Obamacare continues to kill jobs across the country. Thanks, liberals.


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
More examples of how Obamacare is killing jobs in both the private and public sector. Whether it's a business or a city, those in the know are doing what they need to do in order to survive. Stryker Corp. has always supported Democrats. I bet they are regretting that now.

Michigan medical technology giant Stryker Corporation announced last year that it was slicing its workforce by 5 percent and blamed ObamaCare’s medical device tax as the reason. And yet, unlike the CEO’s of Papa John’s, Applebees and others who have projected ObamaCare-related cutbacks in the restaurant industry just this week, Stryker faced no threats of boycotts nor angry accusations that the job cuts were politically motivated by disgruntled Romney voters.

There are three heirs to the Stryker fortune that was started when Homer Stryker, a surgeon from Kalamazoo, Michigan, founded the company. They are his three billionaire grandchildren: Pat Stryker, Jon Stryker and Ronda Stryker. Pat and Jon are well known to political operatives in Colorado and Michigan, respectively, as each was heavily involved in financing Left-wing political organizations aimed at truning the states from Republican Red to Democrat Blue. Ronda, the only one of the three on the board of directors at Stryker, has also been a generous political donor to Democrats.

As with the restaurant industry, Stryker was hardly alone in worrying over the impact of the tax on its business model: The Medical Device Manufacturer’s Association calls the medical device levy a “tax on innovation” and estimates that it will hammer the high tech industry to the tune of $30 billion per year. The CEOs at Stryker and Papa John’s announced the same response (staffing cutbacks) to the same challenge (harmful economic winds blowing from ObamaCare). If you are from the entrepreneurial half of America, then you don’t see a difference in these reactions. You know that the impact of bad public policy is like a law of gravity that businesses must obey to stay competitive. But if you’re from the non-entrepreneurial half of America, then you might imagine political motives instead – hence the boycott threats toward Papa John’s and Applebees.

Medical Giant with Democrat Ties Terminates Workers, Cites ObamaCare

Medical Giant with Democrat Ties Terminates Workers, Cites ObamaCare | Job Creators Solutions

If they kept 59 part time employees at 30+ hours a week, it could cost the city $850,000 a year because of Obamacare. That is an example of how much that oppressive bill will cost people. Companies are starting to layoff and reduce employee hours now because once the disasterous law goes into effect, they will look at the history of hours worked and go by that to determine how much companies pay. So, they are doing this in advance to avoid going bankrupt.

Cedar Falls cuts work hours due to ObamaCare
Cedar Falls cuts work hours due to ObamaCare - KWWL.com - News & Weather for Waterloo, Dubuque, Cedar Rapids & Iowa City, Iowa |
These people are full of it, medical and insurance costs were on a ruinous rise before anyone did a thing and were a leading cause of layoffs and terminations, if special interests had not insisted we stick to the employer provided group coverage scam we have always had then perhaps so many employers would not find themselves still in a position of being on the hook for insurance costs.
These people are full of it, medical and insurance costs were on a ruinous rise before anyone did a thing and were a leading cause of layoffs and terminations, if special interests had not insisted we stick to the employer provided group coverage scam we have always had then perhaps so many employers would not find themselves still in a position of being on the hook for insurance costs.

You once again show us how stupid you are. Yes costs were on the rise before the bill, but now they have risen even faster, and business have the added cost of having to Insure more people. Obamacare has done, and will do, NOTHING to lower costs.

It and you are both Epic Fails.
A cost of $850,000 for 59 employees??? Yikes, that is just shameful. Businesses and cities cannot survive this, so watch for unemployment levels to reach astronomical levels. Obamacare is not lowering medical costs. Millions will remain uninsured. There is no improvement at all, in fact just the opposite. Costs rising, care will be doled out. Doctors talking about quitting the profession and government panels calling the shots. It will cost trillions and everything is going to shit. Obama is already talking about bringing foreign doctors in to take the place of those who quit since their income will be capped. Some countries don't have the same standards in medical training and I've met some foreign doctors in the military clinics. It was a nightmare.

Seems the only improvement, in the eyes of the liberal politicians, is that they have more power and control over us, they are stealing trillions from the people so they can run our lives, they have access to our bank accounts and they say who lives and dies.

And some people cheer this on. Just amazing.
Maybe if the right would stop running around in circles and screaming, "OMG! OBAMACARE!" and sit down to talk about it, we might be able to fix what's wrong with it.

The fact is that The People voted for Obama, knowing fully well that a vote for him was a vote for Obamacare, yet the GOP continues to act is if that didn't happen, preferring instead to keep on blathering the same "kill it" nonsense which cost them the election.

Obamacare is here to stay, folks. It's not going away. It has things in it which need to be fixed, so either get involved or shut the hell up about it.
Maybe if the right would stop running around in circles and screaming, "OMG! OBAMACARE!" and sit down to talk about it, we might be able to fix what's wrong with it.

The fact is that The People voted for Obama, knowing fully well that a vote for him was a vote for Obamacare, yet the GOP continues to act is if that didn't happen, preferring instead to keep on blathering the same "kill it" nonsense which cost them the election.

Obamacare is here to stay, folks. It's not going away. It has things in it which need to be fixed, so either get involved or shut the hell up about it.

yeah SURE, then we get thrown in our faces, Obama won get over it
If the people we elected don't come up with any better ideas we'll end up with single payer in the next 15 years.

Pretty sure you're right.

