Obamacare has 6 million people..when will the other 46 million


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
get enrolled?

I mean the WHOLE ACA was sold based on 46 million uninsured Americans.

So when will these 40 million become insured?

That was what ACA was passed on the 46 million uninsured Americans right?

Irrespective that 10 million according to the Census of the 46 million were not citizens.
Irrespective that 14 million according to the Census only needed to register with Medicaid and they were covered.
Irrespective that 18 million that DON"T NEED (under 34) Can afford (make over $50k) and refuse their employers' health plan.

So why was there a need to destroy our health care system for 4 million people of WHICH obviously NOW they are covered!

SO where are the rest of the 40 million????
Come on all you Obama care lovers... what is the answer???
If we have 6 million signed up where are the other 40 million...
I mean 46 million uninsured... 6 million signed up leaves 40 million still to enroll... where are they???
Could it be THERE NEVER WERE 46 million "uninsured"??
Even Obama walked back his claim of 46 million when he stopped counting 10 million that weren't citizens.

That leaves per Obama 30 million...
OK Obama's administration runs CMS which runs Medicaid.
Why didn't 14 million people who were counted as part of Obama's 46 million uninsured not be registered under pre-ACA Medicaid?
Certainly eligible according to Census and their poverty level!
Finally where are those invincible 18 million under 34 that obviously don't want or need Obamacare! Why aren't they signing up in droves?
Probably because THEY DON"T WANT or NEED health insurance!
So please would all you Obamacare proponents tell me WHERE are the 46 million????
Hell? They're not even SURE 6 Million is evn correct. I say the number is terribly inflated. And how many are actually PAYING into to it right now. Not even Sebeillus knows that answer. They forgot COUNTERS on the $600+M waste of money. Typical of government. BOTCHED.
If I'm not mistaken, the approximate numbers of uninsured was 46 million, however you get to that number does not matter. After Obamacare was passed something around 5 million approx lost their insurance, thus shifting that 46 million number to 52 million, approx. Now gaining 7 million insured would give you about 44 million uninsured going off the numbers provided by the Government.

If 1-2 million fail to pay or fully sign up for Obamacare out of the 7 million number claim is yet to be seen... If that is the case, Obamacare will have been a near 100% wash at this point and simply be costing the US billions for a net positive of 0%.

HC insurance is on the rise and has been since the passage of Obamacare, this is nothing new but the claim was that families would save around 2,500$ a year on HC, now it is accepted that it will cost 1-3k more a year under Obamacare and that there is no real overall savings, but rather a large loss in overall savings for the average citizen.

I am not a mindless Obama hater, nor am I a mindless Obamacare hater... I waited a long time to even post really much of anything on Obamacare. Here we are, these are the realities and possible future we have under Obamacare.
If I'm not mistaken, the approximate numbers of uninsured was 46 million, however you get to that number does not matter. After Obamacare was passed something around 5 million approx lost their insurance, thus shifting that 46 million number to 52 million, approx. Now gaining 7 million insured would give you about 44 million uninsured going off the numbers provided by the Government.

If 1-2 million fail to pay or fully sign up for Obamacare out of the 7 million number claim is yet to be seen... If that is the case, Obamacare will have been a near 100% wash at this point and simply be costing the US billions for a net positive of 0%.

HC insurance is on the rise and has been since the passage of Obamacare, this is nothing new but the claim was that families would save around 2,500$ a year on HC, now it is accepted that it will cost 1-3k more a year under Obamacare and that there is no real overall savings, but rather a large loss in overall savings for the average citizen.

I am not a mindless Obama hater, nor am I a mindless Obamacare hater... I waited a long time to even post really much of anything on Obamacare. Here we are, these are the realities and possible future we have under Obamacare.

The 5 million who lost insurance number was just a right wing talking point and never backed up with data. The actual number after you figure in grandfathered plans due to Obama's executive order will come in at less then 1 million.

