will not attend requiem for Scalia

1. your source is questionable at best.
2. scalia never went to the state of the union.

i'd say they're even

now please go off on another obama deranged rant.

Well Jillian, as usual you don't know your history. The justices did attend the state of the union until Obama made a point to publicly chastise them for a recent decision. After,that some of the conservative justices saw no reason to be publicly humiliated, an unprecedented action never seen before, and therefore declined to be at the sotu.

One of the problems with you liberals,is that you refuse to even tip your hat to a man universally admir d for his brilliance. Scalia is considered one of the top five Supreme Court jurist of all time. Even if you disagree with him, a reasonable person has to concede the persuasive and forceful nature of his arguments. It is simply a question of recognizing excellence no matter where you find it.

Obama is so easy to caricature. He says one of his greatest regrets is that he was not able to bring the country together and in the next breath he slights the dean of conservative opinion. Does anyone doubt that he would be front and center,if it was Ruth Vader Ginsburgs funeral. This is the perfect example of this presidents total lack of leadership. He is truly an epic failure whose legacy will worsen as time goes on in spite of the efforts of his sycophants to rewrite history.

Statement of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg:

Toward the end of the opera Scalia/Ginsburg, tenor Scalia and soprano Ginsburg sing a duet: “We are different, we are one,” different in our interpretation of written texts, one in our reverence for the Constitution and the institution we serve. From our years together at the D.C. Circuit, we were best buddies. We disagreed now and then, but when I wrote for the Court and received a Scalia dissent, the opinion ultimately released was notably better than my initial circulation. Justice Scalia nailed all the weak spots—the “applesauce” and “argle bargle”—and gave me just what I needed to strengthen the majority opinion. He was a jurist of captivating brilliance and wit, with a rare talent to make even the most sober judge laugh. The press referred to his “energetic fervor,” “astringent intellect,” “peppery prose,” “acumen,” and “affability,” all apt descriptions. He was eminently quotable, his pungent opinions so clearly stated that his words never slipped from the reader’s grasp. Justice Scalia once described as the peak of his days on the bench an evening at the Opera Ball when he joined two Washington National Opera tenors at the piano for a medley of songs. He called it the famous Three Tenors performance. He was, indeed, a magnificent performer. It was my great good fortune to have known him as working colleague and treasured friend


yes. they were very good friends. i'd expect nothing less from her.

Almost brings a tear to your eye actually
the president is going to the wake and the vice president will attend the funeral.

Instead, the president will pay his respects on Friday, when Scalia's body lies in repose in the Great Hall of the Supreme Court building. Vice President Joe Biden will attend Scalia's funeral at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, the White House said Wednesday during a press briefing.

White House: Obama Won't Attend Justice Scalia's Funeral

No reason given for Obama not attending the Basilica on Saturday. Only Vice President Biden will attend the funeral with his wife.

I have no words. Just sitting here shaking my head.


President will not attend requiem for Scalia

Obama is low class

Articles: Barack Obama's Funeral Favoritism

yeah, it's peachy keen when other presidents do it.

but it does give you an opportunity to whinge about the black guy.

There it is. Wouldn't be a mindless lefty without playing the race card.
obama's a no-class piece of shit and so are you.
You're just obsessed with feces, you sick fuck!

unkotare \ woon-ko-ta-re \ , noun;

Japanese. Roughly translated as dripping poop. This word is used to describe a pornographic genre commonly known as Scat.
No reason given for Obama not attending the Basilica on Saturday. Only Vice President Biden will attend the funeral with his wife.

I have no words. Just sitting here shaking my head.


President will not attend requiem for Scalia

1. your source is questionable at best.
2. scalia never went to the state of the union.

i'd say they're even

now please go off on another obama deranged rant.

You fool. The source is solid. If you read the article the press was interviewing Josh Ernest. He's the one that broke the news.

Now politics aside. Judge Scalia was a loyal servant to the people of America. For thirty years.

This is a snub by Obama and totally without class. He's just showing his true colors again. Obama is just a punk from Cheeeeeeeeeeecago even after all the years in office.

How pitiful.

How is it a "classless snub" when other presidents have done the same thing :dunno:
The other presidents aren't Black?
Scalia refused to attend every one of Obama's State of the Union Address.

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