I can tell you that I've got several business owner clients who have visited our CPA's, trying to find a way to stay above water when this sucker kicks in. I can also report that not one of them is planning any kind of expansion in any way in response to it, and that virtually all of them are planning cutbacks in one form or another, primarily in hours to full timers.

This isn't about greed, it's about survival.

I never thought I'd say this, but single payer would be better than what's about to happen.

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obama says he wants to tax the rich for education purposes. When in fact schools are becoming nothing more than liberal think tanks
More money for the union thugs
Maybe if the right would stop running around in circles and screaming, "OMG! OBAMACARE!" and sit down to talk about it, we might be able to fix what's wrong with it.

The fact is that The People voted for Obama, knowing fully well that a vote for him was a vote for Obamacare, yet the GOP continues to act is if that didn't happen, preferring instead to keep on blathering the same "kill it" nonsense which cost them the election.

Obamacare is here to stay, folks. It's not going away. It has things in it which need to be fixed, so either get involved or shut the hell up about it.

Make up your mind, Old...are we supposed to not talk about it (because it's so obviously flawed) or are we supposed to talk about it (which is what we SHOULD have done before passing one of the worst written pieces of legislation in the country's history that is going to affect 1/6 of our economy)

Instead of now having to try to polish this "turd" why didn't we pass something that would have actually done what the American people WANTED...legislation to lower the cost of health care?
yeah SURE, then we get thrown in our faces, Obama won get over it

Why don't you try it and see? Is the fear of getting your feelings hurt worth the future of America?

This has ZERO to do with people's "feelings". This has to do with the millions of people who are currently out of work...and the millions more who will be joining them because of this legislation that was so badly conceived and rammed down our throats just to get "something" passed that would eventually lead to a single payer system. What about THOSE people's "feelings"? Or do they not count?
Make up your mind, Old...are we supposed to not talk about it (because it's so obviously flawed)

I didn't say that. Of course we should talk about it, but clinging to hardened, black or white ideological or partisan positions is not "talking," is it?

or are we supposed to talk about it (which is what we SHOULD have done before passing one of the worst written pieces of legislation in the country's history that is going to affect 1/6 of our economy)

Yes, we should have. But, one party was invited to participate and flat refused to do so. And, the President never offered up HIS plan as a starting point. Instead, we ended up with a bill crafted by committee, by one party. Who should be surprised at what we got, given that genesis?

However, that's in the past now and there's nothing we can do about how it came to pass. We still have the future, though, and COULD work together to either fix what's wrong with it or replace it with something else.

That will not happen unless WE demand it. And, THAT will require that we all look past our own prejudices and distrust of the other side.

Good luck with that.
Why don't you try it and see? Is the fear of getting your feelings hurt worth the future of America?

This has ZERO to do with people's "feelings". This has to do with the millions of people who are currently out of work...and the millions more who will be joining them because of this legislation that was so badly conceived and rammed down our throats just to get "something" passed that would eventually lead to a single payer system. What about THOSE people's "feelings"? Or do they not count?

Your side is not going to succeed in eliminating Obamacare. The recent election proves that.

So...are you willing to work together to fix it or replace it, or will you let your ideology stand in the way of helping those people?

Which will it be? All or nothing? Or, compromise?
Make up your mind, Old...are we supposed to not talk about it (because it's so obviously flawed)

I didn't say that. Of course we should talk about it, but clinging to hardened, black or white ideological or partisan positions is not "talking," is it?

or are we supposed to talk about it (which is what we SHOULD have done before passing one of the worst written pieces of legislation in the country's history that is going to affect 1/6 of our economy)

Yes, we should have. But, one party was invited to participate and flat refused to do so. And, the President never offered up HIS plan as a starting point. Instead, we ended up with a bill crafted by committee, by one party. Who should be surprised at what we got, given that genesis?

However, that's in the past now and there's nothing we can do about how it came to pass. We still have the future, though, and COULD work together to either fix what's wrong with it or replace it with something else.

That will not happen unless WE demand it. And, THAT will require that we all look past our own prejudices and distrust of the other side.

Good luck with that.

One party was invited to "rubber stamp" what the other party "crafted" (can you REALLY even use that word for such a bad piece of legislation?) behind closed doors. Am I surprised that it's a bad bill? Of course not...it was primarily drafted by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid...two dyed in the wool progressives who are not very bright when it comes to economics or health care.

So we've got a law that is going to destroy jobs at a time when we desperately NEED them. Who's fault is that? Why do we need to completely overhaul something that was just passed?
Youngstown State University Hours To Avoid Obamacare Rule

Posted by or from a variety of publications on EducationViews.orgon November 30, 2012in Daily, Health, Higher Ed, News of the Day|0 Comment
Youngstown State University will limit the hours of non-union part-time employees to ensure that the university is not required to provide them with health insurance coverage under Obamacare.

YSU, a public institution in eastern Ohio, announced to employees earlier this month that it is restricting part-time employees, including adjunct professors and lecturers, to 29 hours a week or less. Under the Affordable Care Act, the university will have to provide health insurance to full-time employees, classified as anyone working 30 hours or more per week.

According to an email sent to English department employees, which was obtained by The Huffington Post, anyone who violates the new hourly limit will be fired:

all of it here
Youngstown State University Hours To Avoid Obamacare Rule | Education News
And by the way...blaming ideology for the opposition to this "Frankenstein's monster" of a bill is insulting, Old. I oppose it NOW for the same reasons I opposed it four years ago. It doesn't do what it's supposed to do...lower health care costs.
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