Obama won't attend Judge Scalia's funeral. Only to pay their respects at the high court.

No reason given for Obama not attending the Basilica on Saturday. Only Vice President Biden will attend the funeral with his wife.

I have no words. Just sitting here shaking my head.


President will not attend requiem for Scalia

Is there a precedent for a POTUS to do so?

Doesn't seem so.

>> Four out of the past seven funerals for a Supreme Court justice have either had the president or vice president in attendance.

Former President George W. Bush attended the funeral for Chief Justice William Rehnquist.

Former President Bill Clinton attended the funerals for former Chief Justice Warren E. Burger and Justice William Brennan but did not attend the funerals for Justices Harry Blackmun or Lewis F. Powell Jr.

Former Vice President Al Gore attended the funeral for Justice Thurgood Marshall. << --- NBC Nooz

From the same article:

>> When pressed for clarification on Obama missing the funeral, White House press secretary Josh Earnest repeated that "the president will pay his respects at the Supreme Court on Friday and he'll be joined with the first lady when he does that." <<​

Wait --- "joined with?
They're not married?
It really means necrophilia..
No reason given for Obama not attending the Basilica on Saturday. Only Vice President Biden will attend the funeral with his wife.

I have no words. Just sitting here shaking my head.


President will not attend requiem for Scalia

1. your source is questionable at best.
2. scalia never went to the state of the union.

i'd say they're even

now please go off on another obama deranged rant.

You fool. The source is solid. If you read the article the press was interviewing Josh Ernest. He's the one that broke the news.

Now politics aside. Judge Scalia was a loyal servant to the people of America. For thirty years.

This is a snub by Obama and totally without class. He's just showing his true colors again. Obama is just a punk from Cheeeeeeeeeeecago even after all the years in office.

How pitiful.
No, what's pitiful is your ridiculous lie that the president not attending the funeral constitutes a 'snub,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

This is yet another inane 'controversy' contrived by the right.
jones can you clarify point no.1 please?.....
Scalia refused to attend every one of Obama's State of the Union Address.

Not just Obamas.

He missed all of Bushs as well

"WASHINGTON -- While his colleagues got ready to go to the Capitol, Justice Antonin Scalia sat on a stage across town and held forth about why, for the 16th consecutive year, he would not be joining them for the State of the Union."

Antonin Scalia: State Of The Union Is A 'Childish Spectacle'

Guess it just wasn't because of the 'black man'
Scalia refused to attend every one of Obama's State of the Union Address.

Not just Obamas.

He missed all of Bushs as well

"WASHINGTON -- While his colleagues got ready to go to the Capitol, Justice Antonin Scalia sat on a stage across town and held forth about why, for the 16th consecutive year, he would not be joining them for the State of the Union."

Antonin Scalia: State Of The Union Is A 'Childish Spectacle'

Guess it just wasn't because of the 'black man'
He stopped going to them in Clinton's second term. It wasn't about race, that is for sure. Nor was it about party affiliation. No doubt, there is a story behind his disrespect for Presidents.
But, for some, (partisan) reason, we're only hearing about him not going to Obamas SOTU.

Cons, how about some outrage at the 5,000 funerals parents had to go to for their children killed in Iraq. Republicans all pretty much acknowledge now going into Iraq was the wrong thing to do.

So let us keep things in perspective eh. Where's the disgust for Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, and the rest of the ghoul squad.
When it comes to Barack Obama insulting the dead, the funerals of Americans are no exception.

The president chose to fly 16 hours and allowed the State Department to spend $11.5 million for Nelson Mandela’s funeral where, including the time spent taking selfies, he and the first lady spent less than 13 hours on the ground. But for the funerals of Brian Terry, the Border Patrol agent shot dead with a “Fast and Furious” gun, and ICE agent Jaime Zapata, who was allegedly executed with a gun also provided to his killers by the Obama administration, the president was a no-show.

Most recently, a second round of golf in three days waylaid Obama on the same day that 55-year-old murdered Major General Harold J. Green, the highest-ranking military officer killed in combat in a half-century, was laid to rest.

But talk is cheap. Based on which funeral he attends and which he sits out, it’s clear Obama does assign significance to the passing of some and not to others. When it comes to shedding tears and attending funerals, black civil rights leaders, left-leaning Hawaiian senators, and victims of gun violence -- whose deaths further his anti-Second Amendment agenda -- do have more worth when weighed against whether or not he should forego a round of golf or pay his final respects.

What’s obvious is that the president who preaches fairness is actually guilty of favoritism, especially when it comes to attending funerals.

Obama’s partiality is evident whenever a previously-scheduled golf game makes it all but impossible for him to break away, or if the deceased person is a patriot who died in the line of duty, embraces conflicting partisan views, or is a dead foreign leader whose political philosophy President Barack Obama rejects.

Read more: Articles: Barack Obama's Funeral Favoritism
No reason given for Obama not attending the Basilica on Saturday. Only Vice President Biden will attend the funeral with his wife.