Also 6 million is just the number that signed up for private insurance via the healthcare exchanges. It doesn't include people that signed up for Medicaid or signed up for private insurance directly without using the exchanges. It also doesn't include 18-26 year olds who now qualify to be on their parent's insurance.

All said and done the number is something just shy of 10 million people with health coverage of some kind that didn't have it before. It's the largest increase in health coverage since the 1960's and probably just the beginning since it is just the first year of implementation.

The goal was never to cover ALL 46 million people, nobody ever said it was. The percentage of people without any access to healthcare dropped in the timespan of roughly five months from 20.1% to 16.8%....that's BIG! We've never seen such a rapid drop ever before, even during the creation of Medicare/Medicaid in the 60's.
get enrolled?

I mean the WHOLE ACA was sold based on 46 million uninsured Americans.

So when will these 40 million become insured?

That was what ACA was passed on the 46 million uninsured Americans right?

Irrespective that 10 million according to the Census of the 46 million were not citizens.
Irrespective that 14 million according to the Census only needed to register with Medicaid and they were covered.
Irrespective that 18 million that DON"T NEED (under 34) Can afford (make over $50k) and refuse their employers' health plan.

So why was there a need to destroy our health care system for 4 million people of WHICH obviously NOW they are covered!

SO where are the rest of the 40 million????

So the ACA has already insured 2 million more than you claim ever existed?

lolol, perfect!
get enrolled?

I mean the WHOLE ACA was sold based on 46 million uninsured Americans.

So when will these 40 million become insured?

That was what ACA was passed on the 46 million uninsured Americans right?

Irrespective that 10 million according to the Census of the 46 million were not citizens.
Irrespective that 14 million according to the Census only needed to register with Medicaid and they were covered.
Irrespective that 18 million that DON"T NEED (under 34) Can afford (make over $50k) and refuse their employers' health plan.

So why was there a need to destroy our health care system for 4 million people of WHICH obviously NOW they are covered!

SO where are the rest of the 40 million????

So the ACA has already insured 2 million more than you claim ever existed?

lolol, perfect!
Common core math skills?
get enrolled?

I mean the WHOLE ACA was sold based on 46 million uninsured Americans.

So when will these 40 million become insured?

That was what ACA was passed on the 46 million uninsured Americans right?

Irrespective that 10 million according to the Census of the 46 million were not citizens.
Irrespective that 14 million according to the Census only needed to register with Medicaid and they were covered.
Irrespective that 18 million that DON"T NEED (under 34) Can afford (make over $50k) and refuse their employers' health plan.

So why was there a need to destroy our health care system for 4 million people of WHICH obviously NOW they are covered!

SO where are the rest of the 40 million????

So the ACA has already insured 2 million more than you claim ever existed?

lolol, perfect!
Common core math skills?

Bad reading comprehension?
If I'm not mistaken, the approximate numbers of uninsured was 46 million, however you get to that number does not matter. After Obamacare was passed something around 5 million approx lost their insurance, thus shifting that 46 million number to 52 million, approx. Now gaining 7 million insured would give you about 44 million uninsured going off the numbers provided by the Government.

If 1-2 million fail to pay or fully sign up for Obamacare out of the 7 million number claim is yet to be seen... If that is the case, Obamacare will have been a near 100% wash at this point and simply be costing the US billions for a net positive of 0%.

HC insurance is on the rise and has been since the passage of Obamacare, this is nothing new but the claim was that families would save around 2,500$ a year on HC, now it is accepted that it will cost 1-3k more a year under Obamacare and that there is no real overall savings, but rather a large loss in overall savings for the average citizen.

I am not a mindless Obama hater, nor am I a mindless Obamacare hater... I waited a long time to even post really much of anything on Obamacare. Here we are, these are the realities and possible future we have under Obamacare.

The 5 million who lost insurance number was just a right wing talking point and never backed up with data. The actual number after you figure in grandfathered plans due to Obama's executive order will come in at less then 1 million.

Also 6 million is just the number that signed up for private insurance via the healthcare exchanges. It doesn't include people that signed up for Medicaid or signed up for private insurance directly without using the exchanges. It also doesn't include 18-26 year olds who now qualify to be on their parent's insurance.

