ObamaCare Is Going To Burn The GOP To The Ground

What will happen is people who could not afford healthcare will have it. They will no longer have to use Emergency Rooms for routine care. They will be able to get health screensings. They will no longer be tied to miserable jobs because of the insurance

What will happen is Republicans will stop calling it Obamacare and will start reminding people that they originally thought of it

No one was being denied healthcare before ACA. NO ONE. Yes, if you were getting it free it was less convenient----Duh!

but the taxpayer had to foot their bill when shit hit the fucking fan now, didn't we.

so they should be forced to foot their own fucking bill, buy insurance, and have skin in the game.

the mandate was a republican fucking idea for shit's sake. :cuckoo:

That will not change under ACA. Those who buy insurance will be paying for those who don't and those who get it free-------just like now.

the difference is that we will also have to pay for a huge new govt beaurocracy to process paper and delay medical care.

I don't care whose idea is was, Its a terrible idea. see my sig.
Repubs are doing two things- seeing how far they can push it & fundraising from their rubes about it.

Isn't that just the height of nerve?

They literally take food away from children, our vets, the elderly and then ask for money so they can go on screwing over the US.
What you say is true but who do you think will be picking up the tab for all that care??

Why the taxpayers and those with insurance who will pay higher premiums.

Its another burden on the taxpayers. One we cannot afford. WE ARE BROKE.

premiums are going to come down, long term.
No they won't

Because this POS law was designed to destroy private insurance and force all Americans onto the government dole.
What you say is true but who do you think will be picking up the tab for all that care??

Why the taxpayers and those with insurance who will pay higher premiums.

Its another burden on the taxpayers. One we cannot afford. WE ARE BROKE.

premiums are going to come down, long term.


because those folks who didn't have the insurance to do so, will now be catching diseases before they become catastrophic.

saving the insurance companies.

saving us.

it's called "long term investment" and it takes more than face-value talking points and emotion to think these things through.

2, 000 page bill is probably too SHORT, actually, for a Country of over 300million.

Your ignorance is showing. The govt website warns that your premiums may increase if you file too many claims or have a major illness.

also, these "lower premiums" also have very high deductibles and co-pays.

If someone with a 5K deductible goes to the hospital and does not have the 5K, who do you think is going to pay it? Us, you and me. just like now. this bullshit law fixes nothing.
Repubs are doing two things- seeing how far they can push it & fundraising from their rubes about it.

Isn't that just the height of nerve?

They literally take food away from children, our vets, the elderly and then ask for money so they can go on screwing over the US.

are you and franco the idiot brothers of USMB. nothing you fools post has any truth to it.

BTW, who locked the vets out of the DC memorials? Hint--not republicans.
No one was being denied healthcare before ACA. NO ONE. Yes, if you were getting it free it was less convenient----Duh!

but the taxpayer had to foot their bill when shit hit the fucking fan now, didn't we.

so they should be forced to foot their own fucking bill, buy insurance, and have skin in the game.

the mandate was a republican fucking idea for shit's sake. :cuckoo:

That will not change under ACA. Those who buy insurance will be paying for those who don't and those who get it free-------just like now.

the difference is that we will also have to pay for a huge new govt beaurocracy to process paper and delay medical care.

I don't care whose idea is was, Its a terrible idea. see my sig.

Yes, people are being denied health care every single day.

Yes, the Ronnie Ray-Gun mess of a "system" we have now is socialist but, READ THE LAW.


I think some people don't understand how any and all kinds of insurance works. Even if you never use it, you are required to buy auto insurance.

One HUGE difference with ObamaCare is that health insurance companies are now required to spend 80% of all premiums on patients. That's why we're already seeing costs going down.
Repubs are doing two things- seeing how far they can push it & fundraising from their rubes about it.

Isn't that just the height of nerve?

They literally take food away from children, our vets, the elderly and then ask for money so they can go on screwing over the US.

are you and franco the idiot brothers of USMB. nothing you fools post has any truth to it.

BTW, who locked the vets out of the DC memorials? Hint--not republicans.

Very funny that rw's seem to believe that the worst result of the Republicans shutting down the government is parks being closed.
What you say is true but who do you think will be picking up the tab for all that care??