I have no words. Just sitting here shaking my head.


President will not attend requiem for Scalia
"There are those who contend that it does not benefit African-Americans to get them into the University of Texas where they do not do well, as opposed to having them go to a less-advanced school, a slower-track school where they do well," Scalia said Wednesday during oral arguments in a case involving a race-conscious college admissions plan. The 79-year-old justice, speaking to a hushed courtroom, then referenced a friend-of-the-court brief filed in the case. "One of the briefs pointed out that most of the black scientists in this country don't come from schools like the University of Texas," he said, "they come from lesser schools where they do not feel that they're being pushed ahead in classes that are too fast for them."

Just sayin'.........
Probably the easiest thing for Republicans to do is make up a comprehensive list of funerals they expect the president to attend and send it to him.

It's gotta be a long one so get started.
Probably the easiest thing for Republicans to do is make up a comprehensive list of funerals they expect the president to attend and send it to him.

It's gotta be a long one so get started.

How about the upcoming one for Rubio's presidential aspirations?
When it comes to Barack Obama insulting the dead, the funerals of Americans are no exception.

The president chose to fly 16 hours and allowed the State Department to spend $11.5 million for Nelson Mandela’s funeral where, including the time spent taking selfies, he and the first lady spent less than 13 hours on the ground. But for the funerals of Brian Terry, the Border Patrol agent shot dead with a “Fast and Furious” gun, and ICE agent Jaime Zapata, who was allegedly executed with a gun also provided to his killers by the Obama administration, the president was a no-show.

Most recently, a second round of golf in three days waylaid Obama on the same day that 55-year-old murdered Major General Harold J. Green, the highest-ranking military officer killed in combat in a half-century, was laid to rest.

But talk is cheap. Based on which funeral he attends and which he sits out, it’s clear Obama does assign significance to the passing of some and not to others. When it comes to shedding tears and attending funerals, black civil rights leaders, left-leaning Hawaiian senators, and victims of gun violence -- whose deaths further his anti-Second Amendment agenda -- do have more worth when weighed against whether or not he should forego a round of golf or pay his final respects.

What’s obvious is that the president who preaches fairness is actually guilty of favoritism, especially when it comes to attending funerals.

Obama’s partiality is evident whenever a previously-scheduled golf game makes it all but impossible for him to break away, or if the deceased person is a patriot who died in the line of duty, embraces conflicting partisan views, or is a dead foreign leader whose political philosophy President Barack Obama rejects.

Read more: Articles: Barack Obama's Funeral Favoritism
and ICE agent Jaime Zapata, who was allegedly executed with a gun also provided to his killers by the Obama administration

I was wondering where you might have had to go to find this....
I just googled it. Obama +funerals

Here are six people whose funerals the Obama administration took less seriously than Brown’s.

Margaret Thatcher. No senior White House officials were sent to the funeral of our staunchest Cold War ally, former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Instead, President Obama sent the charge d’affaires at the US embassy in London, and the former ambassador to Britain, as well as former Secretaries of State George Shultz and James Baker. That drew the ire of the British press, with the UK Sun reporting, “A No 10 source said last night: ‘We are a little surprised by the White House’s reaction as we were expecting a high-profile attendance.” The Guardian said that the White House sent “distinctly low-key official representation.”

Chris Kyle. When the famed sniper was murdered at a Texas shooting range in February 2013, not only did the White House make no statement, the White House sent nobody to his funeral. And while the White House did issue a statement about the death of singer Whitney Housing (she died that same month), the White House never even mentioned Kyle.

Nicholas Oresko, The Medal of Honor recipient for heroism during World War II died at age 96 last year. President Harry Truman gave him the Medal of Honor after he wiped out two enemy bunkers during the Battle of the Bulge despite being gravely wounded. There was no reported White House attendance at his funeral.

Lech Kaczynski. The Polish president was killed in a plane crash in 2010. President Obama originally announced he would attend the funeral, but cancelled, then golfed the day of his funeral.

Aunt Zeituni. Obama’s aunt, Zeituni Onyango, played a large role in his autobiography,Dreams From My Father. Obama called her “Auntie.” She died in South Boston in April 2013. As The New York Times reported, “Mr. Obama helped pay funeral expenses and sent a condolence note, Ms. Onyango’s family members said, but the president did not attend, as he was golfing.”

James Foley. Foley’s funeral is not scheduled until October 18. On Sunday, however, his family held a memorial service for the journalist beheaded at the hands of ISIS. The service, in New Hampshire, drew hundreds, including Senators

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH)
as well as Governor Maggie Hassan.. There were no reports of representatives from the White House at the event.

President Obama’s delegation to Michael Brown’s funeral sends an important message. That message isn’t lost on the families of the soldiers and cops, teachers and firefighters, citizens who aren’t killed under disputed circumstances, don’t become the subject of riots, and who therefore don’t receive presidential aides at their funerals.

6 Funerals Obama Cared Less About Than Michael Brown - Breitbart
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