All said and done the number is something just shy of 10 million people with health coverage of some kind that didn't have it before. It's the largest increase in health coverage since the 1960's and probably just the beginning since it is just the first year of implementation.

The goal was never to cover ALL 46 million people, nobody ever said it was. The percentage of people without any access to healthcare dropped in the timespan of roughly five months from 20.1% to 16.8%....that's BIG! We've never seen such a rapid drop ever before, even during the creation of Medicare/Medicaid in the 60's.

You can dismiss the facts as talking points all you like. That does not change the facts.
Once the high deductibles and other conditions are factored in, for the average healthy person, ACA covers NOTHING....
If I'm not mistaken, the approximate numbers of uninsured was 46 million, however you get to that number does not matter. After Obamacare was passed something around 5 million approx lost their insurance, thus shifting that 46 million number to 52 million, approx. Now gaining 7 million insured would give you about 44 million uninsured going off the numbers provided by the Government.

If 1-2 million fail to pay or fully sign up for Obamacare out of the 7 million number claim is yet to be seen... If that is the case, Obamacare will have been a near 100% wash at this point and simply be costing the US billions for a net positive of 0%.

HC insurance is on the rise and has been since the passage of Obamacare, this is nothing new but the claim was that families would save around 2,500$ a year on HC, now it is accepted that it will cost 1-3k more a year under Obamacare and that there is no real overall savings, but rather a large loss in overall savings for the average citizen.

I am not a mindless Obama hater, nor am I a mindless Obamacare hater... I waited a long time to even post really much of anything on Obamacare. Here we are, these are the realities and possible future we have under Obamacare.

The 5 million who lost insurance number was just a right wing talking point and never backed up with data. The actual number after you figure in grandfathered plans due to Obama's executive order will come in at less then 1 million.

Also 6 million is just the number that signed up for private insurance via the healthcare exchanges. It doesn't include people that signed up for Medicaid or signed up for private insurance directly without using the exchanges. It also doesn't include 18-26 year olds who now qualify to be on their parent's insurance.

All said and done the number is something just shy of 10 million people with health coverage of some kind that didn't have it before. It's the largest increase in health coverage since the 1960's and probably just the beginning since it is just the first year of implementation.

The goal was never to cover ALL 46 million people, nobody ever said it was. The percentage of people without any access to healthcare dropped in the timespan of roughly five months from 20.1% to 16.8%....that's BIG! We've never seen such a rapid drop ever before, even during the creation of Medicare/Medicaid in the 60's.

You can dismiss the facts as talking points all you like. That does not change the facts.
Once the high deductibles and other conditions are factored in, for the average healthy person, ACA covers NOTHING....

You can call them facts all you like...that doesn't make them facts.
so this is the meme the right is pushing?

What "meme"???
Obama said there were.."“I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today.
CURL: We overhauled U.S. health care ? to insure 4.2 million people? - Washington Times

EVEN the Census said 10 million of the 46 million are not CITIZENS!! So that leaves 36 million!

Why is it hard to believe that the grossly inefficient CMS that reports to Obama doesn't KNOW that 14 million people who say they are uninsured
but because of poverty level all they needed to do was register with MEDICAID run by the CMS. AND THIS was possible BEFORE ACA!

And why is it necessary for 18 million people who DON"T WANT health insurance be forced to buy it IF there are NOT 46 million???

So where is that a "meme"? If any thing qualified for a "MEME" description it would be "46 million uninsured Americans!!!
So regardless of the attempted diversion by Obamacare supporters... PLEASE tell me where the remaining 40 million totally uninsured Americans are in this "registration" process???
When it was reported over and over that 5-6 million lost their coverage due to ObamaCare the Left downplayed that number as insignificant...Just a small percentage of the population it was said....

Then recently it was reported that 6 million signed up....

Barbara Boxer calls OCare a huge success...

The Democrats are despicable.

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