Why the taxpayers and those with insurance who will pay higher premiums.

Its another burden on the taxpayers. One we cannot afford. WE ARE BROKE.

premiums are going to come down, long term.


because those folks who didn't have the insurance to do so, will now be catching diseases before they become catastrophic.

saving the insurance companies.

saving us.

it's called "long term investment" and it takes more than face-value talking points and emotion to think these things through.

2, 000 page bill is probably too SHORT, actually, for a Country of over 300million.

You hope they come down. So do I.

But what if they go up?? What if they ACA turns out to be on expensive proposition??

We taxpayers will be stuck with the tab. Again. WE ARE BROKE and thats another burden for the taxpayers.
but the taxpayer had to foot their bill when shit hit the fucking fan now, didn't we.

so they should be forced to foot their own fucking bill, buy insurance, and have skin in the game.

the mandate was a republican fucking idea for shit's sake. :cuckoo:

That will not change under ACA. Those who buy insurance will be paying for those who don't and those who get it free-------just like now.

the difference is that we will also have to pay for a huge new govt beaurocracy to process paper and delay medical care.

I don't care whose idea is was, Its a terrible idea. see my sig.

Yes, people are being denied health care every single day.

Yes, the Ronnie Ray-Gun mess of a "system" we have now is socialist but, READ THE LAW.


I think some people don't understand how any and all kinds of insurance works. Even if you never use it, you are required to buy auto insurance.

One HUGE difference with ObamaCare is that health insurance companies are now required to spend 80% of all premiums on patients. That's why we're already seeing costs going down.

NO ONE is currently being denied medical treatment, NO ONE. You are lying.
Once you are eating only government food, living in government housing, watching only government produced television then you won't need to work! Except that, if you don't, a government thug will disappear you though perhaps only after having beaten you two or three times.

But you'll like it because THAT will be true equality.

The lesson of Stalin! With true communisim, those who didn't want to work because they took according to their needs, Stalin formed the forced labor camps.
Isn't that just the height of nerve?

They literally take food away from children, our vets, the elderly and then ask for money so they can go on screwing over the US.

are you and franco the idiot brothers of USMB. nothing you fools post has any truth to it.

BTW, who locked the vets out of the DC memorials? Hint--not republicans.

Very funny that rw's seem to believe that the worst result of the Republicans shutting down the government is parks being closed.

Obamz shut it down, the GOP members of the house do not have that power or authority.

Obams shut it down and directed his minions to make it hurt average americans as much as possible.

He is a vendictive, arrogant, amatuer. worst president in history.
but the taxpayer had to foot their bill when shit hit the fucking fan now, didn't we.

so they should be forced to foot their own fucking bill, buy insurance, and have skin in the game.

the mandate was a republican fucking idea for shit's sake. :cuckoo:

That will not change under ACA. Those who buy insurance will be paying for those who don't and those who get it free-------just like now.

the difference is that we will also have to pay for a huge new govt beaurocracy to process paper and delay medical care.

I don't care whose idea is was, Its a terrible idea. see my sig.

Yes, people are being denied health care every single day.

Yes, the Ronnie Ray-Gun mess of a "system" we have now is socialist but, READ THE LAW.


I think some people don't understand how any and all kinds of insurance works. Even if you never use it, you are required to buy auto insurance.

One HUGE difference with ObamaCare is that health insurance companies are now required to spend 80% of all premiums on patients. That's why we're already seeing costs going down.

Not everyone has to have auto insurance. Those who don't have a car don't have auto insurance either.

The HUGE difference with obamacare is that if you don't have obamacare, you have committed a crime.
The changing demographics and TP will be what brings the GOP down not Obamacare. I mean who exactly is now their core support?

Any party with some sense would try and start trying to bring back voters instead they're being told what to do by a minority within the GOP. Any moderate Republican is in a no win situation, now the previous GOP norm doesn't cut it. Whats wrong with some pragmatism and common sense, the American voters don't need these constant dramas.

In effect here you have a minority of one party trying to re-write an election they lost, they can't use the normal legislative process so they're trying to use the shutdown and debt ceiling to get Obama to backtrack on the ACA. Can you imagine the outcry amongst the GOP if a minority of the Dems tried to pull the same stunt.

Speaking of things burning down....has anyone in the media even noticed that O'Bummer's house of cards spontaneously combusted when the very first would-be user tried to use the much-vaunted, ever-so-helpful website?

This is govt inefficiency to the finest. Spend 640 million on a website that doesn't even work.

RomneyCare was a rolling wreck when it launched. A disaster right out of the gate.

Five years later, 74 percent said "keep it". 74 percent. A super-super-majority.

Learn from that lesson, or die.
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This is simply one more step towards our becoming the North American equivalent of Greece. One more entitlement we can't pay for that pushes us one step closer to another credit downgrade and one step closer to the time when people won't buy our debt.

The Democratic Party can ride this "wave" all the way to it's eventual destination. The only question then is whether we have the ability to come back from the fiscal Armageddon we're headed for and how many generations of Americans will have to languish in the process.

Pat yourselves on the back, Progressives...

So we can afford going into Iraq and bailing out the banks with no strings attached but when it comes to trying to have national health care like countries poorer tha us, we can't afford it.

Ah, the banks paid back their bailouts with interest...did you not get the memo on that?

You don't grasp the enormity of the cost of ObamaCare, do you? Progressives outright lied when they predicted those costs and they've been adjusted steadily higher ever since the legislation was passed. It's going to be staggeringly expensive because it was so badly conceived.

Liberals are now crowing about the "demand" for ObamaCare! My question for all of you is how many of the people clamoring to sign up now are the "healthy youngsters" that are supposed to counterbalance the people with serious medical issues or the ones who will be getting the "freebies"? There is going to be a flood of people with pre-existing conditions that couldn't get insurance before and people who make so little money that they will be having the majority of their premiums "subsidized". This is a program that is going to suck itself dry so quickly simply because of the way it was set up that I predict that the taxpayers will be looking at massive new taxes to keep it running in a very short period of time.
Once the Exchanges take hold there is nothing that Republicans can do about Obamacare except take credit for it

Once the true costs of ObamaCare become clear nobody is going to want to take credit for it, Winger. Voting for it is going to be so toxic the only ones who survive doing so are liberals from the "Kumbaya Coasts" like Nancy Pelosi and Charlie Rangel...the rest are going to have to explain to their Middle Class constituents why it is that their out of pocket costs have skyrocketed while their level of care has dropped off a cliff. Good luck on that!
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Once the Exchanges take hold there is nothing that Republicans can do about Obamacare except take credit for it

Once the true costs of ObamaCare become clear nobody is going to want to take credit for it, Winger. Voting for it is going to be so toxic the only ones who survive doing so are liberals from the "Kumbaya Coasts" like Nancy Pelosi and Charlie Rangel...the rest are going to have to explain to their Middle Class constituents why it is that their out of pocket costs have skyrocketed while their level of care has dropped off a cliff. Good luck on that!

I agree. From what I've been reading the out of pocket costs are through the roof.

The only winner will be those subsidized by we the taxpayer.

This thing is a disaster and as soon as they see just how much of a disaster it is the Dem idiots who passed it will be back tracking and trying to cover their asses big time.
Once the Exchanges take hold there is nothing that Republicans can do about Obamacare except take credit for it

Once the true costs of ObamaCare become clear nobody is going to want to take credit for it, Winger. Voting for it is going to be so toxic the only ones who survive doing so are liberals from the "Kumbaya Coasts" like Nancy Pelosi and Charlie Rangel...the rest are going to have to explain to their Middle Class constituents why it is that their out of pocket costs have skyrocketed while their level of care has dropped off a cliff. Good luck on that!

I agree. From what I've been reading the out of pocket costs are through the roof.

The only winner will be those subsidized by we the taxpayer.

This thing is a disaster and as soon as they see just how much of a disaster it is the Dem idiots who passed it will be back tracking and trying to cover their asses big time.

Very good

Let's let it take effect and you can show me how wrong I am

My money says Republicans will stop calling it Obamacare

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